Ye Chen Chapter 5251 5300

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Chapter 5251 This pose!

Yan Ying'er was instantly quiet, and with a flicker, it merged into Ye Chen's body.
Only Xi Lie, who was stunned, stood there.
Ye Chen picked up Shui Jinghua on the ground, released the restraint in his body, and said with a
smile, "Sorry, I surprised you."
Shui Jinghua hugged Ye Chen in an instant, tears rolled down and said, "You can obviously ignore
me, why do you do this?"
Ye Chen said lightly: "When we cooperated, I promised you to protect you."
Shui Jinghua heard the words, her beautiful eyes trembled violently, and subconsciously hugged
her a little tighter.
Feeling the close contact and friction between Shui Jinghua's delicate body and body, Ye Chen's
throat was dry for a while, he took a deep breath, and forcibly suppressed the dragon that was
gradually raising his head under his dantian, but even with Ye Chen's willpower , At this moment, it
seems that the rise of the dragon cannot be stopped...
A look of confusion suddenly appeared on Shui Jinghua's pretty face. At this moment, Ye Chen's
hot breath sprayed on her earlobe, and said in a low voice, "Miss Shui, if you don't let me go,
tonight, I can' t guarantee the promise I made with you before..."
Shui Jinghua heard the words, her ears seemed to be on fire instantly, she immediately let go of
Ye Chen, lowered her head slightly, and scolded: "Rogue..."
However, there was a faint smile on the pretty face.
At this moment, Xi Lie's eyes flashed, his whole body was full of spiritual energy, and the method of
red shadow was used. The whole person seemed to be integrated into his own shadow,
disappearing from the invisible, and a flash appeared outside the temple gate!
Hong Shuntian's eyes flickered and said: "The method of the red shadow is worthy of being one of
the two great skills of Huo Po Island, and the speed of escape is so terrifying..."
However, he and Ye Chen didn't have the slightest panic on their faces at the moment.
Suddenly, Xi Lie's figure froze in mid-air, and a scarlet chain was wrapped around his waist!
When Xi Lie's expression changed, he was about to shoot at the chain, but at this moment, Ye
Chen's figure had already appeared behind him.
In an instant, the blood in Xi Lie's body seemed to freeze in an instant. It seemed that he was
facing a wild beast that was opening its kiss!
Ye Chen smiled evilly: "Actually, I didn't tell the truth just now...
Being stabbed with so many swords by you is actually quite painful. Now, should it be me? "
The next moment, a golden and silver spark instantly penetrated into Xi Lie's body. Xi Lie's
complexion changed, and he let out an extremely painful scream. He instantly fell from the air and
felt that every cell in his body was burning. , the whole person is like a bug, constantly twisting!
Moreover, under the control of Ying'er, Xuanyan's power just made Xi Lie feel the extreme pain,
and it would not kill him for a while!
Blood and tears surged in Xi Lie's eyes. This severe pain surpassed everything he had endured.
Xuanyan burned not only his body, but also his soul and the source of life!
that taste...
Even Ye Chen felt some sympathy for him...
Xi Lie suddenly took out the dagger, and in order to relieve the pain, he inserted it into his own
body, but, to no avail!
He aimed the dagger between his eyebrows, as if he wanted to end his life, but one foot stomped
on his hands directly.
Ye Chen looked down at Xi Lie, met the pleading gaze, and smiled lightly: "Want to die? Are you
too naive? From this moment on, death is just an extravagant hope for you!"
Xi Lie's Dao Heart was instantly shattered, and when he thought that he would endure this kind of
pain forever, he was about to collapse!
Ye Chen sneered, turned Xi Lie's body over, and tore off the treasure map of the man's skin from
his back, dripping with blood, but now, this level of pain, for Xi Lie , It's not really a pain, on the
contrary, it's a kind of enjoyment!
Hong Shuntian watched this scene, couldn't help swallowing, and secretly decided that from now
on, no matter what happens, he can't be the enemy of Ye Chen!
If Xi Lie is just a psychopath, Ye Chen is perverted from head to toe...
too scary!
After a full hour, Xi Lie's screams no longer sounded.
It's not that Ye Chen let him go, it's just that Xi Lie's body has been burned, but there is still a soul,
Ye Chen, he doesn't plan to destroy Xi Lie's soul. According to his estimation, it will take more than
10 million years for Xi Lie's soul to be completely burned out under the control of Yan'er.
With a smile on Ye Chen's face, holding a human skin treasure map, he returned to the ruined
He has always done things so that people don't offend me, and I don't offend others.
The world of martial arts is cruel, and this is also the law of survival.
In a house, the slightly dim light of the ever-bright lamp flickered slightly, reflecting an indifferent
man's face.
And in his hand, is a strange map, this map exudes a faint smell of blood, the most important thing
is that its material seems to be human skin!
Ye Chen looked away from the human skin map and looked at a young handsome man in a red
robe standing in front of him.
Seeing this, the young man muttered helplessly, "Brother Ye really can't let Miss Shui come?"
Ye Chen said lightly: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up."
Hong Shuntian sighed lightly, like a little daughter-in-law forced to submit, slowly loosening his red
robe, revealing his muscular upper body with graceful lines.
He turned around slowly, and a map tattoo was also engraved on his back!
Ye Chen stared at the two maps, powerful spiritual thoughts rushed out, and quickly analyzed the
information on the maps!
Most of the two maps are the same, but there is a difference in a certain part. The difference is
quickly overlapping in Ye Chen's mind, and gradually outlines a picture...
Ye Chen's eyes flashed wildly, his body moved, and he had already appeared in another room. In
this room sat a woman with a beautiful face and waist-length blue silk. It was Shui Jinghua!
Shui Jinghua was stunned for a moment, a nervous look appeared on her pretty face, as if she
wasn't ready yet!
Ye Chen said anxiously, "Miss Shui, take off your clothes!" "what?"
Hearing these ambiguous words and Ye Chen's urgent, urging eyes, Shui Jinghua's heartbeat
instantly accelerated!
Ye Chen looked at Shui Jinghua in a daze, his eyes sank, and if this continues, it will be too late!
The next moment, he suddenly appeared beside Shui Jinghua and whispered, "Offended!"
After saying that, she grabbed Shui Jinghua's slender shoulders involuntarily, turned her delicate
body over, and lay on the bed with her back to herself!
"Ah! Young Master Ye, you..." Shui Jinghua exclaimed, this posture seems, like...
Chapter 5252: Helpless
Her blood was accelerating frantically. Could it be that Young Master Ye finally couldn't help but
take action against him?
Shui Jinghua bit her lip tightly, and even she was a little surprised that although Ye Chen's
movements were a little rough, her heart didn't seem to have the slightest resistance! It seems that
there is still some expectation, even... excited!
Ye Chen's eyes flickered, and he wrapped Shui Jinghua's curve under a long skirt similar to a
cheongsam, and he had a panoramic view. The angry dragon under him seemed to have a
tendency to look up again! He took a deep breath and slammed his hands hard, tearing off Shui
Jinghua's long skirt!
At this moment, Shui Jinghua didn't scream, but slowly closed her beautiful eyes, her eyelashes
trembled slightly, as if she was waiting for that moment to come... but...
To her surprise, Ye Chen didn't make the next move...
Shui Jinghua opened her eyes suspiciously, and a look of reassurance appeared on her pretty
face, she really scared her to death just now...
However, vaguely, there was a hint of disappointment in those beautiful eyes.
Shui Jinghua couldn't help but ask, "Young Master Ye?"
At this time, Ye Chen's eyes were completely focused on the map behind Shui Jinghua, and he did
not respond to Shui Jinghua's voice, and the huge spiritual sense was running extremely fast!
After a while, he let out a sigh of relief, took out a robe and put it on Shui Jinghua: "Okay, Miss
Shui, get up, I'm sorry, I just shocked you."
When Shui Jinghua heard the words, she hesitated and said, "Is this over? Don't you have to do
anything else?" "Uh..."
Ye Chen was slightly taken aback and said, "Miss Shui, what do you want to do?"
When Shui Jinghua heard the words, her pretty face instantly flushed red. She got up quickly,
tightened the collar of her robe, lowered her head and said, "No, I mean..."
She didn't seem to know how to explain it, so she changed the subject and said, "Young Master
Ye, what happened just now?"
Ye Chen looked at the human skin map in his hand and said: "You know, there are restrictions on
this map, and it is difficult to remember the content on the map. I forcibly memorized this map and
the background of Hong Shuntian with the power of my spiritual sense. The information in the map
can't be remembered for too long, so just now, in a hurry..." "It turned out to be like this..." A hint of
shame flashed in Shui Jinghua's beautiful eyes, she actually thought about it...
Ye Chen's eyes flashed: "Now, combining the information on the three maps, I have already gained
something, Shui girl, change your clothes, and we will gather in the living room in a while."
After that, Ye Chen left Shui Jinghua's room.
Now, one day has passed since the killing of Xi Lie. During this day, they turned around the Golden
City and found no heirs with map tattoos. It seems that the other heirs are concentrated in a few
other places close to the hidden treasures. on the island of the land.
Soon, Shui Jinghua put on a long dress again and came to the living room, where Ye Chen and
Hong Shuntian were already waiting.
The three of them sat around a round table, Ye Chen saw that everyone had arrived, looked at
Hong Shuntian and said, "Shuntian, do you have a map of the burial of the sea?"
Hong Shuntian nodded and put a map on the round table.
Ye Chen stared at the map, touched it casually, and a flash of light fell on the map and said,
"According to the information obtained from the three maps, we will go here next."
When Hong Shuntian and Shui Jinghua saw the location marked on the map, their pupils could not
help shrinking, and their expressions became condensed!
Ye Chen looked at the faces of the two, and said in a puzzled way, "What's the matter with you?"
The eyes of the three people focused on the place where the spiritual light was. At this moment, on
the map, an area called No Return Island was shining with light.
At the same time, in an island city called Lieyang City.
In a remote hut, there were bursts of shrill cries. In the hut, a woman was bound naked on a stone
platform. At this moment, the stone platform was dyed red with blood!
A man with a somewhat feminine face, purple hair, and a mole on the corner of his eye is slowly
cutting off a large panel on the woman's back!
And on that panel, there is a treasure map tattooed!
This woman is also one of the tattoo heirs.
At this moment, the woman raised her head very reluctantly, revealing a soft, pale face, and she
said with a pleading expression: "Now, you have got the map, please, let me go..."
Hearing the words, the feminine man looked at the bloody back of the woman, but licked his lips,
with a strange excitement and desire in his eyes, reached out and gently stroked the flesh and
blood that had lost the protection of the panel, the woman's pupils shrank, Under the severe pain,
he let out a scream again.
Listening to the scream, the feminine man's expression became more and more pleasant. He
leaned down and whispered in the woman's ear: "Let me go? Our game, now, has just begun?"
When the woman heard the words, there was a look of despair in the eyes that kept gushing out of
tears because of the pain.
After a few hours, the feminine man sat leisurely on the bed and compared the two human skin
maps in his hands. At the same time, a tattoo on his back glowed slightly, and the tattoo pattern
instantly appeared in his mind, comparing the three maps. After a while, the man frowned slightly
and said, "No return to the island? This is a little troublesome."
After saying that, he got up and walked out of the house. There were only two corpses that were
destroyed and lost their human form...
The screen turns around.
Hong Shuntian said in a solemn tone: "Brother Ye, this Wuhui Island is called Wuhui, which means
there is no return. It is not difficult to enter this Wuhui Island!"
Ye Chen's eyes flashed and he said, "How do you say this?"
Hong Shuntian said: "Wuhui Island itself is very mysterious. In the entire history of Burial Heaven
Sea, very few warriors have survived from Wuhui Island. There are two reasons for this!
First, the people who were buried in Tianhai called it the storm of death!
Around this returnless island, there is a terrifying storm that lingers all year round. This storm is
enough to smash any ships that enter, and even the sea beasts in the late stage of the real realm
will never dare to enter it. The surging waves are enough Crush their bones into powder, and the
continuous thunder of thunder can instantly turn them into fly ash! " When Ye Chen heard this, his
face changed slightly, such a terrifying storm was indeed worthy of the name of death!
Hong Shuntian continued: "Secondly, it is called the Lost Strange Mist, the sea outside the No
Return Island is not only shrouded in a death storm, but at the same time, there is a strange gray-
purple fog!
This fog cannot be blown away even by the storm of death, and once anyone enters this fog, no
matter how powerful their spiritual sense is, they will lose their way, which is extremely strange! "
After Ye Chen heard this, his face also sank. It was just the storm of death. With his physical
strength, he could try it out. Although Tian Tian Hai couldn't fly, with Ye Chen's physical strength,
he could swim through a small area. sea area, it can still be done.
But, with this mysterious fog of loss, even he is helpless!
Chapter 5253 Lion King Island
Marven Ye couldn't help asking, "Is there no way to get into it at all?"
Hong Shuntian shook his head and said, "Of course it's not that there is no way, otherwise, no one
will know the existence of Wuhui Island... It's just that the conditions for entering it are extremely
First of all, to break through this mysterious fog of loss, you need a treasure called the Haiji
Compass! The method of refining this oceanic compass is not difficult, I can easily refine it, just…”
When Hong Shuntian said this, his eyes flickered.
"Just what?" Ye Chen frowned.
"It's just that refining the Oceanic Compass requires a special ore called the Oceanic Diamond, and
this kind of ore exists in only one place in the entire Sea of Burial...
That is Lion King Island, one of the Thirty-Six Islands!
The most important thing is that it is not an easy thing to mine this Treasure of the Sea, the
Treasure of the Sea can only be mined with pure power! The requirements for strength are also
very, very high!
Moreover, the spirituality of the Aquamarine cannot be stored for a long time, so it is used as soon
as it is mined, so there is almost no stock..."
A wry smile appeared on the corner of Hong Shuntian's mouth: "Lion King Island has sturdy
customs, the island is huge, and most of the aborigines on the island live on hunting. However, the
Lion King Island aborigines are most famous for their arrogance and physicality. !
Even if I have the bloodline of the Scarlet Phoenix, and the physical strength is not weak, I have to
admit that the guys on Lion Island are truly blessed in terms of physical strength, far beyond what I
can compare. Most of the warriors of the Extreme Treasure Diamond ask the natives of Lion Island
to mine it for them, which is why Lion Island is gradually prospering, but..."
Hong Shuntian said with some headache: "These guys have extremely bad personalities, and they
are not so easy to deal with..."
Ye Chen heard the words, but his eyes lit up, and he smiled lightly: "Really? Well, there is a
solution to this lost mist. Now, let's talk about the death storm."
Can only be mined with physical power? Others may need to request those local strongmen from
Lion Island, but he doesn't have to.
In terms of physical strength, Ye Chen is confident that he is not weaker than any so-called
"uniquely endowed" race!
Hong Shuntian's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at Shui Jinghua: "If you want to break
through the storm of death, you need a treasure called Zhenhai Stone!
As far as I know, the water family in Suiming Island has a Zhenhai Stone in their hands! "
When Ye Chen heard this, he looked at Shui Jinghua, who had been silent for a long time. Looking
at Shui Jinghua's dull eyes, his expression changed, and he asked Hong Shuntian, "Could it be
that only the Shui family owns this Zhenhai Stone?"
Ye Chen knew very well that Shui Jinghua left Buried Heaven Sea that year because the Shui
family forced her to marry Wu, and there was a natural estrangement between her and the Shui
family. Ye Chen did not want to force Shui Jinghua to go to the Shui family.
At this moment, Shui Jinghua suddenly said: "Even if you have Zhenhai Stone, it is not so easy to
enter the No Return Island. You must choose the death storm to enter when the power is weak,
and now, it is just at the weak point of the death storm. Period, time, only seven days! If we want to
enter the no-return island during the weak period, Shuijia is our only choice..."
Hong Shuntian nodded and said: "Yes, other islands with Zhenhai Stone will not say whether they
are willing to borrow it or not. Even if they borrow it, it will be too late to rush to Wuhui Island. Only
the Shui family is the closest to us...
It's just that Zhenhai Stone is a treasure no matter which family it is in. If you want to take it out of
the family, I am afraid that only the owner can do it! "
Ye Chen frowned when he heard this. Hong Shuntian meant that Shui Jinghua had to inherit the
position of the head of the Shui family in order to get Zhenhai Stone?
This is obviously not an easy task, especially when Shui Jinghua has a conflict with the Shui family!
He was about to say something, but Shui Jinghua smiled at him and said, "Young Master Ye, you
don't have to worry about me, it's time for me to go back..."
As she said that, an icy look suddenly erupted in her beautiful eyes: "There are some accounts,
and it's time to settle them!
In fact, I was originally the heir of the Shui Family Patriarch. Back then, the reason why I was
forced to escape from the Heaven-Burning Sea was because of a conspiracy that my half-sister
arranged in order to win the Patriarch's position! "
Ye Chen and Hong Shuntian looked at each other, and a look of surprise flashed in their eyes!
Shui Jinghua's face was cold and stern: "The reason why I asked Xiaoyi to go back to inform them
that I was back, originally, I planned to take back what belonged to me!
Although the Shui family has now fallen under the control of that woman, because of Zu Xun,
unless I die, she will never become the real Shui family master! "
After a moment of silence, Ye Chen said, "Do you need me to accompany you?"
The "sister" in Shui Jinghua's mouth is so vicious, and naturally she will not let her go. This time
Shui Jinghua returns to the Shui family, how dangerous it is, one can imagine how dangerous it is.
Shui Jinghua shook his head and said, "There are some things that need to be done by yourself,
and she doesn't dare to shoot me directly. Now, she can't even stop me from inheriting the position
of the head of the family. It is a taboo in the Shui family to go against my ancestors!"
When Ye Chen heard the words, his eyes flickered for a moment, and he said, "If that's the case,
then, we will split up. Shuntian and I will go to Lion King Island to obtain the Jewel of the Sea, and
Miss Shui will return to the Shui family and inherit the family's legacy. Come on, after this is done,
go to Taiming Island to meet up!"
Only in this way can they enter the No Return Island within seven days!
Immediately, after the three men repaired for a while, they left the Golden City.
A day later, on the bow of a huge sailing ship, stood two young men, one looked indifferent and the
other was wearing a red robe.
It was Ye Chen and Hong Shuntian.
At this moment, Hong Shuntian looked at the outline of a faintly emerging island at the end of his
line of sight, and said, "Brother Ye, Lion King Island is about to arrive."
Not long after, the ship stopped in front of the port of Lion King Island, and a young female captain
with a dark complexion and seemed to be full of energy shouted, "Lion King Island is here!"
Immediately, many passengers got off the boat and walked towards the pier. Lion Island is rich in
various ores, and many businessmen will go to Lion Island to do business.
Ye Chen and Hong Shuntian followed the crowd and walked towards the interior of Lion King
Ye Chen's eyes flickered slightly. Along the way, he saw many men with bright blond hair, blue
eyes, dressed in animal skins, bronze skin, tall, muscular, and full of strength!
And these men looked at Ye Chen and the others, with a disdainful smile on the corners of their
mouths, and their eyes were full of superiority!
Ye Chen frowned slightly, he didn't like this look.
Hong Shuntian whispered beside Ye Chen: "These people are the natives of Lion King Island. The
Golden Lions are arrogant and arrogant to the extreme, and the businessmen who came to do
business have to submit to them because of their demands. Therefore, these The Golden Lions
are even more reckless...Brother Ye, don't look at them, so as not to cause trouble..." "Oh."
Ye Chen responded lightly, a little disapproving. People who like to be arrogant and crazy with him
will never end well.
Seeing this, Hong Shuntian could only helplessly shake his head.
Chapter 5254 Qualification
Soon, the two entered a golden field and walked towards a mountain range in the field.
There is the largest ore vein on Lion Island, called the Lion King ore.
Before the Lion King Mine, there was an extremely luxurious and wild palace. Before the palace, a
group of warriors dressed in brocade robes and dressed as merchants lined up in a long line.
These merchants all had a touch of apprehension on their faces. With an expression on his face,
he kept walking into the palace.
From time to time, merchants came out of the palace, and some of the merchants who walked out
of the palace showed ecstasy, followed a Golden Lion clan, and said something to the Golden Lion
clan. .
Others looked disappointed, left the palace in despair, and walked towards the pier alone. Ye
Chen's eyes flashed slightly: "What are they doing?"
Hong Shuntian said: "If you want to enter the mine, you need the consent of the manager. Now,
these people are going to enter the palace and meet the manager of the mine."
Not long after, Ye Chen and the two also followed a group of businessmen into the palace. Under
the leadership of a Golden Lion, they came to a large hall. In front of them was a huge throne. On
the throne sat a handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes, wearing a pair of golden
snake-shaped earrings, and looking extremely arrogant.
Under the young man's seat was a huge golden-haired lion. At this moment, the young man was
casually stroking the lion's mane, looking at the people in the palace with a proud look on his face.
At this time, the Golden Lion soldier who led the crowd said coldly: "Listen, this is my Golden Lion
Clan, the young chief of the Holy Claw tribe, His Royal Highness Jinlei Mountain, now salute to His
For a time, the merchants all showed extremely respectful expressions and flattering smiles, and
said to Jin Leishan on the throne: "I have seen Your Highness! His Highness is indeed valiant!"
"As expected of the powerful young chief of the Holy Claw Tribe, he is very mighty."
"It's like the rebirth of the golden lion, and I'm totally convinced!"
Jin Leishan heard the words, a look of enjoyment flashed in his eyes, he liked the feeling of being
touted by these inferior people.
But, at this moment, his eyes suddenly narrowed slightly and landed in a corner of the crowd.
There, stood an indifferent young man, this young man was Ye Chen!
Although Ye Chen also saluted Jin Leishan, he just said "I have seen His Highness."
However, what Jin Leishan cared about was not what Ye Chen said, but his attitude!
Others, even Hong Shuntian, were respectful and flattering in their tone. Only Ye Chen!
From beginning to end, it gave him the feeling of being neither humble nor arrogant!
Jin Leishan's face turned cold, in his opinion, this person lacks awe!
Are low-level people worthy of being humble or arrogant toward their high-level Golden Lions? The
lower class should have the attitude of the lower class!
Soon, a playful smile appeared on the corner of Jin Leishan's mouth. Well, he will let this lowly
person learn how to face the Golden Lions.
The next moment, Jin Leishan raised his hand casually.
That Golden Lion clan attendant said loudly: "Now, everyone will present your treasures to show
respect to His Highness!" "Yes!"
The merchants had nervous and excited expressions on their faces. They quickly lined up at the
front of the queue in order. A squat merchant came to the attendant and respectfully put the
storage in his hand. Present the bag.
After the attendant took the storage bag, he swept it at will, and said to the person in front of him,
"What ore do you need to mine?"
The chunky businessman said eagerly, "Tianjinshi! I plan to mine Tianjinshi!"
When the attendant heard the words, his face sank, and he said coldly, "Don't you know how
valuable Tianjinshi is to my Golden Lion clan? Besides, Tianjinshi is also an ore that can only be
mined with pure power. Fire ginseng fruit, you also want my Golden Lion clan to help you?"
There was a suffocating look in his eyes: "Do you look down on my Golden Lion clan, and treat us
as slaves that can be sent casually?"
Hearing the words, the chubby businessman's expression changed wildly, and he was about to cry.
He immediately knelt in front of the attendant and said, "Please... Sir, please calm down. I was too
excited below, and I took the wrong storage bag..."
As he said that, he handed over another storage bag. After the attendant took it, a sarcastic smile
appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said coldly, "Since it's a mistake, I'll forgive you for
being rude, don 't have any rudeness. Next time, go away."
When the businessman heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, and then hesitantly said,
"Sir, the matter of the golden stone that day..."
The attendant's face turned cold, and a coercion burst out and said: "Why, I forgive you, you still
have to bargain with me? Hoho, if you don't want to get out, just stay."
The pudgy businessman was scared to pee when he met the servant's vicious gaze, and even
under the pressure of the pressure, his internal organs were injured, and a ray of blood overflowed
from the corner of his mouth, and he quickly shook his head: "Get down here, get out here, get out
As he said that, he walked out of the palace in a sullen manner, and the attendant had no intention
of returning the storage bag to the chunky merchant...
Seeing this scene, everyone felt a chill in their hearts, and they calmed down quite a bit, and a hint
of anger appeared in the eyes of many people.
This golden lion clan is too arrogant and domineering!
You are not satisfied with the gift presented. It's okay not to let people enter the mine, but you won't
give it back to others? No sense at all?
However, they are very clear that this is the territory of the Golden Lion, and the Golden Lion is the
truth! If they want to do business here and mine ore, they can only bear it!
The team keeps moving forward. It can be said that some people are happy, some people are sad,
and there are only a few who can successfully enter the mine.
Most people just lost their gifts in vain. The success rate is about one third.
Ye Chen's eyes flashed slightly: "Shuntian, are you confident that you will successfully enter the
Hong Shuntian nodded and said, "I have dealt with the Golden Lions before. In fact, they have a
clear standard for the value of gifts, and this standard cannot be easily changed! Otherwise, the
businessman is not a fool and will not Come to give something to the Golden Lions for nothing, in
fact, everyone is just testing the boundaries of this standard. And this standard, I have figured out,
don't worry. "
Not long after, Ye Chen and Hong Shuntian came to the attendant.
With a smile on his face, Hong Shuntian handed a storage bag to the attendant. A tinge of pain
flashed across his face. In order to enter the mine, he could be said to be bleeding profusely.
The attendant took the storage bag and swept away his spiritual thoughts. Sure enough, a look of
surprise appeared in his eyes instantly, Ye Chen's eyes lit up, it seems that Hong Shuntian
The attendant quietly took the storage bag, and then said lightly, "What kind of ore do you want to
mine?" Hong Shuntian said, "The Treasure of the Sea!"
The merchants present were shocked when they heard the words!
It turned out to be the Treasure Diamond? They know very well that if they want to mine the
Treasures of the Sea, the price they pay is definitely not small!
For a while, the entire hall was quiet, and everyone was staring at the servants of the Golden Lion
clan. I wonder if Ye Chen and the two could succeed?
The next moment, the attendant said slowly, "Your gifts are not bad, and you have the
qualifications to mine Treasure Diamonds..."
Chapter 5255 Panic and nervous!
When the merchants heard this, they all looked at Hong Shuntian and Ye Chen with admiration,
Silmarillion! Although it cannot be stored, as long as it is refined into a treasure, the value can be
multiplied hundreds of times, right?
If it weren't for the fact that the Golden Lion clan was completely ignorant in refining weapons and
had extremely poor qualifications, I'm afraid this Sea Treasure Diamond would not have stayed...
Ye Chen and the two were also slightly overjoyed!
However, at this moment, the attendant suddenly gave Ye Chen a very playful look, and a smile
appeared on the corner of his mouth: "However, our Golden Lion clan has recently been
understaffed, so you need to mine this precious diamond yourself. "
The most important reason why he can become His Highness's attendant is that he is good at
observing words and expressions!
Just now, His Highness is obviously dissatisfied with this kid!
In this case, how could he let these two low-level people get their wish?
For a time, the entire hall fell into a dead silence!
Let people enter the mine, but don't send the Golden Lions to help mine?
What's the difference between entering the ore vein and not entering the ore vein?
Even if Hong Shuntian looks extremely powerful, his physical strength is not enough to mine the
Silmarillion, right? This move is too cruel!
However, most people saw this scene with a look of schadenfreude!
Hong Shuntian's eyes sank instantly!
At this moment, Jin Leishan, who had not spoken for a while, suddenly smiled coldly and said,
"Boy, don't you like to be neither humble nor arrogant? Huh? I wonder if you can still remain neither
humble nor arrogant when faced with the helplessness of the Ocean Treasure Diamond?"
His eyes suddenly turned cold and he said, "The weak should have the attitude of the weak. In
front of our Golden Lions, you can only bow your head. Now, do you understand?"
For a time, everyone followed Jin Leishan's line of sight to look at Ye Chen. Their expressions
changed, and many people remembered that when Ye Chen saluted Jin Leishan, he did not show
any flattering and respectful look!
Ye Chen's gesture is more like an equal greeting!
The merchants in the hall instantly showed extremely disdainful expressions, looking at Ye Chen
as if they were looking at a fool!
Most of these businessmen have a consensus, that is, there is an unreasonable worship of the
Golden Lions! It seems that the farts of the Golden Lions are fragrant!
Want to be equal to the Golden Lions? An ordinary human race?
I don't know, are the Golden Lions inherently noble?
That blond hair, that physique, is a symbol of power!
Didn't you see that all of them were low-profile, wishing to be a dog of the Golden Lion?
Are you proud here alone? Playing National Glory here?
At this moment, Ye Chen shook his head. He knew very well that some people in this world like to
abuse themselves.
Because they abandoned their dignity and wanted to find a reason for themselves, how to find it?
Only, admitting that the other party is nobler than you, and admitting that you are obedient to the
other party, is a matter of course.
Ye Chen has always looked down on such people.
Seeing Ye Chen shaking his head, Jin Leishan said with a gloomy expression, "Boy, why are you
shaking your head? This hall is talking to you, but you don't know how to answer?"
There was a hint of anger in his blue eyes. This poor-blooded boy still looks like a light cloud and
wind. He doesn't know how to be afraid, and he doesn't know how to beg for mercy? This made
him very uncomfortable.
Hearing this, Ye Chen looked at Jin Leishan calmly, and an inexplicable smile suddenly flashed
across his mouth: "Are you a little self-righteous? We never seem to have said that we need the
help of the Golden Lions, right?"
Everyone was slightly taken aback when they heard the words, they didn't understand...
Without the help of the Golden Lions, how to mine Treasure Diamonds?
The next moment, Ye Chen's eyes flashed brightly and said, "I will mine the Ocean Treasure
Diamond myself, now, you understand why I can be neither humble nor arrogant, why can I not
bow to you?
The Golden Lions are of no value to me, understand? "
Everyone in the hall opened their eyes instantly and looked at Ye Chen incredulously. Immediately,
the sky-shattering laughter resounded through the sky!
Everyone looked at Ye Chen in surprise and laughed: "Is this kid pretending to be addicted?"
"With such strength, do you still want to mine Treasure Diamonds yourself?"
"Hoho, don't you dare to talk like that without seeing the strong man beside him?"
"I'd really like to see how he stared blankly in the face of the Aquamarine."
But, at this moment, an extremely frightening breath suddenly erupted, everyone closed their
mouths, and looked at the Golden Thunder Mountain above the throne with fear on their faces!
Even Hong Shuntian's face sank, Jin Leishan's strength is stronger than himself!
Jin Leishan's face was full of anger. In his eyes, there was a very strong evil spirit, and he looked at
Ye Chen and said, "Are you provoking this temple?"
Strength has always been the pride of the Golden Lions. Now, this damn low-level person actually
thinks that he can mine the Treasures of the Ocean?
You must know that even many Golden Lions are incapable of mining Treasure Diamonds!
An ant in the universe, thinks that he is stronger than them?
For Jin Leishan, this is the greatest humiliation! "provocative?"
Ye Chen sneered: "You look down on yourself too much, are you qualified to challenge me? I'm
just stating the facts."
Everyone in the hall looked at Ye Chen with pale faces. They thought Ye Chen was just a clown,
but now, they found out that this guy is really a lunatic!
It's enough to contradict Jin Leishan, and he also said the word "unworthy"?
If it really angers Jin Leishan, I'm afraid, even they will be implicated...
Jin Leishan's eyes flashed fiercely when he heard the words, and he laughed angrily: "Okay, what
a statement of facts..."
His blue eyes instantly turned into ice, and he shouted: "Now, this temple will give you a chance to
prove yourself! The lions in this temple haven't eaten people for a long time, haven't they?"
The next moment, the golden-haired lion under the Golden Thunder Mountain suddenly opened its
eyes, and the lion's eyes were also azure blue!
This lion is a blue-eyed wild lion unique to Lion King Island. This is a special monster known for its
strength and extremely terrifying!
In an instant, a terrifying roar reverberated in this great hall, and all the warriors in the hall showed
pained expressions one after another. In the seven orifices, blood gushed wildly, covered their ears
frantically, and stepped back!
Many people were seriously injured by this roar!
It can be seen how terrifying the strength of this blue-eyed wild lion is!
It was like substance, with the domineering and murderous eyes of the king at the top of the food
chain, and fell on Ye Chen. The blue-eyed lion's muscles moved, and an explosive force suddenly
surged out, with a bang. In the explosion of the sound, the blue-eyed wild lion swept toward Ye
Chen like a golden hurricane!
At this moment, Hong Shuntian's complexion changed completely, it was extremely gloomy and
ugly... There was even a trace of panic and nervousness in the gloom!
Chapter 5256 Reason
When Jin Leishan and the servants of the Golden Lion tribe saw Hong Shuntian's expression, there
was a sneer at the corners of their mouths. How could the arrogant boy state the facts?
It seems that facing this blue-eyed mad lion, he is sure to die. Did you not see that even Hong
Shuntian, who was his companion, was not optimistic about him, did he show such an expression?
The group of injured businessmen stared at Ye Chen with resentment on their faces, their eyes
widened, eager to witness the scene of Ye Chen's tragic death under the claws of the blue-eyed
They were injured because Jin Leishan ordered the blue-eyed wild lion to attack Ye Chen, but
instead of hating Jin Leishan, they hated Ye Chen!
After all, it was because of Ye Chen that they were affected! As for Jinlei Mountain?
How could the noble Golden Lion clan be resentful?
"Damn it!" Hong Shuntian scolded in a low voice, and he was about to rush to Ye Chen's body as
soon as he moved!
However, at this moment, a faint male voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "Shuntian, don't come
here." The tone of this voice was extremely calm, but the brief words were filled with a will that
could not be disobeyed!
Hong Shun stopped consciously, and at this moment of delay, the blue-eyed lion had already
appeared in front of Ye Chen, its mouth was wide open, the stench spurted, saliva flowed, and
dripped onto the ground. Up, it seems that he is going to bite Ye Chen's upper body in one bite!
When Jin Leishan and a group of businessmen saw this, they were all excited!
It was as if he had already seen the scene of blood splattering!
Seeing this, Hong Shuntian sighed lightly, his face darkened, he knew it was too late...
This damn stupid lion can't be saved... Just when the blue-eyed lion's sharp teeth like swords were
about to pierce into Ye Chen's body, Ye Chen finally moved!
I saw that he raised his hand at will and punched the blue-eyed wild lion. A burst of gold and silver
flames burned above the fist. Suddenly, an extremely scorching aura rose up in the hall! Animals
are afraid of fire, so are monsters, they have an instinctive fear of truly powerful flames!
The blue eyes of the blue-eyed wild lion trembled instantly, and the huge body twisted wildly, as if
trying to dodge to one side!
However, Ye Chen smiled coldly and said, "Want to hide now? Is it too late?"
In the blink of an eye, the punch had slammed into the front of the blue-eyed mad lion. When the
blue-eyed mad lion saw this, he had to barely raise his front paws and slapped it down at Ye
Chen's fist!
The surging power has pressed out countless cracks in the space!
Although everyone was stunned by Ye Chen's flames, they still showed a cruel smile when they
saw the blue-eyed wild lion.
No matter how strong Ye Chen's flame is, if he is shot by the blue-eyed wild lion, he still has to die,
right? This is the horror of pure power!
Flames may be able to resolve some energy attacks, but for pure physical power, they cannot do it!
Even if Ye Chen could really hurt the blue-eyed lion with this flame, he would have to die! But, at
this moment, a blood-reversing scene appeared!
I saw that at the moment when Ye Chen's fist collided with the lion's claws of the blue-eyed mad
lion, a wind pressure instantly rushed towards the surroundings, and the ground, stone pillars, and
walls of the hall broke at the same time!
However, as everyone expected, the scene where Ye Chen was photographed into blood mist did
not appear, instead...
The lion's claws of the blue-eyed wild lion burst in an instant!
Everyone, including Jin Leishan, had incredible expressions on their faces, as if their heads had
been bitten by a dog, completely confused...
The blue-eyed lion actually lost in power?
Before they could wake up, the gold and silver flames still followed the blue-eyed mad lion's
wound, burning wildly, and in a roar, the blue-eyed mad lion was burned to charcoal.
At this moment, the entire hall was unprecedentedly silent, the air seemed to freeze, everyone was
like an ice sculpture, looking pale at the young man standing in the center of the hall, unscathed,
and the corpse of the giant beast that had turned into coke...
That blue-eyed wild lion can easily swallow even a normal mid-reality realm existence, right? But,
he died in Ye Chen's hands in one move? This feeling is so scary!
The young man in front of him was so weird that it was scary!
Jin Leishan's expression was extremely ugly, his entire face was twisted, that blue-eyed wild lion
was his favorite pet!
In order to subdue it, it took a lot of effort for him to be killed by Ye Chen?
He knows that some people can fight beyond the ranks, but they are not so outrageous, right?
What puzzled him even more was that since Ye Chen's strength was so terrifying, why did Hong
Shuntian show such an expression?
Hong Shuntian shook his head helplessly, his expression was not very good before, it was entirely
because he knew very well that Ye Chen was going to cause trouble again!
Hong Shuntian knew very well how powerful Ye Chen was, and naturally he would not worry about
Ye Chen. What he was worried about was the lion!
During the battle with Xi Lie, Hong Shuntian had a very deep understanding of Ye Chen's
madness. He was surrounded by fire bombs and the opponent was hostage. What is convergent...
This time, Jin Leishan provoked the wrong person...
However, Ye Chen's punch will also bring them huge trouble!
Sure enough, at this moment, a loud bang sounded from above the throne, everyone's expressions
changed, and they looked towards the throne, only to see that the throne made of some kind of
solid ore was actually crushed by Jin Leishan. Come!
His face was full of anger, he stood up slowly, stared at Ye Chen and said, "Boy, you know, what
did you do just now?"
"What have you done?"
Ye Chen put his hands behind his back, and said lightly: "Don't you want to give me a chance to
prove it? Now, I have proved it, and you are not happy again? Or, only your lion can eat me , and I
can't kill you. Lion? What do you consider yourself to be?"
Ye Chen's unbridled ridicule hit Jin Leishan's heart like a heavy hammer. He was already
accustomed to the feeling of being sought after by the lowly people in his eyes. His anger at this
moment would make his blood boil. !
The next moment, Jin Leishan roared: "Tian Lei Li!"
In a burst of thunder, golden lightning flashes instantly appeared on his body, and at the same
time, his hands also grew sharp claws, which turned into lion claws, and his eyes were full.
Bloodshot, I'm going crazy!
At this moment, all he had in mind was the idea of torturing Ye Chen to death!
In a terrifying coercion, the terrifying breath surged out, and the muscles on the surface of Jinlei
Mountain slowly wriggled. Every time it moved, a twist appeared in the surrounding space. It can
be seen that this muscle contains what kind of terrifying power. ! Especially the golden electric
mans, its power is still rising!
Even the servants of the Golden Lion clan on the side looked horrified. You must know that Tianlei
Power is the most powerful secret skill of the Holy Claw tribe.
Young Chief, even using this secret skill?
It can be seen that he is really angry to the point of losing his mind!
Chapter 5257 The figure of the North Pole!
Ye Chen stared at the Golden Thunder Mountain, and there was a hint of war in his eyes. His wrist
was flipped, and the evil sword appeared in his palm.
Aren't the Golden Lions proud of their strength?
He really wanted to try, just how strong the power of these golden-haired barbarians is!
At this moment, even Hong Shuntian's expression became solemn, Jin Leishan is very strong! He
knows very well that Jin Leishan's strength is above him, and even he is not sure whether Ye Chen
can defeat Jin Leishan!
Moreover, even if Ye Chen defeated Jinlei Mountain, it seemed impossible for them to enter the
mine... The businessmen stared at Ye Chen with a twisted expression, and a penetrating smile
appeared on the corners of their mouths...
Ye Chen's unyielding, Ye Chen's pride, and Ye Chen's strength all deeply stimulated them... Ye
Chen is like a mirror, showing their ugliest and disgusting side!
Compared with Ye Chen, they are simply a bunch of shameless villains!
These businessmen have no interest in looking in the mirror, so they hope that Ye Chen will die! In
their opinion, no matter how weird Ye Chen is, he can't be Jin Leishan's opponent, right? "Roar!"
There was a roar similar to a lion's roar from Jinlei Mountain's mouth, and he rushed towards Ye
Chen, turning into feet similar to lion claws, and instantly stepped on the ground and stepped out a
deep crack, and the whole person was also Like teleportation , he appeared in front of Ye Chen!
