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Name :Nelam Lendini

Academic writing

Tugas 1.

This data shows the number of minutes in billions of phone calls in the UK, in this section divided
into 3 categories. Local, national and international fixed line -- fixed line (all calls), from 1995 to

And in 1995
Local channels occupy the highest position among the three categories, local channels get 70
billion while for national and international 35 more and almost occupy the 40th position, and for
all calls get the lowest position of 0 percent where at that time there was no call position. to all

And in 1996
local channels experienced a slight increase from 1995, namely in 1995, 70 while in 1996,
attracted up to 80 percent, and for national and international also got a slight increase from 35 to
40, and for all calls also experienced an increase in the number from the previous absence of
almost half of 10 percent.

On 1997
Local, national and international fixed lines, and all calls received each experienced an increase of
5% from the previous year.

1998 data
Channels continued to get a 1% increase from the previous data from 88 to 89, and conversely,
the national and international figures increased from 43 to 44, while all mobile phones still got 9
points from the previous figure.

In 1999
National lines each get a 3% increase from the previous price whereas all calls get 5% from the
previous figure.

And in 2000 fixed telephone lines fell 5% from the previous figure, from 90 to 85, while national
and international calls, and all calls continued to increase.

And in 2001 and 2002

Again, local fixed-line numbers decreased by 5% from the previous figure and for the national
one, respectively, and all calls increased and increased.
In conclusion, from 1995 to 1999 local channels occupied the highest position of the national
figure and all calls, although in 2000 to 2002 the channels experienced a decline but it is not
impossible that local fixed lines were still the highest among the three categories.

Tugas 2

In the diagram this data is used to clean up information about the age of the population of
Yemen and Italy, from 2000 to 2050.

In 2000
At the age of 14 to 59 years, they get 43.3%, while the age of 60 gets 3.6% from the previous age,
and at the age of 14, they get the highest position of 50.1% from other age comparisons.

Meanwhile, in 2050 ages 15 to 59 are higher than the ratio between the two ages, which 14 get
37% and 15 to 59 get 57.3% of 60 get 5.7%.

And in the results of the 2 years, the lowest position was occupied at the age of 60 years.

In 2000
Ages 15 to 59 get the highest position, because almost half of the data are filled with 61.6%,
while age 14 gets the lowest position of the two ages, he gets 14.3%, and after 6p gets 24.1%.

And in 2050
15 to 59 and age 60 from the data listed are almost the same as 46 to 42 and while age 14 gets a
lower score than the previous year, namely 11.5%.

And in conclusion from the two data, Italy and Yemen have weaknesses in each know
Yemen at 60 and Italy at 14.

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