Eumind Comparison Report

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Group 5 Mass
By- Zara, Mysha, Nyra, Vyomm and

Zara’s Comparison report
In comparison with my partner Gijis’s self interview I can notice a few similarities.
For example he stated that in his family everyone is treated equally and everyone
has a vital role to play and an even more important opinion. He goes on to state
that he does spend, like me, a significant amount of time on his phone partaking
in various activities such as snapchat, whatsapp and youtube. I also note that he
watches the television at around 8pm at night in striking similarity to my tv
schedule. On the contrary he lives in a house with merely four people while I live
in one with nine. I was quite shocked to find he had never indulged in reading the
newspaper and more often than not uses the television to watch the news while I
use it majorly for entertainment. In Gijis’s interview with his parents he says that
his mother used to work at a hospital and believed firmly in the rules set for her
but also states that it was important to decide some things on your own to which
is truly a fine thought. She watched the news on her television most of her life and
was very excited at the age of 18 to receive her first phone. My father on the other
hand stated that he mostly relied on the television, newspaper and comics for his
sources of information but he also recalls that he had a landline phone very
stagnantly present throughout his childhood and it was vigorously shared through
the household. In Gijis’s interview with his grandmother, Mieke Jansen he states
that she lived on a mill in the south of netherlands on a farm with her family of
fourteen where rules were the pillars of society and her media usage included the
radio and newspaper headlines via her parents. My grandmother, inversely, said
that she lived in a hand-built house in Calcutta Bengal with her extended family of
fifteen before all the children. She most commonly indulged in reading the
newspaper but also recalls listening to the radio and on occasion paying a visit to
the then, quaint cinema hall.

Mysha’s Comparison report

Contrarily to my partner Gijis’s self interview I note that he lives in a family

of 4, has a significant amount of freedom with most decisions but receives
helpful advice from family, watches the news on the television daily at 8pm
and spends upto 5 hours on his phone daily mainly for entertainment
purposes. In my self interview I stated that I live in a family with 9 people,
watch television daily but for entertainment purposes, use my phone just
as much but with the addition of reading the newspaper, books and
visiting the cinema frequently. Gijis’s mother Susanne worked in a hospital
believing in the rules set for her, read the newspaper daily and was
exuberant when receiving her first phone. My father on the other hand
states that he grew up in a family of 8 in calcutta but moved frequently, his
first job was a teleworking company but he went on to start a chain of
hotels with his brother. He reminisces on the times when he would listen
to the radio, watch his favourite television program door darshan and read
newspaper books and comics. He also recalled the daily struggle to use
the house-wide shared telephone. Furthermore , Gijis’s grandmother
Mieke Jansen lived on a farming mill in the south of the Netherlands,
believed rules were the pillars of society and live in a house with nine
sisters and three brothers. She remembers using the radio daily and
listening to the newspaper headlines from her father. My grandmother
lived her whole life in India and remained loyal even through the tough
partition times, she lived in a house with just five people. She remembers
the major forms of media to be newspapers, radios known as transistors
and her house being the select few with their own personal tv. She
personally enjoyed and indulged in reading books.

Nyra’s Comparison Report
In my partner Kayan’s self interview he states that he lives in Voorhout in netherlands with his
family of 4, he now attends the RIjnlands Lyceam Secondary School
And his most frequently used media are the phone and television on which he spends around
5-6 hours everyday. In my own self interview the similarities and differences i can note are as
follows I too live in a house of four people in a suburban mumbai home and i agree one
hundred percent that the phone and television are a huge influence on my life with their
contents ranging from streaming services like netflix to mobile apps like instagram, whatsapp
and snapchat. In Kayan’s interview with his father he states that he lived near rotterdam ina
family of around 25,he reflects upon his beloved dog tacco. He says that the most important
forms of media included the television which was shared across his family and therefore came
with a schedule and he also remembers his first phone at the age of 18 and the usage of
newspapers and computers. Contrastingly in my interview with my mother she states that she
lived in a family of 4 and moved frequently in and out of Mumbai because of her father who
was in the Indian Navy and the more commonly used media such as television with her
friends and family but individual media usage was scarce and was mainly used for education
and information expansion. Via Kayan’s interview with his grandfather we learn that he too
lived near rotterdam but also later shifted to Bilthoven, he lived in a family of 5. He states that
a most commonly used form of media were magazines, radio and later the television and
Lastly in my interview with my Grandfather Nozar, he explains that he grew up in Mumbai ut
moved frequently because of his job in the Navy after intense training and education in the
Naval Academy in Chennai. He points out that the media has changed drastically in many
varying ways and his most commonly used media back in the day were a black and white
television set, the newspaper, radio. He tells us that the costs were not cheap and that he
spent most of his childhood playing outside as compared to children these days.

Vyomm’s Comparison
Grandparents comparison:
Comparatively, both grandparents have lived in very big families together in
one household but their grandparents lived in much bigger families than
ours like for example my grandma lived with her parents, 2 elder brothers
and 1 younger brother versus Gjis's grandparents had lived with 14 people!
The different customs are also very similar as both their and our
grandparents didn't have a lot of freedom when making their own
decisions. A vast difference that was made apparent was the different
media used as my grandparents only had access to their magazines versus
they had more utilities like using a radio.
Parents comparison:
A lot more similarities between parents start to show in the 2nd generation.
Both of the parents had access to the radio and newspapers and phones
were just invented. In both cases, the parents had more choices in their
careers and lifestyle but still had very strict rules to adhere to. There are
some major differences between them like the size of our Indian parents'
family has stayed the same from their parents versus the Dutch parent's
families have drastically shrunken. When colored TV was introduced to
India, Indian parents did not have access to it as it was not accessible then
compared to Dutch parents.

Vivika’s Comparison
His parents and grandparents lived in Rotterdam and later in Bilthoven,
whereas my grandmother was from Hassan in Karnataka.
Kayans grandfathers family consisted of his parents and his two brothers.
which was 5 in total. My grandmother's family similarly had at least 7 people
which included herself, her father, and 5 siblings.
His grandfather was introduced to media such as magazines and radio and
later also the black and white TV. My grandmother who lived in a small
village at the time only saw the radio and newspaper and saw the tv only
when she was married.

Kayans father grew up in the town of Capelle aan den IJssel. Kayans mother
came from a really big family. Two parents had 10 children in total.
Unfortunately some children died too soon. But in total there were 25 people.
My mother is from Bengaluru and lived with 5 other people in her family- Her
mother, father, sister, grandmother and grandfather; though the house
usually hosted several other guests (an aunt or a cousin) most of the time.
kayans father remembers a few historical events. The two big events that
really stayed in his mind were 9/11 in 2001. The second one was the
upcoming internet in his teenager years. My mother clearly remembers the
internet too along with princess Diana's death, and the Berlin Wall coming

Kayans father had a television, newspapers, and one of the first
computers. When he grew older the mobile phones were coming.
He had my first mobile phone at the age of 18.
My mom had a similar exposure to media but she got her first
mobile phone at 22. Before that, landlines were a big part of her
Kayans dad watched television for about two or three hours a
week. My mother would watch about 3 hours a week as well. The
rest of the time they would be playing outside.

Kayan himself uses a lot of social media and I'm no different. I use
it every day. Both of us are exposed to the same types of media
phones, laptops, social media and the television. among the social
media platforms we both use the same ones such as Instagram,
Snapchat, YouTube etc. I also use several OTT platforms like
Netflix, Prime and Hotstar. Kayan uses them for about 6 hours a
day. My screen time on weekdays totals to about 3 hours but on the
weekends it's 6 hours like Kayan.


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