He swung out his sharp claws like lightning, surrounded by golden thunder and lightning, and his
claws flickering fiercely grabbed Ye Chen!
Jin Leishan, from the Holy Claw Tribe, his claws are his best weapon. The Golden Lion of the Holy
Claw Tribe began to sacrifice his claws as soon as he was born. He has trained his claws to the
current realm of Jin Leishan. His claws are absolutely invincible. Yu Yipin Law Artifact!
Moreover, it fits perfectly with Jin Leishan himself, and he can bring out the power of this sharp
claws to the fullest! Even, an inexplicable rhyme lingered around the sharp claws, and the
surrounding space seemed to have changed under this rhyme! Seeing this scene, even Ye Chen
couldn't help shrinking his pupils, this Jin Leishan actually mastered the half-step rule!
In the hall, an exclamation sounded, and the power emanating from that claw alone made most of
the businessmen slump to the ground. Now... This claw is indescribably strong!
I'm afraid, even if you use your full strength, you may not be able to take it safely, right?
Hong Shuntian also flashed red, and said anxiously, "Brother Ye!"
At this moment, Jin Leishan seemed to notice the slight change in Ye Chen's expression, and said
with a grim smile, "Boy, now, can you still be proud? Thinking that you can be arrogant by
defeating a small pet in this hall? Tremble before the power of my Golden Lions!"
When Ye Chen heard this, he smiled coldly, and the next moment, a sword burst out!
No martial skills, no spiritual energy, a sword blasted with pure power!
Everyone was shocked when they saw this!
Ye Chen actually wanted to fight against Jin Leishan with pure power?
Is this really making yourself a god?
The anger in Jin Leishan's eyes became even more intense. In his opinion, Ye Chen's actions were
contempt and insult to him!
His smile was even crueler, and he swore that soon, this lowly person would regret it...
Even Hong Shuntian's eyes sank. In his opinion, Ye Chen is too careless!
Competing with the Golden Lions for pure power is courting death!
In the hall, no one thought that Ye Chen could have any good results!
Finally, the pitch-black evil sword collided with the sharp claws of the Golden Thunder Mountain
surrounded by golden lightning!
It's like the ultimate confrontation between two worlds!
An earth-shattering explosion swept the entire Lion King Island!
Lion King Island, in this explosion, vibrated wildly, as if a 100-magnitude earthquake had occurred,
a strong shock wave surged out of the palace before the Golden Lion Mine, and the palace was
instantly covered with cracks. Almost collapsed into ruins!
A burst of dust rises from the sky!
Amidst the strong fluctuations, all the merchants looked horrified and madly retreated to the rear!
However, even so, many people were seriously injured in the impact!
Even Hong Shuntian frowned slightly and withdrew a distance towards the rear.
This aftermath has injured many people, but at this moment, no one cares about their injuries, and
their eyes are aimed at the center of the dust!
The violent aftermath finally subsided, and the dust rolled up by the aftermath began to dissipate.
That splendid palace has completely turned into ruins at this moment!
And among the ruins, soon, two figures appeared faintly!
When everyone saw this, they all had a ghostly expression... Two figures?
In other words, Ye Chen is still alive?
Just the aftermath was enough to hurt them, and Ye Chen actually took it down?
Or in pure power? They feel that their brains are not enough!
But, soon, everyone discovered that things did not seem to be that simple! The dust was
completely dissipated, and it was Ye Chen and Jin Leishan who appeared in front of them!
However, what they didn't expect was that at this moment, there was blood dripping on the lion's
claws of Jinlei Mountain, two deep ravines under their feet, and a dull look on their faces! And what
about Ye Chen? intact!
When those businessmen saw this scene, they all swallowed a mouthful of saliva...
Ye Chen is more than alive... He even had the upper hand in this fight!
Just now, Ye Chen said that he didn't need the help of the Golden Lions. When he was mining on
his own, everyone scoffed, but now... The face is swollen!
Ye Chen has proven himself that his power is above the Golden Thunder Mountain!
At this moment, Jin Leishan finally came to his senses, and there was a look of unwillingness and
anger in his eyes!
Jin Leishan stared at Ye Chen stubbornly, and roared, "Boy, what tricks have you played!"
Strength is the pride of the Golden Lion clan, and he is the young chief of the Holy Claw Tribe, the
elite of the Golden Lion clan, and he will not accept that he is defeated by a low-ranking person in
terms of strength! Hearing this, Ye Chen smiled disdainfully and said, "Just you are worthy of
letting me play tricks?" Arrogant! Too arrogant! Totally ruthless!
Ye Chen directly stepped on Jin Leishan's face into the dust!
However, at this moment, no one dares to mock or make fun of Ye Chen anymore...
Because Ye Chen has this arrogant capital!
Hong Shuntian also smiled helplessly and said: "No wonder, when I said that the Silmarillion
should be mined by pure power, Brother Ye was so calm, it turns out... not only vitality, fire of
Taoism, etc., even The physical strength of Brother Ye is so unbelievable..."
Originally, he thought that he was already a monster, but compared with Ye Chen, it seemed that
the gap was a bit big... On the other hand, Jin Leishan's eyes were splitting, and his killing intent
was in his head. He let out a roar: "Boy, I want you to die!!!"
As soon as the voice fell, he was about to rush towards Ye Chen again!
A flash of coldness flashed in Ye Chen's eyes, others wanted him to die, and he would never show
mercy. But at this moment, a female voice suddenly sounded above the two of them!
"Jin Leishan, you really disappointed me."
Earth, North Pole. Wind and snow.
The meaning of endless ice cold is like a giant beast, making people daunting.
In front of a gate, stood two figures covered in snow and ice.
This is the figure of Jin Lengyan and Ye Lingtian.
The two of them had been waiting here for an unknown amount of time, and were even buried by
the wind and snow. If it wasn't for the martial artist's strong vitality and drought resistance, the two
of them might have long since become skeletons in the wind and snow.
They were waiting for the door to open.
Behind the door are Ye Chen's parents, Ye Tianzheng and Jiang Peirong.
Ye Lingtian and Jin Lengyan did not dare to disturb the two of them, they could sense the burst of
breakthrough breath inside. They are waiting. been waiting.
At this moment, two sky-penetrating beams of light suddenly appeared! The extremely terrifying
breakthrough breath came, and even shook all the wind and snow off Jin Lengyan and Ye Lingtian!
Ye Lingtian opened his eyes, stared at the two pillars of light in front of him, and took a breath.
Then he looked at Jin Lengyan and said lightly, "It seems that we don't have to wait any longer."
After ten breaths, the dusty door opened.
A charming woman appeared outside the door, and the light in the house penetrated through the
woman's body, making her figure particularly dazzling. like the Virgin.
Ye Lingtian and Jin Lengyan knelt down on one knee and were about to speak when a faint voice
came slowly: "Come in, I have something to tell you."
Chapter 5258 If you want to know, come with
Ye Lingtian and Jin Lengyan came inside. They thought it was just a simple space, but when they
entered it, they discovered that it was a small world!
In the north pole of the earth, someone has built a small world here! Ye Lingtian has followed Ye
Chen for so long, and naturally he has some understanding of the difficulty of building a small
world! Ye Tianzheng and Jiang Peirong's talents are second to none in China, but they can never
have the ability to build this place! Moreover, Ye Lingtian also discovered that the spiritual energy
here is different from the outside world! Where is the source of spiritual energy?
Just when Ye Lingtian and Jin Lengyan were horrified, Jiang Peirong had already arrived at a
pavilion and said lightly, "Ling Tian, is Chen'er okay?"
When Ye Lingtian heard the name of the Palace Master, he immediately retracted his doubts and
said word by word, "Everything is fine with the Palace Master, and his strength is even more
amazing!" Jiang Peirong showed a smile that her mother only had, but the smile disappeared
quickly, and she said helplessly: "What's the matter with being amazing, as a mother, I just hope
that he is safe and sound." "However, all this is his plan, how can I stop it."
"Ling Tian, I know you have doubts in your heart."
"This small world, and why we suddenly came to the North Pole, is all because of one person..."
Ye Lingtian's eyes narrowed and he guessed, "Could it be the arrangement of the palace master?"
Jiang Peirong shook her head: "It's not Chen'er, it's his grandfather."
"Huaxia seems to be extremely far away from where Ye Chen is now, but it will eventually be
maintained. This place is just a battlefield for those who are competing for the highest."
"Small, but a key battlefield that cannot be ignored."
Ye Lingtian didn't understand, but just as he was about to say something, Jiang Peirong walked in
one direction and said, "The mutation of Huaxia's spiritual energy is not that simple, you come with
me, I will show you a place, and you will be able to clear."
The screen turned around, in the main hall.
Originally, Jin Leishan, who was still in a rage, heard the woman's voice, but it was as if a basin of
cold water had been poured over his head, his body instantly stiffened, the anger in his eyes
quickly dissipated, and the rest was actually fear!
Even Ye Chen's eyes flashed, surprised by Jin Leishan's change, who could make him so afraid?
At this moment, a girl in a long golden dress, wheat complexion, and delicate facial features, with a
hint of heroism, suddenly fell from the sky.
This girl, like Jin Leishan, also has blond hair and blue eyes, apparently from the Golden Lion clan.
Ye Chen's eyes sank slightly, and the girl in front of him had a cheerful smile on the corner of her
mouth. She looked like a girl next door around seventeen years old, but the breath she exuded was
extremely surging! This girl is a half-step Taizhen powerhouse! And, extremely young!
Age, no more than five hundred years old! A five-hundred-year-old half-step Taizhen powerhouse?
Even if Ye Chen knew that the great power of Burying the Sea was very powerful, even if it was not
under the Heavenly Palace, it was still a little scary...
And the moment Jin Leishan saw this girl, it was like a mouse seeing a cat, and he saluted the girl
very respectfully: "I have seen Miss Shanshan..."
Ye Chen glanced at Jin Leishan unexpectedly. The golden lion family is somewhat similar to the
lions, and the status of men is very high, but now, Jin Leishan is respectful to this girl?
This is not just because of strength. Presumably, this girl's status in the Golden Lion clan should
also be extremely special. The girl glanced at the ruined hall, and snorted coldly, "I asked you to
manage the mines, and you managed it like this?" A little bit of cold sweat appeared on Jin
Leishan's forehead and said: "Miss Shanshan, this... this is all because, this kid..."
Jin Leishan felt aggrieved for a while, was ridiculed by Ye Chen, lost to the opponent in power, and
is now scolded by this girl? When was he treated like this?
However, Jin Leishan did not dare to refute it at all. The identity of this girl is simply a real princess
in the Golden Lion clan, and it is not comparable to him as a young chief.
The girl said coldly: "You mean, this girl blames you wrong?"
Hearing this, Jin Leishan hurriedly said, "I don't dare, I did something wrong..."
The girl snorted coldly and ignored Jin Leishan, but turned her head, staring at Ye Chen with a look
of interest in her big eyes, and said in surprise, "It's the first time I've seen such strength. A big
human, and , you are only a cultivation base of Qiankun Realm, and you can actually suppress
Jinleishan in terms of strength? My name is Jin Shanshan, what is your name? "
After a moment of silence, Marven Ye said, "Marven Ye."
Jin Shanshan stared at Ye Chen, and there was a flash of light in her beautiful eyes. She smiled
and said, "Ye Chen, you are very interesting. I want to invite you to the house for a drink. What do
you think? " For a while, the group of businessmen stared at Ye Chen, their eyes turning blood red
with envy, they were not fools, it was natural to see that Jin Shanshan's identity was extremely
unusual! If you can have a relationship with Jin Shanshan, on Lion King Island, it can be said that it
is truly unimpeded! That means endless benefits!
Jin Leishan also changed his expression: "Miss Shanshan, please think twice, this kid is just a low-
level person, how can he be qualified to be with you..."
He must avenge the humiliation that Ye Chen brought him today, but if Ye Chen and Jin Shanshan
are involved, then he will not dare to act rashly...
When Jin Shanshan heard the words, her face turned cold, and she scolded, "Shut up, who told
you to speak?" Jin Leishan's body trembled, but he silently lowered his head.
Hong Shuntian also had a happy expression on his face, but he didn't expect that this time it was a
blessing in disguise! But, who knows, at this moment, Ye Chen said lightly, "I'm not interested."
After that, he looked at Hong Shuntian and said, "Shuntian, let's go, it's time to mine."
He is really not interested. He is only here for the Ocean Treasure Diamond, and all he needs is
the qualification to enter the mine. Now that he has obtained it, he naturally does not need to have
a good relationship with anyone. Besides, time is tight.
The whole ruins fell silent in an instant, and even Jin Shanshan was slightly taken aback... This is
the first time she has been rejected.
On the other hand, Jin Leishan's face was ecstatic. This damn waste is still pretending to be proud.
Miss Shanshan doesn't like being rejected!
This kid is going to be miserable!
The businessmen couldn't help shaking their heads. They admitted that Ye Chen was very strong,
but there was obviously something wrong with his brain, and such a person would definitely not live
for long. Hong Shuntian also had a headache.
However, to everyone's surprise, Jin Shanshan was rejected in public, but she didn't seem angry,
but smiled faintly: "The reason why I invite you is because I want to tell you something, this matter
has nothing to do with the Silmarillion. Are you sure you want to reject me?"
Ye Chen frowned when he heard the words, but he still did not stop and moved towards the
mineral vein.
At this time, Jin Shanshan's beautiful eyes flashed, and she said again, "What if I said, you are not
allowed to mine the precious diamonds now?"
This time, Ye Chen finally turned around, looked at Jin Shanshan coldly and said, "What do you
A successful smile appeared on Jin Shanshan's pretty face, and she said with a smile, "If you want
to know, just follow me." The next moment, he turned around and left somewhere.
Ye Chen and Hong Shuntian looked at each other, and when he was hesitating whether to follow, a
Golden Lion warrior riding a golden lion with wings on his back appeared in front of the mine,
facing the high mountain of Jinlei. He said: "Golden Thunder Mountain has received the order! The
Lion King has his life. Starting today, all mining activities in the mines will be suspended! Everyone,
please do not enter the mines!"
Ye Chen and the two were shocked when they heard this!
Can't enter the mine? How is this going?
However, no matter what, the girl obviously knew this information in advance!
Hong Shuntian asked, "Brother Ye, what should I do?"
Ye Chen pondered for a moment and said, "Although, I don't know what the girl's purpose is, but if
we want to get the Oceanic Diamond, it seems that we have to find a way from her..."
The next moment, the two of them moved and disappeared from the spot, chasing away in the
direction Jin Shanshan left.
Soon, Ye Chen and Hong Shuntian came to an extremely beautiful attic. At this moment, a servant
girl of the Golden Lion clan was already standing at the door, smiling at the two of them: "Two
young masters, please, my lady. It's been a long wait."
Ye Chen's eyes flashed slightly, and they entered the attic as soon as they moved.
However, when they saw the scene in front of them, they couldn't help but look stunned.
Chapter 5259 The Only Chance
I saw that this girl Jin Shanshan, who seemed to have a very noble status, was holding a beast leg
without any regard for her image, eating meat and drinking...
Seeing the two of them, Jin Shanshan smiled heartily and said, "What are you doing, eating
After Ye Chen was seated, without any nonsense, he asked bluntly, "Golden girl, what's the matter
with this ban on mining?"
Jin Shanshan put down the animal's legs, but she didn't mean to hide it, and said directly:
"Because, the battle of the three beasts is about to be held on Lion King Island." "The battle of the
three beasts?"
When Hong Shuntian heard the words, his eyes flashed, as if he had remembered something.
Jin Shanshan said, "Among the Thirty-Six Heavenly Islands, there are three islands known as the
Three Beast Islands, Lion King Island, Snake King Island, and Wolf King Island!
The clansmen on these three beast islands have some extremely powerful alien beast bloodlines,
so the physical strength is amazing!
Since ancient times, I and the Island of the Three Beasts have not dealt with each other, thinking
that I am the real king of all beasts, which leads to constant contradictions. Later, in order to avoid
the contradictions from turning into wars, the powerhouses of the Island of Three Beasts organized
these three Battle of the beasts! "
In Jin Shanshan's beautiful eyes, the light flashed: "The battle of the three beasts will be held on
the three beast islands every ten thousand years. The evildoer participates in the competition, and
the winner in the end will be able to obtain the title of Beastmaster!
This is a supreme honor for the people of the Island of the Three Beasts, and at the same time, it is
also related to the allocation of resources, etc..."
Hearing this, Ye Chen frowned and said, "Could it be that this year's battle of the three beasts will
be held on Lion King Island?"
Jin Shanshan smiled and said, "Yes, and, even more coincidentally..."
"This year's project happens to be mining the Treasure Diamond! Therefore, the Lion King ordered
to prohibit anyone from entering the mine, so as not to affect the battle of the three beasts."
Ye Chen's eyes sank slightly and said, "How long will the battle between the three beasts last?"
They only have seven days!
Jin Shanshan said: "After the battle of the three beasts, the mine will not be open for the time
being. In order to prevent someone from cheating in the dispute of the three beasts, the three clans
will jointly send reviewers to review the mine once for about a week."
For a time, Ye Chen and Hong Shuntian frowned, they couldn't wait for a week!
At this moment, Jin Shanshan suddenly showed a sly smile and said, "Young Master Ye, I'm afraid
you can't wait that long, right? After all, the weak period of the death storm is about to pass."
When Ye Chen and Hong Shuntian heard the words, their pupils shrank, and their eyes stared at
Jin Shanshan.
Jin Shanshan smiled slightly and said, "You two, don't be so nervous. Except for businessmen,
most of the warriors who come to mine Treasure Diamonds are to enter Wuhui Island, but I don't
know what you are going to do when you go to Wuhui Island. , I don't want to know."
Ye Chen asked, "Golden girl, what do you want to do when you tell us this?"
He wouldn't think that Jin Shanshan was here to chat with them.
Jin Shanshan heard the words, her eyes dimmed slightly: "This time, in the battle of the three
beasts, although the contestants of my Lion King Island are not bad, compared to Snake King
Island and Wolf King Island, they lack an absolute leader . In this way, it is impossible to win the
battle of the three beasts!"
She stared at Ye Chen, her eyes brightened and said, "We, Lion King Island, have been fighting
the Three Beasts for many consecutive years, and we haven't won the championship. This time,
we must win! Otherwise, Wolf King Island and Snake King Island think that Lion King If the island
has begun to weaken, it is even possible to launch an attack on Lion Island! so...
I would like to invite Young Master Ye to participate in the battle of the three beasts on our Lion
Island! "
In this battle of the three beasts, the project is to mine Treasure Diamonds, and the competition is
purely physical strength!
Ye Chen's physical strength can even crush Jinlei Mountain!
Moreover, at the age of less than 100 years old, even the leaders of the other two beast islands
cannot be compared with Ye Chen at all!
The reason why Jin Shanshan wanted to tell Ye Chen this was to ask Ye Chen to help her win this
battle of the three beasts!
"What?" Ye Chen was stunned when he heard the words, and then smiled bitterly: "I'm not a
Golden Lion, how can I participate in the battle of the three beasts?"
Jin Shanshan heard the words, a hint of hesitation flashed in her beautiful eyes, but soon, she
gritted her teeth, turned her wrist, and a jade bottle appeared in her palm.
She handed the jade bottle to Ye Chen and said, "Young Master Ye, please take a look..."
Ye Chen took the jade bottle with some curiosity and opened it. In an instant, an extremely
domineering and powerful breath filled the attic. Even Hong Shuntian, who had the blood of the
Red Phoenix, changed his face slightly. I felt a trace of suppression on the blood!
Ye Chen's pupils shrank, and he looked into the jade bottle, only to see a drop of golden blood
lying quietly at the bottom of the bottle!
At this moment, Old Shuo's voice sounded in Ye Chen's mind: "Boy, this is a good thing!" "What is
this blood?" Ye Chen asked.
Old Shuo's voice was a little excited: "This is a drop of Tianshi's blood, Tianshi's blood is one level
higher than the blood of the little tiger you know. Now, the Kaitian aura in your body has been
exhausted. However, if he burns the blood essence of the lion, it can temporarily stimulate his
bloodline, and the effect is even better!"
When Ye Chen heard this, a look of joy flashed in his eyes. With this drop of Tianshi blood
essence, he has an additional means of life-saving. The most important thing is that Tianshi blood
essence is strong, but it is not as exaggerated as the mysterious blood, and it burns Don't risk your
This is almost equivalent to giving Ye Chen an extra life!
Jin Shanshan said in a condensed voice, "The Golden Lions like me are descendants of Tianshi,
and Young Master Ye refined the blood of this Tianshi, so there should be no flaws in the breath.
As for the identity and the qualifications to participate in the battle of the three beasts, I will leave it
to you. I am!"
As she said that, her eyes flashed slightly: "Also, this is also the only chance for you to obtain the
Oceanic Diamond within seven days."
After a moment of silence, Ye Chen nodded and said, "Since that's the case, then, I agree to this
Jin Shanshan heard the words, a look of great joy appeared on her pretty face and said: "In the
past two days, please ask Ye Gongzi to refine the blood of Tianshi in this attic. The battle of the
three beasts will be held in two days. In the meantime, I will prepare my identity for the son!”
Ye Chen nodded, and immediately, Jin Shanshan hurriedly left the attic with the maid at the door.
The golden lion maid asked Jin Shanshan, "Miss, did you really give him that drop of Tianshi
blood? Isn't it worth it?"
Jin Shanshan heard the words, a look of determination flashed on her pretty face and said:
"Xiaoman, this time the battle of the three beasts is very important to my Golden Lion clan, and
each contestant needs a royal guarantee, I recommend!
The father has already promised that if the evildoer he recommends can help Lion King Island win
the battle of the three beasts, then he will be the heir to the next throne!
I am only the illegitimate daughter of my father, if I want to inherit the throne, this is my only
chance! "
Chapter 5260 I owe something
Xiaoman was shocked when he heard the words. Compared with the throne, a drop of Tianshi's
blood seems to be worth it...
Can…… This is only in the case of winning the battle of the three beasts!
She turned her head a little uneasily and looked at the attic behind her. In the past, she absolutely
believed in her own lady's vision, but this time, the lady put her treasure on a foreigner?
To be honest, Xiaoman didn't believe that Ye Chen could have any dazzling performance in the
battle of the three beasts!
Two days later.
Hong Shuntian stared dumbfounded at a young man with blond hair and blue eyes in front of him.
He was tall and exuded a fierce and domineering aura. He couldn't believe his eyes... This young
man seems to be from the Golden Lion clan, but his face is the same as Ye Chen!
Hong Shuntian murmured: "Brother Ye, your current aura is completely no different from that of the
Golden Lion clan. If I hadn't known you, I would definitely have recognized you as a member of the
Golden Lion clan."
Ye Chen smiled slightly, and was very satisfied with the result of refining this Tianshi blood
The next moment, Ye Chen's thoughts moved, and his bones crackled, he put away the breath of
Tianshi's blood, and his whole body returned to its original state.
At this moment, there was a burst of applause, and a wheat-skinned girl stepped into the attic and
said, "It seems that Young Master Ye has successfully refined the blood of Tianshi. Now, let's go to
the venue where the battle of the three beasts will be held."
Soon, under the leadership of Jin Shanshan, the two came to the location of the Golden Lion mine
that day. When Ye Chen and Hong Shuntian saw the scene in front of them, a shocking color
flashed on their faces!
I saw that there were several huge shadow crystals suspended above the entire ore vein, and
countless stands were built around the ore vein. At this moment, the stands were already
Not only the Golden Lions, but also many Jade Snakes and Silver Wolfs who came to Lion King
Island specially to watch the battle of the Three Beasts!
The scene is especially spectacular! Just looking at this crowd of people makes people feel a kind
of blood boiling!
At this time, Hong Shuntian said, "Brother Ye, Miss Jin, I will find a place to sit first."
After saying that, he walked towards the stand.
Jin Shanshan said, "Young Master Ye, come with me, I want to take you to meet the king."
"Father?" A look of surprise flashed in Ye Chen's eyes.
Jin Shanshan smiled and said, "I am the daughter of the Lion King of the Golden Lion clan,
otherwise, do you think anyone can easily let you participate in such an important competition?"
Soon, the two came to an extremely heavily guarded area at the entrance of the mine, where a
palace was built.
Under the leadership of Jin Shanshan, the soldiers guarding had no intention of blocking, and Ye
Chen and the two entered the palace very smoothly.
As soon as Ye Chenfang stepped into the palace, he instantly felt a number of sharp eyes shot
towards him!
He took a closer look and saw that there were three people in the palace at this moment, two men
and one woman.
Ye Chen's eyes flickered, the two men and one woman are very young, more than two hundred
years old, and their strength is also extremely outstanding!
It's scary enough to have this level of strength at a two-hundred-year-old age!
It can be said to be at the forefront of the evildoers outside the Heaven Burying Sea.
At this time, the three of them looked at Jin Shanshan at the same time and saluted, "I have seen
Miss Shanshan."
And when their eyes fell on Ye Chen, a puzzled look appeared.
Jinshan Shan nodded, and Ye without saying anything, she took Chen and sat down in the hall
At this moment, an extremely harsh voice sounded from outside the door: "Oh, isn't this Sister
Shanshan, I heard that you brought a contestant? I'm curious, brother, what kind of talent did you
Along with the words, a figure appeared in front of the temple gate. This person had blonde hair
and blue eyes, and was dressed in a black robe. He had a very strong aura. He was not under Jin
Shanshan at all. Young man with short blond hair.
When Jin Shanshan heard the words, she looked at the black-robed man, a hint of disgust flashed
in her beautiful eyes, and said lightly, "Second Emperor Brother."
This person, named Jin Jue, is the second son of the Lion King. He is also a half-step Taizhen
realm powerhouse, but he is much older than Jin Shanshan, already more than 7,000 years old.
At this time, Jin Jue's eyes swept across the people present. Suddenly, his pupils shrank, his eyes
fell on Ye Chen, and he frowned: "What is a errand guy doing here?"
The other contestants in the hall also looked at Ye Chen with some doubts, wondering why Jin
Shanshan brought this person in?
When Jin Shanshan heard the words, her face sank, and she looked at Jin Jue and said, "Second
Emperor, he is not a chorus, but a contestant brought by me!"
As soon as these words came out, everyone present frowned and looked at Ye Chen with shock. If
it wasn't for Jin Shanshan who said this, they would all be sneering at it directly...
Bring a kid from the universe to participate in the battle of the three beasts? Are you kidding me?
These people are the arrogance of the Golden Lions, and they are extremely proud. In their
opinion, it is a shame to participate in the battle of the three beasts in front of so many people with
a waste like Ye Chen!
Jin Jue was stunned when he heard the words, and then he laughed loudly, but his eyes became
more and more cold: "Jin Shanshan, do you want this kid to embarrass the entire Golden Lion clan
and make my Lion King Island a laughing stock ? ?"
In Jin Shanshan's beautiful eyes, a flash of anger flashed: "Second brother, Jin Chen's strength, I
can vouch for it! Moreover, the father has agreed to let him participate in the battle of the three
beasts, you mean, the father Do you want to embarrass the Golden Lions too?”
Jin Chen is a fake name Jin Shanshan gave to Ye Chen to avoid some trouble.
Jin Jue heard the words with a playful expression: "Jin Shanshan, don't think that you can do
whatever you want by relying on your father's favor. Your father is just accommodating you. Well,
after all, your father owes your mother something, isn't it? ?"
Jin Jue has always been unhappy with the existence of Jin Shanshan. She is obviously just an
illegitimate daughter, so why is she most liked by her father?
What makes Jin Jue unacceptable is that Jin Shanshan seems to want to compete with them for
the throne? This made Jin Jue even more unbearable!
There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth. Now, he has finally caught Jin Shanshan's handle.
We must take this opportunity to attack this "sister"!
Jin Shanshan clenched her fists tightly, she knew very well that the reason why she was valued by
her father was because of her ability, but, in the eyes of others, it all became the debt of her father
to her mother!
For a time, Jin Shanshan's whole body was faintly restless!
She wanted to tell Jin Jue aloud that Ye Chen defeated Jin Leishan, and his strength was
unimaginable, but she knew she couldn't do it!
Otherwise, Jin Jue knew Ye Chen's identity as a foreigner, and would definitely not let him
participate in the battle of the three beasts!
Chapter 5261 The King's Man
At this moment, Jin Jue suddenly flashed a cold light in his eyes and said, "Jin Shanshan, you can
guarantee this kid's strength? Then, it should be no problem to try him for my brother, right?
Jin Shanshan heard the words and frowned slightly: "How are you going to try?"
At this time, Jin Jue smiled slightly, looked at the quiet young man beside him, and said, "This is
the contestant I recommended, the name is Jin Yang, since they are both contestants, let Jin Yang
and this Jin Yang be together . Brother Chen, let's learn from each other, what do you think?”
For a time, everyone present couldn't help showing a smile...
Jin Yang is a famous evildoer among the Golden Lions!
At only two hundred years old, his strength has already broken through to the eighth level of the
real world!
More importantly, Jin Yang's Tianshi bloodline is extremely rich!
The strength is invincible for the younger generation!
And what about Jin Chen? never heard of...
Let a world-class, obscure boy compete with a peerless genius that is highly anticipated? ho ho,
that seems to have only one result...
Moreover, Jin Yang has another characteristic, that is, ruthless!
No matter what kind of battle it is, it is extremely ruthless and will never let it go!
For a while, those contestants felt pity for Ye Chen...
At this time, Jin Yang slowly walked in front of Ye Chen, and said with a smile, "Brother, please
enlighten me."
Jin Shanshan's beautiful eyes lit up, this is a good opportunity to show Ye Chen's strength!
With a sneer on her face, she picked up the tea on the table and waited to see Jin Jue's stunned
However, at this moment, Ye Chen said indifferently, "I have nothing to teach you, I, admit defeat."
He never liked trouble, nor did he like to be involved in other people's fights, and Jin Yang didn't
deserve to let him do it. Then admit defeat.
Everyone was stunned when they heard this. Although they had long known that Ye Chen was not
Jin Yang's opponent, they never thought that Ye Chen would simply admit defeat!
For a while, the eyes of everyone looking at Ye Chen became more and more disdainful and
contemptuous. Although Ye Chen's choice was correct and rational, it was also looked down upon!
Don't even have the courage to fight? In vain for the Golden Lions!
As for Jin Jue and Jin Yang, their expressions became more and more strange. In their opinion, Ye
Chen is really a waste, and the current cowardice is the best proof!
Jin Yang also lost interest, turned and walked towards Jin Jue.
With a "puff", Jin Shanshan spit out all the tea in her mouth. At this moment, when she met Jin
Jue's mocking gaze, her lungs were about to explode!
Jin Shanshan looked at Ye Chen angrily and said, "Jin Chen, you...why did you admit defeat!"
Others thought Ye Chen was cowardly, but she knew Ye Chen's strength very well!
Ye Chen glanced at Jin Shanshan, and only spit out two words lightly. "trouble."
Originally, Jin Yang, who had turned and left, stopped instantly, he turned around slowly, looked at
Ye Chen and said, "Brother, did you just say 'trouble'?"
His eyes suddenly turned cold and he said, "That is to say, the reason why you admit defeat is not
because you are afraid, but because you feel trouble?"
The people around showed a look of watching the show.
This kid got cheap, and he still sells well?
Jin Yang is ready to let him go, he still has to pretend in front of Jin Shanshan?
It's obvious that you're scared, but it's as if you're too lazy to do it?
Now, are you punished? Facing Jin Yang's anger, Ye Chen just drank tea calmly, as if he hadn't
heard Jin Yang at all.
Jin Yang's eyes showed a fierce look and said: "This brother, since you are afraid of trouble, then I
will take the shot first, what do you think? If you don't speak, I will take you as the default. Don't
worry, I know very well what it means to "point to the end". "
When everyone heard this, they laughed, Jin Yang forced Ye Chen to do it!
However, all of this was caused by Ye Chen's own fault!
Seeing that Ye Chen still didn't respond, Jin Yang snorted coldly, and the next moment, the breath
of the real world surged out, and a king-like breath lingered around him, he stared at Ye Chen,
wrapped in unparalleled power, He rushed to Ye Chen in an instant, and punched Ye Chen in the
face with a punch!
Seeing this, everyone's expressions changed slightly. It seems that Jin Yang is really angry. What
is the point of this, it is clearly a dead hand!
In an instant, the fist that was wrapped in the earth-shattering force was about to touch Ye Chen's
face, but at this moment, the fist was inexplicably frozen in front of Ye Chen... As if time stood still
at this moment...
Everyone looked puzzled. Could it be that Jin Yang just wanted to scare this kid?
But, soon, they discovered that this was not the case...
At this moment, Jin Yang's complexion turned pale quickly!
And his wrist is being held casually by a hand...
That hand didn't seem to use much power, but no matter how hard Jin Yang struggled, he couldn't
break free from that hand! That one belongs to Ye Chen's hand!
Several contestants in the hall gasped instantly!
They could see that Ye Chen didn't use any spiritual power, and simply relying on strength, he
grabbed Jin Yang's wrist! This is simply incredible!
Ye Chen, a kid in the universe, defeated Jin Yang, the arrogant son of the golden lion family, in
pure power? Is this a joke?
Jin Yang's face was twisted, strength has always been his pride, but now, the pride is broken!
The indifferent look on Ye Chen's face stings Jin Yang's eyes. This indifference is the greatest
insult to him!
At this time, Jin Shanshan looked at Jin Jue proudly and said, "Second Emperor, do you still think
Jin Chen will embarrass our Golden Lions?"
Jin Jue's face was extremely gloomy, he didn't speak, and an anxiety surged in his heart!
He cursed inwardly, "I don't know where this woman found such a perverted kid with the power of
the flesh. Why don't I have such luck?"
Jin Jue's eyes are faint, he must not let Ye Chen achieve too dazzling results in the battle of the
three beasts, in that case, the throne is really likely to be taken away by this lowly illegitimate
Just then, a loud voice came from outside the palace: "The Lion King is here!"
Several figures appeared at the gate of the temple and walked toward the temple. Ye Chen's eyes
flashed, and he saw a middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes, wearing a golden robe, and
an incomparably dignified face. people!
This person, with his gestures and gestures, has the aura of a superior. Obviously, it is the lion king
of the Golden Lion clan!
And behind him, there are also several men and women whose faces are somewhat similar to the
middle-aged man. These people should be the children of the Lion King and the brothers and
sisters of Jin Shanshan.
Chapter 5262 Ye Chen's Confidence
Ye Chen stared at the lion king, and was slightly shocked. The strength of this lion king was
extremely terrifying. Compared with the dragon king who died at the death of the dragon, he felt
that he was not too arrogant. He was a real powerhouse!
The Lion King looked at the scene in the hall where Ye Chen grabbed Jin Yang's wrist, his eyes
flashed slightly, and then he smiled and said, "You guys, the battle of the three beasts is about to
start, what are you doing? "
That Jin Yang hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, I... we are just learning from each other..."
He stared at Ye Chen stubbornly, and he had already slashed Ye Chen with thousands of swords
in his heart. The reason why he participated in the battle of the three beasts was to gain the favor
of the second prince and the lion king!
But now, because of Ye Chen, his impression in the hearts of the second prince and the Lion King
may have plummeted!
The most important thing is that this guy still doesn't let go of the Lion King?
Ye Chen smiled slightly and said, "Brother Jin Yang, just now you asked me to discuss and said
that you would take the shot first. Now that you have already shot, it should be my turn?" When
everyone heard the words, their pupils shrank!
Is Ye Chen going to fight and beat people in front of the Lion King?
Even Jin Shanshan's pretty face was full of anxiety, she whispered to Ye Chen, "What are you
doing... in front of your father, calm down!" This guy is crazy!
However, Ye Chen didn't seem to hear it. He grabbed Jin Yang's wrist and waved it violently. An
unimaginable force rushed out like a flood!
Jin Yang's eyes trembled, he frantically controlled the muscles of his body and wanted to compete
with this power, but at this moment, he felt like a small boat in the storm, and he had no resistance
at all, so he Overwhelmed by the surging waves!
With a loud bang, the entire hall trembled!
Everyone opened their eyes wide, and saw that Ye Chen slammed Jin Yang directly to the ground!
He smashed the incomparably sturdy floor of the main hall out of a large human-shaped hole, and
Jin Yang was lying in it, covered in blood, and his bones were shattered...
Everyone looked at Ye Chen dully, no one thought that Ye Chen was so bold!
However, Ye Chen's expression was indifferent. He has always had the character of retaliation on
the spot when he had hatred. How do you get your head around? What's the matter with Ling
Xiao's martial intent?
Jin Yang's punch, at least he had the idea of seriously hurting him, so naturally he wouldn't just let
Jin Yang go, it was the same for anyone.
Jin Jue looked at Jin Yang, who was lying on the ground like a dead fish, and the veins on his
forehead twitched fiercely!
How can you still participate in the battle of the three beasts?
Jin Yang is his hope of inheriting the throne! Was it just ruined by Ye Chen?
For a time, Jin Jue was so angry that he was about to be enchanted. His body was full of
suffocation, and he shouted at Ye Chen: "It's just a discussion, how dare you do such a heavy
hand with such a vicious thing!?" "Heavy hand?"
Marven Ye smiled coldly and said, "If I remember correctly, this should be called until the end, isn't
Jin Jue's eyes instantly turned fierce. As a royal family, how could he allow anyone to contradict
him casually?
With a bang, the power of the half-step Taizhen realm erupted from his body, and it seemed that
he was about to attack Ye Chen!
And Jin Shanshan's pretty face sank as she stood in front of Ye Chen.
At this moment, a calm but powerful voice sounded: "Stop this king."
Jin Shanshan and Jin Jue were shocked when they heard the words, bowed their heads and said,
"Yes, Father."
The Lion King glanced at Jin Yang on the ground, his expression did not change, and said lightly:
"Young man, do you know that you were seriously injured just now, this is one of the most
outstanding evildoers in my Golden Lion clan? He is also one of the three beasts. In the middle of
the battle, this king has high hopes for the existence.
Are you not afraid that this king will take anger with you? "
When Ye Chen heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "I'm not afraid."
"Oh?" The lion king's blue eyes flickered: "This king wants to know why?"
Ye Chen and the Lion King looked at each other and said, "Because the Lion King knows very well
that the life and death of a monster is far less than the safety of the entire Golden Lion clan!"
The Lion King heard the words and said calmly, "What do you mean?"
Ye Chen said lightly: "This time, the golden lions must win the battle of the three beasts, otherwise,
the entire Lion Island may face a huge threat. Compared with this, whether Jin Yang is dead or
alive is nothing. ?"
In his eyes, a burst of dazzling expression suddenly burst out: "And I can win the name of this
beast king for the Golden Lion clan!"
Everyone in the hall seemed to be shocked by Ye Chen's momentum at this moment. When they
heard the phrase to win the name of the Beast King, everyone in the Golden Lion tribe had a faint
feeling of enthusiasm!
They haven't gotten the title of Beastmaster for many, many years!
This is a torture for the proud lion!
If Ye Chen said this before, everyone might just sneer, but now it's different!
At least in terms of pure power, Ye Chen completely crushed Jin Yang!
Then, among the projects in this competition, he is definitely the golden lion clan's greatest hope to
win the title of Beastmaster!
When the Lion King heard the words, he laughed loudly and said, "Okay, very good, the boy you
brought back, Shanshan, the father is very satisfied. In this battle of the three beasts, he is the
leader of my Golden Lion clan!"
As he said that, he looked at the other golden lion geniuses and said, "You guys have entered the
mine, and after you start the competition, you have to obey this kid completely. Seeing him is like
seeing this king!"
Those geniuses froze in their hearts, and immediately said, "Follow your orders!"
The Lion King nominated and was about to leave the palace, but at this moment, Ye Chen said
again, "Lion King, please stay."
"Young man, what's the matter with you?"
Ye Chen's eyes flashed slightly: "If I successfully lead the Golden Lions to regain the name of the
Beast King, I hope the Lion King can do me a little favor."
Everyone heard the words and petrified again...
Marven Ye, this... is this about negotiating conditions with the Lion King?
When the Lion King heard this, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. No one dared to
ask him for many years. It seems that he should let anyone do anything.
However, he knew that the young man in front of him was qualified to make an exception.
