Adjective Phrase Adalah

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Adjective phrase adalah "penyusutan" dari adjective clause.

Fungsinya masih sama, yaitu

menerangkan tentang seseorang atau sesuatu. Tidak seperti adjective clause, adjective phrase
tidak memiliki subyek dan kata kerja. Pada kalimat-kalimat berikut, bagian kalimat yang
bergaris bawah adalah adjective phrase.

1. In 1920, the Panama Canal was officially opened, finally linking the Atlantic and
Pacific Oceans.
2. Much of the prosperity of this region is due to a cigar factory established more than
one hundred years ago.
3. In 1799, a soldier discovered a piece of stele (a stone pillar bearing an inscription)
known as the Rosetta stone.
4. The giant redwood trees of California, called "sequoias", will further imprint
Sequoia's name in history.
5. After writing many letters seeking employment in local factories, she was finally
hired by a big garment manufacturer.

Can we reduce all adjective clauses into adjective phrases?

Hanya adjective clause dengan subyek "who", "which", "that" yang bisa diringkas menjadi
adjective phrase.

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