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S & G Engineers Pvt. Ltd.

NH-2, Vill-Bhagola,

About Us
S & G Engineers founded in 1991 and has progressively evolved to maintain a position of market
leadership as a highly reliable and reputable manufacturer of pipe fittings.

Our successs can be attributed to years of building strong domain knowledge and enduring
relationship within the industries, that we serve. The main industries that we serve are power,
refineries, petrochemicals, oil, gas processing plants & heavy engineering firms.

By combining the expertise of a resourceful, dependable and well integrated team of engineers,
professionals, and skilled trade personnel with technology and innovative bisiness approaches, we
are commited to the successfully meet the challanges of most demanding projects. We recognise the
importance of providing outstanding customer service.

We can febricate piping assembllies with Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel and Allow Steel while
ensuring that each project meets the cistomer specifications, from accuracy to cost effectiveness, to
quality and on time delivery.

S & G Engineers Pvt. Ltd.
HR Policy Manual

The Human resource policy and procedure mannual has been developed to guide the actions and
rights of the employees. HR mannual contains various policies approved by the Top authority &
governing body of the S & G Engineers Pvt. Ltd.


The Management believes their people. They accept every employees as a Human being.They
respect the values of their employees. Human resource is one of the greatest resources in this
industry. They recruit right people for right job. The Management identifies the talents and utilises it
for achieving business excellence. It also helps them to identify the training needs and provide
facilities in developing their knowledge and skills.Strengths and weaknesses of employees are
identified thro’ best performance appraisal systems. The Management isopen for new ideas, systems
and procedures.
1. Reqruitment & Selection Policy
Effective recruitment and selection is central and crucial to the successful functioning of Company.
It depends on finding people with the necessary skills, expertise and qualifications to deliver
the Company’s strategic objectives and the ability to make a positive contribution to the
values and aims of the organisation.

Sources of Reqruitment:-
S & G Engineers Pvt. Ltd use many sources for reqruitments of candidates.
A. Placement agencies and Consultant.
B. Campus Recruitment.
C. Reference of existing Employees.

Selection Process:-
There is a screening process based on the resumes of applicant followed by the group discussion &
personal interview.

2. Induction Policy
S & G Engineers believes that all new employees must be given timely induction training. This
training is regarded as a vital part of staff recruitment and integration into the working environment.
This policy, associated procedures and guidelines define the Company’s commitment to ensure that
all staff are supported during the period of induction, to the benefit of the employee and Company

The Company expects that the implementation of good induction practice by managers/supervisors

 Enable new employees to settle into the Company quickly and become productive
and efficient members of staff within a short period of time.
 Ensure that new entrants are highly motivated and that this motivation is reinforced.
 Assist in reducing staff turnover, lateness, absenteeism and poor performance
 Assist in developing a management style where the emphasis is on leadership.
 Ensure that employees operate in a safe working environment.
Will reduce costs associated with repeated recruitment, training and lost production.


The Department Complete

1. Department function
2. Introduction to colleagues
3. New entrant’s own job
4. Supervision
5. General layout - entrances and exits
6. Telephone system

Conditions of Employment
1. Information on hours of work, including duty rotas, shift systems "on-call"
2. Time recording, flexi-time
3. Bonus scheme, allowances
4. Probationary periods of employment
5. Company Pension scheme and eligibility
6. Reporting in when sick including when on leave
7. Arrangements for requesting leave: annual leave, unpaid leave, compassionate
8. Issue of uniforms, and uniform policy, protective clothing, replacement,

Health and Safety, Security, Fire

1. Health and safety information relevant to the department

2. Issuing of fire instructions and procedure
3. Location of fire-fighting equipment
4. Accident reporting
5. First aid facilities/pre-employment health screening/role of Occupational
Health /
Company Doctor

1. Personal presentation
2. Disciplinary procedures
3. Courtesy to the customer and the public
4. Confidentiality
5. Noise Control
6. Acceptance of gifts
7. Statements to the Press
8. Local rules regarding smoking
9. Private use of telephones
10. Standards of Business Conduct
1. Cloakroom, lockers, lavatories
2. Canteen

Education, Training, Promotion

1. Study leave
2. Means of advancement, promotion opportunities
3. Employee appraisal, review systems


3. Performance Appraisal Policy

S & G is committed to supporting every employee to reach their potential and achieve their personal
goals, which in turn will assist the organisation to achieve its objectives.