The Lion King nodded and said, "I need a drink before I go to meet those two damned fellows,
young man, come with me."
Ye Chen nodded, and even followed the Lion King out of the hall and walked towards an attic in the
palace. Everyone stared blankly at this scene, is this a success?
In their impression, the Lion King is definitely not a good-tempered and talkative person!
Jin Jue couldn't help frowning, looked at Jin Shanshan and said, "Could it be that that kid is also
the illegitimate son of the father?"
Chapter 5263 Stand out from the crowd
Jin Shanshan is also a little sluggish. Originally, she planned to use Ye Chen to help herself gain
the throne, but now it seems that she was used by Ye Chen?
She looked at Jin Yang on the ground, her beautiful eyes flickering, she knew that maybe Ye
Chen's serious injury to Jin Yang in front of his father was a premeditated plan...
The reason why he did this is to show his strength in front of his father, and his strength is a
bargaining chip with his father!
In the attic, the Lion King looked at Ye Chen with interest and said, "What do you want?" Ye Chen
said, "Ship!"
If they want to go to Wuhui Island, in addition to Zhenhai Stone and Haiji Compass, they also need
a boat! Hearing this, the Lion King frowned slightly and said, "Do you know the value of a ship in
the Sea of Burial?"
Ye Chen said: "I believe that the value of a sailing ship is far less than the future of Lion Island, and
what I want is not an ordinary ship, but a fast ship!"
The lion king's eyes sank slightly and said: "Young man, I asked you to negotiate terms with me,
which is already a kind of tolerance for you, I hope you don't have to go too far.
Golden Lions, don't like when someone is in front of us, the lion opens his mouth! "
Just an ordinary ship, but a fast ship? A clipper is sometimes the lifeblood of an island's
development. Ye Chen can think of it in one sentence?
However, at this moment, Ye Chen looked directly into the eyes of the Lion King, and said without
retreating: "This fast ship is very important to me. If the Lion King does not allow it, I will withdraw
from the battle of the three beasts!"
The lion king's face gradually darkened and said, "You are threatening me? Do you know what will
happen if you threaten a powerhouse in the realm of realism?"
In an instant, the air in the attic became thick and thick, and at the same time, it gave off a smell of
blood! Ye Chen, at this moment, seems to be in a sea of blood!
His eyes flashed, the lion king's murderous aura was too strong!
However, with his Martial Ancestor Taoism, how could this murderous aura affect him?
Ye Chen said lightly: "This is not a threat, but a deal. The lion king naturally has the right to refuse.
I am not a lion, but I also have my own reasons for this clipper!"
The Lion King stared at Ye Chen, the killing intent in his eyes became stronger and stronger...
However, in the face of this powerful man's terrifying murderous aura, Ye Chen's expression was
not shaken in the slightest.
In the eyes of the lion king, a strange color flashed, even if the general Taizhen realm existed in the
early stage, in his murderous aura, his state of mind would be in danger of collapse, right? But, it
doesn't seem to have any effect on Ye Chen at all?
Even the Lion King, who has experienced countless storms and is extremely experienced, can't
understand the indifferent young man in front of him...
This kid is too out of line, isn't he?
Looking at Ye Chen's calm eyes, the Lion King's face turned a little ugly. If Jin Yang was still there,
he might still have a choice, but now, Jin Yang is seriously injured and cannot participate in the
Three Beasts Tournament at all. In other words, if Ye Chen quits, the Golden Lions will definitely
He cursed inwardly: "Damn, this kid has calculated all this, right?"
He doesn't like being calculated!
After a while, the lion king finally sighed and said, "You won, this king, I promise you..."
Although I feel aggrieved in my heart, the most important thing in the Lion King's heart is the entire
Golden Lion clan!
When Ye Chen heard this, a look of joy flashed in his eyes. "but..."
The Lion King's eyes suddenly froze and said: "Young man, now you have no way out, you can
only win the battle between these three beasts, otherwise, this king will not allow a person who
goes against this king's will to leave Lion King Island safely. !"
Ye Chen's eyes flashed slightly, and he smiled and said, "Please don't worry, Lion King."
At this moment, an extremely loud horn sound suddenly echoed on the Lion King Island.
The Lion King's expression changed and said: "Okay, the battle of the three beasts is about to
begin, let's go to the arena." The next moment, the two of them moved and disappeared from the
attic, walking towards the mineral vein.
On the way, Xuan Hanyu asked Ye Chen in a puzzled way: "Ye Chen, why do you have to use a
fast boat, an ordinary boat should be enough to enter the No Return Island within seven days?"
She knew very well that the confrontation between Ye Chen and the Lion King just now seemed to
be light, but it was actually extremely dangerous! Negotiating conditions with such a powerful
Taizhen king is no different from seeking skin from a tiger!
Ye Chen also deliberately asked for the Clippers?
This undoubtedly greatly increases the risk!
If the Lion King is displeased, he will probably shoot Ye Chen directly!
Ye Chen's eyes flickered slightly, although, now that he has activated the reincarnation bloodline, if
he uses his full strength, even if he loses to the Lion King, he is confident that he can escape from
his hands.
However, in this way, there is no hope for the Ocean Treasure Diamond. In other words, their
secret snatch involving Huaxia and Wanxu this time is completely over...
Ye Chen was silent for a moment, did not answer directly, but said lightly: "Some things are more
important than treasures."
Xuan Hanyu was a little puzzled, this kid has learned to play dumb puzzles now?
Not long after, Ye Chen joined Jin Shanshan and several other contestants under the leadership of
the Lion King.
Then, the lion king flashed and appeared above the mine, and at the same time, two figures
instantly appeared beside him!
A middle-aged man dressed in emerald green robes, with a gloomy complexion, green hair and a
pointed chin, and a young man with silver hair, bloody eyes, a handsome face, and ruthless eyes
These two people are the Snake King of Snake King Island and the Wolf King of Wolf King Island!
Ye Chen's pupils shrank, these two kings are not simply too real! !
Seeing the appearance of the three kings, the audience of the three tribes instantly burst into
The Lion King smiled and said loudly: "Everyone, I won't say more nonsense, now, please enter
the three races!"
At this moment, on the open space in the mine vein, three platforms are built. On the platforms,
there are statues of lions, snakes, and wolves, corresponding to the three clans!
Immediately, the evildoers of the three clans boarded the platform one after another and appeared
in front of everyone!
Above the stands, there was another burst of applause!
At this moment, Ye Chen looked at the other two platforms, and saw that there were five people
standing on each platform, his eyes swept across the faces of everyone, and quickly locked on two
A young man from the Jade Snake Clan with curly green hair like a green snake and a sinister
smile on the corner of his mouth, and a woman with a beautiful face and silver hair reaching his
These two people can be said to stand out among the contestants of the two races!
The young man and the woman were all still in the eighth layer of the real world! And it’s not even
an ordinary eight-layered sky!
A bit stronger than Jin Yang's breath, obviously, this is the leader Jin Shanshan said!
At this moment, the stand suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes focused on the platform of
the Golden Lions.
Chapter 5264 Super Monster
There are two reasons, one, there are only four contestants of the Golden Lion clan!
Two, one of them turned out to be the cultivation base of Qiankun Realm?
Except for Ye Chen, the expressions of the other Golden Lion contestants were a little ugly. Jin
Yang was seriously injured by Ye Chen, and they could not find other substitutes temporarily...
At this moment, there was a burst of laughter from the stand, and he said sarcastically, "Is there no
one from the Golden Lions who can be sent to the competition? Why are there only four people?"
"Perhaps, that's really the case, didn't you see that even the guys in the universe climbed up to
"Hoho, the golden lion clan is getting more and more mixed, and the winner of the battle of the
three beasts this time seems to have been born again between the jade snake clan and the silver
wolf clan." "Is the kid in the universe here to be funny?"
When the contestants of the Jade Snake Clan and the Silver Wolf Clan heard the words, they all
sneered and didn't even look at the Golden Lion Clan. In their eyes, the Golden Lion Clan, who had
been at the bottom of the three beast battles several times, was not their opponent at all!
The battle of the three beasts, renamed the battle of the two beasts, seems more appropriate! The
lion king's expression was also a little unsightly. He coughed lightly, and faintly released a hint of
coercion, and the scene instantly became quiet!
The Lion King said: "Please lead the three clans and introduce yourself."
Generally speaking, in the battle of the three beasts, the three clans will send a stunning monster
to lead the team, and the audience is naturally quite curious about these monsters. So, as is
customary, these leaders are asked to introduce themselves.
At this time, the young man from the Jade Snake Clan took a step forward slowly and said with a
smile, "This son is the leader of the Jade Snake Clan, and his name is She Han. In the last three
beasts contest, my Jade Snake Clan got the name of the Beast King. , This time, this young master
will continue the glory of the Jade Snake Clan!"
As soon as the voice fell, the Jade Snake Clan in the stands showed excitement and shouted She
Han's name. Obviously, he is very popular among the Jade Snake Clan!
At this time, the silver-haired woman also stepped forward and said, "I, Yin Qiong from the Silver
Wolf Clan, this time my Silver Wolf Clan will definitely take back what the Jade Snake Clan stole
from us!"
For a time, the audience of the Silver Wolf clan was also enthusiastic!
The Jade Snake Clan and the Silver Wolf Clan are full of gunpowder smell as soon as they come
up! Soon, everyone focused their attention on the platform of the Golden Lions, and in their eyes, it
was pondering.
They wanted to see what the leader of the Golden Lion clan could say.
On the side of the Golden Lions, the highest cultivation base is only the seventh heaven, which is
several grades behind Yin Qiong and She Han!
But, an unexpected scene appeared!
I saw that Ye Chen, who was the least favored by everyone, Ye Chen, who was considered a joke,
actually stepped forward slowly and walked into the sight of everyone, and said lightly, "Golden
Lions, Jin Chen."
There are no rhetoric, just five simple words... But it shocked the whole arena!
Even the snake king and the wolf king had strange expressions on their faces.
The Snake King looked at the Lion King and smiled sarcastically: "Old Lion, even if you Golden
Lions have no chance to win, don't give up on yourself? You know, the battle of the three beasts is
a tradition since ancient times and needs to be respected."
The wolf king also said with some disdain, "Are you looking for a clown to perform? The Golden
Lions seem to be in decline."
At this moment, the Lion King had a calm expression, facing the sarcasm of the two and said
casually, "Maybe, Jin Chen can bring you some surprises, maybe?"
The other two kings frowned when they heard the words, but they didn't care too much. What kind
of storm can a kid in the universe create? Just then, a loud bell rang!
The Lion King's eyes flashed, and he shouted loudly: "The battle of the three beasts, start now!"
In an instant, the monsters of all ethnic groups moved and shot towards the depths of the mineral
vein, and the figures of everyone appeared on the giant shadow crystal above the mineral vein!
At this time, among the Golden Lion Race contestants, the only woman appeared beside Ye Chen
and said, "Leader, what should I do now?"
Marven Ye said: "Each one of them split up to find the Treasure Diamond."
Those Golden Lion contestants voted excitedly and said, "Yes!"
Although Ye Chen showed great strength, they thought that they knew this ore very well, so they
naturally didn't want to be bound by Ye Chen, and it was best to act freely!
At this moment, the names of the three clans are displayed on the three huge image crystals, and
there are several smaller names under the names of the three clans, which represent the
contestants of each clan. At the same time, the names of the three clans and the contestants'
There is a number under the name.
This number represents the precious diamonds mined by all races and contestants!
Soon, the number below Yin Qiong's name jumped!
I saw that on the screen, a silver-haired girl slammed into a mountain wall and slammed a punch,
and a crystal-like ore appeared behind the mountain wall, and in this crystal, it seemed to contain a
faint hint of With a very beautiful diamond that exudes seven-color brilliance! It's the Treasure
The silver-haired girl let out a low voice, and a violent force erupted from her delicate body, with a
pick-shaped magic weapon in her hand, which slammed into the crystal and bombarded it down!
Don't underestimate this crystal wall, its hardness is quite high, the most important thing is that in
the process of destroying the crystal wall, you cannot use any energy such as spiritual power,
demon power, etc., otherwise, the Ocean Treasure Diamond will be damaged!
The sound of rumbling continued, the hard crystal wall shattered crazily under Yin Qiong's
tremendous force, and the entire ore vein seemed to be under constant bombardment, shaking like
a shock! Everyone's eyes widened, and some couldn't believe that there was such a terrifying
power in that seemingly weak body!
Soon, the Aquamarine Diamond appeared in front of the silver-haired girl!
Yin Qiong, won the first Sea Pole Diamond!
The number below its name has also become one!
At the same time, Ye Chen's figure flashed in the ore veins, a huge spiritual sense rushed out, and
there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.
The reason why Ye Chen is so confident in winning the battle of the three beasts is that in addition
to strength, the biggest reliance is divine sense!
The demon clan has a weakness, that is, the power of divine sense is weak!
And the three orcs inherited the blood of the powerful demon clan, and they also inherited this flaw
while being blessed with physical strength!
That is, the power of the divine sense of the three beasts is not strong!
At least, it is far inferior to Ye Chen!
In an instant, Ye Chen's powerful spiritual sense invaded into the hard rock wall, and instantly
grasped all the information in the rock wall around him, whether he had the Ocean Treasure
Diamond, and the amount of the Ocean Treasure Diamond. Chen, I understand each one!
This is something that the contestants of the Three Orcs absolutely cannot do!
Ye Chen's eyes became brighter and brighter, but he never stopped to mine!
seems to be looking for something... Soon, half an hour has passed!
Under the names of the contestants of the three races, different numbers are displayed, more or
less, all have gains!
Among them, Yin Qiong and She Han are far ahead in the number of precious diamonds mined!
While the others were still hovering in the single digits, Yin Qiong and She Han's Treasure
Diamonds had exceeded thirty!
Chapter 5265 No insults allowed!
For a time, everyone was horrified by the talents of these two evildoers!
However, there is one exception...
At this moment, the number under Ye Chen's name has not changed since the start of the game, it
is still zero! As the leader of the team, even several other contestants in the Golden Lion are far
For a while, not to mention the Jade Snake Clan and the Silver Wolf Clan, even the audience of the
Golden Lion Clan, looking at the indifferent young man who was still running on the screen, had
extremely disgusted and angry expressions on their faces. !
Is this kid here to go shopping? No action so far? Even the Lion King couldn't help frowning slightly
at this moment, not understanding what Ye Chen was doing! You must know that the competition
time for the battle of the three beasts is only three hours!
Even if Ye Chen's strength far surpasses Yin Qiong and She Han, and is half an hour behind, it is
hard to say whether he can win in the end!
The Wolf King and the Snake King both laughed and said, "Brother Lion, you are right, this kid
really gave us a surprise!" "Lao Shi, are you sure, this kid doesn't have the blood of my Jade Snake
Clan, why do I think he deliberately helped my Jade Snake Clan win?"
When the Lion King heard the words, his face became a little gloomy, but now he can't refute it at
all! Ye Chen in the ore vein suddenly changed his expression, and a hint of surprise appeared in
his eyes, looking towards a cave!
The next moment, he flashed and entered the cave!
When the audience of the Golden Lions saw this, their expressions became ugly...
This cave is quite famous among the Golden Lions, and it is called the indestructible cave! Why is
it called the Unbreakable Cave?
That's because the rock in the cave is extremely strong, and spiritual power can hardly cause
damage to the rock. It is difficult for even the Golden Lions to break the rock in this cave with pure
Therefore, it got the indestructible name!
This cosmos realm kid ran into this indestructible cave, what is he going to do?
Just under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ye Chen once again shocked the audience!
I saw that he stopped at the center of the Indestructible Cave and stared at the rock under his feet.
The next moment, he took out his pickaxe without hesitation and slammed it down on the ground!
For a while, the audience of the Golden Lions couldn't stand it any longer, and couldn't help but
scolded: "Boy, are you taking the battle of the three beasts as a game!"
"Get out of the arena, don't embarrass our Golden Lions!"
"Boy, are you a spy sent by the other two races?"
Ye Chen went shopping for a long time, but finally chose to mine in the Cave of Unbreakables?
Does this have a brain?
If nothing else, just based on the strength of his universe, there is no possibility of even breaking
the rock of the indestructible cave, right?
At this moment, Ye Chen's pick made contact with the ground of the unbreakable cave!
The next moment, a terrifying bang suddenly burst out from the cave of invulnerability!
At this moment, Tianjiao in the entire mountain range felt a violent shock, even She Han and Yin
Qiong were shocked and looked in the direction of the Unbreakable Cave!
And the entire auditorium was even more silent in an instant...
I saw that in the picture, there was dust all over the sky, and under Ye Chen's pickaxe, the rock on
the ground of the indestructible cave was blasted out into a deep pit!
Everyone can't help but take a deep breath, and can't say anything!
Those people from the Golden Lion clan looked like monsters. Looking at Ye Chen, all the taunts
were swallowed in their stomachs, and they were completely frightened!
They can't believe their eyes!
Because, these people are very aware of the terrifying power contained in this pickaxe!
It's impossible at all, it's what a Universe Realm existence can have!
For a while, they understood the reason why Ye Chen was chosen as the team leader...
At this moment, the snake king and the wolf king are also stunned, this pickaxe, even they were
In terms of strength alone, Ye Chen has far surpassed She Han and Yin Qiong, right?
However, the Snake King soon regained his calm, and said with a cold smile: "It seems that there
are indeed unimaginable evildoers in the Golden Lion clan, but unfortunately, it is impossible to win
the battle of the three beasts with only strength and no brains. of..."
The wolf king also said: "That cave is the famous indestructible cave on Lion King Island, right?
Originally, with his advantage in strength, he might be able to recover the wasted half an hour, ho
ho, unfortunately he chose to enter The Unbreakable Cave, even if he can break through the rocks
in the cave, the mining efficiency is extremely low, so the Golden Lions have no chance of making
a comeback!"
There was also a touch of anger in the eyes of the Lion King!
Is this kid deliberately playing with himself?
He is very aware of Ye Chen's details. He is not a member of the Golden Lion clan, but he can also
perceive it with his spiritual sense alone. The rock in the Unbreakable Cave is extremely hard,
Or is it that Ye Chen wanted to prove his strength, so he deliberately chose the difficulty to hit the
audience in the face? Ye Chen did it, but he had to pay the price of victory!
At this moment, the audience of Jade Snake Clan and Silver Wolf Clan exclaimed, "What a
terrifying power!"
"Qiankun Realm? Does this inherit the complete Tianshi bloodline?"
"I'm afraid, even the real Tianshi, Qiankun Realm does not have such power?"
However, they spoke in a laughing tone, because although Ye Chen's strength was terrifying, he
made the wrong choice and had no brains, and still would not shake the victory of the Silver Wolf
Clan and the Jade Snake Clan!
And the people of the Golden Lion clan are even more angry at this moment!
Different from the despised anger just now, this time it was an anger towards Ye Chen's attitude!
You obviously have strength, but you deliberately don't show it?
First shopping for half an hour, and then mining in the Unbreakable Cave?
Is Marven Ye trying to avenge their mockery just now?
But, even if you take revenge, you shouldn't take revenge with the honor of the entire race! Those
Golden Lions spectators shouted: "Boy, we are wrong, we are willing to bear whatever you want to
beat and scold us in the future, now, let's play well!"
"Boy, we already know your strength, you don't need to prove anything, start mining seriously now,
it's still too late!"
"Don't be arrogant, the glory of my Golden Lion clan is more important!"
At this moment, Jin Shanshan looked at Ye Chen with disappointment on her face!
She knew that Ye Chen was arrogant, mad, and could not tolerate insults! However, Ye Chen
clearly promised to take back the name of the Beast King for the Golden Lions!
Now, after being laughed at by those ignorant audiences for a few words, they will break their
promise and take revenge on the honor and future of the entire Golden Lion clan?
One unhappy talk doesn't count?
She didn't expect that Ye Chen was such an unbearable person!
Chapter 5266 The momentum is like a
Besides, most of the Golden Lions are innocent. Until now, they have not insulted Ye Chen and
supported Ye Chen without saying a word!
But, no matter how the Golden Lion audience apologized, even pleaded, and knelt down, Ye Chen
was unmoved at all, and bombarded the ground of the unbreakable cave with all his heart! In the
blink of an eye, two hours passed!
At this moment, the numbers under the names of She Han and Yin Qiong have both exceeded one
hundred! The Ocean Treasure Diamonds mined by the Jade Snake Clan and the Silver Wolf Clan
also opened a huge gap with the Golden Lion Clan!
And the number under Ye Chen's name is still zero until now!
For a time, the audience of the Golden Lions were desperate, all bowed their heads, and even
shed tears... If Ye Chen wanted to punish them, then they admitted that Ye Chen had done a great
job... Now, these people are all regrets to the extreme!
Even the Lion King's face was slightly distorted, his pupils trembled wildly with endless anger,
almost melting his brain! He even began to wonder if Ye Chen was really bought by the two guys,
the Snake King and the Wolf King...
And the wolf king and the snake king looked at the lion king with smiles all over their faces. There
was only one hour left, and the defeat of the golden lion clan was decided!
Now, even if Ye Chen is willing to leave the Cave of Unbreakables, it is too late to return to the
mines to mine again!
The entire Golden Lion Clan stared at Chuanyingjing with countless pairs of eyes, and the
indifferent young man's eyes were filled with endless anger!
Time passed minute by minute, and soon, there was only one stick of incense left until the end of
the battle of the three beasts!
At this moment, the achievements of the three clans are:
Jade Snake Clan: 267 Treasures of the Sea, of which She Han excavated 132
Silver Wolf Clan: 271 Silmarils, of which Yin Qiong excavated 135
Golden Lion Clan: Eighty-four Treasures of the Sea, of which Ye Chen excavated...
Zero! Got nothing! The audience of the Silver Wolf Clan is ready to celebrate, and their victory
seems to be doomed! On the other hand, the audience of the Jade Snake Clan looked nervous.
Now, there is no chance of a comeback!
Only the Golden Lions are desperate, completely desperate, and even, they have no interest in
continuing to watch Chuanyingjing...
No one noticed that Ye Chen, who was sweating like rain and struggling to bombard the ground in
the Unbreakable Cave, raised a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. His eyes lit up, and his
whole body burst out with great strength, facing the ground under his feet. Full blast!
At the same time, he whispered softly, "It's buried deeper than I thought, but everything is under
The next moment, a louder roar than before erupted in an instant, rolling earth and rocks, and
splashing in all directions under the surging power. At this moment, the audience who were paying
attention to the Jade Snake Clan and the Silver Wolf Clan Chuanyingjing suddenly faced each
other. The color of pain appeared, and an extremely dazzling bright light suddenly burst out and
stabbed their eyes instantly!
Everyone looked at the light source, but saw that it was the shadow crystal of the Golden Lion clan
that emitted strong light! To be precise, it was the telekinesis crystal that displayed the image of the
Unbroken Cave!
At this moment, the Unbreakable Cave was instantly enveloped by a seven-color brilliance! The
eyes of all the audience were instantly attracted by this vision, and they looked at the shadow
crystal in confusion... What the hell happened in the unbroken cave?
After a while, the light converged, and the pictures in the Unbreakable Cave reappeared in front of
everyone... In an instant, everyone's pupils could not help but tremble!
I saw an indifferent young man standing above a crystal wall...
And under that crystal wall, there is a stream formed by seven-color brilliance...
The entire mountain range fell silent, and the sound of breathing disappeared...
All the audience, especially the audience of the Golden Lion clan, all had their mouths open, their
jaws falling to the ground, and their eyes were filled with incomparable excitement!
Even the Lion King, Wolf King, and Snake King were all shocked. The Wolf King opened his eyes
wide and couldn't help but whispered, "Impossible! How could this be!"
Seeing that victory is in front of the Silver Wolf Clan, who would have thought that such an
incredible thing would happen at the last moment! That stream that shines with seven-color
brilliance is the ore vein that contains many extremely precious diamonds!
The snake king looked ugly and said, "Could it be that this kid discovered this ore vein from the
very beginning?" The wolf king's face sank and said: "I found it at the beginning? This mineral vein
is hidden deep in the ground, even if you and I may not be able to find it, how can this kid do it?"
The next moment, a fierce light flashed on his face, looked at the Lion King, and sneered: "Lion
King, you are not cheating, are you? In order to win the battle of the three beasts, he found the
location of the mine in advance, and then told this time?"
Hearing this, the Snake King's expression darkened as he stared at the Lion King.
The Lion King looked at the two of them coldly and said, "You should be very clear, we all swear by
the heart of the Tao, and we will not cheat in the battle of the three beasts. Besides, you have also
said that with our gods Even if I think about it, I may not be able to find this ore vein, so even if I
know that there is a ore vein in the Unbreakable Cave, I can't be sure that it is the Ocean Treasure
Diamond ! the most important point is..."
The Lion King smiled disdainfully and said, "This kid, normal competition is enough to crush the
two of you, right? Why should I let him win in such a risky way?"
For a time, the expressions of the snake king and the wolf king were a little ugly...
What the Lion King said makes sense... That is to say, this ore vein was really discovered by Ye
Chen himself? Even these two real kings were frightened... This kid is less than a hundred years
old !!
Not only does he have the strongest physical power, but his spiritual sense is so defiant? If you
want to cultivate such a genius, you must have a huge background to do it, right? Originally, they
all thought that the Golden Lions were in decline, and even had the idea of attacking Lion King
Island, but now...
Both the Wolf King and the Snake King can't help but be shaken...
The Golden Lions with such a profound background, even if they have declined a little on the
surface, can they gnaw on this hard bone?
At this time, the wolf king took a deep breath and snorted: "The result is not certain, this crystal wall
is so thick, it is not easy to break it in a stick of incense!"
The snake king also nodded heavily!
At this moment, Ye Chen's eyes flashed, and the mining pick in his hand slammed against the
crystal wall and slammed it down. With the deafening sound of collision, the audience of the
Golden Lions became more and more excited. Who suddenly shouted: "Jin Chen!" This cry seems
to have completely detonated everyone's emotions!
Countless Golden Lion clansmen shouted, "Jin Chen! Jin Chen! Jin Chen!"
When the audience of the other two clans saw this, their expressions changed. At this moment, the
Golden Lion clan's aura was like a rainbow, which gave them an unstoppable feeling and great
The time of a stick of incense is about to pass, and finally, the last layer of thin crystal wall was also
broken by the bombardment of the mining pick, and the countless treasures of the sea were
revealed in front of everyone!
The next moment, Ye Chen waved his hand, and countless Silmarils entered his storage bag one
after another.
At the same time, a bell rang through the Lion King Island, and the Lion King shouted: "Time is up!
The battle of the three beasts, the game is over!"
Just now, the arena that was still shouting loudly became quiet in an instant. Every audience
member was staring at the scoreboard of the Golden Lions with great tension! All eyes fell on Jin
Chen's name... At this moment, the position that originally displayed zero, a burst of light flashed...
The next moment, it turned into a terrifying figure...
Ye Chen's score was impressively 13,820!
Chapter 5267 Water family!
At this moment, the achievements of the Jade Snake Clan and the Silver Wolf Clan have not
changed from the previous one!
These two clans, together, can't even get a fraction of Ye Chen's!
This battle of the three beasts can be said to be a great victory for the Golden Lions!
All the Golden Lions audience cheered with all their strength at this moment!
Many people have even burst into tears! how many years?
Hundreds of thousands of years, right? The Golden Lions have been trampled on by the other two
orcs, and have suffered humiliation and ridicule...
The proud lion, but lost the glory of the beast king, had to lie down under the snake wolf... This, for
countless Golden Lions, is a huge torture!
But, now, the sleeping lion has finally woken up and has risen strongly. They have once again won
the title of Beastmaster! Ye Chen is the hero of the entire Golden Lion clan!
At this moment, the contestants of the Silver Wolf Clan and Jade Snake Clan don't seem to know
all of this yet. They are a little surprised why the audience of the Golden Lion Clan is so excited?
Soon, all the contestants returned to the platform at the entrance of the mine...
When they saw the score on the scoreboard, these contestants seemed to have a hundred
thousand thunders hitting their heads at the same time, and all the orcs were petrified in an instant!
Thirteen thousand eight hundred and twenty?
Are you sure this isn't showing an error?
In particular, it was Yin Qiong and She Han, who were completely unwilling to accept it!
However, at this moment, the announcement of the Lion King suddenly sounded: "This time, the
winner of the battle of the three beasts, the Golden Lion Clan!
Today, the Golden Lions regained the title of Beast King! "
At the pier of Lion King Island, three figures appeared here, and in front of the three people stood a
large golden ship with a carved lion's head!
The three, two young men, and a middle-aged man were Ye Chen, Hong Shuntian, and the Lion
The lion king looked at the big ship in front of him with some reluctance, and said, "This golden
flying lion is a fast boat among the fast boats, and it is also the boat that this king likes most. Top,
now, according to to the agreement, this ship is yours."
Ye Chen heard the words and said with a smile, "Thank you, Lion King."
The lion king also smiled and said, "No, boy, it should be this king thank you, what you brought to
the golden lion clan is a mere clipper, which is far incomparable."
Ye Chen said lightly: "It's just a matter of being loyal to people who are entrusted by others."
At this time, the lion king said curiously, "Boy, this king has a question, even if you don't take the
risk of mining that terrestrial diamond lode, you can easily win the battle of the three beasts, why
did you choose in the end? Where is the mine?" Ye Chen didn't successfully mine the ore vein until
the last moment, obviously taking the risk.
Ye Chen's eyes flashed slightly: "Because, in my opinion, the name of the beast king is so
important to the Golden Lions, on the one hand, it is to deter the other two big beasts, and on the
other hand, it is the Yangjin Lions Wei, inspiring, let the Golden Lions regain their self-confidence...
Simply winning, even numerically surpassing, is not enough in any way, so...
Not only to win, but also to win big! And, win exciting, win exciting!
Therefore, that ore vein is the best choice. "
The Lion King heard the words, his eyes widened, and he looked at Ye Chen in a daze. As Ye
Chen said, only in this way can it truly bring hope for the re-emergence of the Golden Lions!
After a while, he smiled bitterly and said, "Have you even thought about this? It seems that you are
not only extraordinary in terms of strength and mentality, but also outstanding in intelligence. Now,
I am a little pity that you are not the real Golden Lion. clan." After saying that, the Lion King turned
around and left and said, "Boy, remember my name, this king, named Jin Xiaoye, the Golden Lions
and I both owe you a favor, I will not forget this matter!"
After the Lion King left, Ye Chen handed the Oceanic Silmaril to Hong Shuntian and said,
"Shuntian, how long does it take to make this Oceanic Compass?"
Hong Shuntian pondered for a moment and said, "Three days! In these three days, I need to
concentrate on refining without the slightest distraction!"
Ye Chen nodded and said, "Okay, let's get on the boat."
In a flash, the two of them boarded the golden flying lion and entered the power room at the same
With Ye Chen's strength, it is enough to drive this big ship alone! He snorted lowly, and the
enormous power surged out of his body, pouring into the oars!
The next moment, countless runes suddenly appeared on the hull of the Golden Flying Lion, and
they shot out like a golden lightning! There was a look of joy in the eyes of both of them! The speed
of this golden ship is simply unexpected!
With this big ship, their journey will be much smoother!
But, at this time, sensing the direction of Ye Chen's advance, Hong Shuntian's eyes flashed:
"Brother Ye, this direction is not the sea route to Taiming Island..."
Ye Chen said lightly: "I want to go to Suiming Island first. With this ship, even if I go to Suiming
Island now, it is enough to enter No Return Island within seven days."
Hong Shuntian smiled when he heard the words, it turned out that the reason why Ye Chen asked
the Clippers was to prepare for this...
He nod and said no more. He sat on the futon with a large cauldron in front of him. Hong Shuntian
threw the Sea Treasure Diamond and several kinds of spiritual materials into the cauldron, and
then, An extremely fiery breath surged up in the power room, and Hong Shuntian had already
activated the bloodline of the Red Phoenix!
He pointed a finger, and a scarlet spark fell into the big cauldron. The next moment, those
seemingly solid spiritual materials began to melt in an instant!
The biggest force on Suiming Island is the Shui family, and the affairs of the entire island are
completely controlled by the Shui family.
In the center of the island, there is a huge mansion, it is the water mansion!
At this moment, a woman with a very beautiful face appeared outside the water gate.
The woman walked straight towards the mansion, and a middle-aged servant at the gate of the
guard shouted, "Stop! Who are you, how dare you break into the water house!"
However, when the man saw the woman's face clearly, an unbelievable expression appeared on
his face, and he froze in place...
And a young domestic servant standing beside him, his expression sank, and he shouted in a low
voice: "What about you? Deaf? Don't know the answer?"
As soon as he finished speaking, he was going to take a shot at Shui Jinghua and block him!
Although Shui Jinghua is a true martial artist, his strength is far superior to him, but he is the
servant of the Shui family!
Who dares to do something to the people of the Shui family on this Suiming Island?
Therefore, this servant has nothing to fear!
But, at this moment, the middle-aged servant suddenly raised his foot and kicked the young
servant away!
The young servant threw a dog and ate shit, looked at the middle-aged servant with a puzzled face
and said, "Uncle Yuan, why are you kicking me?"
Chapter 5268 The loophole of Zu Xun!
Shui Yuan looked at the young man and shouted: "Kick you? Kick you, it's considered light! Do you
know who this is? This girl is the second young lady of my Shui family!"
With that said, Shui Yuan respectfully saluted Shui Jinghua, "Second Miss, you are finally back."
Hearing this, the young servant's expression changed fiercely. He had only recently joined the Shui
family. Before that, Shui Jinghua had left Buried Heaven Sea for many years! Unexpectedly, now
he has seen it with his own eyes! Immediately, the young domestic servant said nervously,
"Second Miss, just now, I have no eyes..."
Shui Jinghua looked at the huge mansion in front of her, a complex color appeared in her beautiful
eyes, she said lightly, "Go and tell my sister, I'm back."
After saying that, her figure flashed, and she walked towards a courtyard in the water mansion with
In the water house, in a huge living room, there are two figures, a man and a woman.
The woman's face was beautiful, although it wasn't stunning, she was still very outstanding, and
her appearance was vaguely similar to Shui Jinghua.
This woman's name is Shui Qianqian, and she is Shui Jinghua's half-sister. At this moment, Shui
Qianqian has a gloomy expression on her face, and she is obviously not in a good mood! Sitting
next to her was a rather handsome young man with slightly dark complexion, sipping tea leisurely.
This man's name is Zhong Lang. He looks young, but he is actually over 10,000 years old.
Moreover, this Zhong Lang's aura is also extremely surging and threatening!
At this time, several figures appeared at the door of the living room and walked towards the hall.
These people, with strong breath, are the elders of the water clan.
The elders of the water family saluted Shui Qianqian, "Miss."
Shui Qianqian said in a deep voice, "Several elders, you must have known that, Shui Jinghua, has
now returned." When the elders heard the words, their eyes flickered slightly.
Shui Qianqian said: "In the past, when the marriage was forced, several of you couldn't get rid of it.
If this girl really inherits the position of the head of the family, what will happen to you, I don't need
to say more?"
One of the elders frowned and said, "What does the eldest miss mean?"
Shui Qianqian's eyes faintly said: "Shui Jinghua's return this time must be for the position of the
head of the family!
And if she wants to inherit the position of the head of the family, according to tradition, she has to
pass the secret realm trial of the Shui family!
I want to know, in the opinion of several elders, can Shui Jinghua pass this secret realm test with
his current strength? " The elders hesitated for a moment and then said, "With the current strength
of Second Young Lady, there is a great chance to pass the trial..."
When Shui Qianqian heard the words, her expression became more and more ugly, and she
shouted: "I don't allow her to participate in the trial! She escaped from the sea of burial back then,
but now she is not qualified to inherit the position of the head of the family!"
In the living room, it was quiet for a while, and after a while, an elder sighed and said, "Miss, the
Patriarch has already passed on to the Second Miss, and she is the only one qualified to
participate in the Shui Family Secret Realm Trial. People, according to the ancestral teachings, we
must not stop you!
Back then, her strength was not enough to pass the test, so she escaped from the sea of burial,
and now, I am afraid there is no way to prevent the second young lady from becoming the head of
the water family..."
There was a very resentful look in her beautiful eyes. In her opinion, the position of the head of the
family should clearly belong to her!
But my father passed it on to that damn girl!
Back then, she tried her best to force Shui Jinghua to death, and finally, she finally forced Shui
Jinghua out of the sea of burial, and she also got her wish to become the person in charge of the
Shui family!
As long as Shui Jinghua has been missing for a hundred years, according to the ancestral
teaching, she Shui Qianqian can become the heir to the position of the head of the family!
A hundred years is almost here, Shui Qianqian has dreamed that she will become the owner of the
house in the future, but at this moment, Shui Jinghua is back!
Shui Qianqian gritted her teeth, she was used to holding power, how could she be willing to let it go
now? She smashed the teacup on the table into pieces and shouted angrily, "Get out! Get me out!"
The elders looked at each other and exited the hall.
In the living room, only Shui Qianqian and Zhong Lang were left again.
At this time, Zhong Lang slowly put down the teacup, and said calmly, "Qianqian, this time you
came to me specifically for this?"
Shui Qianqian's beautiful eyes lit up at Zhong Lang and said, "Master Zhong, is there any way to
stop her from participating in the trial?"
This Zhong Lang is the island owner of a land island. He is very powerful and has outstanding
abilities. He admires Shui Qianqian, and although Shui Qianqian has not yet formally become a
Taoist partner with Zhong Lang, he is already quite dependent on Zhong Lang . . Hearing this,
Zhong Lang shook his head and said, "No."
When Shui Qianqian heard the words, she showed a very unwilling look on her face!
Could it be that she really wants to hand over the Shui family?
However, this clock Lang smiled slightly. This smile looked gentle, but it was inexplicably
frightening! He said again: "But, I have a way to let her die!"
Shui Qianqian's expression changed slightly: "Young Master Zhong, you can't take action against
her, otherwise, you will violate the ancestral teaching. Even if she dies, I will not be able to become
the head of the Shui family... "
Zhong Lang said, "What if I said that I did not violate the ancestral teaching of the Shui family and
put her to death?" When Shui Qianqian heard the words, her eyes lit up.
Zhong Lang waved his hand, and suddenly there was a light blue water polo in front of him. When
Shui Qianqian saw the water polo, she exclaimed in surprise, "Tianqing Lingshui!?"
The people of the water family have a special system and can devour all kinds of spiritual water to
improve their strength. This Tianqing Lingshui is a top-quality spiritual water, and it is a treasure for
the water family!
In Shui Qianqian's eyes, a hint of greed could not help but emerge!
However, at this time, Zhong Lang's hand flashed again, and there was something more. I saw that
what appeared in Zhong Lang's hands was a black flower.
Shui Qianqian asked with some doubts, "This is?"
Zhong Lang said lightly, "Blood-corrosion flower." "It's actually a bloody flower!?"
Shui Qianqian looked at the jet-black flower with a hint of fear on her face!
The blood-eroding flower is an extremely rare spiritual flower, and it is also one of the most
terrifying poisons in the Heaven Burying Sea!
It is not poisonous in itself, it is colorless and odorless, but once this blood-corroding flower is
combined with spiritual water, it can become highly poisonous!
The higher the rank of the spirit water, the stronger the toxicity of the Blood Erosion Flower!
Especially for the water family!
Shui Qianqian looked at Tianqing Lingshui and Blood Erosion Flower, frowned slightly and said,
"Young Master Zhong, did you mean to poison Shui Jinghua?"
Zhong Lang squinted his eyes and said, "Poisoning? All we have to do is put this celestial water
with blood-eroding flowers in the secret realm. If Shui Jinghua absorbed this celestial water, it
would also be Her own choice, so, wouldn't she not go against the ancestral teachings of the Shui
When Shui Qianqian heard this, a look of joy flashed across her pretty face!
In the ancestral training, it seems that this loophole does exist!
Chapter 5269 Tianqing Lingshui
She knows very well that no Shui family can resist the temptation of Tianqing Lingshui, even Shui
Jinghua! In this way, Shui Jinghua will surely die in the secret realm!
However, doing this also carries a lot of risks. If this matter spreads, the elders of the water family
will not sit idly by! For a time, Shui Qianqian hesitated.
Zhong Lang's eyes flashed slightly and said: "Qianqian, if you want to be safe once and for all, you
need to take some risks, but with me, even those elders, what can they do to you?
