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Name : Nurlatifa

Nim :2019310437

Class : English Education 19A

Stereotypes Of Iran

1. Iran is not an Arab country

it is a multiethnic one with Persians being the majority at 65% of the population,
the rest consisting of other Iranic peoples (Balochis, Kurds, Lurs, Gilaks, Tajiks),
Turkic (Azeris, Qashqais, Turkmens) and Semitic (Arabs). Arabs make up 2% of
Iran’s population and most of them live in the south.

2.Iran is a terrorist country

There is a very powerful propaganda machine from the US which propagates how
Iran is a terrorist country who wants to destroy everything and everyone just
because Iran has nuclear weapons. I’m sorry, but that’s hypocritical on every
possible level. The last time I checked, it was not Iran who went around the world
playing the World Police, destroying more countries than I can count on my
fingers. The US is 100 times more dangerous than Iran - actions speak louder than
words and in this case, actions of the US say A LOT.

3. Iran is poor

This mostly comes from people who would rather convince themselves that Iran
is poor, a horrible place to live in, terrible government and whatnot just because
they know that Iran is neither poor nor a horrible place to live in, but they would
rather tuck themselves in a lie than admit the obvious.

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