The performance appraisal policy supports the performance appraisal scheme. The scheme is a
formal process centred on an annual meeting of each employee and their line manager to discuss
his/her work. The purpose of the meeting is to review the previous year’s achievements and to set
objectives for the following year. These should align individual employees’ goals and objectives
with organisational goals and objectives.

Core Principles of the Appraisal Policy

1. The appraisal process aims to improve the effectiveness of the organisation by contributing
to achieving a well motivated and competent workforce.

2. Appraisal is an ongoing process with an annual formal meeting to review progress.

3. The appraisal discussion is a two way communication exercise to ensure that both the needs
of the individual, and of the organisation are being met, and will be met in the next year.

4. The appraisal discussion will review the previous year’s achievement, and will set an agreed
Personal Development Plan for the coming year for each member of staff.

5. All directly employed employees who have completed their probationary period are required
to participate in the appraisal process.

6. The appraisal process will be used to identify the individual’s development needs and
support the objectives of the Training and Development Policy.

7. All staff will receive appraisal training as an appraisee, and where appropriate as an

8. The appraisal process will provide management with valuable data to assist succession
The appraisal process will be a fair and equitable process in line with our Equality Policy.

4. Contrilling Absense Policy

It is recognised by the Company that from time to time staff and other employees may require to be
absent from their place of work due to illness. The length of time lost by employees through illness
must however be monitored to ensure that each members is able to do their job, effectively and
without putting themselves or others at risk. It is not the intention of the Company to penalise the
genuinely sick, however it must be recognised that an employee who is medically unfit to carry out
his/her duties may not be able continue in that employment.

Managers will consider cases of sickness absence on an individual basis and ensure the provision of
appropriate support, advice and Occupational Health where appropriate. However, it is recognised
that in some cases, patterns/levels of absence will be unacceptable and formal management action
will be required.

Employees who become aware that they have an illness problem are encouraged to inform their
manager at the earliest opportunity. All such requests will be dealt with as speedily and
compassionately as possible.

Overview of Procedural Stages

On return from absence all employees must be interviewed by their immediate line manager. At this
interview the employee and the line manager must complete a 'Return to work interview' form
agreeing the reason for the absence, the period of absence and, where appropriate, what course of
action is required as a result of the absence. This form must be signed by both parties before being
forwarded to the employees personnel file

Stage 1
In situations where an employee's sickness record is giving some cause for concern, then the
employee's Line Manager will discuss those concerns with the employee, providing support and
counselling where appropriate. It is essential that any message conveyed in this manner is clear and

Stage 2
If there is no obvious improvement in the health of the employee or any sign of patterns emerging
in an employee's absence then the line manager would arrange for the employee to meet the next-in-
line manager who would 'formally' review the employees case. At this formal stage the employee
must be offered the opportunity for appropriate representation by a work colleague or trade union
The employee must be given the outcome of this meeting in writing and where appropriate they
must be given notice that their level of absence is unacceptable and a period of time to improve.

Stage 3
If the employee fails to improve in the given time scale then a formal second Review must be
undertaken. If possible, a more senior manager should chair this meeting. The employee must be
offered the opportunity for appropriate representation at this time.

Prior to the Meeting the employee must be seen by the Occupational Health / Company Approved
Doctor who will give his opinion on the employee's health. The employee must be given the results
of this meeting in writing. Where appropriate they must be given notice that their level of absence is
unacceptable and that they are given a period of time during which to reduce their level of absence.
The employee must also be informed at this stage if any further absences may result in their
employment being terminated due to incapacity.