The most important thing is that if Shui Jinghua becomes a dead person, there is no benefit in
taking action for her! " This world is so real!
When Shui Qianqian heard the words, a decisive light flashed in her eyes, and she gritted her
teeth: "Okay, Young Master Zhong, follow me now and enter the secret realm!"
Today, she is the acting head of the Shui family, and has the token to open the secret realm in her
hand, but she is not the real successor and cannot accept the secret realm trial.
At the same time, in a plain and elegant wing, Shui Jinghua slowly opened her eyes, and now she
has adjusted to her peak state.
The next moment, she moved and walked out of the house, and soon came to a living room. There
are two people sitting on the main seat in the hall, it is Shui Qianqian and Zhong Lang. In the first
place, there are also several elders of the water family.
Shui Jinghua stared at her half-sister, and said coldly: "Sister, why did I return to the Shui family,
you should be very clear, I will not leave if I don't inherit the position of the head of the family.
Yesterday, you evaded that you couldn't find the token of the secret realm and did not allow me to
conduct the trial. Today, what excuse do you have?
If you stop me from entering the secret realm again, it will go against the teachings of the
ancestors. "
When Shui Qianqian heard the words, she smiled and said, "What are you talking about, sister?
How dare I stop you, sister?"
With that, she stood up and said, "Come with me."
A strange color flashed in Shui Jing Huamei's eyes, and Shui Qianqian's accommodation surprised
her. Soon, everyone followed Shui Qianqian to the water house, in front of a towering ancient tree.
Shui Jinghua stared at this ancient tree, the light in his eyes loomed, where this ancient tree is
located is the entrance to the secret realm!
The next moment, Shui Qianqian took out a simple token, and when the spiritual power in the body
turned, a ray of light shot out from the token and fell on the ancient tree!
A strong spatial fluctuation surged out from the ancient tree, and the blue light on the trunk flashed
wildly, and gradually twisted into a set of blurred channels.
Shui Qianqian looked at Shui Jinghua with some playfulness and said, "Sister, please, I wish you
pass the trial and become the head of my Shui family."
Shui Jinghua glanced at Shui Qianqian, ignored it, and entered the blue channel with a flash. After
a while, Shui Jinghua came to another space.
In front of her, a stone tablet was erected, and the stone tablet was engraved with dense text. The
stone tablet was inscribed with the ancestral teachings of the Shui family!
This stone tablet is a treasure and possesses a certain spirituality. If it violates the ancestral
precepts, the stone tablet will respond and punish it! This is also the reason why the Shui family
attaches great importance to ancestral teachings.
At this moment, Shui Jinghua's palm was scorching hot, and a golden rune appeared, and the rune
was generally the same as that inscribed on the Shui family crest.
The next moment, Shui Jinghua pressed his palm on the stone tablet and said, "Shui Jinghua, the
descendant of the Shui family, wants to challenge the trial to inherit the position of the head of the
In an instant, the golden light on the stele flashed wildly, and a certain change occurred in the
entire space!
An old voice resounded from the stone tablet: "The trial begins!"
As soon as Shui Jinghua's figure moved, she shot out towards the front, and countless golden
lights suddenly fell from the sky and shot towards her.
Shui Jinghua's beautiful eyes flashed, and her figure was twisted for a while, and she continued to
walk in the gap between the golden rain by relying on her movement.
At this moment, in a large and luxuriously furnished room, there is a huge shadow crystal, and the
image in the secret realm is displayed on the shadow crystal.
Before Chuanyingjing, a man and a woman stood, it was Shui Qianqian and Zhong Lang!
Seeing Shui Jinghua in the secret realm, constantly breaking through, Shui Qianqian couldn't help
but snorted coldly, her eyes were full of jealousy, even she had to admit that Shui Jinghua's talent
for martial arts was far above her!
But soon, Shui Qianqian sneered and said, "How about the talent in martial arts? Hoho, isn't it
going to die in my hands?"
Zhong Lang also had a cruel look on his face. At first, what he liked was actually Shui Jinghua. At
that time, his strength far surpassed that of Shui Jinghua. However, after confessing to Shui
Jinghua, Shui Jinghua did not treat him at all. Graciously refused!
Since then, Zhong Lang has been holding a grudge!
He secretly sneered: "Shui Jinghua, this is the end of the ignorance of praise!"
With Shui Jinghua's strength in this trial, it can be said that she has overcome thorns and thorns,
and she moves very fast, and a smile is raised on the corner of her mouth. The head of the house!
At this moment, Shui Jinghua's eyes suddenly flashed, and he looked towards a pond in the secret
realm. He saw that in the pond, a blue light flashed, and there was a faint blue water ball swimming
in it!
Looking at the cyan water polo, Shui Jinghua was stunned for a moment, and then her face
became ecstatic, and her beautiful eyes exclaimed fieryly, "Tianqing Lingshui!?"
Seeing this scene, Shui Qianqian and Zhong Lang looked at each other with mysterious smiles.
The attraction of Tianqing Lingshui to the people of the water family is indeed enormous. In Shui
Jinghua's view, this Tianqing Lingshui should be left by the ancestors, but it has never been formed
before, and now he just happened to bump into it! If she absorbs this Azure Spiritual Water, her
realm might break through directly, right?
She hardly had any hesitation. She came to the pond in a flash, sat down with her knees crossed,
and stretched out her hand towards Qing Lingshui that day. The next moment, that Lingshui slowly
flew towards Shui Jinghua and gradually merged with her. in the body!
Watching Tianqing Lingshui slowly disappear into Shui Jinghua's body, Shui Qianqian and Zhong
Lang's smiles became more cruel! Feeling the pure energy brought by Tianqing Lingshui after
refining in her body, the joy on Shui Jinghua's face became more intense, but suddenly, her
delicate body trembled violently!
Shui Jinghua's face froze instantly, and then, a strong look of panic surged in her beautiful eyes!
At this moment, an extremely terrifying toxin is spreading in her body along with the pure energy of
Tianqing Lingshui, frantically destroying her body! "puff!"
Shui Jinghua spit out a large mouthful of blood, and her pretty face turned pale instantly. She said
anxiously, "How could this happen?"
Shui Jinghua's mind went wild, her eyes flashed and she thought of the sudden change in Shui
Qianqian's attitude! "Shui Qianqian, it's you!"
Chapter 5270 The Mystery of the Golden
She gritted her teeth, her beautiful eyes filled with extreme anger and hatred! The last trace of
family affection that was originally left has disappeared!
Shui Jinghua took a deep breath, and with trembling hands, she took out an elixir that shone with
white light. There were five elixir patterns on the elixir, and the rich medicinal fragrance instantly
filled the entire secret realm!
This elixir is a holy antidote that she got by chance! Her eyes flashed, and the next moment, she
put the medicine pill into her mouth! At the same time, the full power of spiritual power is used to
refine the medicinal power in the medicinal pill! The surging medicinal power instantly filled Shui
Jinghua's limbs and bones, his complexion slightly eased, and the chaotic aura gradually
stabilized. The toxin was temporarily suppressed! Seeing this, Shui Qianqian's face sank, and she
said anxiously, "Mr. Zhong, the toxin of this blood-eroding flower won't be solved by her, right?"
When Zhong Lang saw that Shui Jinghua took out the top-grade medicine pill with five dan lines,
he was also shocked, but he quickly calmed down and said, "Although this medicine pill is of high
quality, its efficacy is amazing. , but , it can only temporarily suppress the poison that erodes the
blood flower.”
The corner of his mouth raised a savage smile and said: "Don't worry, I like to do things without
leaving any way out. The toxicity of this blood-eroding flower combined with the sky blue spirit
water has even surpassed that of the No. 1 foreign poison list. Top-notch poison! I can assert that
there is no means of detoxifying this poison in the whole world. Shui Jinghua will definitely die, she
is just stubbornly resisting! "
Sure enough, as soon as Zhong Lang's voice fell, a look of pain appeared on Shui Jinghua's pretty
face. The poison that had been suppressed started to counterattack. The medicinal power and the
poison were attacking each other in her body. The blood overflowed again , and the injury
gradually increased!
At this moment, Shui Qianqian couldn't help laughing and said, "Just letting her die like this will be
cheaper for her. Just right, before she dies, let this dead girl struggle and suffer a little more."
She flipped her wrist and suddenly took out a spar with a strange rune inscribed on it. Zhong Lang
looked at the spar, and his eyes flashed: "Sound transmission stone?"
This kind of sound transmission stone is a pair, as long as one of them is placed in advance, even
in different spaces, they can transmit sound to each other!
Shui Qianqian poured spiritual power into the sound transmission stone, and said with a smile:
"Good sister, why don't you continue the trial? Did something happen? Big sister is very worried
about you, the end point, It's right in front of you, you're about to pass the test, how can you stop?"
gloat! Shui Qianqian is actually still gloating at this time! At this moment, Shui Jinghua is enduring
unimaginable pain, grievance, unwillingness, etc., and the culprit is Shui Qianqian!
At this time, just hearing Shui Qianqian's voice is enough to make people want to kill people with
resentment, not to mention her cynicism? You can imagine how unbearable that feeling was! Shui
Jinghua's mood was in chaos, and he spit out another mouthful of blood!
Seeing this, Shui Qianqian laughed again! At the same time, above the sea near Suiming Island, a
large golden ship is breaking the waves at an extremely fast speed!
Ye Chen frowned slightly, and he had a bad feeling in his heart. The power in his hand
subconsciously increased, and the speed of the ship increased again!
Shui Qianqian looked at Shui Jinghua so angry that she vomited blood, but she was helpless, her
pretty face was flushed red, her beautiful eyes were full of excitement, as if she was having sex,
she was extremely satisfied! She continued, "Sister, do you know that you can't get the Azure Spirit
Water and Blood Erosion Flowers by yourself, do you know who helped her?"
The corner of her mouth raised a sneer and said, "Hoho, it's Zhong Lang, Mr. Zhong, the one who
was rejected by you at the beginning. Now, he is your sister's man, you must regret it?
No matter how high the martial arts talent is, what is the use of looking beautiful? A woman, after
all, you still have to rely on a man. Sister, a goddess like you can't even look down on Young
Master Zhong. Presumably, your man must be better than Young Master Zhong, right? Now, where
is he? Why didn't I come to save you? "
Shui Jinghua clenched her fists tightly, feeling extremely unwilling and aggrieved in her heart, why
should she fall into such a situation? What did she do wrong? After being forced to escape from
Buried Sky Sea, for so many years, she has come by herself, and only she knows how much she
has suffered, but her efforts have not been rewarded! Shui Jinghua suddenly felt tired, maybe it
would be a good thing to have a man she could rely on... Inexplicably, an indifferent man's face
appeared in her mind...
At this moment of life and death, a strong thought suddenly appeared in her heart, she actually
hoped to see Ye Chen again before she died? Shui Jinghua smiled bitterly, she naturally knew that
this was impossible, how could Ye Chen appear on Suiming Island?
At this moment, at the dock of Suiming Island, many people looked at the scene in front of them in
shock, only to see a golden light rushing towards the dock from the sea at a lightning speed! They
had never seen such a fast ship! In the blink of an eye, before the big ship had reached the pier, it
suddenly stopped with a loud bang, and under the action of inertia, a huge wave was aroused and
smashed on the pier! The next moment, a man with an indifferent expression appeared on the pier
with a flash of his figure. With a flash of his eyes, he suddenly came to a young man, and threw a
grain of sand and asked, "Shui Family, where are you? where?"
The young man took Daosha, was stunned for a moment, then showed ecstasy, and pointed in a
certain direction: "Go over there, the biggest mansion is!"
Ye Chen's mind swept away, his footsteps slammed, and there was another loud bang, the entire
Shuiming Island seemed to shake, and in the blink of an eye, Ye Chen's figure disappeared from
the place... Everyone on the pier was dumbfounded...
They couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and said to themselves in disbelief: "The person
just it really the existence of the universe..." Before Shuifu, the two servants who guarded
the door suddenly froze and blinked. At this moment, a man with an indifferent expression
appeared in front of them, but the key was that they didn't realize how this man appeared at all?
Ye Chen glanced at the plaque of Shuifu, and his spiritual thoughts poured out instantly, and soon,
his brows wrinkled, there is no breath of Shui Jinghua in Shuifu?
Immediately, he walked towards the water house with one step.
Chapter 5271 Who is the prey?
At this time, the young servant shouted loudly, "Boy, what are you doing? Is the water house a
place where you can come in casually? Get out of here!"
Ye Chen glanced at the man and said lightly, "I, named Ye Chen, came to see Miss Shuijing
Huashui." "Come to see the second lady?"
The middle-aged servant Shui Yuan frowned slightly and said to the young servant, "You go and
inform the second lady." Ye Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and it seemed that Shui Jinghua had
indeed entered this water mansion.
There was a sudden knock on the door of Shui Qianqian's wing.
She frowned, and casually tapped the Chuanying Crystal, and the picture on the Chuanying Crystal
disappeared instantly. Then, he said solemnly: "Who! Don't you know that Miss Ben is resting?
Dare to disturb me?"
At this moment, a very respectful voice sounded outside the door: "Please calm down your anger,
Miss, and I have something important to report to the servant!"
Shui Qianqian frowned and said, "What's the matter?"
The servant opened his mouth and said, "There's a kid outside the door who wants to see the
second lady, called Ye Chen, how should the servant deal with it?" "Oh?"
Shui Qianqian's expression changed and she said, "What kind of strength does this kid have?" The
servant said with some disdain: "It's just a waste of the cultivation base of the universe!" When
Shui Qianqian and Zhong Lang heard the words, they laughed and laughed sarcastically, they
knew that the fun was coming!
Immediately, Shui Qianqian opened her mouth and said, "Now, please invite this young master Ye
to this girl's wing!" The servant was stunned for a moment, then responded, "Yes!" Shui Qianqian
pointed at the Chuanying Crystal, and the picture lit up again. At this moment, Shui Jinghua's pretty
face was full of panic!
Just now, she heard all the conversations between Shui Qianqian and the servant!
She didn't expect that Ye Chen was actually here!
Although she really wanted to see Ye Chen at this moment, she also knew very well that with the
characters of Shui Qianqian and Zhong Lang, if she found out that Ye Chen was her companion,
she would never let him go!
She knows that Ye Chen's strength is very strong, but no matter how strong he is, he can't be
Zhong Lang's opponent, right?
Shui Jinghua didn't want Ye Chen to die because of herself!
Looking at Shui Jinghua's expression, Shui Qianqian was even more delighted. She smiled and
said, "Sister, have you heard? Your man is here, are you happy? My sister's eyes are really
unexpected? The presence?
The elder sister is very curious, what is so special about this kid, how can he fascinate the pure
and clean goddess like your sister? "
Zhong Lang sneered and echoed: "Perhaps, this kid is an eternal evildoer, the kind who can
leapfrog and fight... Well, at one time, after dozens of realms, his strength is comparable to the
Taizhen realm? Whoa, it's scary enough. "
As soon as these words came out, Shui Qianqian and Zhong Lang couldn't help laughing. They felt
like they were going to die of laughter when they said this.
At this time, Shui Jinghua forcibly took a breath of spiritual energy and said, "Shui Qianqian... What
nonsense are you talking about, I don't know this person at all..."
Under such an injury, even speaking is an extremely laborious thing, forcibly speaking, Shui
Jinghua spit out a mouthful of blood!
Shui Qianqian sneered when she heard the words: "Really? But what my sister doesn't understand
is that she was so angry that she vomited blood when I laughed like that, but she didn't open her
mouth to refute. Now, why are you speaking for a stranger?
Can you tell my sister why? "
When Shui Jinghua heard the words, her expression changed and she fell silent, but her
expression became more and more anxious!
After a while, she forcibly brought up the aura again and said, "Sister... If you want me to die, I can
give up resistance now, or even commit suicide, please don't implicate Ye Chen, he... really has
nothing to do with me. relation..."
Shui Jinghua's hatred for Shui Qianqian can't be added. Originally, she would never bow her head
even if she died, but now, for Ye Chen, her tone has a hint of pleading!
Shui Qianqian heard the words, her eyes were cold, the more Shui Jinghua was like this, the more
she cared about Ye Chen, the more she wanted to put Ye Chen to death!
She said coldly, "Sister, I advise you not to die. If you die, I promise to torture this kid with the
cruelest means!"
Zhong Lang's expression also became gloomy, and he became jealous.
Why, a piece of waste in the universe can make Shui Jinghua achieve this point?
And he was rejected by Shui Jinghua?
Could it be that he is not as good as a waste in the universe?
Anger flashed in his eyes, and he vowed to let this kid named Ye Chen die miserably!
Shui Jinghua's delicate body trembled, despairing...
Marven Ye, I'm sorry, I hurt you...
If there is an afterlife, I will definitely make it up to you...
At this moment, a man appeared in Shuiqianqian's wing in an instant. Looking at the image of
Chuanyingjing, Shui Jinghua was covered in blood and his face was pale. A murderous intent burst
out in his eyes!
He looked at Shui Qianqian and Zhong Lang coldly and said, "What's going on?"
Shui Qianqian looked at Ye Chen up and down for a while, and smiled casually: "Sister, she wants
to inherit the position of the head of the family and challenge the secret realm, but she is not strong
enough and accidentally injured. This son , you seem very angry? Do you feel sorry for your sister?
Ye Chen's eyes were cold and severe, and he could naturally tell from his eyesight that Shui
Jinghua was poisoned.
However, now is not the time to argue with Shui Qianqian, he immediately said, "Let me enter the
secret realm."
Shui Qianqian and Zhong Lang looked at each other, a little surprised, but the smile on their faces
became more intense.
Well, they originally planned to let Ye Chen enter the secret realm.
What is a better game than killing Ye Chen in front of Shui Jinghua?
This will make Shui Jinghua more painful and heartbroken, doesn't it?
Because of Zu Xun, they can't torture Shui Jinghua directly, but they can torture her beloved and
break her heart?
Ye Chen came too soon!
Shui Qianqian immediately nodded and said, "Okay, let's go now."
Soon, the three of them came to the ancient tree again. Shui Qianqian took out the token and
played a magic formula. The next moment, the three figures disappeared into the ancient tree.
After entering the secret realm, Ye Chen's figure flashed and he appeared beside Shui Jinghua.
Both Shui Qianqian and Zhong Lang were slightly taken aback. Ye Chen's speed was a little
unexpected, but they didn't care too much. Soon, he also came to where Shui Jinghua was.
Shui Jinghua saw Ye Chen's arrival, and her eyes that were already flushed, burst into tears
instantly, she said very reluctantly: "What are you doing here, go, go! I don't want to see you... "
But, suddenly, Ye Chen lightly covered Shui Jinghua's cherry lips, he stared into Shui Jinghua's
eyes and said, "You are poisoned, don't talk."
As he said that, a blood-red elixir appeared on his fingertips, and sent it to Shui Jinghua's mouth:
"Take it, I will detoxify you!"
Chapter 5272 Angry
This elixir is made from Ye Chen's blood and is extremely powerful. It can temporarily suppress the
poison and give Ye Chen time to detoxify!
Hearing this, Zhong Lang seemed to want to be patient, but he couldn't bear it any longer. He
immediately laughed sarcastically and said, "The frog at the bottom of the well, just because you
want to detoxify it? Do you know what poison is in the water mirror? Do you want to detoxify too?
What rubbish elixir did you feed her? You don't even have a tattoo, do you? Did you know that Shui
Jinghua just took a holy medicine with five dan lines? Even so, it is useless, what can you do with
this medicine pill? "
He stopped pretending and exposed his true nature.
Shui Jinghua also didn't think that Ye Chen could really help him detoxify himself, but he still
obediently put the blood-red elixir into his mouth and swallowed it.
However, Ye Chen didn't care at all, as if he had known it for a long time.
At this moment, he squeezed Shui Jinghua's wrist and called for the power of the poison tablet in
his body. Then, a ray of spiritual energy penetrated into her delicate body and circulated in her
damaged body. Soon, Ye Chen's expression was Completely gloomy.
A vicious method...
At this moment, Shui Jinghua's meridians and dantian have been devastated by the poison.
Generally speaking, even if she can detoxify Shui Jinghua, she will not be able to practice martial
arts from now on. The foundation of martial arts is completely destroyed. This martial arts world
has become an ordinary person, maybe...
That's more painful than death! Zhong Lang saw that Ye Chen ignored him, and the anger in his
eyes became even stronger, he sneered: "Boy, let me tell you the truth, this woman is a highly
poisonous mixture of blood-eroding flowers and azure water. If you want to unravel this kind of
poison, um, there are indeed methods, but these methods, let alone you, are absolutely impossible
for even the real top powerhouses!
Can you practice the detoxification elixir with more than seven elixir lines?
Do you have the legendary body of medicine, the body of Shennong?
You control the Dao Ling known as the Emperor of All Heavens and Different Fires..."
But, before he finished speaking, Shui Qianqian exclaimed in disbelief, "Zhong... Young Master
Zhong, Shui Jinghua's injury seems to be..."
At this moment, Shui Jinghua was also full of surprise. After she took the seemingly inconspicuous
red elixir, an unbelievable vitality emerged in her body. The toxicity of the blood-eroding flower has
been suppressed!
Zhong Lang's pupils shrank and his face became ugly. How could this be possible?
An elixir that doesn't even have a pill pattern can actually suppress the poison that erodes the
blood flower? Simply incredible! However, Zhong Lang soon regained his composure, and said
solemnly, "It's okay, after all, it's just a temporary suppression. If you can't detoxify it, it's useless!"
But, at this moment, Ye Chen glanced at Zhong Lang blankly and said, "Did you mean to say, the
fire of Taoism?"
Zhong Lang was stunned, he frowned and said, "So what? Boy, you don't even know what this fire
of spirit is, you only know a name, right?" What the hell is this kid doing?
For some reason, Ye Chen at this moment gave him an extremely strange feeling!
Ye Chen said lightly: "I really don't know much about it..."
As he said that, he suddenly held Shui Jinghua's wrist, looked at Zhong Lang, and said with a
sneer, "It's just that I happen to have this spiritual fire."
As soon as these words came out, both Zhong Lang and Shui Qianqian changed their expressions.
The next moment, a golden and silver flame instantly burned from Shui Jinghua's wrist, and an
extremely terrifying fire rhyme instantly enveloped the entire film. Secret realm!
That gold and silver flame also ignited Shui Jinghua's whole body, and for a while, Shui Jinghua
looked like a burning man! Feeling the terrifying fire breath, Zhong Lang's face was instantly
distorted, and his eyes were about to burst.
He said with great difficulty: "The fire of the Taoist the fire of the Taoist spirit, how can an
ant like you possess the fire of the Taoist spirit!"
Shui Jinghua was ignited by the flames, and she was shocked, but soon, she found that not only
was she not injured, but also there was a burst of scalding in her tender body, which was extremely
At the same time, wisps of black smoke were forced out of his body by the flames, and the toxins in
Shui Jinghua's body were rapidly dissipated!
The poison formed by the mixture of blood-eroding flowers and azure spirit water is a kind of water
poison and sinister poison, and water and fire are incompatible. Water can be the nemesis of fire,
and fire can also be the nemesis of water! To crack this violent water poison, the ultimate fire of
Taoism in the fire is the best choice!
It didn't take a moment for the toxins in Shui Jinghua's body to be burnt out by the fire of Taoism!
But at this moment, Shui Qianqian and Zhong Lang were completely dumbfounded...
They never dreamed that the highly poisonous poison they had prepared with great effort was just
cracked by Ye Chen? Especially Zhong Lang, who was madly slapped in the face by Ye Chen!
Every word I say now seems like a fart...
This feeling made Zhong Lang feel extremely humiliated! For a time, his eyes were blood red, his
murderous intent was violent, his anger was raging, he was going crazy!
Seeing that he was about to strike angrily and directly crush Ye Chen into slag!
But at this time, Shui Qianqian suddenly grabbed Zhong Lang and said, "Young Master Zhong,
calm down, even if this kid has cracked the poison of the blood-eroding flower, what's the use
now? Killing him like this is too much. Is it cheaper for him?"
Zhong Lang was stunned when he heard the words, then his face returned to calm, looking at Ye
Chen and said, "Hoho, yes, boy, now, Shui Jinghua is already a waste, and it is impossible to pass
the test, the The rest of his life is probably worse than death. Pain? what about you?
This young master promises that it is even more impossible for you to leave here alive. What is the
use of you even if you are free of this poison? Just struggling to the death. "
Shui Jinghua heard the words, the joy that appeared in his eyes was broken again, and his eyes
fell into gloom. Yes, even if Ye Chen detoxifies himself, what's the use?
At this moment, an extremely harsh and shrill beast roar suddenly sounded from the pond in front
of several people, and a black shadow suddenly jumped up from the pond and slammed towards
Ye Chen, who was closest to him. Come!
When everyone saw this, their eyes flashed, and what appeared in front of them was an extremely
ferocious-looking monster, like a skeleton-like monster with black hair all over its body!
However, the strength of this monster is not to be underestimated, it is comparable to the existence
of the seventh layer of heaven! Zhong Lang frowned, "What is this?"
A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Shui Qianqian's mouth and said, "This thing is called the
black hair water ghost, and it is part of this trial. Those who are attacked by ghosts will feel
indescribable pain!”
Chapter 5273 Limit! Burn blood!
Zhong Lang's eyes lit up and said with a smile, "Oh? This black-haired water ghost is not bad. Let
him entertain this kid first."
Their faces were cruel, and the scene of Ye Chen being disemboweled by the black-haired water
ghost almost appeared in front of them. After all, although Ye Chen is strange, although he
possesses the fire of Taoism, his cultivation in the universe is impossible. Black-haired water
ghost's opponent, right?
Huo Xiu, although he can have terrifying destructive power beyond his cultivation base, still needs
spiritual power to support it!
Without spiritual power, no matter how powerful the flame is, it cannot exert its power!
Sure enough, facing the black-haired water ghost, Ye Chen didn't seem to have any intention of
using the flames at all, but punched the black-haired water ghost with a punch! Shui Qianqian and
Zhong Lang laughed even happier when they saw this scene.
In their opinion, this is just Ye Chen's last struggle...
At this moment, Ye Chen's fist collided with the sharp claws of the black-haired water ghost! With a
loud bang, the smiles of Shui Qianqian and Zhong Lang were instantly frozen, as if their muscles
were frozen!
Their eyes were a little lost, and they stared blankly at Ye Chen retracting his fist.
As expected, blood spurted out, and the scene of Ye Chen's belly opening did not appear...
Instead, it was the black-haired water ghost who instantly turned into nothingness under Ye Chen's
Not even the slag was left, it was directly crushed into powder and dissipated...
Ye Chen looked at Shui Qianqian and Zhong Lang indifferently and said, "Promise not to let me
leave here alive? Are you worthy?" dead silence...
The entire secret realm fell into dead silence! Even the wind seems to have disappeared! Shui
Jinghua also looked at Ye Chen incredulously, Ye Chen even dared to provoke Zhong Lang?
Suddenly, a laughter echoed in the secret realm.
Zhong Lang's laughter, he looked at Ye Chen with a cold face, and chuckled: "Boy, you are indeed
beyond my expectations, but, do you think you are anything in front of me? Even if a dog can Kill a
tiger, so what? A dog, no matter how ferocious, is still a dog, nothing can change, this is the
difference between you and me, understand?"
A ray of light flashed in his hand, and a blood-red spear shrouded in the light of law appeared in his
hand, with murderous intent in his eyes: "My son, I just wanted to use you for some fun, do you
really think you can do it? Now, my son, if there is no interest, you can also die."
In an instant, the violent coercion surged out, and this coercion alone made the whole secret realm
a little unstable! A cold glow flashed in Zhong Lang's eyes, and he said in a low voice, "Chuanhai
Dragon Slayer!"
The boundless spiritual energy instantly poured into the blood-red spear, a demon king that
seemed to pierce the sky, pierce the continent, and wipe out the dragon, erupted from the spear,
and in the flash of red light, a streak like a The red pistol's brilliance shot towards Ye Chen!
Wherever he passed, the space was shattered, all things were shattered, and at the same time, a
law and rhyme lingered on it. The spear glow should have been concentrated and restrained, but
Zhong Lang's spear glow was turbulent, surging, domineering, sweeping like a giant wave. one
However, this spear glow that swept all over the world had the unique piercing flavor of the
restrained spear glow!
The reason lies in the rhyme of this law!
The half-step rule that Zhong Lang understood was the rule of piercing!
Its spear shrouded a large area, firmly locking all Ye Chen dodging positions, but without losing the
power of sharpness and piercing!
This shot can be said to be extremely terrifying!
Zhong Lang has no intention of holding back!
For a while, Shui Qianqian's face became dull, she knew that Ye Chen was dead.
On the other hand, Shui Jinghua's pretty face was pale and she struggled to stand up and stand in
front of Ye Chen. However, although the poison in her body was expelled, the injury did not
recover, and she couldn't stand up at all!
Ye Chen stared at the huge spear, two runes suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the blood of
Tianshi was burning wildly in his body!
A lion-like power erupted from Ye Chen's body, and his hair turned golden, and the power of the
lion's blood successfully stimulated the reincarnation blood!
Instant blood recovery!
Just like the sleeping Lord of Samsara slowly awakened from Ye Chen's body, a terrifying power
that distorted the laws, roared out instantly!
The Sha Jian fell into Ye Chen's palm. He looked at the swept gun light, and a sneer sneered at
the corner of his mouth. The next moment, a sword shot out!
The sword light like moonlight poured down, but this seemingly gorgeous sword light contains the
rhythm of destruction and the law of destruction!
With a bang, the two rays of light collided in one place, and the two laws of terror collided with each
other. The entire secret space trembled violently, and the strong aftermath directly evaporated the
surrounding mountains, rocks, trees, etc. The golden light was released, protecting the entire
secret realm!
Otherwise, I am afraid that this secret realm will collapse directly in the aftermath of the fight
between the two sides!
After a short breath, the scarlet spear was crazily defeated under Ye Chen's sword light!
Seeing this scene, Zhong Lang and Shui Qianqian finally changed their expressions!
The faces of the two of them were as if they had seen a 100% bloodline concentration of the Great
Desolate Dragon, and they were so scared that their hearts would pop out of their mouths!
Does Qiankun Realm have combat power close to Taizhen Realm?
Even those wild legends are not so exaggerated!
Also, what's the matter with the breath surging around Ye Chen's body at the moment?
In front of this breath, both of them have a feeling that they want to worship and dare not compete
with it!
Zhong Lang gritted his teeth, shouted violently, a strange black qi appeared on his face, bursts of
magic power erupted from his body, and shot at Ye Chen's sword light again!
Seeing this, Ye Chen said somewhat unexpectedly, "Magic cultivator?"
This time, there was a black light in the crimson light of the spear, and the dark red spear collided
with Ye Chen's sword light, and finally offset it!
Zhong Lang gasped heavily. This kind of magic cultivation method is one of his trump cards. It can
temporarily improve his strength, but the side effects are also not small!
He glared fiercely at Shui Qianqian, who was still sluggish, and said, "What are you doing? Now
call all the elders of the Shui family into this secret realm!"
At this moment, Ye Chen was already rushing towards again with the long sword in his hand, the
fire wing moved behind him, the speed increased to an unimaginable level, a teleport appeared in
front of Zhong Lang, and the long sword in his hand slashed down!
Even if Zhong Lang's strength improved at this moment, he reacted very reluctantly, reluctantly
aroused the spiritual energy and demonic energy in his body, poured it into the long spear in his
hand, and blocked the long sword that Ye Chen slashed!
There was another loud bang, and Zhong Lang's hands instantly spattered with blood, his bones
cracked, and the ground beneath his feet collapsed.
Chapter 5274 was discovered!
At the same time, Shui Qianqian was already trembling with fright, and instantly issued an order to
all the water elders, and at the same time urged the token to open the entrance to the secret realm!
Almost in an instant, three aquatic elders appeared in this secret realm!
At this moment, Zhong Lang was blasted into the ground, covered in blood, but with the power of
that demonic energy, his vitality was greatly improved, and his injuries gradually recovered!
When the elders entered the secret realm, they were slightly stunned. They first glanced at Shui
Jinghua and saw that he was seriously injured, his meridians were broken, and the foundation of
martial arts was destroyed. "Second miss, what's wrong with you? "
Shui Jing Hua Ning said: "Elders, Shui Qianqian and Zhong Lang designed to harm me, please
take action to clear the door!"
And Shui Qianqian screamed hysterically: "You guys are going to kill me that monster boy!" The
three elders were stunned when they heard the words, and after a moment of hesitation, their
gazes towards Ye Chen suddenly turned cold!
Seeing this, Shui Jinghua said with disbelief: "Several elders, what are you doing? Until now, do
you still have to obey Shui Qianqian's orders?"
The elder at the head said with a bitter expression, "I'm sorry, Second Miss..."
Shui Jinghua wanted to say something, but Ye Chen smiled coldly and said, "Jinghua, don't waste
your words, these people have completely abandoned you when they saw that your martial arts
foundation was destroyed. After all, it is impossible for you to become The owner of the house, isn't
Therefore, they can only support Shui Qianqian, ho ho, what else can they say to such a person? "
Shui Qianqian heard the words, her eyes lit up, and she laughed loudly: "Yes, the position of the
head of the family can only be mine now! According to the ancestral teaching, the elders must obey
my orders, Ye Chen, no matter how evil you are, today Gotta die!"
Shui Jinghua's expression was bleak, and she was completely disappointed with the Shui family...
At this time, Zhong Lang also crawled out from the ground, a grim smile appeared on his face and
said, "Boy, you are indeed scary, but can you face the existence of four Taizhen realms at the
same time?"
The three elders who appeared here are all powerhouses in the Realm of Reality. Of course, they
are all in the Realm of Reality, but together, Ye Chen is absolutely invincible!
Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and a dignified color flashed in his pupils!
He has a limited time to activate the reincarnation bloodline! Although the activation effect this time
is not strong, it should be able to cope with it!
The next moment, Zhong Lang shouted sharply, "Kill!"
The four powerhouses moved at the same time and surrounded by Ye Chen in the center. The
spear and sword beams erupted one after another, rushing towards Ye Chen! The power of all
kinds of laws lingers on it!
How terrifying is it for four such strong men to join forces to strike?
The power alone would crush the minds of Shui Qianqian and Shui Jinghua!
Shui Jinghua's pretty face was already pale, and she exclaimed, "Ye Chen!"
Ye Chen let out a low roar, and in the face of these four people's joint strike, Taiyi's spiritual energy
was extremely revolving, the body of the demon, the blood burning art, the supreme heavenly
master, etc., all exerted to the extreme, and the evil sword in his hand was slashed wildly!
With a loud bang, this sword actually wiped out Zhong Lang's spear and the attack of one of the
aquatic elders at the same time!
When the four of them saw this, their expressions changed. Ye Chen's explosive strength in a short
period of time was too terrifying!
If any of them fights Ye Chen alone, within three strokes, their lives will be in danger, right?
Simply incredible!
However, at the same time, the attacks of the remaining two elders slammed into Ye Chen's body!
In an instant, blood splattered!
Seeing this scene, Shui Qianqian and the four who were doing it were all overjoyed!
I saw that there were extremely ferocious wounds on Ye Chen's abdomen and shoulders!
Zhong Lang sneered: "Hoho, boy, do you feel hopeless now?"
But, the next moment, the smiles of several people were instantly frozen!
I saw that the injury on Ye Chen's body was healing at an extremely fast speed!
Everyone's brains are about to shatter, is this guy really a reincarnation of a monster?
That is a powerhouse in the real world, a blow that contains the power of the law?
can recover?
He simply doesn't treat the real powerhouse as a human being!
Ye Chen smiled coldly and said, "What did you just say? Despair? Despair, it will never be me."
As soon as the words fell, Ye Chen rushed towards Zhong Lang!
In the face of a siege, Ye Chen always grabbed a punch first!
Kill till death!
Zhong Lang's complexion changed, but, as a strong man, he naturally has very rich combat
experience, and immediately shouted: "Don't be fooled by this kid, continue to attack, no matter
how strong his vitality is, it can't be endless. !"
The four of them shot again. This time, Ye Chen even ignored the elder's attack. With a very fierce
look on his face, he slashed at Zhong Lang with a sword!
Zhong Lang's face changed wildly, and it felt very bad to be stared at by Ye Chen, it was like being
stared at by a hungry ancient dragon!
He clenched his teeth, squeezing every bit of strength in his body, and the magic energy was
running extremely well. He couldn't care about any side effects at all, and he fully displayed the
magic cultivation method!
Amid the billowing demonic energy, Zhong Lang's whole body burst into blue veins, and his
strength rose faintly. With a roar, he shot out the sword beam that Ye Chen had slashed at!
There was a loud bang, this shot did not completely cancel out Ye Chen's sword light, the icy
sword light strangled towards Zhong Lang, Zhong Lang's face changed wildly, and the animal bone
necklace on his chest instantly radiated light. , a skull dragon phantom appeared in front of him,
blocking the sword!
A piercing sound of shattering sounded, and the necklace shattered instantly. However, after the
sword also shattered the phantom of the bone dragon, it was almost exhausted, and the remaining
sword light slashed at Zhong Lang. Blood light emerged, leaving a shocking sword wound on his
However, relying on Zhong Lang's magic power, the wound began to slowly heal...
But, even so, it was shocking!
The only ray of sword light left has such power?
For a time, when everyone faced Ye Chen, their eyes became more and more fearful, and Zhong
Lang was gasping for breath, his face was ugly, he didn't have so many magic weapons...
At the same time, the attacks of the three elders also landed on Ye Chen's body, and with a loud
bang, Ye Chen's chest, abdomen, and waist also had a blood hole!
Seeing this, Zhong Lang also launched a fierce attack, roaring: "Attack this kid, since he is eyeing
me, I will resist his attack, you guys will do your best!"
The next moment, the attack of the four came again, Ye Chen frowned slightly, and slashed at
Zhong Lang with another sword. After a loud noise, Zhong Lang's bodyguard shattered again. This
sword left behind on his shoulder. Deep wounds!
And Ye Chen resisted the blow of the three Taizhen existences again!
Just when the four of them were about to start again, Ye Chen suddenly turned around and
suddenly faced the weakest elder among the four. With a sword blow, the elder's complexion
instantly turned white. An extremely frightening look appeared in his eyes, Zhong Lang could stop
this sword, but he couldn't stop it!
But, suddenly, a figure flashed in front of the elder, and Zhong Lang suddenly appeared in front of
the sword light, blocking the sword for the elder!
After connecting with Ye Chen's three moves, Zhong Lang's face turned pale, but with a fierce
smile on his face, he said, "Boy, aren't you staring at me? Why, have you changed your target?
Look Come on, the attacks of the powerhouses in the realm are not completely ineffective for you,
right? Or..."
Zhong Lang's eyes flashed slightly and said, "Your current strength is only brought about by the
secret technique. You can't fight for a long time, so you need to fight quickly?"
Chapter 5275 Kill it
Ye Chen frowned slightly, it was true, a drop of Tianshi's blood was not as good as the blood of the
mysterious goblin, and it couldn't support him to fight for long.
I have to say that Zhong Lang's fighting talent is still very good.
The other three aquatic elders also had their eyes lit up when they heard the words!
Zhong Lang sneered and said, "Boy, you're finished! Everyone comes to my side, and I'll join
forces to defend! As long as the strength that supports this kid subsides, he will be defeated!"
The four powerhouses gave up their siege of Ye Chen and gathered in one place in an instant.
Ye Chen's eyes sank, and he slashed several swords at the four!
However, under the joint efforts of the four, they were resolved one after another. Even if some
damage was caused, they were carried by Zhong Lang, who was standing at the front!
The form in front of him seems to be extremely unfavorable to Ye Chen!
If Ye Chen can fight for a long time, the defensive fighting method of the four will definitely drag him
to death, but if Ye Chen can't fight for a long time, then they will definitely win!
And according to everyone's combat experience, all they get is the same judgment, that is, Ye
Chen's strength can only explode temporarily!
The most important thing is that now they are in this secret realm, and the entrance has been
closed. If Ye Chen wants to escape, he has to forcibly break the space. The treasure of the stone
tablet will naturally spare no effort to prevent Ye Chen from destroying this space!
Even if he is strong now, it will take some time to do this!
And the four of them naturally wouldn't give Ye Chen this chance!
For a time, the four powerhouses all showed the look of winning!
At this moment, Ye Chen said lightly: "Your judgment is not wrong, I really can't maintain my
current strength for too long."
When those few people heard the words, they all looked happy. Is Ye Chen ready to beg for
But Shui Jinghua's face was calm at the moment, she was ready to die with Ye Chen.
But, suddenly, a strange smile appeared on Ye Chen's face and said, "Unfortunately, you
misjudged one thing, that is... Right now, I haven't reached the limit yet! "
As soon as the voice fell, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly burst into a ray of light, and the power of Shuo
Lao and Xuan Hanyu instantly merged into his body and the evil sword. In an instant, Ye Chen's
breath skyrocketed again!
He stared coldly at the few people whose faces were frozen again, and with a low voice, he burst
out with unreserved strength, and even used the power of the mysterious spirit to cut out the strong
one against the four strong men. sword!
In the beginning, the reason why he didn't break out with all his strength was because he wanted to
preserve his strength for the future trip to the island without returning to the island, and secondly,
he was just taking this opportunity to become familiar with the way to fight with the existence of the
Taizhen Realm! Now, it's time to end it.
An extremely bright sword light surged in the eyes of everyone. Wherever it passed, the space was
cut into two. The endless space storm swept through this secret realm. The destruction of the
secret realm with a sword!
The four strong men, in front of this sword, were covered in cold sweat, and their robes were
soaked in an instant... A shadow of death has hung over their hearts!
The four of them shot with all their strength and bombarded towards this sword!
The next moment, the attacks of the two sides collided!
The strong aftermath swept away towards the surroundings, turning the entire secret realm into
ruins. At the same time, the blood flashed, and the four figures were smashed on the ground,
smashing a huge pit. Hole!
In the pothole, blood splattered everywhere, these four Xeons, at this moment, lay dying at the
bottom of the cave!
Looking at this almost hallucinatory scene, Shui Qianqian was completely unable to think... Ye
Chen swept the four Taizhen realm powerhouses with one sword!
Ye Chen was not surprised by the scene in front of him. Now, he used the blood of Tianshi to
briefly activate the blood of reincarnation! Although it was not as strong as the people who faced
the East Emperor Tiandian a few times before, it was enough to deal with the situation now.
However, this method can only be used occasionally, because it does not belong to his power, and
the cost is quite huge.
The next moment, he moved into the pothole, looked down at Zhong Lang and said, "Now, are you
Zhong Lang heard the words, his eyes trembled, and finally there was only a look of fear on his
face: "Let go..."
However, before he could finish his words, Ye Chen had already slashed down with a sword. The
seriously injured Zhong Lang had no resistance at all at this moment. His head and body were
instantly separated. The soul is also swallowed instantly!
At this moment, Ye Chen looked at the other elders of the water family, and the elders were like
mice seeing cats, trembling all over!
Ye Chen said lightly: "I'll give you a chance. From now on, Jinghua will be the head of the Shui
family. You must not resist him in the slightest. Otherwise, I will take your life. Do you understand?"
The elders havetily and said, "I will obey your son's orders, thank you son for not killing me!" Ye
Chen suddenly looked in a certain direction and said, "I want to go now, don't you think it's too
Shui Qianqian, who was about to escape, shuddered and stopped in place.
The next moment, Shui Qianqian immediately rushed in front of Shui Jinghua, crying with tears
streaming down her face: "Jinghua, I was wrong, all this is what Zhong Lang forced me to do in
order to avenge you. You are a slave and a maid, to compensate you, we are sisters of the same
father after all, connected by blood!
Jinghua, please forgive my sister once..."
When Shui Jinghua heard the words, a poignant smile appeared on her pretty face and said, "Let
go of you? Hoho, I let you go, can my martial arts foundation be restored?"
Shui Jinghua is an extremely affectionate and affectionate person. If Shui Qianqian hadn't set such
a ruthless trap this time, she might have really let Shui Qianqian go, but now there is no longer any
possibility of her and Shui Qianqian. Qianqian can never be relatives, there is only hatred between
Shui Qianqian's complexion changed, and her face suddenly turned ugly and said: "Bitch, if you
want to die, I will also pull you to death!"
As she said that, she instantly held a dagger in her hand and swung it towards Shui Jinghua's
This sword is very fast, and Shui Qianqian also exists in the middle stage of the real world, and his
strength is not weak.
Moreover, the distance between the two is almost zero, this sword can be said to be able to sever
Shui Jinghua's jade neck in an instant.
But, can Ye Chen be there sooner?
Ye Chen said lightly, "Soul Eater reaches the sky."
The next moment, the soul power surged, the watery body trembled, the blood in the seven orifices
surged wildly, and with a scream, he fell to the ground.
With a single blow from this divine sense, Shui Qianqian twitched and foamed at the mouth. Ye
Chen looked at Shui Jinghua and said, "What should I do?"
Shui Jinghua was silent for a moment, then said, "Kill it."
Chapter 5276 Is this a miracle?
Shui Qianqian struggled, climbed to Ye Chen's feet, endured the severe pain, licked Ye Chen's
shoes and said, "Young Master Ye, don't kill me, I will definitely serve you well and make you
Ye Chen's face was expressionless, and he swung his backhand with a sword, and the surging
power smashed Shui Qianqian into blood mist directly.
For this kind of woman, Ye Chen has no interest at all.
The three elders trembled when they saw this, but they didn't dare to say anything...
At this moment, Shui Jinghua's pretty face was full of loneliness and said: "Ye Chen, I'm sorry, you
can cut off the map on my back. With my current strength, I am no longer qualified to follow you to
Wuhui Island ."
Fang Cai, if it weren't for the suppression by the stone tablet, the aftermath of Ye Chen's fight with
everyone would be enough to kill her. Now she can't even stand the wind and waves at sea, so
how can she go to Wuhui Island?
Ye Chen smiled slightly, picked up Shui Jinghua from the ground and said, "Don't worry, you will be
Shui Jinghua smiled bitterly and said, "Don't comfort me, now most of my meridians have been
broken, and my dantian has also been broken. It is almost impossible to recover from such an
Ye Chen's eyes flashed slightly: "Do you think I'm an ordinary person?"
Shui Jinghua was slightly taken aback when she heard the words.
Marven Ye said softly: "Remember our agreement? I said I would protect you, and it's me who
should apologize to you, but since I promised you, I won't let anything happen to you, trust me,
okay? "
Just now, Shui Jinghua wanted to resist the attack for him, etc. Ye Chen saw it in his eyes, saying
that it was false if he didn't touch it.
When Shui heard the words, her pretty face blushed and nodding, and said in a low voice, "Well."
The next moment, Ye Chen took out the token from Shuiqianqian's storage bag and shook it,
opened the entrance to the secret realm, and entered a wing in a flash.
Ye Chen put Shui Jinghua on the bed, and his eyes flashed slightly: "Jinghua, my treatment
method is a bit strange, but I promise it will be absolutely effective. You have to follow my
instructions in a while, okay?"
Listening to these words, Shui Jinghua suddenly had some random thoughts in her mind. She
blushed pretty and said to Ye Chen, "I...I promise you."
Ye Chen stared at Shui Jinghua's moist and attractive lips and said, "Open your mouth."
"Ah?" Shui Jinghua was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled, and suddenly something seemed to
sound, her breathing suddenly became rapid, and the maid of the Shui family seemed to have said
that men like to let women use their mouths. ..
Thinking of this, Shui Jinghua's heart almost jumped out of her chest. She was born to be clean,
and she would never accept this kind of thing...
But I don't know why, if it was Ye Chen, Shui Jinghua actually felt that he didn't seem to be against
it... Even, some desire...
She closed her eyes, made an "ah" sound, and tried her best to grow her little mouth.
Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, wondering why Shui Jinghua opened his mouth so wide? He
stretched out a finger and put it into Shui Jinghua's mouth...
Shui Jinghua felt the touch on her tongue, her long eyelashes trembled, a little nervous, but also a
little strangely excited, she secretly thought, um... It doesn't seem as big as she imagined.
At this moment, Ye Chen's voice suddenly sounded in her ear: "Bite."
"Ah?" Shuijinghua, with her eyes closed, was completely stunned, biting? Won't this hurt? Even if
Ye Chen is a martial artist and has a very strong vitality, will it still hurt?
Could it be that Ye Chen likes this way...
Just when Shui Jinghua hesitated, Ye Chen said again, "Bite, bite hard!"
When Shui Jinghua heard this, she made up her mind, and with an "ang", she took a bite!
Ye Chen obviously underestimated the sharpness of a woman's teeth. Shui Jinghua's little teeth
were almost like an artifact of the law, and he cut his face plate all at once, and bursts of blood
poured into Shui Jinghua's mouth.
Shui Jinghua snorted and swallowed Ye Chen's warm blood into her mouth. She said in a panic,
"Ye Chen, you are bleeding! Am I trying too hard?"
Ye Chen smiled and said, "It's okay, suck blood now! My blood can make your body recover!"
blood sucking?
At this time, Shui Jinghua finally realized that something was wrong, she slowly opened her eyes
and took a look, holding Ye Chen's fingers, she said in a daze: "It turned out to be fingers..."
Ye Chen was also stunned, his face became strange and said, "It's not a finger, what do you think
it is?"
For a time, the atmosphere between the two couldn't help but become a little awkward, Ye Chen's
eyes flashed, and he also remembered something, this time even he couldn't help blushing a little,
he coughed lightly: "Drink your blood ... "
His blood vitality is terrifying, and there are even ancient poisonous veins and poison tablets, which
should be able to solve everything.
Shui Jinghua lowered her head like a little rabbit, sucking Ye Chen's blood obediently, she
promised Ye Chen to listen to him.
Soon, an incredible color appeared in Shui Jinghua's beautiful eyes!
She opened her eyes wide, excited!
At this moment, his broken meridian, Dantian, under the nourishment of Ye Chen's blood, actually
began to slowly recover!
Half an hour later, Ye Chen withdrew his fingers. At this moment, Shui Jinghua's injuries had
basically recovered. The broken meridians were reconnected under the nourishment of strong
vitality, and the broken dantian had also returned to its original state, even better than before the
injury. The foundation is even more solid!
Moreover, after the toxin of the blood-eroding flower was removed, the Azure Spirit Water still
remained in the body!
Shui Jinghua's current strength has even improved a lot, but her pretty face is still a little pale. Shui
Jinghua looked at Ye Chen gratefully and said, "Ye Chen, thank you."
For a warrior, being unable to cultivate martial arts is a nightmare that is more painful than death,
and Ye Chen solved this nightmare for her!
She even has an unreal feeling now...
Ye Chen smiled and said, "I promised you, didn't I?"
At this time, Shui Jinghua was struggling to get up, and Ye Chen's eyes flashed: "What are you
Shui Jinghua said: "Time is running out, we should go to No Return Island immediately."
Hearing this, Ye Chen pressed Shui Jinghua on the bed and said, "I got a fast boat on Lion Island,
and I can get to Wuhui Island within a day. I have plenty of time. Today, you have a good rest. "
Shui Jinghua wanted to say something after hearing this, but was stopped by Ye Chen's look, and
said, "Be obedient, I don't want you to leave any sequelae."
Shui Jinghua blushed, nodded lightly, and lay on the bed.
Early the next morning, Shui Jinghua and Ye Chen appeared in the living room of the Shui family.
At this moment, when the three elders looked at the fully recovered Shui Jinghua, their jaws
dropped to the ground!
They rubbed their eyes, Jane, they couldn't believe what they saw...
If the meridians are broken and the dantian is destroyed, can it be restored?
And it only took a day? Is this a miracle?
Chapter 5277 Layout, successor!
For a time, these elders became more and more in awe of Ye Chen.
Shui Jinghua said lightly: "Several elders, today I will challenge the secret realm again. After
success, it is justifiable to inherit the position of the head of the family."
The elders smiled and said, "That's naturally the best."
Shui Jinghua's beautiful eyes flashed slightly: "After I become the head of the family, I need to use
a treasure of the water family, and I also invite a few elders, who can agree." The elders
immediately nodded and said, "Second miss, please do so."
To be honest, with Ye Chen here, they have no choice but to grab it.
Even if they know that Ye Chen's strength is actually not as good as them, yesterday was only with
the help of a secret technique, and this secret technique must not be performed today, but even if
the monster Ye Chen can't perform the secret technique, they are afraid!
Shui Jinghua smiled slightly, and immediately went to the secret trial realm. This time, Shui
Jinghua passed the trial with great ease and officially became the new head of the Shui family. The
elders laughed and said, "Congratulations, Second Miss."
Shui Jinghua said, "Elders, do you still remember what I said before about using a treasure?" The
elder of Taizhen Second Miss need? Layer Heaven, named Shui Ming, nod and said, "What kind of
treasure does Second Miss need?
Shui Jinghua said lightly, "Zhenhai Stone!"
As soon as these words came out, the three old men were shocked!
Shui Ming said anxiously: "This sea town stone is the lifeblood of the Shui family, and the lady can't
use it at will..."
Shui Jinghua glanced at Shui Ming and said, "Elder Shui Ming, don't get me wrong, I just inform
you, I don't have to get your consent."
Hearing the words, Shui Ming sighed lightly, and stopped talking. With Ye Chen blocking the
mountain, he could only let Shui Jinghua do what he did.
After a while, Shui Jinghua took out a small stone with a light blue body and rippled lines from the
treasure house. The small stone was surrounded by a faint light and dust, and a strange wave
radiated out, as if the surrounding air Under the influence of this small stone, everything calmed
Ye Chen's eyes flashed slightly: "This is Zhenhai Stone?"
Shui Jinghua nod and said, "Not bad."
Immediately, the two headed towards the pier of Suiming Island, and soon boarded the Golden
Flying Lion.
At this moment, Hong Shuntian also appeared on the deck, looking at Ye Chen and Ye Chen with
some ambiguous eyes.
Ye Chen asked, "Shuntian, how is the Haiji Compass?"
Hong Shuntian smiled slightly, raised his hand, and threw an exquisite compass inlaid with colorful
sapphires to Ye Chen.
Ye Chen's eyes lit up and said, "Okay, everything is ready now, let's move on to Wuhui Island
now." Soon, the big ship turned into a golden light and shot towards the sea.
At this moment, on Taiming Island, two figures are sitting in front of a bonfire. On top of the bonfire,
a piece of wood is strung with the corpse of a monster. These two people are eating with relish at
the moment.
If anyone saw this scene, they would be scared to death...
The two young people sitting in front of the bonfire, one with red lips and white teeth, a somewhat
feminine face, with a hint of evil in his eyes, the other with a handsome face, a slender body, and
bright eyebrows, as if they were born with the pride of heaven.
These two people don't look scary, and it's not them that are scary, but the monster they are
This monster is named Sea Snake Dragon. The Sea Snake Dragon is not very big, and the adult
Sea Snake Dragon is only one or two meters long. However, the Sea Snake Dragon is one of the
most terrifying monsters in the Buried Heaven Sea!
The adult sea snake dragon has strength comparable to the existence of the eighth-layer heaven,
and is extremely powerful, but now it has become the food in the mouths of two young people!
That young man, who was like a genius, frowned while eating the fragrant sea snake and dragon
meat, "Yu Ziqing, you carry that treasure map on your back. Coming to this sea?"
The feminine young man named Yu Ziqing smiled and said, "Guan Hailou, I promise, there are
good things in the treasure, and after things are done, your benefits will be indispensable."
Guan Hailou said sarcastically, "Yu Ziqing, you are getting more and more timid. You don't even
dare to deal with a few foreigners, and you want to call me?"
Facing Guan Hailou's ridicule, Yu Ziqing did not refute, and said lightly: "It's better to be safe, don't
underestimate these Waihai, the two heirs who died in my hands, although they lost to me, they
still have some matter. "
Hearing this, Guan Hailou had a look of disdain on his face, but he didn't say much, but asked,
"Let's not talk about that, you said that the treasure is in the No Return Island? There is no Haiji
Compass and Zhenhai Stone, How do we get to No Return Island?"
Hearing this, Yu Ziqing smiled slightly and said, "Because of the shackles in the blood, the
inheritors of the map will be attracted to each other. After I killed the two inheritors that day, it
suddenly appeared that I wanted to go to Taiming . The idea of the island, I know, there must be a
successor, and will go to the Wuhui Island through this Taiming Island...
Presumably, they are ready to enter the No Return Island, right? We are here to wait and see. "
At this moment, a golden shadow suddenly appeared on the sea area in front of the two of them,
heading in the direction of Taiming Island, approaching at high speed.
Guan Hailou and Yu Ziqing looked at each other with a smile on their faces.
The next moment, Yu Ziqing blew a whistle, and a gigantic creature appeared in the sea!
This behemoth is a black-armored crocodile!
Crocodiles could not live in the sea originally, this black armored crocodile is obviously
Moreover, the strength of this crocodile is also very terrifying, it is a real eight-layered heavenly
The next moment, the two of them stepped on the back of the crocodile, and the crocodile moved
forward at a speed that was not inferior to that of the golden shadow!
At this moment, Ye Chen in the power room suddenly frowned, looked in a certain direction, his
expression became a little condensed, and Hong Shuntian couldn't help but ask, "Brother Ye,
what's wrong?"
Ye Chen said: "It seems that trouble is coming."
At this moment, Hong Shuntian's eyes flashed, and he sensed a black shadow moving towards
them at a high speed, approaching.
The next moment, the ship stopped, the two of them moved, and they appeared on the deck. I saw
a black-armored crocodile with a violent breath, approaching the two at a very fast speed!
Ye Chen narrowed his eyes and stared at the two young men on the crocodile's back. The two
were less than two hundred years old, but they were extremely powerful!
The most important thing is that in Ye Chen's perception, the auras of these two people are
extremely strange, and it is very possible that they can kill the enemy at the same level as himself!
Hong Shuntian's complexion also became a little ugly. At this moment, the tattoo on his back was
faintly hot, his eyes fell on Yu Ziqing, and he said solemnly: "Brother Ye, that feminine young man
is the heir!"
Chapter 5278 Evil boy! (Fourth Update)
At this moment, Guan Hailou and Yu Ziqing flickered, and they had already landed on the big ship.
At this time, Shui Jinghua also came to the deck, and when they saw Guan Hailou, their pupils
Guan Hailou's eyes swept across the crowd, and the disdain in his eyes became stronger and
stronger. Finally, his eyes fell on Hong Shuntian, and he said lightly: "You have the Haiji Compass
and Zhenhai Stone in your hands, hand them over now , my son. It can make your death a little
In his opinion, Hong Shuntian is the leader of this group of people.
Hong Shuntian frowned and did not speak, but looked at Ye Chen.
When Guan Hailou saw this, a strange color flashed in his eyes, what is this guy doing looking at
the waste in the universe?
Immediately, he said with a solemn expression, "Don't you know the answer, kid?"
At this moment, Ye Chen looked at the two of them and said lightly: "Now, I will cut off the human
skin map behind me, and I can also make your death easier."
After Guan Hailou and Yu Ziqing heard the words, their eyes instantly turned to Ye Chen. Their
faces turned cold at the same time, but they quickly frowned.
At this moment, they faintly felt a little weird. Why did they face the two of them, who seemed to be
obviously inferior to their own strength, but didn't seem to panic?
Moreover, this kid in the universe dared to provoke them?
They've seen people who don't know how to live or die, but they've never seen someone who
doesn't know how to live or die!
However, no matter what happened to this kid, the pride of the two of them is absolutely
unbearable for someone who threatens them with such a tone!
Guan Hailou licked his lips and said with a sinister smile: "Ziqing, don't take action, this kid belongs
to me, ho ho, I haven't tortured and killed this kind of ants for a long time, but I miss that feeling. "
Yu Ziqing nodded and looked at Ye Chen with a schadenfreude smile, but Guan Hailou likes
torturing people more than he does.
Guan Hailou's body was full of breath, and when he was about to make a move, Ye Chen's figure
suddenly flashed and disappeared from his face.
Guan Hailou was stunned for a moment, and then his martial artist instinctively warned him wildly,
the arrogance of the playboy on his face instantly dissipated, and the whole person's temperament
became sharp, his body twisted suddenly, and he flashed to the side. go !
At the same time, a fist slammed out from behind it! This punch doesn't seem to have any terrifying
power, but when Guan Hailou swept the fist, his pupils could not help shrinking!
With his eyesight, he instantly saw how terrifying the power contained in this punch!
There was also a strange look on Ye Chen's face. This time, instead of waiting for the opponent to
attack, he took the shot first, in order to take advantage of the two people's carelessness and take
advantage of the unexpected, and solve one first !
Moreover, the attack method he chose was almost the fastest punch except for the soul attack! A
punch of pure physical strength!
However, even if it was a sneak attack when the opponent was careless, it was still flashed by it? It
can be seen how powerful this person's fighting instinct is!
When Hong Shuntian saw this, his face also showed surprise. Suddenly, his eyes flashed slightly,
and he muttered, "Ziqing...she looks feminine..."
Suddenly, a horrified look appeared on Hong Shuntian's face!
Hong Shuntian looked at Yu Ziqing with a rather ugly expression and said, "You are from the Inner
Sea! 'Evil Boy' Yu Ziqing!?"
Yu Ziqing smiled and said, "Oh? Do you recognize me?"
When Hong Shuntian saw the other party admit it, with a bang, the flames all over his body
stimulated the blood of the Red Phoenix without hesitation, and then he said solemnly to Ye Chen:
"Brother Ye, do your best, these two guys are from the inner sea. Perverted, very difficult to deal
"Inner Sea?" Ye Chen was a little puzzled, but with a flip of his wrist, he had already grasped the
evil sword and was ready to attack with all his strength. The guy who could dodge his sneak attack
would naturally not be a fuel-efficient lamp. .
Guan Hailou looked at Ye Chen, and said with shock: "What kind of monster are you, why does
Qiankunjing have such strength?"
Ye Chen said lightly: "Monster? Am I not an ant? Why, don't you want to kill me?"
He looked cold and said, "Then, let me kill you."
The next moment, Ye Chen used his spiritual power with all his strength, using all his supernatural
powers, and shouted in a low voice, "Moon Soul Slash!"
A beam of sword light like moonlight poured towards Guan Hailou in an instant!
Seeing this, Guan Hailou's eyes filled with murderous intent. He suddenly climbed out of the long
sword in his hand. The long sword was surrounded by two rays of law. It was an artifact of law! His
whole body was full of sword intent, and he also cut out with one sword: "Haitian and one sword!"
A sword light that seemed to be able to penetrate the sea and the sky burst out and rushed
towards Ye Chen's sword light. Seeing this, Ye Chen flashed a look of surprise in his eyes: "The
half-step rule?"
This Guan Hailou, with the cultivation base of returning to the real world, actually has the power of
the half-step law?
Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, it seems that there are indeed many geniuses in this world...
However, Guan Hailou seemed to be more shocked than Ye Chen. He never imagined that his
sword would be evenly matched with the opponent?
Yu Ziqing smiled and said, "Hailou, do you believe it now? People from outside the sea are not that
As soon as his voice fell, there was a sudden flash, but he rushed towards Hong Shuntian, a thin
sword like a bee stinger in his hand, and each sword was extremely tricky, rushing to the point!
Hong Shuntian snorted coldly, the scarlet long sword slashed continuously, and the sword light
was erratic, but it completely resisted Yu Ziqing's attack!
The two sides were facing each other on the deck, and just as the atmosphere was a bit tense and
everyone was ready to take another shot, suddenly, a roar resounded throughout the entire sea!
At the same time, an extremely terrifying aura rose from the depths of the sea!
The expressions of everyone on the boat changed slightly, and the black-armored crocodile that
looked quite powerful was so frightened that he was so stiff that he didn't even dare to move!
An extremely surging demonic energy instantly permeated between heaven and earth, rolling sea
water, surging frantically, the next moment, an extremely huge sea beast like a hill appeared in
front of everyone!
Looking at the sea beast, the expressions of everyone on the boat instantly turned ugly...
This huge sea beast, with white scales all over its body and a dragon head and turtle back, looks
like the legendary spiritual beast Xuanwu!
The most important thing is that this sea beast is a terrifying existence that is too real!
The sea beast stared at everyone with big eyes, and suddenly opened its mouth, and a terrifying
suction surged up, which was to suck everyone and the ship directly into the mouth!
For a time, this huge ship was rushing towards the giant beast at an extremely fast speed, together
with a large amount of sea water!
When everyone saw this, their expressions changed. This giant beast may not be able to swallow
this big ship, but it is more than enough to eat them! "Damn it!"
Ye Chen scolded, his figure flashed, and he rushed directly towards the power room!
Chapter 5279 Alliance?
He took a deep breath, and his whole body was running wildly with great force. He grabbed the
oars suddenly and rowed hard. Under the surging force, the boat finally stopped backwards and
sailed forward against the suction!
But, at this moment, the giant beast moved towards the boat, and the speed was actually one point
faster than the speed of this fast boat!
Seeing this, everyone on the deck looked at each other and entered the power room one after
Ye Chen's eyes sank, looked at Yu Ziqing and Guan Hailou and said, "What are you doing here?"
Yu Ziqing narrowed his eyes and said, "Right now, if we want to escape from this beast, we may
have to cooperate temporarily."
After all, several people sat down and rowed the oars together!
Originally, the speed of the ship that was about to be overtaken by the giant beast increased again
after the addition of this force, and gradually distanced itself from the giant beast!
The giant beast let out an unwilling roar, and when it passed by the black-armored crocodile, it
slammed the black-armored crocodile, bit it alive, and swallowed it into its mouth. This kind of
existence, for this prehistoric giant beast, It's like an appetizer!
Shui Jinghua looked at the back of the boat and frowned, "Young Master Ye, although we are one
point faster than that giant beast in terms of speed, we can't completely shake it off."
Ye Chen heard the words, his eyes flickered and said, "Let's enter the area of No Return Island
When everyone heard the words, their expressions changed. There was a death storm and a
mysterious fog on the periphery of Wuhui Island. Although this giant beast is strong, it does not
dare to enter it?
That is to say, within the confines of the death storm, they are safe.
Immediately, everyone rowed the golden flying lion desperately to escape the beast kiss behind
After half an hour, everyone suddenly felt a strange aura in their spiritual thoughts!
In the power room, a telephoto crystal displayed the picture in front of the boat.
I saw that there was a faint gray-purple fog floating in an area above the sea, and through the fog,
Ye Chen and others could still feel the terrifying storm raging in it!
In the sky, there were lightning and thunder, and the strong wind swept countless seawater to the
sky, forming a waterspout, an apocalyptic scene!
But, the strange thing is that outside that area, it is a sunny and sunny state, and the waves are
There is no doubt that the place where the purple-gray mist shrouded is within the scope of No
Return Island!
Ye Chen looked at Shui Jinghua and said, "Jinghua, get the Zhenhai Stone and the Haiji Compass
Shui Jinghua voted, and immediately took out the Zhenhai Stone and the Haiji Compass. His
spiritual power instantlyed into the Zhenhai Stone. In an instant, blue light flashed, and a strange
wave enveloped the entire ship. boat!
The next moment, the golden ship rushed into the area of the No-Return Island. The violent
hurricanes and waves around it seemed to shatter even the space. However, under the
suppression of the Zhenhai Stone, the ship was barely able to survive. Driving normally, but even
so, the hull creaked, as if it was on the verge of collapse.
At the same time, everyone was shrouded in the mysterious fog, and their brains were faintly
dazed, and they instantly lost their judgment on the direction!
Shui Jinghua looked at the compass in his hand, and said, "Go this way."
With that said, a ray of light shot out from the sea compass, pointing the way forward.
At this moment, Ye Chen turned his head and looked sharply at Yu Ziqing and Guan Hailou.
Seeing this, Yu Ziqing naturally knew what Ye Chen meant. Now, everyone got rid of the sea
beast's pursuit, that is to say, the teamwork is over.
A helpless smile appeared on Yu Ziqing's face and said: "This brother, we are not stupid enough to
do it before we land on the island. If one accidentally destroys the ship, I am afraid that I will die
here... …"
Guan Hailou said coldly: "However, if you have to do it, we will accompany you to the end." Up to
now, he is still brooding about the fight against Ye Chen, and he is looking forward to fighting again
to wash away his shame!
Ye Chen was silent for a moment, and asked Hong Shuntian, "Shuntian, what did you just say
about the inner sea?"
Hong Shuntian said, "The Sea of Burial is very big. In fact, the Sea of Burial that everyone knows is
just the outer sea. But, in fact, the Sea of Burial is divided into two parts, the outer sea and the
inner sea!"
He glanced at Guan Hailou and Yu Ziqing, and continued: "The living conditions in the inner sea
are extremely harsh, with powerful sea beasts everywhere, terrifying storms, tsunamis, underwater
volcanic eruptions and other disasters. rare..."
At this time, Yu Ziqing said with a smile, "However, on the contrary, the spiritual energy of the Inner
Sea is richer and the resources are more abundant, and the warriors who can survive in this
environment are naturally stronger. It also has many forces that can crush the Heavenly Temple,
the so-called thirty-six heavenly islands and seventy-two earthly islands in the outer seas, in the
eyes of people in the inner sea, are just a joke."
When Hong Shuntian heard the words, his face sank, but he didn't refute it. It was a presupposition
of what Yu Ziqing said.
It can be seen that the Inner Sea forces are indeed extremely powerful!
Ye Chen heard the words, his eyes flickered. For the past few days, he asked Hong Shuntian and
Shui Jinghua to help him investigate the whereabouts of Zhu Yuan and Gu Xuan, but he always
found nothing...
From this point of view, either the messenger played tricks on him, or Gu Xuan and Zhu Yuan were
indeed in the Burial Heaven Sea, but they were not from the outer sea, but the inner sea!
Ye Chen murmured: "It seems that after the secret behind the map is over, I will go to the Inner
Sea to see..."
In this fog and storm, after sailing for an hour, Ye Chen and others finally saw the outline of an
And this island is unexpectedly huge! Simply, it can be called a continent!
Soon, the ship rushed to the shore, and Ye Chen and the others landed on a beach in a flash.
Ye Chen looked in front of him. Compared with the terrifying storm on the periphery of Wuhui
Island, the airflow on this island was quite gentle, and at the same time, there was no lost mist
floating on the island.
In front of this beach is a jungle with all kinds of strange plants, which seems to be somewhat
similar to the tropical rainforest of the earth.
However, here, the spiritual sense seems to be suppressed.
Ye Chen looked at Yu Ziqing and Guan Hai Lou coldly and said, "Now, it's ashore, are you ready to
Guan Hailou smiled coldly and was about to say something.
But it was stopped by Yu Ziqing.
Yu Ziqing smiled and said, "This son, my name is Yu Ziqing, this guy's name is Guan Hailou, can I
ask the son's name?" Ye Chen frowned and said, "What do you mean?"
Yu Ziqing and Ye Chen looked at each other and said, "I want to form an alliance with you."
Guan Hailou's face sank and said, "Ziqing, what did you say? Make an alliance? Why make an
alliance with them, just kill these guys."
Chapter 5280 Monsters in the Darkness
Ye Chen also said lightly: "I won't form an alliance with someone I don't trust, but..."
His eyes flashed slightly: "Why did you suddenly have the idea of forming an alliance?"
Yu Ziqing's eyes flickered slightly, and there was a hint of condensed expression in his eyes: "If I
guessed correctly, the remaining heirs should have landed on the island ahead of time... Moreover,
these people may already be dead!
I think there is something extremely dangerous hidden on this island..."
He shrugged and said, "No matter how good the treasure is, life doesn't matter, so I hope to form
an alliance to improve the odds of survival."
Everyone's expressions changed when they heard the words.
Ye Chen asked, "How did you find out?"
Yu Ziqing smiled and said: "The spiritual sense is suppressed here, but I have a characteristic, that
is, I am extremely sensitive to blood... You, come with me."
After saying that, he took the lead and walked towards a certain place along the beach.
Probably, after walking three sticks of incense, everyone suddenly stopped...
They looked at the scene in front of them, and there was a faint look of horror in their eyes... I saw
that in front of them was a broken ship!
Not far in front of the ship, a tent was also erected, which seemed to be a temporary residence for
those who landed on the island.
However, this tent has been completely stained red with blood! Outside the tent, there were also
some broken limbs scattered, and the scene was extremely bloody!
At this time, Yu Ziqing turned around and looked at Ye Chen, with a gloomy expression on his face:
"Master, now, are you still not considering forming an alliance..."
Ye Chen also frowned slightly, and he said lightly, "Go ahead and have a look."
With that said, he walked directly towards the tent.
Soon, Ye Chen and others entered the tent. As soon as they came in, everyone could not help but
frown slightly. Inside the tent, it was like a slaughterhouse, full of stench.
Not only the taste, this place is indeed like a slaughterhouse...
In the entire tent, there are internal organs and flesh and blood everywhere!
Ye Chen glanced at the scene and asked Yu Ziqing, "Can you tell the bloodstains of several people
here?" Yu Ziqing snorted and said, "Four."
Ye Chen's eyes flashed slightly: "Do you think these people are the heirs?"
Yu Ziqing of the nod and said, "This tattoo is formed by a secret technique engraved in the blood,
so the blood of their he is different from the blood ordinary people.
I now have two human skin maps in my hand, and the one on my back is three human skin maps. "
He glanced at Hong Shuntian and Shui Jinghua and said, "Apart from these two people, you
should have a human skin map in your hands, right?"
Ye Chen nodded slightly and said, "So, apart from your few heirs, the other heirs may have already
At this moment, even Guan Hailou, who opposed the alliance at the beginning, had a solemn
expression. After seeing the strength of Ye Chen and Hong Shuntian, his strength towards these
people from the sea has changed. Although these successors may not have They are so strong,
but they may also have their own uniqueness...
But, now, are these people dead like this? What happened on this island?
Yu Ziqing looked at Ye Chen again and asked, "Young Master, are you still unwilling to form an
He could see that among the group, Ye Chen was the one who made the decision.
Ye Chen pondered for a moment, then said, "My name is Ye Chen, they are Hong Shuntian and
Shui Jinghua, okay, I agree, let's work together to find out why these people disappeared."
With his strength, to be honest, he is not worried about Yu Ziqing and Guan Hailou going against
the water, etc. As long as he is willing to revive his bloodline, he can kill them in seconds, and Yu
Ziqing's special ability should help them solve the mystery.
Yu Ziqing smiled slightly: "Now, what should we do?"
Ye Chen said: "First find a place to camp and rest for a while before we escape the pursuit of the
sea beast. We also spent a lot of physical strength and need to recover."
Soon, everyone left the beach and walked towards the depths of the jungle. After half an hour,
several people stopped in front of a cave.
Ye Chen looked at Yu Ziqing and asked, "Is there a smell of blood here?"
Yu Ziqing shook his head and said, "No."
Marven Ye said: "If that's the case, choose this place and make repairs."
Immediately, everyone entered the cave and began to adjust their breath.
Ye Chen sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes flashing slightly.
At this time, Old Shuo said, "Boy, what are you thinking about?"
Ye Chen said: "Fang Cai, there are four people's blood in the cave, but it seems that the internal
organs and flesh and blood are only two people..."
At the same time, in a dark abyss, faintly purple flames flickered, and a shrine appeared under the
light of the flames! In front of the temple hall is full of talismans, but most of these talismans have
now been broken.
In the hall, in front of a huge stone table, there was a figure sitting. This figure looked somewhat
similar to a human figure, but it was astonishing to look at it carefully!
I saw that this figure was dripping with blood, as if the panel had been peeled off, extremely
strange, terrifying, and ugly! What's even more bizarre is the plate on the stone table in front of this
odd man without a panel! On this dinner plate, there is a white-pink, strangely textured, extremely
soft-looking organ... It is the human brain!
The figure that looked extremely terrifying without a faceplate swallowed the human brain in front of
him into his mouth, his red vertical pupils sank, a gloomy color appeared, and he said, "This deity
has been waiting for so many years, The repression of heaven finally subsided, and when the deity
left this ghost place, the human brain of this quality was unable to restore the deity's body, the deity
needs a better evildoer..."
Obviously not satisfied with the food!
Suddenly, he seemed to sense something, slowly raised his head, and cast a glance in a certain
direction above the abyss, with a faint look of anticipation in his eyes...
Immediately, he withdrew his gaze and landed on the ground not far in front of him.
There, a man and a woman were lying there, two figures...
The man and the woman were both injured, and a faint blood light flashed in their dantian.
Obviously, they were hit by some kind of restriction, strength, and seal for it!
At this moment, feeling the gaze cast by the terrifying existence, both of them couldn't help
The two of them are warriors, and their hands are naturally stained with countless blood, and they
are used to seeing blood, but from birth to the present, this is the first time the two of them have
faced such a monster that eats human brains!
Weird to the extreme! Even if they are instinctively afraid...
It's like a herbivore encountering a natural enemy!
What made them chill even more was that now, the brain in the monster's plate came from their
former companion, a monster who was close to the eighth layer of heaven!
Chapter 5281 Weird!
Although this kind of evildoer is a little worse than them, it is also an incomparably outstanding
But, his brain is still not good enough for this monster?
Could it be that now this monster is finally going to attack them?
At this time, a footstep sounded in the temple in the abyss, and the eyes of the two showed
extremely frightening and desperate looks.
The terrifying existence walked in front of the two of them, looking down at the pair of men and
women, a hungry look flashed across their ugly faces.
His vertical pupils were icy cold, looking at the two women as if he were looking at two lambs to be
At this time, the man said with trembling lips: "This... this senior, please let me go, I came from
Lingfeng Island, one of the thirty-six heavenly islands, and in this sea of burials, I have great
power. , as long as you let me go, I... I am willing to dedicate the entire Feng family to you!
Please seniors, let me be loyal! "
When another woman heard this, she recovered a little bit of sanity from the extreme fear, and
shouted as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw: "Senior! I am also willing to dedicate the Zuo
family to you. Among the Zuo family , There is no shortage of monsters better than me, one... You
will surely find food that will satisfy you!
Please seniors, let me be loyal! "
The monster heard the words, gradually put away the hunger and thirst in his eyes, and said with a
cold smile: "Don't worry, this deity will not kill you..."
The pair of men and women were stunned when they heard the words, and then a flash of ecstasy
flashed on their faces!
But, in the next moment, a hideous smile appeared on the corner of the monster's mouth and said:
"With the aptitude of the two of you, it is enough to become the container of our clan, ho ho, since
you are so loyal to the deity, I will take you all first. Hand over your body!"
The expressions of the man and woman suddenly changed, and before they could react, the
monster pressed a pair of ghost claws on top of their heads!
In the palm of his hand, two pitch-black bodies suddenly appeared, but in the pitch-darkness, there
were countless thumb-sized bugs with rune-like lines!
These two bugs penetrated into the brains of the two men and women in an instant, and in an
instant, a shrill scream resounded in the abyss!
After a while, the men and women who were bleeding from the seven orifices and completely lost
their vitality, suddenly reopened their eyes, and an extremely huge breath burst out from the pair of
men and women!
At the same time, the body surface of the two also gave birth to a strange blood-colored pattern,
and their eyes also turned into blood-colored vertical pupils.
An unbelievable scene appeared...
The lifeless pair of men and women were like puppets, standing up from the ground stiffly, with a
sinister smile on their mouths, kneeling respectfully to the terrifying existence in front of them and
saying: "The first ancestor, Thank you for your gift, let me wait for a new life."
As soon as their voices fell, the two corpses suddenly surged with surging vitality, and the blood
hole on the top of the head was also healing rapidly. It seemed that it was almost the same as
The blood-colored figure known as the ancestor said lightly: "Get up, Xue Huang, Xue Zhao."
The two just stood up, and the bloody Huang who occupied the man's body said to the blood-
colored figure in front of him: "Ancestor, your body is in such a bad state that it is very difficult to
recover. This body should be dedicated to you..."
The ancestor shook his head and said: "Although the aptitude of this body is good, it is far from
enough to withstand the power of this deity. However, now, I have something for you to do." The
two of them brightened their eyes and said, "Please order the ancestors!"
In their family, they are absolutely loyal to the ancestors, and they think it is an honor to do
anything for the ancestors!
The Ancestor Yin Han smiled and said: "There is another lamb coming to the door, and one of
them is quite strange, and even the deity can't see through it...
It seems that it was worthwhile not to kill those ten people back then to have a full meal..."
He licked his tattered lips and said, "According to the deity's experience, the brains of such
strange-breathing lambs are often extremely delicious. My son, it's time to hunt!"