Stage 4
If there is still no improvement within the laid down time scale a Review will be held with the
appropriate Senior Manager / Director in the chair. The employee must be offered the opportunity
for appropriate representation at this meeting. The Director / Manager will review all the available
evidence including the Doctor's report.

If there are no special circumstances the employee will be dismissed on the grounds of incapacity
and their inability to meet the acceptable standards of attendance required by the Company.
Procedures Check List

Stage 1
Return to Work Interview
This is an informal part of the Procedure, however in order to give the
process credibility the following rules should be followed :-

 Every employee should complete a 'Return to work interview' form with their
immediate line manager.

 Interviews should be carried out in an area where there will be no

interruptions and where both parties may feel at ease.

 The employee should always be informed of the reason for the meeting.

 The meeting should be prefaced by an indication of concern for the

employee as well as the need for the Manager to be aware of the health of
his/her employees.

 The employee should be encouraged to discuss any problems they may be

having with their health and to actively contribute to the solution to the problem.

 Any apparent problem or patterns of absence should be brought to the

employees attention.

 All relevant absence documentation must be recorded on the employees

personnel file.

As the first step in procedure it is vital that the message conveyed is clear
and unambiguous.
Prior to counselling, full details of the employees absence record along with
reasons should be made available to both participants.
The employee should be made aware of the date and location of the Meeting
and the reasons for it.
The employee should be given the opportunity to explain absence records
and present any evidence required.
If there are medical problems it may be necessary to adjourn the Meeting for
medical advice.
The Manager/Supervisor will advise the employee of the outcome of the
meeting and where appropriate of the need for improvement of their current
absence level. Written confirmation of the outcome of the meeting will be
given to the employee and a copy recorded on their personnel files.
<S & G Engineers Pvt. Ltd.>

Return to Work Interview Form




First Day of Absence

Last Day of Absence

Total number of days absent

Total number of days off work

Is absence due to an injury at work? YES/ NO

Have you seen a doctor ? YES/ NO

Reason for absence(Please give a brief description of the illness or other reason for absence)

Action Taken(please give a brief description of any action taken to date)

Proposed Course of Action

I understand that if I knowingly provide inaccurate or false information regarding my absence

it may result in disciplinary action
Employees Signature

Managers Signature

5. Disciplinary Policy

The Company Disciplinary Procedure will be used only when necessary and as a last resort. Where
possible, informal and/or formal counselling or other good management practice will be used to
resolve matters prior to any disciplinary action being taken. The procedure is intended to be positive
rather than punitive but takes cognisance of the fact that sanctions may have to be applied in some

An employee can discuss any part of this policy with their Line Manager. They can
help clarify an employees rights as well as give guidance and support where it may
be needed. Every individual has the right to representation at any point during the
disciplinary process.


Suspension is not disciplinary action. The purpose of suspension is manifold and can be used when
it is necessary to remove a member from the workplace pending an investigation for example, to
allow time for a 'cooling down period' for both parties, for their own or others protection, to prevent
them influencing or being influenced by others or to prevent possible interference with evidence.
Only the Manager in charge of that individual, at that time or their superior, have the authority to
suspend an individual.

An employee suspended from duty will receive written confirmation within three days of:

 the reason for the suspension

 the date and time from which the suspension will operate.
the timescale of the ongoing investigation.


Examples of Minor Misconduct

Below are listed examples of misconduct which may warrant either a Verbal Warning or a First
Written Warning. It is stressed however that this list is not exhaustive and that on all occasions a full
and proper investigation must take place prior to the issue of a warning.

 Persistent lateness and poor time-keeping.

 Absence from work, including going absent during work, without valid reason, notification
or authorisation.
 Smoking within unauthorised areas.
 Failure to work in accordance with prescribed procedures.
 Incompetence.
 Unreasonable standards of dress or personal hygiene.
 Failure to observe Company regulations and procedures.

Verbal Warning

A Verbal Warning is appropriate when it is necessary for the manager in charge to take action
against an employee for any minor failing or minor misconduct.