Xue Huang and Xue Zhao glanced at each other, and a picture of a cave instantly appeared in their
minds. The ancestor of this family and his descendants were in the same spirit! "Follow the orders
of the ancestors!"
As soon as the voice fell, the two of them flashed and disappeared into the abyss.
The ancestor had a smile on his face, and there was a corpse not far in front of him that had been
cut off with a lot of flesh and blood, and his internal organs had been taken out.
The reason why this poor lamb was tortured before he died was simply because pain and fear
would make the brain more palatable!
The ancestor grabbed the corpse and crushed its head.
He took a sip, his eyes lit up, the quality of this brain was ordinary, and he could barely swallow.
Until the real deliciousness arrives, I can only use this to satisfy my hunger for the time being.
In the cave, everyone was adjusting their breath. At this moment, Ye Chen's expression suddenly
changed, and there was a very subtle sound in his ears, and he looked in a certain direction
At the same time, Yu Ziqing also sniffed, looked at Ye Chen and said, "It smells of blood."
At this moment, two figures with scars all over their bodies suddenly stumbled out of the woods.
When they saw Ye Chen and others in a cave not far away, they couldn't help but be slightly taken
aback. At this moment, Hong Shuntian and others also felt it, and they all looked towards the two. I
saw that the person who came was a man and a woman!
The male has a handsome face and a handsome temperament, while the female is also fair-
skinned and has a gentle and moving appearance.
The most important thing is that the strength of these two people is quite powerful.
Hong Shuntian's eyes flashed, and he whispered in surprise, "These two are the heirs!"
Originally, they thought that the four heirs who went to the island were all dead!
Seeing Ye Chen and others, the pair of men and women looked extremely happy, looked at each
other, and were about to walk towards the crowd.
But, at this moment, Guan Hailou said with a gloomy expression, "You two, stop for this young
At this moment, the identity and purpose of the two have not yet been figured out, so it is naturally
impossible for them to approach easily!
Guan Hailou and Yu Ziqing were born in the inner sea, which is much more dangerous than the
outer sea. Faced with this situation, they have always been extremely cautious!
The two were stunned for a moment, and then the man said eagerly, "How many are the heirs?
Don't get me wrong, I have no ill intentions, I am from Lingfeng Island, and my name is Feng
Jingtang. , she is Zuo Yunyue from Zuoli Island."
At this time, Hong Shuntian said again: "Brother Ye, these two are also famous geniuses in
Tiandao. I have seen them, and they did not lie."
Ye Chen's eyes flickered, staring at the two of them. At this moment, his spiritual sense was
suppressed by an inexplicable force, and it seemed that he couldn't see anything abnormal just by
his eyesight.
Chapter 5282 Sudden shot!
After a moment of silence, he asked, "The boat that broke on the beach is yours?"
Feng Jingtang nod and said, "Not bad..."
Immediately, a look of horror flashed in his eyes and said, "Brother Lin and Brother Pan, have
already..." Ye Chen frowned and said, "In the end, what happened?"
Feng Jingtang said: "I waited for the four to form an alliance from the beginning, and entered this
Wuhui Island a few days earlier than you. Although there are only four maps in hand, I don't know if
it was good luck or bad. Without getting all the maps, we made an unexpected discovery on this
island with no return!"
Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this!
They took such a big risk to enter the island, and the ultimate goal is treasure!
Feng Jingtang said: "In the center of this Wuhui Island, we found an abyss, and there is a temple in
that abyss!
At that time, the four of us negotiated to enter the temple, and to find out, it is very likely that there
is a treasure there! But..."
Speaking of this, Feng Jingtang's eyes trembled and said, "What we didn't expect is that there is a
monster hidden in that temple! A monster like a rotten flesh! "
Zuo Yunyue, who was beside Feng Jingtang, was also pale at the moment, and her legs were
He took a breath and continued: "Although that monster looks like a mass of flesh and blood, it is
extremely strange. When I was waiting to fight against it, it was no match at all, and Brother Lin
was injured because of it. After that, I waited to escape from that temple...
Seeing that the monster did not catch up, we were all relieved, but who knows, this is the beginning
of the nightmare! "
Feng Jingtang and Zuo Yunyue both had a look of pain in their eyes and said, "I don't know if it was
because of absorbing Brother Lin's blood that the monster mutated, he turned into a humanoid,
and he was actually chasing after me . The traces of waiting, one night, broke into our tent...
On the spot, Brother Lin and Brother Pan were tortured to death by him!
And I waited, luckily escaped, these two days we have been wandering in the island of no return,
changing positions, for fear that the monster will catch up again! "
When everyone heard this, their hearts sank slightly.
Ye Chen frowned and said, "Both of them exist in the late stage of the True Realm. How powerful
are the monsters that pushed you all into such a situation?"
Feng Jingtang said: "That monster is now the strength of the peak of the real world!"
After speaking, he said a little excitedly: "I'm not the opponent of that monster, but, with everyone, I
think I have the strength to fight that monster, but hurry up!
After that monster devours human flesh and blood, it seems to evolve, and we must get rid of it as
soon as possible! "
At this time, Yu Ziqing suddenly asked: "You said, there are monsters in the temple, can you see
the treasure?"
Feng Jingtang hesitated for a moment, but still said, "I didn't actually see the treasure, but the
temple is full of extremely rich treasure, presumably, the treasure is there!"
After hearing this, Yu Ziqing looked at Ye Chen, exchanged a look with him, and then nodded to Ye
Chen and said, "Young Master Ye, I agree with what Feng Jingtang said, if we want to get
treasure, we must enter after all. Temple, since that's the case, why don't you get rid of that
monster as soon as possible!"
Ye Chen pondered for a moment, then said to Feng Jingtang, "Okay, come here, heal your wounds
in this cave first, and after you recover, lead us to the abyss!"
When Feng Jingtang and the others heard the words, they were all happy, and immediately walked
towards Ye Chen and others, and entered the cave.
But, just when everyone was about to sit down again and regain their stamina, it was a mutation!
Two extremely strong breaths burst out suddenly!
Hong Shuntian and the others were all shocked, only to see that it was Ye Chen and Yu Ziqing
who did it now!
The two of them didn't hesitate when Feng Jingtang and Zuo Yunyue were about to sit down, and
they attacked when they were the most relaxed!
Ye Chen used all his strength to the extreme, his five fingers were hooked, wrapped in the gust of
wind, and he grabbed at Feng Jingtang fiercely, and Yu Ziqing instantly took out a dagger and
swiped it towards Zuo Yunyue's throat like a streamer!
Feng Jingtang and Zuo Yunyue's expressions froze, and their bodies suddenly flickered and hid
behind them. Their movements were extremely fast, how could they be injured at all?
Although the reaction of the two is already extremely fast, it is still a little slow...
There was a claw mark on Feng Jingtang's face, and blood was flowing, and Zuo Yunyue's neck
also had a slight sword wound...
Feng Jingtang and the two looked at Ye Chen and Yu Ziqing coldly and said, "What do you two
Even Hong Shuntian and others are a little confused...
Ye Chen and Yu Ziqing, who just agreed to enter the cave for healing, why did they suddenly turn
However, at this time, Yu Ziqing showed a wicked smile and licked the blood on the sword...
The injuries of Feng Jingtang and Zuo Yunyue are both minor and almost negligible, but... They
are all bleeding!
As long as there is bloodshed, Yu Ziqing can get a lot of information!
Suddenly, Yu Ziqing's complexion changed, and he looked at Feng Jingtang and Zuo Yunyue with
some doubts. Ye Chen frowned and said, "How is it?"
Yu Ziqing said solemnly, "These two are not Feng Jingtang and Zuo Yunyue, or even people!"
When everyone heard this, they were shocked again! not human?
But, they don't look any different from ordinary people, and they don't look like some kind of
Hearing this, Feng Jingtang immediately roared, "What nonsense are you talking about!? I'm not
human? What is that?"
Zuo Yunyue also said: "Are you crazy? Now, this is not the time for internal fighting!"
Yu Ziqing's eyes narrowed slightly, and she smiled sarcastically: "You still have to pretend? You
ask what is not a human being..."
After thinking for a while, Yu Ziqing said, "That smell, like... bugs?"
As soon as these words came out, the entire cave instantly fell silent!
Feng Jingtang and Zuo Yunyue, who originally wanted to say something, had their faces froze
when they heard the words, and then their eyes were filled with incomparable anger! insect?
Their family is a being that is far more noble than humans, and was degraded to a bug by an
animal-like human being?
This is what they hate the most!
They looked at Yu Ziqing and Ye Chen without saying a word, and after a while, the two suddenly
laughed and laughed sarcastically.
An inexplicable aura was surging around them. Even if the spiritual sense was suppressed,
everyone could instinctively feel it. This aura does not belong to human beings! They don't pretend!
However, Feng Jingtang did not take action immediately, he narrowed his eyes, looked at Yu
Ziqing and said, "You seem to be very sensitive to blood? However, I am curious, how did you
judge that we are not the deity, but take action against us? ?"
Chapter 5283 Old things
Yu Ziqing said lightly, "Because of greed." "greedy?"
Feng Jingtang was a little puzzled: "When did I act greedy?"
At this time, Ye Chen said lightly, "It's not that you are greedy, but that you are not greedy enough."
Feng Jingtang, it should be said that Xue Huang, Xue Zhao and Xue Zhao's eyes flashed with
surprise when they heard the words...
Yu Ziqing said, "You said that you would deal with the monster with us, and that there is a treasure
in the temple, but you didn't mention how to distribute the treasure?
Even when we humans die, we will never forget our interests. "
When he formed an alliance with Ye Chen, he did not mention the distribution of treasures,
because their alliance was only to find out what happened to the heirs on the island! Xue Huang
frowned and said, "Just because of this?
Yu Ziqing smiled wickedly: "More importantly, even if the killing is wrong, it is still a trivial matter to
Xue Huang heard the words and smiled coldly: "Humans are indeed despicable, greedy, cruel, and
incomparably inferior creatures..."
As he spoke, the breath around his body became stronger and stronger, and blood-colored lines
appeared on the surface of his body. His eyes turned into red vertical pupils, staring at Yu Ziqing,
his eyes flashing with distorted longing, as if he was hungry for hundreds of years. The old man
suddenly saw a roasted whole lamb!
To describe it in one word, it is greedy!
"Perhaps, that's why your brains are so delicious..."
With a bang, the aura of Xue Huang and Xue Zhao completely erupted!
At the same time, a blood-like smell filled everyone's nose!
Xuehuang swallowed and said, "I originally wanted you to enter the temple, kill you when you are
most afraid and painful, and keep the delicious food. Now, it seems that it may not be possible.
However, if you lose some delicious food , the ancestors should not be able to. Are you to blame?"
At this moment, everyone except Ye Chen looked extremely solemn!
The aura that Xue Huang and Xue Zhao exudes is extremely surging, and has already reached the
And its strength seems to be even more terrifying than the realm!
Even Yu Ziqing, a arrogant like Guan Hailou, has no certainty of winning...
At this time, Ye Chen secretly asked Shuo Lao and Xuan Hanyu, "Shuo Lao, Fairy Xuan, can you
see the roots of these two monsters?"
Ye Chen excitedly returned to the bloodline, which was enough to instantly kill the two of them, but
there was still an ancestor in their mouths!
The blood essence of Tianshi in his body may not be enough to make him explode twice, so he
must first understand the details of the enemy, and then formulate a strategy!
Old Shuo pondered for a moment and said, "This smell, if I didn't perceive it wrongly, is an
extremely ancient race called a brain-devouring beast!" "Brain eater?"
"Brain-devouring beast, as the name suggests, is a monster that specializes in devouring the
brains of living beings! This monster has magical powers and is extremely strange, but there is a
limitation, that is, it must be parasitic in the body of a certain creature, swallow its brain, and
occupy its body. Play it out!
Otherwise, it's not much stronger than ordinary bugs..."
Ye Chen heard the words, his eyes flashed, presumably, the two people who died were eaten by
the brain-devouring beast...
Shuo Lao continued: "There is another point, the brain-devouring beast is parasitic in a certain
organism, and it must feed on that creature. Among them, the brain-devouring beast that can
reproduce offspring is called the ancestor by its descendants!
The strength of the ancestors, at least the beginning of the real world!
And the descendants of the ancestors can be parasitic in the ancestors!
Moreover, the more powerful the brain-devouring beast, the higher the requirements for the brains
and parasites it devours!
In other words, a powerful brain-devouring beast needs to eat the geniuses of the host race. If you
want to change the host, you need even more geniuses! "
Ye Chen's pupils shrank slightly, and murmured: "Human genius... No return island... Brain-
devouring beast... Human skin map..."
His expression became a little ugly, and a very bad idea came up in his heart...
At this moment, Guan Hailou said with a gloomy expression, "What the hell are you doing? Has
this treasure of the Returnless Island been obtained by you?"
Xue Huang and Xue Zhao were stunned when they heard the words, and then they laughed like
they heard the funniest joke in the world!
Seeing this, Guan Hailou's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and his body was full of sword
energy, and he neighed: "What are you laughing at?"
Xue Huang looked at him as if he was incompetent, and sneered: "Treasure? Human, it's really
stupid... Your so-called treasure is just a game set up by the ancestors back then, do you still
believe it to be true? "
As soon as these words came out, Yu Ziqing, Hong Shuntian, Shui Jinghua and the others
suddenly changed their expressions!
Seeing everyone's expression, Xue Zhao, who had not spoken much, seemed to be enjoying
himself a little: "Hoho, back then, the first ancestor was suppressed by a lackey of the Heaven's
Path on this island without a return, but there were a few idiots. Do you think there are treasures
hidden in the island? These idiots are your ancestors! "
This time, the expressions of Yu Ziqing and the others turned completely ugly...
Xuehuang said: "Originally, the ancestor who had been hungry for a long time planned to eat your
ancestors clean, but..."
Speaking of this, Xue Huang's expression became more and more sarcastic, and he said with
amusement: "You know, what did your ancestors do at that time?"
Xue Zhao said with a smile on his face, "Your ancestors betrayed you completely in order to
They recognized the identity of the ancestor and knew that if the ancestor wanted to get out of
trouble, he had to wait until the repression of heaven subsides in the future!
The ancestors at that time must have been very weak.
So, if you want to recover, you naturally need to eat! "
Xue Huang couldn't help but applauded: "Shameless, you humans are really unmatched, you
actually thought of engraving false treasure information into your blood, and when the future of
heaven subsides, send your own children here. To serve as a Chinese meal for the ancestors?"
Xue Zhao said: "Moreover, I think it is very thoughtful, knowing that the ancestors have a very high
taste, and my favorite food is to stand out after the competition of life and death, that kind of
extremely excellent human being!
This kind of human being who has come out of the fight will keep his brain in a very delicious state
in a short period of time!
Now, do you understand what this game is about? "
At this moment, Shui Jinghua and the others are already pale...
Even Yu Ziqing felt a chill!
The ancestors they have always admired, the so-called top ten powerhouses in the sea of burying
are actually such things that are not even better than dogs?
At the same time, he became more and more jealous of the so-called ancestor!
Although their ancestors were unbearable back then, their strength was extremely powerful! Not
one, under the realm of reality!
Chapter 5284: Heaven-Defying Talent
However, these powerhouses were still defeated in the hands of the so-called ancestors, and they
were slaughtered like fish. How terrifying should the ancestors be?
Only Ye Chen had a weird expression.
Does this treasure really have nothing to do with Wanxu and Huaxia? impossible!
He doesn't believe that there are people in this world who can perfectly create a scam with Huaxia
and Wanxu. It seems that the people behind the scenes must know something.
If you want to solve the doubts in your heart, you can only find the other party.
Xue Zhao and Xue Huang laughed when they looked at everyone's expressions, um, despair,
chills, this kind of negative emotion can also improve the taste of the brain...
Xue Huang moved his shoulders, and his whole body crackled. The next moment, a bloodthirsty
color flashed in his eyes, and he said with a tyrannical smile: "I wait for a family, only eat brains,
your bodies are useless, although your strength is We're weak, but if you just cut off your lower
body, you shouldn't die, right?"
As soon as his voice fell, he slammed his right hand towards the crowd, and in an instant,
everyone's pupils shrank, and there was a hint of horror in their eyes!
I saw that Xuehuang's right hand stretched out in an instant, and it was constantly deformed and
hardened, turning into a huge sickle sword, sweeping towards Yu Ziqing and others!
In this sword, there is actually some kind of extremely ancient, special, and powerful power of law,
and a faint blood light flashes on the sickle sword, exuding an incomparably heart-pounding power!
At the same time, Xue Zhao also gave a wicked smile, his figure flashed, and he jumped into the
air, with countless tentacles stretched out all over his body, strangling them towards everyone!
Ye Chen's eyes flashed: "Guan Hailou, you and I block that man, Shuntian, Yu Ziqing, you deal
with that woman, Jinghua, the spiritual sense is suppressed here, pay attention to the surroundings
for us!"
When everyone heard this, their eyes flashed slightly, but at this moment, no one resisted Ye
Chen's command!
They all know that in the face of these two strange monsters, only by working together can they
have a chance to defeat each other!
The next moment, Guan Hailou shouted loudly, and the sword energy all over his body flashed, like
a tornado. , slash away! "Haitian Sword!"
Ye Chen is also full of demonic energy, flames lingering, evil spirits are stern, a sword rushing out,
as simple and elegant as moonlight, bright sword light, but it is full of incomparably fierce
murderous intent, and a huge force that can directly crush even space!
These two extreme attacks actually complemented each other at this moment, and they suddenly
slammed down towards the sickle like a thunderbolt!
At this moment, even Xue Huang's eyes flashed a look of horror!
Originally, according to his prediction, his side's combat power far surpassed that of the other side!
But, who would have thought that at this moment, both Guan Hailou and Ye Chen would burst out
with unexpected terrifying power! Especially Ye Chen!
The Qiankun Realm exists, but it has the ultimate combat power comparable to the Real Realm!
Even this pride, the ancient brain-devouring beast clan can't believe it!
From outside the realm, it seems that in history, I have never seen a monster to this extent!
However, at this moment, Xue Huang not only did not show the slightest fear, but instead became
more and more ecstatic and excited!
The more these guys are against the sky, the better the taste of their brains!
Thinking of Ye Chen's brain and the taste of it, Xuehuang's mouth almost flooded!
At this moment, even the ancestors of the brain-devouring beasts in the deep abyss, the terrifying
face without the panel is full of splendor!
The reason why he didn't take action was to store up his strength. Now, when his body has not
recovered, he will use one point of strength and one point less!
However, seeing Ye Chen now, he couldn't hold back a little!
With this guy's talent, he doesn't even need to restore this broken body, can he directly replace the
host? However, he forcibly held back!
Now, it is not certain whether Ye Chen's strength is really so defiant, and to test it, it is just right to
let Xuehuang and Xue Zhao fight with him, but if his two sons are really going to lose and die , it's
not too late for him to make another move.
After all, if he chooses an inappropriate host for parasitism, his fate will not be very good...
Therefore, you must observe carefully before parasitizing...
Ancestor, confident that even though his power has declined a lot now, Ye Chen and others still
have no resistance in front of him! No risk!
At this moment, there was a loud bang, and the blood-colored sickle sword suddenly collided with
the sword light of Guan Hailou and Ye Chen's sword light!
A strong aftermath swept across the surroundings, countless plants, rocks, all turned into
nothingness in the aftermath, and the entire gigantic no-return island shook!
Xue Huang's complexion changed, and he glanced at his right hand in disbelief. At this moment,
there were cracks on the edge of the changed sickle sword!
His whole person also took a few steps back under the impact of a huge force!
He was a little surprised. You must know that the hardness of the sickle sword arm formed by him
is definitely not under the first-grade law weapon!
However, Ye Chen and Guan Hailou cut a crack with one blow, and the other party still had the
upper hand in the fight! ?
For a time, Xue Huang's eyeballs were about to burst!
They are extremely proud of the brain-devouring beasts, and regard all the creatures in the world
as their own containers and food!
But now, he was slightly suppressed by his own food? Xue Huang is angry!
At the same time, Hong Shuntian and Yu Ziqing also blocked Xue Zhao's blow!
On this side, it was basically evenly divided, and Hong Shuntian was slightly suppressed! But, this
result also made Xue Zhao furious! What she pursues is instant kill!
For a time, the red lines on Xue Huang and Xue Zhao's bodies were all shining brightly, and their
aura was actually rising again!
At the same time, the flesh and blood of the two of them began to squirm faintly, as if countless
tentacles had been born!
After the brain-devouring beast devours the host's brain, it can transform the host's body! Make it
stretch, harden, deform, and more!
This kind of change can instantly increase the host's physical body to several levels, vitality, etc.
There will be qualitative changes in all aspects!
Xue Huang and Xue Zhao originally only changed a part of their body. After all, they thought it was
enough to deal with a part of Ye Chen and others...
But now, they are changing the whole body, and they are going to fight Ye Chen and others with all
their strength!
Doing so will greatly deplete the energy in their bodies, and they must eat supplements
immediately after the battle!
However, among these people, there must be some who the ancestors disliked, and they will be
distributed to them. For example, that woman, although they dislike it a little, but it is enough to fill
her stomach!
Therefore, all they have to do is defeat Ye Chen and others, and torture and humiliate them so that
their brains can reach the ultimate deliciousness!
Chapter 5285 From Guanhai Tower
Ye Chen felt the powerful increasingly breath of these two brain-devouring beasts, his face sank,
and he shouted in a low voice, "Everyone, do your best!"
In an instant, several powerful breaths burst out, countless sword lights, sword lights intertwined,
turned into a sea of energy, and tilted towards Xue Huang and Xue Zhao!
When Xuehuang and Xuezhao saw this, they smiled coldly. The next moment, a metallic gray-
white luster appeared on the whole body!
One after another brilliance submerged Xuehuang and Xuezhao, and the loud noise reverberated
on the island of no return. The aftermath of the wind swept all around, and even the storm outside
the island seemed to be temporarily suppressed by this terrifying aftermath! Everyone stared at the
center of the light!
At this moment, a voice full of contempt resounded in the center of the light: "This is your full
When everyone heard this, their pupils could not help shrinking!
I saw that Xue Huang and Xue Zhao, the whole body was covered with armor formed after
hardening! Everyone joined forces to strike, but only left a few cracks in the armor!
When Ye Chen and others saw this, their hearts sank!
The defense of this armor is so strong!
Not only does it cover the whole body, but even the strength is somewhat improved!
The next moment, Xuehuang's eyes flashed fiercely, and he roared, "Damn ants, be afraid!" With
this roar, his hands suddenly turned into two huge sickle swords, waving towards Ye Chen and
Guan Hailou!
The fierce sword wind exudes an extremely dangerous aura. The entire island is immersed in a
rhythm of being cut and torn when Xue Huang wields this sword!
Ye Chen and Guan Hailou both looked sullen. The power of each attack of these two attacks was
comparable to that of Xuehuang's last attack!
In other words, they can only resist one sickle sword each!
As for Fang Cai, the two of them only got the upper hand when they joined forces!
Ye Chen and Guan Hailou had a dignified look in their eyes, but when Guan Hailou was about to
make a move, Ye Chen suddenly flashed and stood in front of him.
Seeing this, Guan Hailou shrank his pupils and said, "What are you doing? Get out of the way!"
Ye Chen said lightly: "Go help Yu Ziqing and Shuntian, there are only two of them, and now they
are far from being the opponent of that monster. With you, there is not necessarily a chance of
Guan Hailou's expression changed slightly: "Marven Ye, do you know what this means? It means
that you have to face this guy alone! This monster, with the current strength, you are definitely not
an opponent, you will even die. "
Hearing this, Ye Chen smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, even if I can't defeat it, it's impossible
for this monster to defeat me!"
After staring at Ye Chen for a moment, Guan Hailou gritted his teeth, turned around abruptly, and
flashed towards where Yu Ziqing and the others were, while condensingly said, "Don't die."
The dialogue between the two seems complicated, but in fact, they communicated with spiritual
thoughts, which was completed almost in an instant, and at the same time, Xuehuang's sickle
sword was about to fall!
Seeing Guan Hailou flying towards Xue Zhao, Xue Huang not only did not stop it, but was
In fact, although his current strength has the upper hand, he is very clear that it is not possible to
defeat Ye Chen and Guan Hailou in an instant.
And now, when Guan Hailou left, it was just right for him to defeat them one by one!
Xue Huang gave a ferocious look, instead of chasing Guan Hailou, he crossed the two sickle
swords and chopped them down at Ye Chen!
His eyes flickered slightly, these two swords did not attack the vital point, but slashed at Ye Chen's
two arms! Ye Chen can't die, his brain, thinking about it, is the best!
Well, let's cut off the limbs first.
But, at this moment, Ye Chen's mouth raised a faint smile, and he slammed the pair of sickle
swords that came! Seeing this, Xue Huang frowned slightly!
Doesn't this kid know he's afraid?
The next moment, a loud noise came, the light splashed, and the joy in Xue Huang's eyes became
more and more intense. He could feel that the destructive power of his blow had surpassed Ye
Chen's sword light, and his sword light was rapidly shattering . !
Ho ho, still laughing? Immediately, are you going to scream?
Soon, Xuehuang felt the feeling of the sickle sword in his hands slashing into flesh and blood, and
even, there was a friction with the bones!
A blood-colored figure suddenly flashed in the air, smashing into the ground like a meteor! Boom,
after the ground shook the mountain, Shui Jinghua, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but
exclaimed, "Ye Chen!"
And Xuehuang said with great pride: "Boy, didn't you laugh just now? I'm curious, what are you
laughing at? Now, you're so badly injured that you even scream..."
However, before he finished speaking, a figure slowly stood up from the pothole on the ground.
Seeing this scene, Xue Huang's eyes trembled fiercely!
Ye Chen walked out of the pothole slowly, appeared in front of Xue Huang, and smiled coldly:
"What did you just say?"
Xuehuang's face twisted slightly. At this moment, Ye Chen was covered in blood red, and there
were two ferocious wounds on his shoulders...
However, what is even more shocking is that at this moment, these two wounds are healing at an
incredible speed!
In the blink of an eye, it was back to normal! Even Xuehuang, this ancient clan of brain-devouring
beasts, was frightened by the speed of this perverted recovery!
Ye Chen looked at Xue Huang's expression, and his smile became even more intense.
His greatest reliance was originally his vitality!
Xue Huang's attack power is indeed powerful. The average true-returning peak powerhouse may
be injured even in the face of this blow, but Ye Chen is intact at the moment! He said it was
impossible to beat himself for two reasons. One, nature is vitality.
And second, because Ye Chen knew very well that Xuehuang couldn't really kill himself!
After all, if you are dead, even if you take the corpse back, the delicious brain will not taste too
good, right? You know, Ye Chen is not an ordinary thing. If you give a grade to your brain, Ye Chen
is definitely the top one!
It's like, ordinary beef, you may eat it casually, but what about top-quality Wagyu beef?
That requires careful cooking!
With Ye Chen's current vitality, if it wasn't for a vital attack on him, it would be too easy to recover!
Even if the real Taizhen realm exists here, Ye Chen is not afraid of it!
On the other side, Xue Zhao also shot, countless tentacles turned into long spears, gushing out
from the body, and stabbed Hong Shuntian and Yu Ziqing fiercely. Facing this blow, he was a little
stretched, and there were two scars on his body. Man, suddenly his eyes lit up!
I saw that an extreme sword light slashed wildly with a momentum that penetrated the world. With
the addition of this sword light, they finally blocked the blow of Xue Zhao!
This sword light naturally comes from Guanhailou!
Chapter 5286 Ye Chen's Limit
Xue Huang looked at Ye Chen with an ugly expression: "Boy, I want to see how long your vitality
will last!"
As soon as the voice fell, he waved his hands again and slashed towards Ye Chen!
And Ye Chen also raised his sword to meet him and fought Xuehuang fiercely!
The same goes for the three Guan Hailou and Xue Zhao!
However, although Ye Chen and others resisted these two brain-devouring beasts for a while, they
were obviously at a disadvantage!
The worry on Shui Jinghua's pretty face became stronger and stronger, and if this goes on, it's only
a matter of time before everyone loses!
As the battle progressed, Ye Chen's complexion became paler and paler. Now, he has many
wounds all over his body, and was attacked by Xuehuang for thousands of times, and his recovery
speed finally began to decline!
Guan Hailou, Hong Shuntian and Yu Ziqing are also quite miserable. There are many holes in the
three of them, and blood is flowing...
There are not as many wounds on their bodies as Ye Chen, but the faces of the three of them are
paler than that of Ye Chen...
You know, not everyone has the vitality of Ye Chen.
Xue Huang's expression became more and more excited. He looked at Ye Chen, who was pale,
and he knew very well that victory was coming.
However, at this moment, a look of exhaustion flashed across Xue Huang's face. He was panting
slightly, and he felt a lot of burden when he shot so many times in a row!
The energy in him and Xue Zhao has also bottomed out...
However, their attacks became more and more violent!
Both want to end the battle in a short time!
When a person is in a bad state and strengthens the offensive, there are often flaws!
And Ye Chen looked at Xue Huang, his eyes suddenly lit up!
He keenly caught this flaw!
At this moment, Xue Huang's double swords fell again, but what made him unbelievable was that
this time, Ye Chen allowed the swords to penetrate his body without even defending! These two
swords stabbed into both sides of Ye Chen's body fiercely!
Ye Chen spat out a large mouthful of blood, and felt that it became difficult to breathe!
For a time, everyone was a little stupid. Ye Chen could resist Xuehuang hard, and he had to take
the opponent's attack hard. Is this a masochistic tendency?
Xue Huang sneered and said, "Boy, have you finally given up your resistance?"
In his opinion, Ye Chen was afraid of being attacked by him and accepted his fate.
But, at this moment, Ye Chen suddenly stretched out a hand and firmly grasped Xuehuang's arm
that turned into a sickle sword!
A huge force surged out in an instant!
Xue Huang's face sank, and he slammed his hand, but what he couldn't believe was that at this
moment, his arm was actually grabbed by Ye Chen, and he couldn't break free from his palm at all!
Today, Xuehuang's strength may surpass Ye Chen's, but pure strength is still inferior!
In a normal state, at Xuehuang's speed, Ye Chen didn't seize his chance at all, but the continuous
attack slowed Xuehuang's movements a bit! But soon, Xue Huang sneered: "What's the use of
catching me? It can only make you die faster!"
The next moment, his other arm that was not caught by Ye Chen was pulled out of Ye Chen's
body, bringing a shower of blood. Then, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he slashed towards
Ye Chen's shoulder!
With a puff, this sword slammed into Ye Chen's shoulders, tearing bones and flesh to pieces!
At the moment, Ye Chen lowered his head, like a piece of wood, without moving, letting Xuehuang
attack him crazily!
Even if Ye Chen's vitality is strong and he has no resistance, simply using his physical body to
resist the opponent's mad attack will still make his vitality drop rapidly!
The most important thing is that Ye Chen even put away the evil sword!
How to fight without weapons? Although Ye Chen's power is terrifying, Xuehuang is not an
opponent that can be defeated with bare hands!
For a time, Shui Jinghua and others all turned pale, is Ye Chen really going to lose?
Catching Xuehuang is just the last struggle? Xue Huang also let out a burst of laughter!
But, at this moment, an extremely surging aura of destruction is surging on this returnless island!
The entire No-Return Island seems to have turned into a terrifying black hole that will crush
everything into nothingness! And the center of this breath is Ye Chen!
Xue Huang was stunned when he saw this, and then a look of panic appeared in his eyes, and he
instinctively felt a huge danger!
He twitched his arm frantically, trying to get rid of Ye Chen's shackles, but Ye Chen's hand seemed
to be welded to the arm that turned into a sickle, and he couldn't do it at all!
Ye Chen slowly raised his head, with a fierce smile on his blood-filled face, stared at Xue Huang
and said, "What's the use of catching you? I'll let you see what's the use now, You die fast, or I die
The next moment, he suddenly raised his hand, and at this moment, his fingertips had condensed
a black light that was extremely rich! "Extinction Divine Light!"
Seeing this, Xue Huang's horrified look became more intense. He wanted to withdraw the arm that
was not caught and resist, but it was too late!
Extinguishing divine light, although it will take some time to cast, once it is successfully cast, the
speed of divine light is not slow at all!
In the blink of an eye, this ray of light hit Xue Huang's body!
Ye Chen smiled coldly. The reason why he grabbed Xuehuang and kept under attack was to
display this annihilating divine light! In an instant, time seemed to stand still!
Even the storm outside the non-returning island seems to have subsided!
Xue Huang's face solidified, the terrified look on that face was clearly visible, and the hand that was
withdrawn also stagnated in mid-air...
The next moment, countless cracks emitting black light spread all over the surface of Xuehuang's
hardened armor in an instant, and with a bang, the hardened armor exploded!
The bloody body that had lost the faceplate and was dripping with blood was revealed!
Blood poured out of his body, and the power of destruction in his body was raging like a hungry
wolf, frantically destroying his meridians and internal organs, etc.!
"Ahhhh!!! This is impossible! Impossible!"
Xuehuang let out a scream, fell from the air, and slammed into the ground with a bang!
Xue Huang's powerful aura quickly weakened, and the broken body kept shaking and dying. He
never imagined that, as a powerful brain-devouring beast family, he was actually defeated by a
human kid who regarded him as food!
At this moment, although he is not dead, he is also seriously injured!
There is no way to continue fighting! Ye Chen looked at the falling blood, and let go of the broken
arm in his hand. He frowned slightly, and his eyes flickered.
Although the Divine Light of Extermination is powerful, it still has its limits.
That Xuehuang's defensive means should not be underestimated, it actually blocked most of the
power of Shenguang!
Chapter 5287 The Ancestor
At this moment, Shui Jinghua and the others were completely sluggish!
Even the blood will coagulate! A moment ago, they were still worried that Ye Chen was going to
lose, and they were doing the last struggle...
The next moment, directly reversing the situation of the battle and suppressing Xuehuang with one
This reversal is too strong, making everyone feel like a dream for a while...
On the other hand, Xue Zhao's expression changed wildly, and he murmured in disbelief,
She also couldn't accept that Xue Huang was defeated by Ye Chen in a one-on-one situation!
What's more, when she was about to defeat the three of Guan Hailou!
At this moment, Guan Hailou, Hong Shuntian and Yu Ziqing were all covered in blood, with
numerous blood holes all over their bodies, and their faces were extremely pale, and they were
about to lose their fighting power completely!
If Xue Zhao didn't want to kill them directly, but tortured them more, the three of them might not be
able to support them for so long!
At this time, an inexplicable horror flooded Xue Zhao's heart!
It was as if he was being stared at by a wild beast!
Xue Zhao suddenly turned his head and looked towards the source of the horror feeling, but he
met a pair of extremely cold eyes!
A pair of eyes that make the cruel brain-devouring beast feel chills!
Ye Chen's eyes! Xue Zhao's expression suddenly turned ugly...
Although she had the upper hand in the battle with the three of Guan Hailou, what about after Ye
Chen joined?
She didn't want to be hit by the magical power that Ye Chen just displayed!
Xue Zhao moved towards the rear faintly, as if planning to escape!
In this case, he can only sacrifice Xuehuang!
However, Guan Hailou and the others seemed to see through Xue Zhao's thoughts in an instant,
and in a flash, they would surround Xue Zhao in the middle!
"Damn it!" Xue Zhao scolded angrily, running away in front of the food was a great shame for the
brain-devouring beast!
However, right now she seems to have no choice! The next moment, her figure flashed suddenly,
and she flew towards the rear, and the speed was extremely fast! Before the siege of Guan Hailou
and others was formed, he fled to the rear!
Both Guan Hailou and Yu Ziqing's eyes sank, they mustn't let this brain-eating beast go like this!
This time, it was the brain-devouring beast who underestimated the enemy. He was careless and
let them seize the opportunity, but what about next time? What if the brain-devouring beasts hide
from sneak attacks and attack them one by one?
Then, even if there is only one brain-devouring beast left, it will bring them great danger!
Only Hong Shuntian's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking...
At this moment, Xue Zhao, who had already flown a certain distance, suddenly changed his face,
and his body condensed in the air! There is a crimson chain on his body!
Guan Hailou and Yu Ziqing were stunned for a moment, what happened?
When Hong Shuntian saw this scene, he was very familiar with it, and he had experienced it
before... Guan Hailou and Yu Ziqing looked at the other end of the chain instantly, and saw that the
other end of the chain was connected to Ye Chen!
It's the God of Heaven!
The eyes of the three of Guan Hailou flashed with joy, and a cold smile appeared on the corners of
their mouths, and Ye Chen also moved and came to Xue Zhao's side.
The four blocked Xue Zhao's body in four directions, completely surrounding it!
What's more, even if not surrounded, Xue Zhao, who was locked by the Heavenly Demon God
Cable, could not escape!
Xue Zhao's complexion was completely gloomy at this moment!
Ye Chen slowly raised his hand and raised his sword fingers, the fingertips faintly flickered with
black light, while the three of Guan Hailou shouted and rushed towards Xue Zhao, attacking
desperately. , so that she has no chance to dodge!
Xue Zhao was scared, really scared! She just woke up from her slumber and entered her body to
be resurrected! To die again now? She is not reconciled!
Just when Shui Jinghua and others thought that the winning ticket was in their hands, it was a
mutation! An extremely powerful, domineering coercion that resembled the Eternal Demon King
surged up from the ground at lightning speed, and instantly descended upon Ye Chen and others!
At this moment, everyone's expressions changed!
Even Xue Zhao and Xue Huang's faces changed!
However, Ye Chen and others turned into horror, shock, Shen Ning...
And Xue Zhao and Xue Huang are ecstasy! They shouted in unison: "Ancestor!"
For a time, Ye Chen and others all blinked wildly. Is this the coercion of the ancestor?
Under the shock of this coercion, Hong Shuntian and others were so stiff that they couldn't make a
Even Ye Chen's face was extremely gloomy. Although he would not be affected by this coercion,
the coercion still gave him a very dangerous feeling!
Even if he activates the reincarnation bloodline, he can't compete with it!
The pressure brought by this coercion is even stronger than when facing the Lion King!
You must know that the Lion King is a super powerhouse in the Taizhen realm with the bloodline of
Tianshi! And this ancestor's breath is stronger than him?
Doesn't that mean that this ancestor, even today, has been sealed for countless years, still has the
strength comparable to the power of the Taizhen realm!
Ye Chen understands a little, why the outer world couldn't directly obliterate this ancestor, but to
seal it here, gradually weakening... For a while, his heart sank...
what to do? How to defeat such a formidable opponent?
Xue Zhao looked at the expressions of Ye Chen and others, and laughed wildly: "Why, aren't you
going to kill me? Do it? Why don't you move? Now, you know you're afraid?"
Her eyes flashed fiercely and she looked at Ye Chen. She knew that the biggest threat in this
group of people was Ye Chen!
The next moment, Xue Zhao was about to rush towards Ye Chen, and Ye Chen was also holding a
long sword, his eyes were cold, and he was ready to directly open the bloodline and kill Xue Zhao
in an instant. Light, the combat power has declined, and now, it may not be able to resist Xue
Zhao, then, only a quick decision!
But, at this moment, suddenly, a hoarse, low voice that inexplicably awakened people's original
fear sounded in everyone's ears: "Xuezhao, stop."
When Xue Zhao heard the words, her body trembled. Although her eyes were full of unwillingness,
she still did not dare to stop her movements without the slightest resistance. She hesitated and
said, "But, the ancestor..."
Her power won't last long, and it's about to fade away. If she doesn't make a move now, she won't
have a chance later... The ancestor said: "No need to say more, the deity, has its own
arrangements." "Yes!" Xue Zhao heard the words and stopped talking.
The next moment, a phantom appeared in front of everyone's eyes.
This phantom has no panel all over it, but it looks somewhat similar to the current Xue Huang.
Perhaps, this ancestor also suffered a fatal blow back then, and his armor was shattered to get
what he looks like now.
This phantom is the incarnation of the ancestor's spiritual sense!
Ye Chen's brows furrowed a little tighter. This ancestor's spiritual sense seems to be able to break
through the bondage on this returnless island?
It can be seen that his spiritual sense is much stronger than his own!
The ancestor's gaze suddenly fell on Ye Chen, and he smiled and said, "Young man, you are very
good, I have not seen such an excellent human being for a long time."