First Written Warning

A First Written Warning is appropriate when:

 a verbal warning has not been heeded and the misconduct is either repeated or performance
has not improved as previously agreed.
 an offence is of a more serious nature for which a written warning is more appropriate.
 the recurrence or accumulation of an offence/offences, if left, will lead to more severe
disciplinary action.

Examples of Gross – Misconduct

Listed below are examples of misconduct which may be considered to be Gross Misconduct and
may warrant a Final Warning, Demotion or Dismissal. It is stressed however that this list is not
exhaustive and that on all occasions a full and proper investigation must take place prior to the
issuing of a Final Warning, Demotion or Dismissal.

 Theft, including unauthorised possession of Company property.

 Breaches of confidentiality, prejudicial to the interest of the Company,
 Being unfit for duty because of the misuse/consumption of drugs or alcohol.
 Refusal to carry out a management instruction which is within the individuals capabilities
and which would be seen to be in the interests of the Company.
 Breach of confidentiality / security procedures.
 Physical assault, breach of the peace or verbal abuse.
 False declaration of qualifications or professional registration.
 Failure to observe Company rules, regulations or procedures.
 Wilful damage of property at work.
 Incompetence or failure to apply sound professional judgement.

Final Written Warning

A Final Written Warning is appropriate when:

 an employee's offence is of a serious nature falling just short of one justifying dismissal.
 an employee persists in the misconduct which previously warranted a lesser

Dismissal is appropriate when

 an employee's behaviour is considered to be Gross Misconduct.

 an employees misconduct has persisted, exhausting all other lines of disciplinary

Letter of Warning

All Warnings must contain the following information

 The letter must be issued within 7 days of the date of the disciplinary hearing.
 The nature of the offence and where appropriate, that if further misconduct occurs, more
severe disciplinary action will be taken.
 The period of time given to the employee for improvement.
 The employees right to appeal to the manager directly above that of the one issuing the
 A copy of the warning and any supporting documentation must be attached to the
individuals personnel file.
 The employee must also receive a copy of the warning which in the case of any written
warning will be sent to their home address by recorded delivery if not handed to them in
 In the case of a final written warning, reference must be made to the fact that any further
misconduct will lead to dismissal, and that the employee has the right of appeal, and to
who they can make that appeal.

The letter confirming dismissal will contain the following information:

 The reason for dismissal and any administrative matter arising from the termination
of their employment.

6. Equity Policy

1. S & G recognises that discrimination and victimisation is unacceptable and that it is in the
interests of the Company and its employees to utilise the skills of the total workforce. It is
the aim of the Company to ensure that no employee or job applicant receives less favourable
facilities or treatment (either directly or indirectly) in recruitment or employment on grounds
of age, disability, gender / gender reassignment, marriage / civil partnership, pregnancy /
maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation (the protected characteristics).

2. Our aim is that our workforce will be truly representative of all sections of society and each
employee feels respected and able to give of their best.

3. We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination or victimisation. To that end the
purpose of this policy is to provide equality and fairness for all in our employment.

4. All employees, whether part-time, full-time or temporary, will be treated fairly and with
respect. Selection for employment, promotion, training or any other benefit will be on the
basis of aptitude and ability. All employees will be helped and encouraged to develop their
full potential and the talents and resources of the workforce will be fully utilised to
maximise the efficiency of the organisation.

5. Our staff will not discriminate directly or indirectly, or harass customers or clients because
of age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief,
sex, and sexual orientation in the provision of the Company’s goods and services.

6. This policy and the associated arrangements shall operate in accordance with statutory
requirements. In addition, full account will be taken of any guidance or Codes of Practice
issued by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, any Government Departments, and
any other statutory bodies.

7. Leave Policy

There are generally following categories of leave are sanctioned to employees:

 Earned Leave
 Casual leave
 Sick leave


-For Every 20 man-days worked, 1 day Earned Leave is credited to each employee.

-Earned leave can be availed of only after confirmation of services on muster roll.

- Carry forward is allowed and automatically un-availed leave gets plus in next year.

- Encashment is allowed.


-7 days C.L. will be credited at the time of confirmation of services on muster roll.

-No encashment/carry forward is allowed.


-7 days Sick Leave is credited at the .

-If an employee avails of Sick Leave for more than 3 days, he must produce medical certificate
as well as medical fitness certificate immediately and on the day of resuming duty, he must
produce medical fitness certificate.

- No carry forward or encashment is allowed.

- Those who apply sick leave as per ESI rules, they are not eligible to avail sick leave given by
the Company..
 In the event of validation of medical certificate produced by the employee, Company may
ask Him to report to a medical practitioner nominated by the Company for validation.


Step 1: Employee fills up blank leave application with clear reasons and leave
Address and type of leave required. Excepting unavoidable or emergent
Situations, all leave must have prior sanction.

Step 2: He must get the ‘leave position’ portion filled from the Personnel Dept. before he
submit it to his Shift Head/Group Head/HOD.

Step 3: Group Head will discuss with Shift Head and make necessary
Alternate arrangement before leave is recommended.

Step 4: Group Head will forward the leave applications to HOD with recommendations for
Sanctioning leave or comments for rejection of applied leave with reasons.

Step 5: HOD/In-charge will sanction the leave only after Group Head/Shift Head/Supervisor
Has recommended the leave.

Step 6: If leave is sanctioned, the application will be forwarded to Personnel

Department for up-dating employee leave records. If leave is not sanctioned
The employee concerned may be advised/counselled accordingly.



No leave is sanctioned, if an employee avails of leave without getting it sanctioned and

also he is not allowed to regularise it on the date of resuming duty excepting reasons which
are of emergency or unavoidable nature. This will be decided by HOD concerned.

If this attitude is repeated, HOD may discuss with Personnel /HR Manager to take
appropriate Action against erring employees. Just applying leave does not mean that he got
the sanction. He must get the leave sanctioned and only then, he may proceed on leave.

Employees are not allowed to extend their leave excepting the reasons/
Situations which are beyond the control. If this attitude is repeated, concerned
HOD may take up the matter with Personnel Manager to take appropriate action
Against erring employees.

If an employee is absenting continuously more than 7 days, without any
Valid reasons, his name will be removed from the rolls of the Company and
Suitable disciplinary action will be taken against the faulty employees.
General rules regarding sunday paid holiday

S & g is committed towards the policy of sunday paid holiday. S & G has personnel policy
that described that any employee whether belongs to staff category or workman category,
will have to come atleast 4 days in a week including one day of saturday & monday rule.

Mon. Tue. Wed. Thru. Fri. Sat. Sunday Monday
P P P A A A Without pay A

Mon. Tue. Wed. Thru. Fri. Sat. Sunday Monday

P P P P P A Without pay A

Mon. Tue. Wed. Thru. Fri. Sat. Sunday Monday

P P P A A P With pay A

Mon. Tue. Wed. Thru. Fri. Sat. Sunday Monday

P A A P P P With pay A

8. Compensation of employees

List of compensation breakups which the S & G Engineers has, listed below.
1. Basic-Lump sum rate policy
2. HRA-N/A
3. DA-N/A
1. Conveyance Allowances
2. Late Sitting Allowances
3. Mobile Allowances
4. Food Allowances
5. Cleanliness Allowances

Benefits apart from salary

1. Bonus-Yearly
2. Performance bonus
3. Inam-Exgratia
4. Motivational Incentives

9. Employes Health & Safety

S & G providing personal protective instrument to their employees while on workplace.

Fire extinguisher.
Ear Buds.
First Aid.

10. Incrementation Policy

S & G has yearly compensation increment policy which is based on the following
performance dimensions.These Performance Dimension consists...
1. Target Achievement.
2. Quality of Work.
3. Ethics used in target achievement.
4. Attendance.
5. Discipline & code of conduct.

Vikas Khatter

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