Chapter 5288 Ye Chen betrayed?
When everyone heard the words, they all frowned slightly. What does this ancestor mean? Ye
Chen's eyes flickered, and he said lightly: "In this case, can the ancestor let me wait and leave?"
The first ancestor laughed when he heard the words, and said with some playfulness: "This, of
course not, but..."
He suddenly smiled, stared at Ye Chen and said, "I have a way to keep you alive."
"The way to keep me alive?"
The ancestor smiled and said: "We are an extremely ancient race, and our clan has always
welcomed talents. In fact, our clan can not only devour the brains of other creatures for parasitism,
but also parasitize in one of the other's organs, such as arms. , heart and more!
This kind of parasitism does not have the slightest impact on your consciousness. It can be said to
be a symbiotic relationship, and your strength can also be greatly improved! "
When everyone heard this, their expressions changed slightly. Is this ancestor planning to recruit
Ye Chen?
There seemed to be a hint of contemplation on Ye Chen's face, he stared at the ancestor phantom
and said, "What are the conditions?"
The first ancestor heard the words and smiled with satisfaction: "It's easy to talk to a smart person,
very good, the deity did not see you wrong."
The ancestor casually glanced at Guan Hailou and the others and said, "Although your current
state is not very good, it is still enough to defeat these humans, right?"
The expressions of Guan Hailou and the others changed instantly!
Is this ancestor trying to sow discord?
However, their expressions soon recovered. After all, in their opinion, Ye Chen would never be
deceived by such a simple method. But, at this moment, a faint voice sounded in the ears of
everyone: "I can really do it, and then what?"
For a while, Guan Hailou and others looked at Ye Chen stupidly, especially Hong Shuntian and
Shui Jinghua... What does Ye Chen mean? Does he really want to.
Everyone shook their heads secretly, denying the idea, Ye Chen should just be delaying time! Ye
Chen's vitality is extremely powerful, and the kung fu injury has recovered a little in this moment!
He must be trying to buy time to recover!
But at this moment, a looming smile appeared on the ugly face of the first ancestor in the ground.
He had lived for so long and understood human nature very well!
In the face of a crisis, human beings may cooperate on the surface, bear it to the end, etc., but in
the face of the real chance to survive, they will instantly reveal their selfish nature!
Even if this opportunity seems fake, it's more important than other people's lives, isn't it?
What if it was true?
After all, if they resisted hard, what they would have to endure was the anger of a real existence!
All have no chance of surviving!
Hoho, human beings are such a hypocritical existence!
Even if human beings are given a chance, they may devour the same clan more fiercely than the
brain-devouring beasts. You must know that the human beings eaten by the brain-devouring
beasts in history are far less than those who were swallowed by human demons. what!
It is precisely because of this that the name of the brain-devouring beast has gradually
disappeared in history, and almost no one knows it until now.
And the more demonic human beings, the more they cherish their own lives!
Ye Chen's choice is generally the same as what he expected!
The first ancestor Xuying said again: "In order to show your loyalty to my family, now take action
against these people, defeat them, and bring them back to the temple where I am with Xue Zhao
Xuehuang, after that, This deity will grant you glory and supreme power!"
Ye Chen's eyes flashed: "How do I know, you're not lying to me?"
The ancestor smiled slightly and said, "You didn't have a choice, didn't you? If the deity takes
action, you will still die."
Under the ground, the ancestor was smiling. He didn't intend to shoot at will. Now the energy in his
body is very precious. He will not shoot unless it is a last resort. At this moment, he even withdraws
the coercion.
In his opinion, Ye Chen will 100% agree to his request!
Since he can make Ye Chen his chess piece with just a few words, why bother to do it himself?
What's more, the desperation brought by this betrayal will make the food more delicious!
Freed from the oppressive oppression, Guan Hailou and others looked at Ye Chen, who was
Shui Jinghua also covered her mouth, her beautiful eyes trembled, and Ye Chen at this moment
gave her a very strange feeling.
Hong Shuntian forced a smile and said, "Brother Ye, with such a simple scam, you...wouldn't you
really be fooled, would you?"
Hearing this, Ye Chen shook his head and said, "No."
Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
But, at this moment, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly sharpened and said, "However, as the ancestor
said, I have no choice, don't I?"
Xue Zhao laughed when she heard the words. At this moment, her strength has subsided, and she
even felt weak for a while. However, it doesn't matter. Under the plan of the ancestors, these stupid
humans have been at the mercy of them!
At this time, Ye Chen suddenly moved and rushed towards Guan Hailou, slashing down with the
long sword in his hand! "Damn it!"
Guan Hailou's face changed wildly, he could see that Ye Chen's sword was not acting, but a real
one! He raised the long sword with all his strength and blocked the long sword that Ye Chen had
slashed at!
The next moment, there was a loud bang, and Guan Hailou's body was smashed to the ground by
this sword, smashing a big hole.
Lying in it, his body was covered in blood and his bones were broken. He stared at Ye Chen with
murderous intent, struggling, but could not stand up again!
His state was too bad, but Ye Chen recovered a little from his injuries during the dialogue with the
On the other hand, Hong Shuntian and Yu Ziqing watched this scene with gloomy expressions.
The reason why they didn't take action was that, first, even if the three of them joined forces, they
would not be Ye Chen's opponents. Besides, there was Xue Zhao who was watching the play...
Second, they still have hope for Ye Chen!
Maybe Marven Ye did this for some reason!
But at this moment, Ye Chen suddenly flashed and appeared in front of Guan Hailou, holding a
long sword and about to slash down at Guan Hailou!
Guan Hailou roared with a twisted face: "What are you still doing!? This kid is for real! He has
definitely become the lackey of that brain-eating beast, betraying me and waiting!"
Hearing this, Yu Ziqing's face sank fiercely, and he suddenly shouted, "Ye Chen, stop!"
As soon as the words fell, he was about to rush towards Ye Chen, but, suddenly, Hong Shuntian
stood in front of Yu Ziqing and said, "Ziqing, calm down, Brother Ye is not such a person... "
Chapter 5289 The final layout
Yu Ziqing was stunned when she heard the words, and then she said with a stern face: "Get out of
the way, are you still facing this traitor?"
Hong Shuntian silent, and his heart was a little shaken, but, recalling his experience with Ye Chen,
he finally obeyed and said, "I believe him!"
Yu Ziqing's expression froze and said: "You want to die, whatever you want, I want him to die! Get
out of here!"
As soon as the words fell, the dagger in his hand suddenly slashed out at Hong Shuntian!
At the same time, Ye Chen's sword is about to fall towards Guan Hailou!
Xue Zhao and Xue Huang laughed unscrupulously when they saw this scene!
Stupid humans are fighting! The ancestor is really witty!
In just a few words, these human beings will be played around!
At this time, Xue Zhao looked at Ye Chen and said, "Don't kill him, if you die, your brain won't taste
Hearing this, Ye Chen slowly withdrew the long sword, very obedient.
Xue Zhao smiled with satisfaction, now Ye Chen is a good dog.
At this time, Hong Shuntian was forced to retreat again and again by Yu Ziqing's dagger, and his
face was pale. He was the most injured in the battle with Xuezhao, and his strength was not as
good as Yu Ziqing. Pushed into a corner !
Seeing that, the dagger in Yu Ziqing's hand was about to pierce Hong Shuntian's heart!
But, at this moment, Ye Chen appeared in front of Hong Shuntian in a flash, and with a dance of
the long sword in his hand, he blocked the blow for Hong Shuntian!
A look of joy appeared on Hong Shuntian's face: "Brother Ye!"
He really did not see Ye Chen wrong!
But, suddenly, Ye Chen turned his head indifferently, looked at Hong Shuntian and said, "If you die,
your brain will not taste good."
As soon as the voice fell, his backhand punched towards Hong Shuntian's chest. With a bang,
Hong Shuntian vomited blood, shattered his bones, and shattered his internal organs. The whole
person instantly weakened and fell from the air to the ground.
He looked at Ye Chen with a dull face, and then a look of extreme disappointment appeared in his
eyes, and he smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that I thought I had good eyesight, but in the end I still
saw you wrong ..."
When Xue Zhao and Xue Huang saw this scene, they almost wanted to applaud!
So wonderful! These humans are doing so well!
Yu Ziqing let out a low roar, blood flowing frantically all over his body, and a powerful force burst
out of his body instantly, slashing a blow to Ye Chen!
But Ye Chen faced this blow, but his expression was still calm, and he slashed at Yu Ziqing with all
his strength!
The Shajian collided with the dagger in Yu Ziqing's hand in an instant. Under the surging force, Yu
Ziqing vomited blood instantly and stepped back in the air. Every time he stepped back, cracks
appeared in the space under his feet!
As for Ye Chen, Yu Ziqing was forced to retreat with one sword, but without giving him any time to
breathe, he cut out a series of sharp sword beams, and wanted to end the battle as quickly as
Under Ye Chen's mad attack, Yu Ziqing fell to the ground very quickly!
At this moment, the eyes of everyone looking at Ye Chen are filled with disappointment, hatred,
anger, etc... Among them, disappointment is the most intense...
Ye Chen gained their trust, but trampled on their trust like this!
However, to say that the most disappointing person is not the three people who have been
knocked down by Ye Chen at this moment, but a woman standing quietly in the same
place... Water mirror.
Shui Jinghua stood there, her beautiful eyes looked dimly at Ye Chen who was walking towards
her step by step, tears fell down her beautiful face.
She didn't expect that the young man who rushed to Suiming Island to save himself from danger
and defended several strong people in the realm of the real world was such a person?
It turns out that he is not fearless, nor does he know that pride has no bottom line, and he doesn't
know how to retreat, but no one has ever touched his bottom line before...
Now, the ancestor has touched, Ye Chen's disguise has been torn apart, and his nature has been
exposed. In fact, Shui Jinghua does not reject dying for Ye Chen...
Even, he will take the initiative to die for Ye Chen, but what is more difficult for a woman to accept
than death is that the person he cares about treats him as an abandoned child and ruthlessly
abandons him, right?
Even at this moment, Ye Chen, seeing Shui Jinghua's eyes, was faintly touched, he frowned, took
a deep breath and said, "Jinghua, I'm sorry."
As soon as the words fell, he raised his sword and slashed towards the back of Shui Jinghua's
neck. Shui Jinghua groaned and fainted without any resistance.
Seeing this scene, Hong Shuntian and others completely gave up.
They could see that Ye Chen and Shui Jinghua, although not in love with each other, were
somewhat emotional... But what about Ye Chen?
Even one's own woman, at least a woman who has a good opinion, can do it without hesitation and
betray her for her own life?
In fact, Guan Hailou and others are not good people, and they have done nothing less than
murder, torture, etc... But, scum who are so despicable, they really look down on it!
But they didn't notice the complexity and solemnity of Ye Chen's eyes!
This is an extraordinary calm! This is the coolness of the layouter!
At this time, Ye Chen looked at Xue Zhao and said, "Now, what should I do?"
Xue Zhao smiled slightly and said, "Very good, you have shown your loyalty to our clan and are
qualified to be my brain-devouring beast's ally. Now, come with me."
As she said that, she stretched out a few shots, entangling Huahong Shuntian and others on the
ground, and lifted them up and went in a certain direction.
At this time, Xue Huang also climbed up from the ground with difficulty. He glanced at Ye Chen
with some resentment, but he didn't say anything, just followed Xue Zhao with a sneer.
Ye Chen followed the two and soon came to a huge abyss.
Xue Huang and Xue Zhao both jumped towards the abyss without hesitation.
Ye Chen's eyes flashed, and his figure disappeared into the darkness of the abyss.
After a while of falling, everyone came to the bottom of the abyss, and the outline of a temple
appeared in front of everyone in the faint purple light.
After entering the temple, they came to a hall.
In the hall, there is a stone table, and behind the stone table sits a terrifying man with no faceplate
and covered in blood.
Xuehuang and Xue Zhao put the bodies of Hong Shuntian and others in the hall, and respectfully
saluted the man behind the table: "The First Ancestor."
The ancestor casually glanced at the few people who were struggling to stand up, and shot a few
blood-colored brilliance at random.
Immediately, he stood up with a smile, walked to Ye Chen, looked at Ye Chen up and down and
said, "You did a good job, a very wise choice."
Ye Chen heard the words, his eyes flashed slightly: "Do you really want me to live with you?"
Chapter 5290 Those who move the master,
The ancestor smiled and said, "You don't believe it? If you don't believe it, why do you do what I
say?" Ye Chen said lightly, "Because, I want to live."
The ancestor heard the words, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, and said after a while: "Originally,
I wanted to kill you after you entered the temple, but now the deity has changed his mind." As he
said that, his figure flashed and appeared in front of Xue Zhao.
Originally, Xue Zhao, who was still smiling, was watching the play, but suddenly his face froze!
The next moment, the ancestor smashed Xue Zhao's head into pieces with a palm, and from it he
grabbed a worm with blood-colored lines all over his body, like a leech.
That little worm is still struggling in the hands of the ancestor.
Seeing this scene, Xue Huang's complexion changed and said: "Ancestor, you are..."
The ancestor cast a look at Xue Huang, and then slowly walked to Ye Chen and said, "I will now
plant Xue Zhao into your body!"
Xue Huang's eyes flickered for a moment, and then, his face suddenly became stunned, and Ye
Chen's expression became more and more sarcastic. Ye Chen looked at the worm in the hands of
the ancestor, and there was a touch of excitement in his eyes.
The first ancestor held the little worm and smiled at Ye Chen: "However, I have to remind you that
after Xue Zhao is planted into your body, you need to eat humans to supply Xue Zhao, and you are
also There will be a strong desire to swallow, can you accept it?” Hearing this, Ye Chen nods
without hesitation, "Yes."
"Okay." The ancestor nods and said, "This deity, I didn't see you wrong."
After all, his whole body was full of blood, and a drop of blood essence condensed on his
fingertips, and then, on Ye Chen's body surface, some lines were drawn with the blood.
A strange feeling penetrated into Ye Chen's body, and pictures of ancient times appeared in his
mind. In the pictures, there were small insects that burrowed into the heads of giant dragons,
phoenixes and other alien beasts. Among them, he occupied his body and devoured the entire
dragon and phoenix clan, reaching the top of the ten thousand clans!
The ancestor smiled and said: "This animal pattern can help you better integrate with our family.
Now, tell the deity that you want Xue Zhao, which part of you is parasitic on?" After pondering for a
moment, Ye Chen said, "Dantian."
The first ancestor heard the words, and the joy in his eyes became more intense: "Okay, it's a good
choice, can you tell me the reason?"
Ye Chen said lightly: "My vitality is very strong, but if the dantian is damaged, it will still affect my
combat power, so I want to increase the defense power at the dantian, relying on the hardening
ability of the brain-devouring beast , can do it."
The ancestor nodded and said: "Okay, then let's start, remember, don't resist!"
The next moment, the ancestor sent the worm in his hand towards the position of Ye Chen's
dantian. Soon, the worm penetrated directly into Ye Chen's muscles and disappeared.
In Ye Chen's eyes, a burst of red light suddenly erupted, and the blood-colored lines all over his
body became brighter! An ancient and powerful force surged up within its body!
A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Chen's mouth, and now he already has the strength
comparable to the half-step Taizhen realm!
The effect of this brain eater is really good!
The ancestor smiled and said, "How do you feel?"
Ye Chen nods in satisfaction and said, "That's right. So, I am one of you now?"
Hearing the words, the ancestor took a casual move, took the food in front of him, and said to Ye
Chen, "How do you feel?" In Ye Chen's eyes, a flash of greed flashed: "Hunger." The ancestor
narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Very good, that means the fusion is successful. You are now
a member of our family."
Xue Huang also drank a voice: "This is a supreme honor, don't you thank the ancestor?"
When Ye Chen heard the words, he bowed to the ancestor and said, "Thank you for the gift of the
ancestor." When the first ancestor heard the words, he looked at Ye Chen with some playfulness
and said, "Now, are you very happy?"
Ye Chen nodded and said, "It's my luck to be able to join your family."
The ancestor suddenly grinned and said, "Since you are so happy, this deity has something to tell
you." Ye Chen heard the words, but said, "Before this, I also have something I want to ask the
ancestor." The ancestor said curiously: "What do you want to ask?"
Ye Chen said: "Is the human brain the most delicious when it falls from heaven to hell?"
The ancestor was slightly takenback, but he still nodded and said, "Not bad."
Ye Chen showed a smile and said: "So, what the ancestor wanted to tell me, isn't it, what you
painted on my body is not an animal pattern at all, but an auxiliary parasitic pattern?
For this kind of pattern, a brain-devouring beast is usually first planted into the host's body, and
then when other brain-devouring beasts devour and parasitize the host's brain, the previously
implanted brain-devouring beast can play an auxiliary role. effect, reducing the host's resistance?
And if I knew this information, I would definitely be desperate, right?
At that time, my brain was very delicious... Ancestor, are you planning to parasitize my brain
now? " The ancestors, Xuehuang, and even Hong Shuntian and others changed their expressions
when they heard the words! How did Ye Chen know this?
Could it be that he already knew that he was going to be parasitized and taken away?
Then why cooperate like this? For ordinary warriors, being seized is one of the worst ways to die!
Not only is he lost his soul, but he also wants to cheapen his enemies?
And the parasitic seizure of the brain-devouring beast is even more terrifying than the ordinary
It is said that when the brain-devouring beast eats your brain, it will devour your soul and torture
your soul forever, and you can only watch the brain-devouring beast control your body! This feeling
is ten thousand times more painful than dying directly!
The ancestor frowned, and there was a faint hunch in his heart!
The next moment, he suddenly shouted: "Xuezhao, do it!"
Suddenly, the blood on Ye Chen's body became stronger again, and at the same time, a metallic
gray light appeared on Ye Chen's body, but this was not hardening!
When this gray light appeared, everyone clearly felt that Ye Chen's muscles were stiff!
At the same time, the ancestor also sneered and stretched out his hand towards the top of Ye
Chen's head. No matter what the kid had planned, as long as his hand fell on the top of Ye Chen's
head, then Ye Chen would surely die.!
This incomparably powerful body belongs to him!
Xuehuang is also full of joy, the damn ants dare to seriously hurt themselves, and still want to be a
member of our clan? What about dreaming?
Lowly human beings are nothing but food!
However, at this moment, a smile appeared on Ye Chen's mouth and said, "You brain-devouring
beasts treat all the creatures in the world as your food, but have you ever thought that one day, you
will also become someone else's food?"
In Ye Chen's body, Xue Zhao was covered in blood, and he was exerting his power in his dantian
to control Ye Chen's body, but at this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared behind Xue
Zhao! Ye Chen's dantian is Xiaohei's territory!
Xiao Hei is like the controller of the extremely dark place, staring at Xue Zhao, saying word by
word: "You should not do anything to the master, whoever moves the master, die!" A strong
coercion erupted from Xiao Hei's body! It's like the beginning of chaos!
And Xue Zhao strangely discovered that at this moment, the monstrous coercion made her unable
to act! What's even more bizarre is that this dark monster actually made her soul and blood
tremble! What kind of monster is this kid's dantian! ! !
Chapter 5291 Eternal silence!
Hearing the words, the ancestor smiled disdainfully: "Food? There is no race that can use my
brain-devouring beast as food!"
But, suddenly, the hand stretched out by the ancestor trembled and froze in the air!
An extremely mournful wailing sound suddenly came from Ye Chen's dantian!
That is the roar of the brain-devouring beast!
The ancestors and Xuehuang were sluggish for a moment, I couldn't believe it!
The ancestor of the brain-devouring beast can feel the pain of his descendants. At this moment,
Xue Zhao is suffering great torture! He roared at Ye Chen with a grim face: "What did you do to the
descendants of this deity!?"
Ye Chen smiled playfully and said, "Didn't you say that brain-devouring beasts will not be used as
food? Then I don't know, what happened to your heir." "you wanna die!!!"
The ancestor roared and was completely angry. It is not easy for the ancestor to raise a
descendant, and Xue Zhao and Xue Huang are the only two heirs left!
Now, when his strength has not recovered, there are many places that need the help of these two
children! But, now, Xue Zhao seems to have really been swallowed by something...
For a time, even this ancestor felt a trace of horror when he looked at the young man with a
strange smile in front of him!
His eyes flashed with murderous intent, and now is not the time to have fun!
With a bang, the ultimate coercion of the Taizhen Realm broke out instantly, and this surging
pressure alone would almost crush Hong Shuntian and others!
Not to mention, this is just a breath of air, not aimed at them...
At this moment, even Ye Chen frowned and felt a little pressure!
The ancestor shouted: "Boy, what if you have any means? In the face of absolute strength, you
have no chance of resisting at all!"
Originally, I wanted to make Ye Chen despair and make the food taste better, but who would have
thought that a child would be lost?
Now, the first ancestor is no longer in the mood to talk nonsense with Ye Chen. He is confident that
as long as his body can enter Ye Chen's head, even if Ye Chen is the incarnation of Taizhen, it can
swallow it!
Brain-devouring beast, why is it called a brain-devouring beast?
Because, when the brain-devouring beast devours its brain, it is an invincible existence!
That's exactly what happened!
Ye Chen's eyes are extremely solemn. At this moment, Xiao Hei in his dantian is swallowing the
blood, but what if this ancestor enters Ye Chen's brain?
Xiao Hei couldn't help Ye Chen either! The first ancestor's hand in the air accelerated again, and
pressed towards Ye Chen's head at an unbelievable speed!
Everyone's expressions changed, and Ye Chen seemed to have no chance of blocking this speed!
The other party is not simply too real! In the realm of truth, he is also a strong man! The strength
gap is really too big!
But, at this moment, an extremely powerful aura suddenly burst out from Ye Chen's body. Two
mysterious runes appeared in his eyes, and the whole world seemed to surrender to Ye Chen's
feet. generally!
His arm suddenly swayed, and when the palm of the ancestor was only an inch away from the top
of his head, he grabbed his wrist!
Xue Huang saw this scene, and there was only a look of horror in his eyes!
The ancestor's hand was actually caught? Don't underestimate, this simple grab, this is the wrist of
a Taizhen realm powerhouse, is it so easy to grab?
If you want to grasp the ancestor's wrist, you need at least the strength of Taizhen Second Layer
Heaven or above, so you can barely do it!
In other words, this kid has burst out with such terrifying power now?
Even the ancestor's face changed wildly, looking at the two runes in Ye Chen's eyes, his whole
body trembled...
But, not trembling with fear, but trembling with excitement!
He exclaimed: "Boy, you... are the Samsara family!"
Brain-devouring beast, this name was a taboo even in the primeval times, but what about the
Samsara family? The people of the Samsara bloodline are the race that even the brain-devouring
beasts need to look up to!
If it can devour a reincarnation bloodline, then the strength of the brain-devouring beast will not
only increase by leaps and bounds, but also, you don't have to eat the same clan for eternal life,
It can be said that the person who devours Samsara can completely transform the brain-devouring
beast and transform into a higher existence!
In the case of this ancestor, not only can the injury be completely recovered, but even the strength
can completely break through to the Taizhen realm?
In this way, he can truly be invincible outside this domain! You can even set foot on the Taishang
world. Of course, under normal circumstances, swallowing reincarnation, even a brain-devouring
beast would not dare to think about it...
In fact, if there is any race in this world that can make the brain-devouring beast accept a symbiotic
relationship, I am afraid that there is only reincarnation!
But, I don't know why, the bloodline of this young man from the Samsara clan now seems to have
not really awakened, and it is the best time to swallow it!
The ancestor showed a very distorted smile and said: "Kid of the reincarnation family, do you think
you can stop the deity and devour you by using the strength of the bloodline? Hoho, your current
strength is still an ant in front of the deity ! "
As soon as the voice fell, the ancestor's arm suddenly moved, ignoring the terrifying force that Ye
Chen burst out at the moment, and continued to press hard on the top of Ye Chen's head! Ye Chen
actually lost in power!
The ancestor of the Taizhen Realm is really terrifying!
The eyes of the ancestors gradually brightened, as long as the hand can be placed on the top of
Ye Chen's head, it can take away this reincarnation body!
In that case, being imprisoned by Heaven for countless years is worth it!
But, at this moment, Ye Chen said with a blank face, "Who said, I'm going to stop you?"
When everyone heard the words, they were all dumbfounded. If they didn't stop the ancestors,
what would they do?
wait to die?
At this moment, a strange black and white pattern spread out on Ye Chen's arm in an instant, and
the two runes in his eyes shone brightly!
He opened his mouth slowly, and the sound he made at this moment was like a declaration of
divine punishment from the gods, and it was extremely majestic.
This voice echoed in this underground temple.
"Reincarnation: Zhan Dao!"
In an instant, time seemed to stand still!
The ancestor's arm has touched Ye Chen's head at this moment, and his body is about to drill into
Ye Chen's body along the arm, but...
Suddenly, the weird lines spread to the body of the ancestor!
A look of extreme horror suddenly appeared in the eyes of the ancestors. He opened his mouth
and seemed to want to say something, but...
Without waiting for the sound to come out, the body of the ancestor has turned into powder and
dissipated, even its body!
The entire temple fell into a dead silence! Eternal silence!
Chapter 5292 The Hidden Things
The ancestor of the brain-devouring beast, this is not an ordinary Taizhen realm! Such a super
strong, ancient alien beast, just died like this?Killed by Ye Chen?
Yu Ziqing and others couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, their hearts almost stopped
beating... There must be a limit to strength, right?
Fang Cai's magical power is really going to go against the sky!
However, it is obvious that the conditions for the use of this magical power are quite harsh, and the
price is not small. At this moment, Ye Chen's figure flickered, and he was so weak that he half-
kneeled directly on the ground!
Unless there are special circumstances, it will be difficult for him to use this trick again in the future.
This is the price.
At the same time, Xuehuang let out a shrill scream, and the whole body began to burn. After the
ancestor died, the descendants would also perish!
Soon, Xuehuang turned into a burst of fly ash...
At this moment, only Ye Chen and others were left in the temple.
Hong Shuntian and others were sluggish for a moment, and then they cheered!
After the catastrophe! The real afterlife! Even with their hearts, they couldn't help it!
At the same time, they looked at Ye Chen with apologetic expressions in their eyes: "I'm sorry,
Brother Ye, I doubted you..."
When Ye Chen heard the words, he waved his hand casually, and said with a smile, "You guys did
a good job, if it weren't for this, you wouldn't be able to deceive this ancestor."
In fact, from the moment the ancestor appeared, Ye Chen knew that the purpose of the ancestor
was to devour him and take away his body!
According to Shuo Lao, when the brain-devouring beast is parasitic and seizes the house, it can
only be done if the original host has physical contact with the current host!
Usually press the hand on the other's head!
At that time, Ye Chen knew that the only way to defeat this ancestor was to reincarnate!
If it is a normal battle, even if Ye Chen activates the bloodline, he will not have any chance to touch
the ancestor, and will only be crushed by the ancestor.
Therefore, he must make the ancestor think that he is completely at the mercy of him, and there is
no threat!
In this way, he will let himself enter the temple and have the opportunity to get close to him, right?
That's why he must pretend to be betrayed!
However, there is another point, that is, the blood essence of Tianshi he has left may not be
enough to use the reincarnation method. At this time, Xiao Hei told him that if he can swallow the
brain-devouring beast, he can get a lot of open heaven aura!
This is also one of the reasons why Ye Chen wanted the ancestor to lower his guard against
Only when the other party treats you as a turtle in a urn will they want to humiliate and torture you
as much as possible.
In that case, in order to let oneself experience the despair from heaven to hell, the first ancestor
might send the brain-devouring beast into his body!
In other words, all of this is in Ye Chen's calculations! Interlocked!
Doing this, of course, is extremely risky. As long as there is a problem in one link, the only thing
waiting for Ye Chen is death.
In fact, if Ye Chen broke out with all his strength and wanted to escape, it was still possible to do
so, as long as he broke into the death storm and the mist of lost, although it was also very
dangerous, but with Ye Chen's vitality and strength, it was There is a chance to survive!
But, doing so means abandoning Hong Shuntian, Shui Jinghua and others!
And if you want everyone to survive, then there is only one way, and that is to kill the ancestor of
this terrifying brain-devouring beast!
Even if the risk is great, Ye Chen will only choose this method!
The reason is very simple, he is not a person who will abandon his companions!
After half an hour, Shui Jinghua opened her eyes again. When she saw a slightly indifferent face of
a man appeared in front of her, her expression suddenly changed, and the aura in her body
instantly became restless. , seems to want to explode!
At this time, Ye Chen's complexion changed slightly, and he said quickly, "Jinghua, it's me!" Saying
that, he casually pressed on Shui Jinghua's soft lower abdomen and suppressed his spiritual
When Shui Jinghua heard the words, her beautiful eyes trembled, and she looked at Ye Chen in
surprise and said, ", is that the monster, or Ye Chen?"
Before, the two monsters were disguised as humans, but they were flawless!
Even the memory of the host can be copied!
At this time, Hong Shuntian and others also appeared beside Shui Jinghua, smiled and said, "Miss
Shui, he is indeed Brother Ye, the previous betrayal was just Brother Ye's plan, but it deceived me
and the others. "
Shui Jinghua heard the words, her beautiful eyes lit up, Ye Chen didn't really betray this matter,
she was happier than surviving from the brain-devouring beast!
At this time, Yu Ziqing smiled maliciously and said, "Miss Shui, maybe, all of us were taken away
by the brain-devouring beast. Are you lying to you?"
When Shui Jinghua heard the words, a look of fear appeared on her little face.
Ye Chen smiled and said, "Okay, don't scare Jinghua anymore."
He stared at Shui Jinghua and didn't say much, but looking at Ye Chen's eyes, Shui Jinghua smiled
slightly, and she knew that Ye Chen was in front of her.
Eyes can't deceive people. Brain-devouring beasts may be able to replicate human memories, but
they cannot replicate human emotions!
At this time, Guan Hai Lou said, "Since there are no treasures on this Wuhui Island, let's leave
However, Ye Chen's eyes flashed slightly: "Do you think that those who buried the sky and the sea
were really brain-eating beasts said that they were so stupid?"
When everyone heard the words, their eyes flickered.
Yu Ziqing said, "Brother Ye, what do you mean?"
Ye Chen continued: "Even if they are really caught in the trap, if there is no bait, even the ancestor
of this brain-devouring beast, it is not easy to trick these Xeons who have experienced strong
winds and waves!"
A look of joy appeared on Hong Shuntian's face: "Could it be that there are treasures on this Wuhui
Island?" Ye Chen said: "Since there is no danger now, at least, explore this island again and go
Ye Chen is very clear that the words Wanxu and Huaxia are definitely not groundless, there must
be something more important here!
Something that even the ancestors didn't know about!
After half a day.
Everyone came to a certain place in the rainforest, and in front of them grew a small tree that
looked a little inconspicuous, and around the small tree, a formation was faintly arranged to cover
the breath of the small tree.
Hong Shuntian stared at the formation and said, "It seems that someone wants to hide something."
This formation is actually very obscure, but it is made of blood. If it wasn't for Yu Ziqing's strong
perception of blood, everyone might not be able to find it!
The next moment, Ye Chen smashed the formation with a sword, and in an instant, the brilliance
bloomed instantly!
The small tree in front of him that was originally inconspicuous, instantly turned into a spiritual tree
with golden branches and jade leaves, exuding endless treasures!
Everyone looked at the spiritual tree in front of them with shocking expressions on their faces!
Chapter 5293 The secret behind the
This rich treasure energy, just standing next to this spirit tree and taking a breath makes them feel
More importantly, there are many crystal clear fruits on top of this precious tree, which are like five-
colored glass-like fruits. There are countless strange patterns on the fruits.
The whole treasure tree is full of surging vitality!
Ye Chen looked at this precious tree with a strange expression, because the Taixuan Dao Seed in
his body was actually glowing strangely at this moment.
The Taixuan Taoist species existed in Ye Chen's body a long time ago, and Ye Chen never took
care of it later. But at this moment, it seems that the treasure tree in front of him has some kind of
connection with it.
Hong Shuntian looked at the treasure tree, swallowed his saliva and said, "Golden branches, jade
leaves, glazed fruit, this... is this the legendary Taixuan Dao tree?"
Ye Chen's eyes flashed and he asked, "What is this Taixuan Dao Tree? What does it have to do
with Taixuan Dao Seed?"
Hong Shuntian said: "The Taixuan Taoist species you are talking about is more mysterious, I don't
understand it that well, but both should originate from an ancient thing, and this Taixuan Taoist tree
is an extremely precious spiritual thing between heaven and earth , and it is itself a martial artist. It
has no special effect other than helping the warrior to understand the Great Dao, and it must be
grown in the soil to be able to do it, and once it is excavated, it will be invalid in an instant.”
When Ye Chen heard this, he frowned slightly, which was a bit tasteless. He couldn't stay on this
island without returning for the sake of the Dao of Enlightenment, right?
You know, he is still looking for Gu Xuan and Zhu Yuan. "but!"
At this time, Hong Shuntian said again with an excited expression: "The fruit that bears on this
Taixuan Dao tree is called Daoyuan Fruit, and it is a great supplement for martial artists!
Not only can it bring great improvement to the warrior in terms of physical body, soul, cultivation,
etc., but it can even strengthen the law and rhythm of the warrior! "
When Ye Chen heard this, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes!
This Origin Fruit should be able to increase his strength by one point! However, what puzzled him
was why the brain-devouring beast didn't devour this Origin Fruit?
At this time, Old Shuo opened his mouth and said, "This Origin Fruit is a spiritual creature
conceived by the Dao, and the Brain Eater is actually a race that violates the Dao of Heaven and
Dao. Therefore, the Origin Fruit of the Dao is useless to them, but harmful. Yes, the Taixuan Dao
seed in your body has reached the point where it needs to absorb the energy of the source, and it
has been silent, and this Taixuan Dao tree should wake it up for a short time."
Ye Chen heard the words and nod secretly. Immediately, he counted the fruits on the Taixuan Dao
tree, there were nine in total, he frowned and said, "Nine, there are five of us, how do we divide
them? Why don't we take two and divide the last one? "
At this time, Hong Shuntian smiled and said, "It doesn't have to be like this, we only take one, and
the rest will belong to Brother Ye. This time we can survive thanks to Brother Ye, and this Origin
Fruit will last a lifetime. You can only take one, and it will be useless if you have more, but it will be
damaged because your body can't bear it.”
Shui Jinghua needless to say, Yu Ziqing and Guan Hailou naturally have no objection.
If it was originally, Yu Ziqing and Guan Hailou might still have the idea of killing people and stealing
But now, after seeing Ye Chen activate the bloodline, they don't have the courage anymore...
What's more, Ye Chen saved their lives. Although these two are not kind people, they have their
own principles and bottom lines, and they are not the kind of people who like to repay kindness.
Ye Chen was not hypocritical when he heard the words, and immediately picked five Daoyuan
fruits from the Taixuan Dao tree.
The remaining four were divided equally among the four of Shui Jinghua.
There is a light in Ye Chen's eyes, and his body can't bear it?
Others may have this trouble, but he doesn't!
After these five Daoyuan Fruits are all swallowed, can his strength reach a new level?
Moreover, after swallowing it, the small saplings of the Taixuan Dao species might change. Just
when Ye Chen was about to leave, suddenly, Shui Jinghua's expression changed, and two ancient
lines bloomed in her pupils.
Not only Shui Jinghua, but also Yu Ziqing and others!
Ye Chen obviously noticed something different: "What happened to you?"
But a few people have no answer! It's like falling into some kind of fantasy!
At the same time, the sound of dragon roars was faintly heard behind the tattoo guardian. Not only
that, the remaining human skins have all turned into lines!
The lines continued to shrink, and finally turned into bright spots of light!
Ten light points touch! Ye Chen found that the whole island was shaking!
Ye Chen's expression was solemn, could this be all that was foreshadowed behind it?
The chessboard spanning countless years is only now beginning to reveal?
Why is it only revealed at this moment? Even blinded the ancestors and others?
Are you waiting for yourself?
Just when Ye Chen was in a thousand thoughts, the ground shattered, and an ancient box stained
with countless runes leaped up and hovered in front of Ye Chen!
And the ten light spots suddenly drilled into the ancient box.
Ye Chen stretched out his hand and touched the ancient box. The ancient box was obviously alive
and slowly returned to Ye Chen's hand.
At this moment, Ye Chen's hands were shaking. It was because the runes engraved on the ancient
box were completely different from the runes he had seen. Not ancient.
On the contrary, the text above is the text of Huaxia!
It's just that these words seem to be scattered, and Ye Chen is not sure what information the
ancient box wants to express. Ye Chen tried to open it in vain, but even though his power was
strong, he couldn't break everything in the ancient box.
Ye Chen even used the evil sword, Moon Soul Slash, and master swordsmanship, but he couldn't
break it. Presumably, the secrets related to Wanxu and Huaxia are hidden in it. But right now, I
don't know if the ancient box is resisting, or the ancient box needs a key. Ye Chen finally put the
ancient box into the reincarnation cemetery, and the three of them also sobered up. "What
happened?" Several people looked strange, and their memory seemed to be missing.
Ye Chen hesitated for a few seconds, but still shook his head: "No, since we got the Daoyuan Fruit,
let's take a look around to see if there is anything left."
In the next few days, everyone searched the entire Wuhui Island again, but there was no gain, but
getting the Daoyuan Fruit was a worthwhile trip!
On this day, everyone came to the beach where a large golden boat was docked, and Ye Chen
asked everyone, "Everyone, what are your plans now?"
Yu Ziqing and Guan Hailou looked at each other and said, "Young Master Ye, I plan to return to the
Inner Sea."
Hong Shuntian said, "I should also go back to Chihuang Island."
Shui Jinghua was silent at the moment.
Ye Chen looked at Shui Jinghua and said, "Jinghua, what's wrong?"
Shui Jinghua looked at Ye Chen with some reluctance and said, "Ye Chen, the Shui family has
become weaker and weaker over the years because of Shui Qianqian, I am now the head of the
Shui family, so I have the responsibility to rectify the Shui family!
There are many things that I need to take care of, so... Therefore, I am going back to the water
Chapter 5294 is just the beginning!
She knew that Ye Chen came to bury Tianhai to find someone. Now that there are no clues in the
outer sea, it is very likely that he will go to the inner sea.
Ye Chen heard this, his eyes flickered, and after a while, he smiled and said: "Although, I still have
important things to deal with, and I can't accompany you, but if I finish this matter, I will definitely go
to the water before leaving the sea of burial. Mingdao."
Shui Jinghua heard the words, her pretty face flushed slightly, and she nodded happily.
At this time, Ye Chen looked at Yu Ziqing and Guan Hai Lou and said, "Ziqing, if I want to enter the
Inner Sea, what can I do?"
Yu Ziqing was stunned when she heard the words, and then she scratched her head in a bit of
trouble and said, "I'm not a person from the Inner Sea. If you want to enter the Inner Sea, it's not
impossible, but it's a bit troublesome..."
Ye Chen smiled and said, "There is a way, and since that's the case, let's go."
No matter how difficult it is, he will enter the Inner Sea!
Because, his women and brothers are all there!
a day later. Above the blue sea, a golden ship floats!
On the deck of the big ship, there were three young people standing, the bright sun shone on their
faces, and the salty sea breeze was blowing their hair, making them even more energetic. These
three are naturally Ye Chen, Yu Ziqing and Guan Hailou.
Ye Chen had already sent Hong Shuntian and Shui Jinghua back to Shuiming Island and Chihuang
Island, and at this moment, he was preparing to move towards the inner sea. Marven Ye said: "The
next time, the three of us will take turns rowing."
Both Yu Ziqing nods. The reason for taking turns is very simple, refining Daoyuan Fruit!
The three of them are full of passion for that Origin Fruit! Soon, Ye Chen and Guan Hailou returned
to their rooms, and Yu Ziqing temporarily rowed the boat.
Yu Ziqing and Guan Hailou, as the arrogance of the Inner Sea, although their physical strength is
not comparable to Ye Chen, they can still do it by themselves by rowing a boat.
The golden flying lion sailed towards the mysterious inland sea under the sunlight.
In a wing room inside the ship, Ye Chen sat cross-legged on the bed, and in front of him was a
beautiful fruit like five-colored glass! Above the fruit, there is a very sweet smell!
Ye Chen couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. The next moment, he simply and rudely
shoved a whole piece of fruit into his mouth and chewed it!
If Guan Hailou and Yu Ziqing were to see this scene, they would be so shocked that their eyes
would fall to the ground!
Daoyuan fruit is a natural spiritual thing, and it does not need to be trained as a medicinal pill to
take it. However, in order to maximize the use of the essence of Daoyuan fruit, they all divide
Daoyuan fruit into small portions and take them in small pieces. , Refined... How could it be like Ye
Chen, who just swallowed it in one bite?
Simply, a waste of money! Ordinary people eat this way, most of the essence of Daoyuan Fruit will
only be wasted...
The human body cannot digest such a huge amount of energy at one time...
However, Ye Chen naturally didn't have to consider these.
His physique is the least afraid of absorbing energy, how much he absorbs.
There was a look of satisfaction on Ye Chen's face. I have to say that the taste of this source fruit is
really delicious, and there is no comparison between those fruits on earth.
It is estimated that the legendary peach is just like this, right?
Soon, an extremely pure energy surged in Ye Chen's body!
When Ye Chen's eyes were full of radiance, he immediately started to run Taiyi's spiritual energy,
driving this energy to run and refine into the blood and bones in the body.
At the same time, runes appeared in his sea of consciousness, and these runes all contained some
kind of Dao meaning. After watching, Ye Chen's understanding of the way of destruction was
actually improved!
A few days later, a young man walked out of the power room. He stood on the deck and looked
into the distance. He saw that above the sea in front of him, the color of the sea suddenly changed
to pure black!
And in that sea area, it is also shrouded in a strong evil spirit, the gloomy wind bursts, the thunder
and lightning, the waves are surging! It seems that it is almost the same as the death storm outside
the island without returning!
Ye Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and murmured, "Black Water Yinfeng, is the Burial Heaven
Sea Inner Sea in front of you?"
At this moment, Ye Chen's whole body became more and more condensed! Such an improvement
naturally benefits from the five Daoyuan Fruits! In the past few days, Ye Chen has refined it all
In fact, the five Daoyuan Fruits only raised Ye Chen's cultivation to such a level, which was already
a bit too low. It can be seen how difficult it is to improve Ye Chen's cultivation. However, this does
not affect the growth of Ye Chen's strength!
In terms of body, soul, and spiritual power, Ye Chen has made progress, but the biggest gain is
Dao Yun!
Ye Chen's mark of ruin has now broken through to the realm of the sixth heaven!
If it is now, he will definitely be able to kill Xuehuang in seconds with the Divine Light of
Extermination! Moreover, the casting speed of Divine Light of Extermination has also been
improved! Overall, Ye Chen's strength is now even stronger!
And when the bloodline is activated and all the means are used, it will have the combat power to
crush many powerhouses!
However, now, Ye Chen has no energy in his body that can activate the bloodline.
At this moment, a figure flashed, and a feminine young man appeared beside Ye Chen.
Ye Chen looked at Yu Ziqing and said with a smile, "Ziqing, the Inner Sea is in front of you. You
should also tell me the conditions for entering the Inner Sea, and what are they?" When Yu Ziqing
heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "Brother Ye, if I say that I enter the Inner Sea, there are
actually no conditions?"
"Without any conditions?" Ye Chen couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.
Although the environment in the inner sea is harsh, the spiritual energy and other aspects are
much higher than those in the outer sea. These are the most important resources for warriors. If
there are no conditions, then the people from the outer sea have already entered the inner sea. ?
Yu Ziqing's eyes flashed slightly: "In other words, people in the inner sea do not restrict anyone
from entering the inner sea, but this sea itself resists outsiders! Brother Ye will know soon. " Ye
Chen nodded and didn't ask any more questions. As the ship moved forward, they entered the
inland sea area after a while.
In this dark sea, the golden ship is particularly conspicuous.
Just as Ye Chen's ship had just entered the inner sea, suddenly, the sea water in the whole sea
area seemed to be stagnant for a moment, and even the gloomy wind was no longer blowing...
However, Ye Chen, who was standing on the bow, suddenly shrank his pupils, and a dangerous
breath rushed towards him from all directions. At the same time, he suddenly raised his head and
looked towards the sky!
I saw that a thick purple thunder was brewing in the thundercloud, and the next moment, there was
a loud bang, and the thunder was actually slashing towards Ye Chen!
Seeing this, Ye Chen snorted coldly, raised the evil sword in his hand, and slashed out a stern
sword light, collided with the thunder, and wiped it out, but this thunder seems to be just the
Chapter 5295 Give up the struggle
Countless roars suddenly came from the bottom of the sea, and I saw that huge sea beasts rushed
out of the bottom of the sea very quickly, rushing towards Ye Chen and others with greed faces! Ye
Chen frowned again!
At this time, the ship also stopped moving forward, and Guan Hailou also came to the deck in a
flash. Ye Chen looked at Yu Ziqing and Guan Hailou, and saw the two of them with wry smiles, as
if they had expected this scene...
The next moment, the three of them shot, and a loud, earth-shattering sound broke out in this sea
area. There are various pieces of meat floating on it...
Ye Chen and others actually killed all the sea beasts attacking them...
However, even with the strength of the three of them, after eliminating these sea beasts, they felt a
little exhausted. They were covered in blood, lying on the deck, gasping for breath.
At this moment, another thunderbolt slammed down Ye Chen! Ye Chen's pupils shrank, but he was
too lazy to take another shot, and let the thunder strike him.
With a bang, Ye Chen's whole body was charred black, and his hair exploded into a ball, but with
his physique, such thunder couldn't really hurt him.
However, at this moment, Ye Chen's body was slightly numb, tingling, and grinning for a while.
Even if he wasn't injured, he didn't feel good... He looked weird and said: "Could it be that the
thunder and sea beasts are what you said..."
Yu Ziqing major ago, nod helplessly and said, "Yes, this is how the Inner Sea resists outsiders... A
long time the Inner Sea underwent a change. Since then, the entire sea seems to have life, and it
is extremely repulsive. to outsiders. , the outsiders will not only attract sea beasts, but also attract
thunder, in short, it is difficult for outsiders to stay in the inner sea..." Ye Chen frowned and said,
"Why are you all okay?"
Guan Hailou replied: "All people born in the Inner Sea will have a unique evil spirit in the inner sea,
and this evil spirit is the reason why I will not be attacked by sea beasts and thunder. ... Brother Ye,
now you know why the Inner Sea does not restrict anyone from entering the Inner Sea, and there
are almost no reasons for outsiders..."
When Ye Chen heard the words, his expression became condensed. Although the thunder and sea
beasts could not pose too much threat to him for the time being, it has to be said that it was a lot of
trouble. Moreover, this place is only on the periphery of the inner sea. After all, if you enter the
central area of the inner sea, the sea beasts and thunder there will be even more terrifying. At that
time, even he may not be able to bear it.
Ye Chen couldn't help but ask, "Could it be that, over the years, no one has successfully stayed in
the Inner Sea?"
Yu Ziqing's eyes flashed slightly: "Yes! Outsiders, if they want to stay in the inner sea, they must
have the same evil spirit as the people in the inner sea, and the place where they can obtain this
evil spirit is in the inner sea sea, called the evil pool. !" "Shachi?"
When Ye Chen heard this, his eyes lit up.
Yu Ziqing took out a jade slip and handed it to Ye Chen: "Brother Ye, this is the map of the Inner
Sea. I have marked the location of Shachi for you."
When Ye Chen heard this, a look of joy flashed in his eyes and said, "Thank you..."
But soon, Yu Ziqing's face became solemn again and said: "However, Brother Ye, I want to remind
you that entering this evil pond is extremely dangerous...
Shachi, in fact, is an area full of evil spirits in the inner sea. Legend has it that under this Shachi is
the corpse of an ancient alien beast!
The suffocating qi in the suffocating pool is difficult for even the people in the inner sea to bear.
Therefore, in order to prevent the sea water filled with suffocating qi from flowing into the inner sea,
in ancient times, the strong people in the inner sea built a sky-defying method. The dam
surrounded the sea area full of evil spirits to form what is now called the evil pool!
In recent years, the dam of Shachi seems to have been damaged, and the seawater in Shachi has
begun to overflow. As long as you bathe in this Shachi, you can easily possess that special evil
spirit. "
At this time, Guan Hailou also opened his mouth and said, "However, bathing in this Shachi is not
an easy task. Once, there was a hidden force who wanted to enter the Inner Sea and let all the
disciples under the sect enter the Shachi to bathe, and as a result... "
Guan Hailou said, with a hint of fear in his eyes.
Yu Ziqing continued: "As a result, more than 70% of the hidden forces were unable to withstand the
power of the Shachi, and stayed in the Shachi forever, including even the powerhouses in the
Taizhen realm!"
When Ye Chen heard this, his eyes flashed, but he quickly said, "Even so, I have a reason to go to
the Shachi."
He will not leave the Inner Sea until he finds the clues of Gu Xuan and Zhu Yuan.
Yu Ziqing is nominee and said, "Since that's the case, Brother Ye had better go to Shachi in a
small boat After all, this big boat too big and has a lot of trouble."
After speaking, he threw a bottle of medicine pill and a token to Ye Chen again and said, "This
medicine medicine contains a trace of evil spirits similar to the evil spirits that we are born with,
which can be used to confuse the sea beasts temporarily, but, after using it too much, the effect will
get worse and worse, that token is the token of Haixuanzong.”
Ye Chen raised his eyebrows and said, "Hai Xuanzong?"
Guan Hailou said with a smile: "Brother Ye, there are countless large and small forces in this inner
sea, and Haixuanzong can be regarded as one of the big forces. This kid is the son of the
Haixuanzong sect master. With this Haixuanzong token , you can act as well. It will be much more
Ye Chen heard the words looked at the two, nod and said, "Thank you."
Yu Ziqing smiled and said, "Although I, Yu Ziqing, are a wicked person, I also understand the
principle of repaying kindness."
Not long after, Ye Chen rode a flat boat placed in the big boat, and headed towards the place
where the Shachi was located according to the guide of the map.
And the big ship behind him sailed in other directions, and Yu Ziqing and the two took care of Ye
Chen on his behalf.
The small boat gradually disappeared into the wind, waves and fog.
At the same time, Dongfeng City.
In an underground secret room, there were bursts of shrill screams.
I saw that under the dim firelight, a tall bald man was dripping with blood. Going to shatter!
It can be seen, what a great pain to bear!
If Ye Chen was here, he would definitely recognize it. This person is the captain who led him to
escort Shui Jinghua before, Luo You!
In front of Luo You, there was a masked man in black, his eyes did not fluctuate at all, he looked at
Luo You lightly and said, "Tell me about Ye Chen's whereabouts, and I can let you free sooner."
Luo You's pupils trembled and he seemed to be struggling, but after a while, his eyes suddenly
dimmed and he closed lightly.
Chapter 5296 The revenge of anger is here!
After a while, the man in black raised his hand and grabbed Luo You in the air. With a loud bang,
Luo You's whole body turned into a blood mist and dissipated.
Then, he took out a communication jade talisman and said, "I found it."
Inside the East Emperor Heavenly Hall, in a certain space, there is an ancient tree that can reach
the sky, and the ancient tree is filled with five colors of luck.
At this moment, two extremely powerful auras suddenly burst out from the top of the ancient tree,
with power reaching the sky, and the clouds and mists in the entire space were stirred by it! I saw
two figures sitting above the canopy.
These two figures, a man and a woman, the man is full of red hair, with a crutch with a dragon
head standing beside him, and the woman is a young woman with an extremely cold look. These
two are Wan Wuguang and Xu Yanling!
At this moment, the two of them opened their eyes at the same time, and their eyes were full of
brilliance! His breath became stronger and stronger!
After a while, the breath subsided, and Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang were full of joy!
Xu Yanling smiled and said, "Unexpectedly, the suppression of Heaven's Dao disappeared, which
made my understanding of the law clearer, and the bottleneck that had not been broken through for
many years was slightly loosened. This retreat made me wait and break through together. !"
Wan Wuguang is also extremely happy. The cultivation base has entered the Taizhen realm, and
the gap between each small realm is huge. The strength of the two has now undergone earth-
shaking changes.
At this moment, Xu Yanling's expression changed, and suddenly she took out a communication
jade talisman and stuck it on her forehead.
Seeing this, Wan Wuguang couldn't help but ask, "Elder Xu, what's wrong?"
Xu Yanling opened her eyes, the joy in her eyes was even more intense, and there was a hint of
cruelty and hatred in her eyes: "Elder Wan, I didn't expect this time to be a double happiness, we
just broke through , and there is a good news, came...”
"Good news?" Wan Wuguang was a little puzzled. Suddenly, his expression changed, as if he had
thought of something, he said, "Could it be..."
He knew that before the two retreated, Xu Yanling had found a hidden force in the realm of heaven
and man, looking for someone's trace for her...
Although this hidden force does not accept assassination missions, it can be said to be an expert
among experts in terms of intelligence, tracing people, etc.!
And this person is naturally Ye Chen!
Xu Yanling Became Lord and said with murderous intent in his eyes: "Yes, this kid is not under the
protection of Tiandian, this kid is not under the protection of this Tiandian, the best chance for us to
do it!"
Wan Wuguang frowned slightly and said, "However, the emperor has not yet left the customs..."
Donghuang Wangji is retreating in another secret realm.
Xu Yanling's face gradually turned hideous and said: "I can't wait that long, this opportunity is
fleeting, I am waiting for both to break through now, and the strength has been greatly improved.
According to the previous information, that kid is definitely not us now. opponent!"
The flame of revenge has completely ignited her soul, and she found Ye Chen's trace just after
breaking through? This is that even God is helping her, wanting her to take revenge!
She will never allow this opportunity to be wasted in vain! Wan Wuguang hesitated for a moment,
but finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! Where is he now?"
Ye Chen is a confidant of the Eastern Emperor's Temple, and if he does not completely eradicate
it, he is uneasy!
Even if you take some risks, if you can successfully solve Ye Chen, it will be worth it!
When Xu Yanling heard the words, she smiled grimly and said, "Bury the Heavenly Sea!"
Soon, three figures stood on top of a speeding ship.
Two of them, one male and one female, are extremely powerful! It's all too real!
The last person, dressed in black, has a vague aura and cannot tell his strength.
At this moment, Xu Yanling looked a little gloomy and said: "What did you say? That kid is likely to
have entered the Inner Sea?"
The man in black nod and said, "Not bad." Wan Wuguang also frowned and said, "Do you know
where Ye Chen is in the inner sea?"
In Xu Yanling's eyes, Hanmang flashed, and he said again: "Do you know how much I paid for you
to find the trace of this kid? If I can't find it, I won't give up with you!"
When the man in black heard the words, there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes: "It's okay to let it
go? The East Emperor Heavenly Palace doesn't have the qualifications, right?"
"You!" Xu Yanling was furious when she heard the words, and her whole body was faintly boiling.
But, at this moment, the man in black said lightly, "However, I can tell you where Ye Chen is."
When Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang heard the words, their eyes lit up and said, "Where?" A light
flashed in the eyes of the man in black: "Any outsider entering the Inner Sea, the first place to go is
A flat boat floated and sank in the black waves. Suddenly, the sea water below the boat seemed to
be boiling, and countless bubbles appeared!
When the young man rowing on the boat saw this, he snorted coldly, the oar in his hand moved
violently, and a huge force burst out and drove the boat to blaze forward!
At the moment when the boat left the place, a large mouth of blood appeared in the place where it
was just now!
I saw a strange fish the size of a hill with sharp teeth appeared on the sea!
Ye Chen looked at the strange fish, his eyes filled with coldness, and he slashed out a sword in an
instant. In the icy sword light, the strange fish turned into a blood mist and dissipated without even
Ye Chen killed the strange fish, but frowned slightly and said, "I have encountered more and more
sea beasts recently. It seems that the medicine pill is about to fail..."
He rowed the oars again and passed through a thick fog. Suddenly, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a
faint shock appeared on his face!
I saw that an extremely strange island appeared in front of him!
This island, said to be an island, is more like a mountain standing up in the sea!
There was a look of joy and vague expectation on Ye Chen's face. This is where the Shachi that
Yu Ziqing said was located!
After rowing for so long, it's finally here!
The next moment, with a flash of his figure, he jumped up, landed on the mountain, and climbed
towards the top of the mountain at a very fast speed. Soon, Ye Chen came to the top of the
mountain! He looked down at the scene in front of him, and the shock in his eyes became more
and more intense!
I saw that this mountain actually presented a hollow state! It's like a volcanic crater!
However, what is inside this volcano is not magma, but endless sea water!
Condensed the rolling sea water!
That evil spirit, even if Ye Chen stood on the top of the mountain, he could clearly feel it!
Through the central area of the top of the mountain, there is a big hole surging with gray-black evil
spirits, and Ye Chen can faintly see the surging sea water in the big hole, but this big hole is not his
Chapter 5297 Death crisis! Leverage!
In addition to this big hole, there are large and small pools all over the top of the mountain. In these
pools, there is also a gray-black evil spirit, which is filled with gray-black sea water, and this is the
evil pool that Ye Chen is looking for.
This evil pool is somewhat similar to a hot spring.
Ye Chen came to a larger Sha pool, he stretched out a finger and immersed in the pool water, his
eyes flickered slightly. He could clearly feel the wisps of special evil energy flowing into his body
along his fingers...
Moreover, even with his physique, the moment when the evil energy entered his body, he felt a
tingling pain, causing slight damage to his meridians!
It seems that what Guan Hailou said is no exaggeration at all!
This evil spirit is really harmful to the body! However, without any hesitation, Ye Chen took off his
clothes and jumped into the pool of evil spirits.
With a thud, his entire body sank to the bottom of the pool, with only one head exposed.
This suffocating energy may be dangerous to ordinary warriors, but it is not the case for him!
At this moment, bathed in the evil pool, the evil energy poured into Ye Chen's limbs and bones,
and bursts of severe pain came, causing Ye Chen to grin for a while, but, that's all! There was no
substantial damage to Ye Chen's body.
Immediately, he turned the spiritual energy to drive the evil energy to flow in the body, extracting
the essence and gathering it in the dantian.
Time passed by minute by minute, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.
For the past two days, Ye Chen has been refining the evil spirit in the evil pool. Suddenly, he
opened his eyes, and a gray-black mist flashed past his eyes. The next moment, his figure flashed
and jumped out directly. Sha Chi, put on his clothes, and said with a look of joy on his face: "It
seems that this is no problem."
At this moment, Ye Chen exuded a strange evil spirit all over his body, even stronger than Yu
Ziqing and Guan Hailou!
In this way, I am afraid that those sea beasts with strong suffocation in the inner sea will treat Ye
Chen as the same kind!
But, suddenly, Ye Chen's expression changed slightly, looking in a certain direction.
I saw that on the vast sea, a ship was coming at high speed, and in a short while, it came to the
front of this mountain!
Then, two figures jumped up from the big boat and landed in front of Ye Chen.
With a loud bang, the wind whistled, and the incomparably surging spiritual pressure swept across
the world. The presence of these two people made the world change!
With an extremely vicious voice, the cold woman laughed and said, "Young Master Ye, you seem
to have just finished bathing in the evil pond. Are you very happy? I don't know, are you happy to
see the two of us ?"
These two are naturally Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang!
They obviously also used some method to temporarily avoid the attacks of sea beasts and thunder!
Even more effective than Ye Chen's method, you don't even need to change the boat!
This is also the reason why they can catch up with Ye Chen so quickly!
At this moment, Ye Chen looked at the pair of men and women in front of him, but his expression
instantly became condensed and said, "Xu Yanling, is there no light?"
These two actually broke through!? Ye Chen secretly operated the spiritual power in his body, but
his face became more and more serious!
If Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang were still at their previous strength, even if they were one against
two, as long as they could use the power of Shuo Lao and Xuan Hanyu to find a way to make
arrangements, Ye Chen would have the confidence to escape!
However, after these two break through, Ye Chen may still have a chance to escape if they face
one person alone, but facing the two of them, without using bloodlines, there is almost no chance
of a comeback!
But now, Ye Chen's body is empty, the blood of Tianshi and the spiritual energy of Kaitian have
been consumed!
At this moment, the spiritual power in Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang exploded completely, Xu
Yanling shouted: "Go ahead, use all your strength, don't give this kid any chance!"
All of a sudden, two extremely fierce law forces enveloped the entire mountain, the dark sea water
around it was almost boiling, the rolling spiritual energy roared out like a tornado, and the entire
space was locked by a huge force!
The red light in Wan Wuguang's eyes flashed, and the crutches in his hand turned into a god-
shattering dragon, flying above everyone's heads.
He was full of surging spiritual power, poured into the dragon's body, and said in a low voice, "One
blow to transform the dragon!"
In an instant, the dragon let out a dragon roar, and the red light all over his body flashed, and then
he rushed towards Ye Chen. The terrifying power emanating from the dragon's body even made
the giant mountain as a dam tremble!
A flash of pride flashed in Wan Wuguang's eyes, this dragon-turning blow is not something anyone
can perform, even if he has made a breakthrough, he can only comprehend it! The power of this
blow is extremely terrifying!
It is conceivable that even an ordinary 1st-level Heavenly Martial Artist in the Taizhen Realm, it is
not an easy thing to take the attack of Wan Wuguang!
This dragon-turning blow is a rare and powerful martial skill even if it is placed in the Temple of
At the same time, Xu Yanling's whole body also exudes an extremely cold gray-white Yin Qi, as if
to freeze the soul of all life!
Her pupils turned into pure gray, and a huge phantom skeleton appeared behind her. At the
moment when the phantom of the skeleton appeared, the entire mountain was covered with a layer
of light frost!
And behind the phantom of the skeleton, there seems to be a realm of hell that is constantly
This skeleton seems to be a ghost king summoned from the cruel ghosts!
Xu Yanling flipped his wrist, and a long sword of white bone appeared in his hand. The red light
flashed in the eye socket of the skeleton's shadow, and it merged into the long sword of white
bone, and for a while, an extremely sinister sword energy swept out!
Xu Yanling stared at Ye Chen stubbornly, and shouted, "Bone Pluto Sword!"
As soon as the voice fell, a sword shot out, the wind was raging, and there were many ghosts. At
this moment, Xu Yanling seemed to be really transformed into a ghost mother. The surging sword
energy gave people a feeling that she had died, was in hell, and was about to face her. For endless
torture in general!
Ye Chen's pupils shrank, these two are indeed powerful, and as soon as they made a move, he felt
a strong threat!
Moreover, the two have obviously cooperated countless times. Under the joint attack, it can be said
that they are seamless.
Even with Ye Chen's temperament, he couldn't help but feel a chill at this moment!
He took a deep breath and roared, "Elder Shuo, Fairy Xuan, take action!"
The evil sword fell into the palm, the rolling dragon might and the surging sword energy erupted at
the same time! not enough!
Ye Chen didn't dare to take it lightly, and said again, "Xiao Hei, give me strength!"
"Huangquantu, give me strength!" "Senior God of the Star Sea, give me strength!"
Countless forces are heading towards Ye Chen!
Chapter 5298 Terrible to the extreme!
Ye Chen originally thought that the God of Xinghai would not shoot, but what he didn't expect was
that the God of Xinghai knew that this time things were not easy, even if he had obviously
arrangements, he chose to shoot directly!
"Boy, don't worry, above this sea area, my strength will bless you, but I can't possess you, but it is
enough to make your strength temporarily increase to the level of Taizhen! But only this time!"
"Boy, give me a good life!"
Countless forces impacted Ye Chen's whole body! This time, although the power of everyone is not
as terrifying as the activation of reincarnation blood! But it is enough to ease the current situation!
In an instant, Ye Chen's breath swept out, and when Wan Wuguang and Xu Yan were inspired by
the surging breath, they couldn't help it, and their expressions changed slightly!
Although Ye Chen is only in the realm of the universe, at this time, the breath he exudes makes
these two faintly have the illusion that they are facing the real Taizhen powerhouse! Eyeballs are
going to pop out of their sockets!
Of course, they also felt that Ye Chen's power at the moment was quite complicated, as if many
people were mixed.
But in general, there is a strong spirit behind the martial artist, which may come from his master or
chance. Is there more than one master behind this kid?
They didn't think much about it, they only thought that this was Ye Chen's strength!
They knew very well that, although Ye Chen had burst out in the realm of the real world, he could
even defend the two of them and Donghuang Wangji, but at that time, Ye Chen obviously
displayed some kind of strength. Behind the scenes, the current Ye Chen doesn't look like what he
looked like back then!
In other words, Ye Chen's own strength is now approaching the realm of reality?
How long has it been since the East Emperor Tiandian assessment?
This speed of progress made their hearts horrified, and at the same time, it also strengthened their
killing intent towards Ye Chen!
If Ye Chen continues to progress like this, it won't be long before the East Emperor Temple will
cease to exist, right?
At this moment, Ye Chen suddenly slashed a moonlight-like sword light at the gray-white sword
light that exuded yin qi. At the same time, he raised his hand to the dragon rushing towards the
sky, and the golden and silver flames surged in an instant. When it came out, it turned into a
golden and silver fire phoenix with a clear cry, and flew towards the dragon!
The next moment, Yin Qi Jianmang collided with Fierce Sword Light, and Huofeng and Shenlong
also collided in one place!
An earth-shattering loud noise resounded through the sky, and a strong sound wave swept the
heaven and earth. A mushroom cloud rose above the mountain, terrifying. The dead sea beast
Only a battle at the realm level can create such a scene only by the aftermath!
Soon, the light dissipated, Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang looked towards Ye Chen's location, and
soon, a figure appeared in front of them!
Looking at the figure, the two of them couldn't help but look overjoyed!
I saw that although Ye Chen received the blow from the two of them, blood was dripping all over
his body, many bones were broken, and there was a ferocious sword wound on his chest! It seems
that the injury is very serious!
Xu Yanling and the two, with fierce light in their eyes, were preparing to pursue the victory, but at
this moment, their smiles suddenly condensed!
I saw that the wound on Ye Chen's body suddenly wriggled strangely, and it disappeared
completely in an instant, everything seemed like an illusion!
Both Xu Yanling's pupils trembled. They knew that Ye Chen's vitality was very strong, but now it
seems that not only strength, but also vitality, Ye Chen has made a lot of progress!
You must know that now, the two of them are even more powerful than when they joined forces
with Donghuang Wangji!
But now, the two hit Ye Chen with all their strength, and Ye Chen recovered instantly from the fatal
injury caused to Ye Chen?
Ye Chen looked at Xu Yanling and the others coldly, but his eyes became heavier and heavier. He
knew that it was only a matter of time before he was defeated by Xu Yanling and the others!
No matter how strong his vitality is, it is not endless!
And now, he has no ability to deal damage to the enemy at all!
Wan Wuguang seemed to have discovered this at the moment, and smiled coldly: "Elder Xu, don't
worry, this kid is just relying on his life force to survive, he has no room for a comeback!"
As soon as Ye Chen wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, a ruthless look filled his eyes and
said, "There is no room for a turnaround? Wan Wuguang, Xu Yanling, I promise you, maybe, Ye
Chen will die here today, but you guys There's no way the two will survive!"
When they met Ye Chen's gaze, both of them couldn't help but tremble in their hearts, and a faint
chill rose from their spines!
However, Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang, as the elders of the East Emperor's Heavenly Palace,
are also the supreme beings in the realm of heaven and man, how could they back down because
of a threat?
Xu Yanling sneered: "Boy, are you still stubborn now? We can't survive? Then you are hurting me,
try it?"
Wan Wuguang also shook his head, and sighed softly, pretending to be regretful: "Poor, you can
also be called a generation of evildoers, but you are going to perish like this..."
A gleam of coldness flashed in his eyes and said: "It's the fault, you made the wrong choice, and
you want to be the enemy of my East Emperor Temple!"
Ye Chen smiled disdainfully and said, "You two immortal things, you really want to kill me, but don't
do it yet? Hohoho, you shouldn't want to give me time to recover, right? Or, are you afraid? "
Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang's expressions sank when they heard the words. Ye Chen's
arrogance and unwillingness to bow his head were like a big rock, blocking their hearts!
Why, this kid is clearly in a desperate situation, but he has no fear or worry at all?
Could it be that there are really lunatics in this world who don't put their lives in their eyes at all?
However, at this moment, the two of them didn't think too much, and there was one thing that Ye
Chen said was right. They don't want to give Ye Chen any time to recover!
The next moment, Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang flashed and approached Ye Chen, the dragon
and skeleton reappeared, wrapped in boundless power, and pressed down towards Ye Chen!
Seeing this, Ye Chen also raised his sword to greet him, without any intention of retreating!
Loud noises erupted continuously, and there were more and more cracks on the entire mountain,
almost all over the mountain, and even wisps of seawater filled with gray-black evil energy leaked
out from the gaps!
At this moment, the blood rained, and under the bite of the giant dragon, a large piece of flesh and
blood was torn off Ye Chen's shoulder, and the gushing blood almost stained the mountains below
him blood red!
Generally speaking, it is difficult to survive in the early stage of the Taizhen Realm, but Ye Chen
still survived! But Ye Chen's state was extremely bad!
Chapter 5299 The ultimate hole card!
Half an hour has passed since the three of them fought, and the more they fight, the more
frightened Wan Wuguang and Xu Yanling become!
Ye Chen's inexplicably skyrocketing combat power is really terrifying!
If the two hadn't made a breakthrough, they would have even been escaped by Ye Chen long ago,
However, until now, Ye Chen, who had always looked indifferent, could not help but frown slightly.
His complexion was faintly pale, and the speed of the wound's recovery slowed down! The most
important thing is that the power of Shuo Lao, Xuan Hanyu, the God of Star Sea and others has
begun to fade!
It seems that they sensed Ye Chen's weakness, and Wan Wuguang and Xu Yanling gradually
became excited! This scourge looks like it will end here today!
The two of them shouted loudly, their spiritual energy was surging, their meridians opened wide,
and they displayed their strongest means!
I saw that Wan Wuguang jumped up, merged with the crutches in his hand, turned into a majestic
dragon with red glow all over his body, and rushed towards Ye Chen!
The phantom of the skeleton behind Xu Yanling suddenly spit out a cloud of green and green ghost
fire. She looked at the ghost fire with a solemn look in her eyes.
The next moment, a layer of green fire shrouded the white bone sword, and its sword energy
became more and more gloomy and condensed!
With a move of Xu Yanling's wrist, the sword light ripped apart the sky and turned into a blue and
green long rainbow that bombarded Ye Chen, and everywhere he passed, the space was pierced
by it!
Seeing that the two elders of the East Emperor Tiandian exploded with extreme blows, Ye Chen
couldn't help but dignified!
However, until this moment, he still has no intention of escaping, the blood burning art, the body of
the demon, the supernatural demon, the supernatural power of the star, the dark god, etc., working
with all his strength, doing everything, and smashing it down with one sword !
Under the blessing of the Law of Destruction and the Dao Yun of the Sixth Layer of Heaven's
Destruction, this sword really seems to completely obliterate the entire Buried Heaven Sea, and its
power is shocking!
In an instant, the spaces between the two sides collided! Earthshaking! A real shaker!
This time, many people in the inner sea were aware of the shock wave that erupted, and looked in
the direction of Shachi with a strange look!
In the aftermath, the waves set off are 10,000 meters high!
However, these are not what Wan Wuguang and Xu Yanling care about!
All they care about is Ye Chen at the center of the light!
Soon, the light subsided, and a figure was half kneeling on the ground with a long sword... I saw
that he was covered with torn wounds all over his body, barely falling apart! If it were ordinary
people, I would have been truly torn apart!
Even for Ye Chen, such an injury could be considered serious!
Ye Chen sighed softly, losing the power of Shuo Lao, Xuan Hanyu, and the God of Xinghai, and his
power faded quickly. There may still be a chance of winning against the half-step Taizhen martial
artist, but, with the breakthrough It's still a bit reluctant to fight between two veteran powerhouses...
Even if the opponent joins forces to strike, they can only take it in such an embarrassing way...
Seeing this scene, Wan Wuguang and Xu Yanling finally laughed, proud and cruelly satisfied.
At this moment, Ye Chen did not recover! That is, the battle is over!
At this time, Xu Yanling looked at Ye Chen sarcastically and said, "Boy, didn't you just say that you
might die, but we can never live?
now what? You seem to be dying, don't you? "
Wan Wuguang also sneered: "Marven Ye, do you like being strong? Now, continue to be strong?
Fulfill your promise, we stand in front of you and let you kill, can you kill it?"
Ye Chen's breath is weak at this moment, and it is obvious that he has almost lost his combat
power! There is no threat in the eyes of the two!
How could such a good opportunity to humiliate Ye Chen be missed?
They know very well that for a proud demon like Ye Chen, sometimes, insulting them is more
uncomfortable than letting them die!
However, just when the two thought that Ye Chen could only be humiliated in silence, the young
man who was half-kneeling suddenly raised his head!
In his eyes, there was a flickering light that was as fierce as a beast!
Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang met those eyes, and their hearts contracted fiercely!
The two forcibly swallowed the words that came to their mouths, and their faces became a little
They admitted that even the seriously injured Ye Chen scared them a little!
At this moment, they no longer think about humiliation, etc., and only want to completely kill this
strange guy!
However, just when the two were about to start, Ye Chen's mouth raised a nearly crazy smile and
said: "Trust me, I will do what I say, you still remember that day when I was in the real world with
you. The me in the battle between the three in the Imperial Palace?"
When Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang heard the words, their bodies couldn't help but tremble! At
that time, Ye Chen was too terrifying!
Until now, they have not forgotten the oppression that Ye Chen brought them that day!
However, according to their judgment, it was because Ye Chen had used some kind of backhand
that could only be used once, so that he had that incredible power!
Why did Ye Chen mention this... Is it.
Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang's pupils instantly enlarged!
The face is full of unbelievable colors...
Could it be that Ye Chen can use that power again?
Thinking of this, Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang were really scared!
In an instant, an extreme demonic qi that shook the heavens, the earth and the gods burst out from
Ye Chen's body!
The faces of Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang have already begun to distort...
This scene is very similar to that day in Yanzhen Realm!
At this time, an old voice sounded in Ye Chen's mind: "Boy, are you really going to do this?" Ye
Chen said lightly, "I have no choice."
He wants to live, wants to kill these two people, the only thing he can do is to take a life blow, now
is not the time to consider risks!
All Ye Chen can do is to burn the blood of the mysterious goblin!
"Hurry up!" Xu Yanling, panic!
She didn't want to face the monster-like existence of that day again!
At that time, Ye Chen could have the strength to match the power of the Taizhen Realm, let alone
now? Unbelievable!
Wan Wuguang was also nervous, and the two broke out with all their strength again!
The green sword glow and the shadow of the dragon were bombarding Ye Chen fiercely! But, this
time, there was a demonic energy in that dazzling light!
A chilling demonic energy rose into the sky!
At the moment when the demonic energy erupted, even those giant sea beasts lurking in the deep
sea trembled instinctively!
The blood of the mysterious demon, burn!
Just the power inspired by the blood of the burning mysterious demon made Ye Chen feel that he
could easily defeat Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang!
But, this time it will be much more than that! The bloodline of the mysterious demon burned,
successfully stimulating the bloodline of reincarnation!
That reincarnation bloodline, like a lion awakened from sleep, declares that he is the real master
with that terrifying power!
Chapter 5300 The erratic cause and effect
In Ye Chen's eyes, it was like two bright lamps were lit. At this moment, he didn't even care about
Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang, and a terrifying aura that made all living beings surrender burst out
in his body!
Behind Ye Chen, an ancient phantom of the formation disk floated out!
And Xu Yanling's full blow, at this moment, doesn't seem to hurt Ye Chen at all!
In the face of today's Ye Chen, the two of them have an incomparable feeling like encountering a
tiger's lamb!
Wan Wuguang's eyes trembled, and he exclaimed, "Come on!"
He never dreamed that Ye Chen could actually perform the trick of the day!
What kind of monster is this! This spell can not only be used once?
Although they know that after this spell is cast, Ye Chen will have a great price, and may even die!
But they really thought that it was impossible for them to survive in the hands of Ye Chen in this
state! Xu Yanling also turned around and really felt the danger of her life!
They slammed on the ground, and their bodies shot out, heading towards the big ship at sea!
Buried in the sea, unable to fly away!
Therefore, the two of them can only escape from here by boat!
At the same time, Ye Chen, who had burned the blood of the mysterious goblin, seemed to lose his
sanity gradually, but when his eyes fell on Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang, there was an instinctive
killing intent in his eyes!
This killing intent seemed to freeze the entire space directly!
Everything is almost still in an instant!
Ye Chen, who was half-kneeling on the ground, slowly stood up, and blood was pouring out of his
seven orifices, which was extremely infiltrative!
But at the same time, he pulled out the long sword in his hand and slashed towards Xu Yanling and
Wan Wuguang!
It seems that, with an ordinary sword, the sword glow is pitch-black, like a nothingness that will
drown everything!
Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang looked at the pitch-black sword light, their faces changed wildly,
they gritted their teeth, and each burned their blood and sacrificed several life-saving instruments!
When that sword light came into contact with the protection they laid down, everything seemed to
be in vain!
Silently, those life-saving means that they had high hopes for were all wiped out in the darkness of
the sword light...
The same is true for Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang's body!
Before disappearing completely, the two of them looked at the existence standing on the mountain,
leaving only a look of extreme fear!
In the next moment, everything will be in vain! Not even a scream!
It seems that Xu Yanling and Wan Wuguang, these two elders of the East Emperor Tiandian, have
never existed in this world at all!
Ye Chen not only did it, but let Xu Yanling die!
Even, it was done so thoroughly that the two of them didn't even leave a trace!
The strength gap is too huge!
At this moment, Ye Chen, killing two people is no different from squeezing ants!
At the same time, the power of that pitch-black sword glow exploded!
A terrifying gust of wind swept across the entire inland sea in an instant, and even suppressed the
original storm!
Countless warriors in the inner sea changed their expressions, and felt the smell of destruction
from the sudden hurricane!
And many buildings also collapsed in this gust of wind!
It can be seen how powerful this sword is to stimulate nerves!
However, Ye Chen's troubles are far more than that!
Although it shows the power of Xeon, this power is not without a price!
Ye Chen's body has begun to collapse!
Its breath is weakened to the extreme. Even if the breath of reincarnation is surging in the blood, it
seems that it cannot prevent the destruction of the body.
At this moment, Ye Chen looks like a god statue that is about to collapse!
Suddenly, the land under Ye Chen's feet rang out in the destructive wind set off by that sword, and
there was a sound of chirps, and deep cracks spread quickly!
It was this giant mountain that existed as a dam that collapsed one step earlier than Ye Chen!
With a loud bang, the giant mountain finally couldn't bear the pressure and burst into pieces, and
the endless gray-black sea water surged out like an angry dragon, instantly engulfing Ye Chen's
And Ye Chen, who was caught in the torrent, was already in a coma, with black cracks all over his
body, as if it would shatter immediately...
Ye Chen, driven by the torrent, rushed into the sea, and the ship left by Xu Yanling and the two
was also smashed into pieces by the monstrous waves that fell from the sky!
In the dark sea water, there is a small island.
At this moment, a girl who looks twelve or thirteen years old is looking for something on the side of
the island.
Although this girl is young, she is already a beautiful embryo, her body is as white as a lotus root,
and her face is extremely delicate.
This island, called Jinluo Island, is rich in a special kind of golden shells, and many people collect
these shells on the shore for trading. This girl is one of them.
But, all of a sudden, the girl was stunned for a moment, and a look of surprise flashed in her big
black and white eyes.
In front of her, something floated along the current to the shore!
Soon, the girl saw the floating object clearly! Impressively, it is a young man!
This man seems to be seriously injured and unconscious, but still exudes a faint breath.
After hesitating for a moment, she still took the man who looked seriously injured out of the sea,
dragged his body, and headed towards a forest on Jinluo Island.
At this time, it had been seven days since Ye Chen and Xu Yanling fought.
Ye Chen, drifting in the sea for seven days, at this moment, finally returned to the land!
Perhaps Marven Ye's life is not exhausted, or it may be contaminated by cause and effect. When
he is wandering in life and death, someone will eventually save him.
But Ye Chen didn't know that the Lord of Reincarnation had descended here, and had blessed and
guarded the ancestors of this girl.
Since the last life, cause and effect have been planted like a seed.
In this life, when Ye Chen needed it most, he began to take root and sprout.
Of course, all this, only the master in the dark knows.

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