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I am presently facing some uncertainty pertaining to future of my

present job. I would be grateful if some one could have a look at my chart
and tell me if there is a risk of losing the present job or a job change is
on the cards?
I recently got promotion on 29/08/2006 but after that on Friday got a
news about the company takeover which could effect my present
position as well. It will be really helpful if someone can comment on my chart
about the coming period and if i can take any precautions or do remedies.

DOB 29-02-1980  TOB 13.37 PM  PLACE  CHANDIGARH

In your chart the 10th lord Jupiter went to maarnakarka sthana i.e. third from lagna
yodha with mars wining but making guru chandal yoga. which is 6 th from the 10th
house so the instability will be there for all the time or contract job will be favorable
for the native.

Venus amtyakarka Lord of 5th and 12th house in   karma sthana in gandanta. And the
10th lord from Chandra and surya losing war with Jupiter. But the co-lord Ketu joined
the sun and with nasrgika karaka (mercury) for 10 th house. ketu is also lord of
bhagya Pada
10TH from Chandra loosing war with Jupiter this will create insecurity in your mind all
the time.
But as your question is for present situation let us see what is going on.
M.D of Venus is going on
Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):
 Ven MD: 1987-09-19 (11:57:13 pm) - 2007-09-20 (2:54:42 am)
  Ket AD: 2006-07-19 (1:53:30 pm) - 2007-09-20 (2:54:42 am)
   Ven PD: 2006-08-14 (4:27:02 am) - 2006-10-24 (8:09:21 pm)
The karma karaka Saturn placed in Virgo and second there from is Libra and the
dasa of Venus is going on. Which is lord of 8th house and 3thrd house from karma
sthana in varggotma meena navamsa which 10 th house the in Rashi. Ketu also being
varggottma done his job has given rise in job. So the whole period will concentrate
on your carrier.
Coming transit of Jupiter and Saturn, Ketu will bring definitely change in you carrier
as you will under the last dhaiya of sade-sati.
Yes there is change in your carrier related to job but it would be   on positive side. As
Jupiter will save your bhagya while transiting on 6 th house which is 9th from 10thand
bhagya Pada also placed there.

Ram said:- You are now in Venus - Ketu dasa. Venus is exalted in D1 in 10H. It is
also 5L in D1. Ketu is in 5H in D10 in mool trikona sign. It has rashi drishti of
GL, A10, Rahu and Moon. Ketu is well placed from AL. Rahu may give sudden
developments but the period should be good. New job too is likely. Chanting of
Narayana mantra "om namo narayana" when one feels shaky in career.

In addition what Ram said, it is noticed that you have 35 SAV points in Lagna; from
Parashara we learn that this will create an overall smoothness in life, irrespective of
changes. That Venus is exalted in both D1 and D9 is another nice indication that you
will be will able to rise above any sudden changes. In addition to the Ra aspect that
Ramesh mentioned, Venus in the 10th has only 3 AV points, a little low to keep
feelings about the 10th comfortable, so Ramesh's recommendation is good to follow

The Sun is currently transiting Singh Rashi, a rashi for which you have 21
points. Parashara  recommends giving a heap of grain, shaped like a mountain, to
maintain good health during this time. Guruji Sanjay Rath reminds in his book
Remedial Measures in Vedic Astrology that charity begins at home.
One other thing, Ra has a saptavarga strength of 52% so it has some
auspiciousness; if you do find a job change occurring it's likely that it will be an
improvement over what you have

1. I would also advise worship of Paalana Devata and pratyadhi devata of the Karma
Nakshetra for anyone having troubles in career matter. Moreover Sri Hamendra will
be experiencing a charakaaraka replacement Between AK Chandrama and AmK
Shukra  and during the next few years many changes will take place. The changes
will be positive-to-mixed as AK Shukra will be exalted in the 10th house and being
Vargottama and also exalted in Vimsaamsa, will be cause a great spiritual change in
the native. AmK Guru will be in MKS but will lord 10th house. Being 6th from AK will
cause some conflicts. However the strength of AK will override as Shukra is
considered yoga-karaka for the Mithuna Lagna natives.

2. In the present case, Shukra Mahadasa, Ketu Bhukti and Shukra pratyantar dasa
has given a promotion but at the same time instability and apprehension. Ketu is in
Dhanishtha Nakshetra ruled by Mangal, an inimical graha for this native due to
ownership of 6th and 11th houses. Further Rahu is conjoining Mangal; Rahu is strong
in Navaamsa. Shukra is in Revati Nakshetra ruled by Rahu. Guru is lord of 10th
house and is in Makha Nakshetra ruled by Ketu. Ketu is co-lord of 6th bhava and it is
inimical. Hence we see that the 10th house is under sway from the Nodes and nodal
influences are playing out at present. Ketu and Guru-Mangala have a Nakshetra
Parivartana also. This Parivartana should be judged from the Chandra Lagna - 2-8
axis. Further Surya and Rahu also are in the same axis under Rasi-Parivartana.

Lord of Karma Nakshetra-Jyestha is Budha and Budha is lagnesha and 4th lord in the
9th house (yogakaraka). Hence Naaraayana or Sri Vishnu's worship is very much
necessary for this Native. Furthermore, interestingly, Surya is indicating Ishtadevata
and also Paalana Devata and conjoining Budha in a yoga in the 9th house. It will be
very good to worship Siva and Surya devata with appropriate Mantras. Ketu afflicts
Paakalagna and also 10th from the Chandra Lagna and hence the tensions.

3. Let us use  simple Vimsottari (Chandra) dasa to identify the happenings. Shukra-
Ketu-Shukra is running and Shukra-Ketu Bhoga is in the 8th house. In Dasaamsa,
Ketu is Lagnesha in the 5th and is in exchange with Guru in Lagna showing good
reputation. Shukra is however Maaraka to the 6th and lord of the 12th house in an
inimical rasi and can give changes in job. Shukra-Ketu Bhoga is in the 12-th house
and indicated some skills change may be required.

Using Naaraayana Dasa for Dasamsa Chakra, we see that Tula Mahadasa Mithuna
antardasa is running. Tula is in the 12-th house and Mithuna is in the 8th house-9th
from Tula showing protection and increase in reputation (bhoga in the 5th from
Tula). Their lords are also well placed with respect to each other. So during this antar
dasa there is no troubles predicted although restructuring and some instability can
be predicted.

4. In TP-2006 Chart, Hora Lord Guru is9th lord in 4th house indicating an overall
sukha. Yogakaraka Mangal is 10th lord and in Badhakasthana. Rahu is also in the 9th
house aspecting the 10th house. In the Dasamsa Chakra in TP-2006, Budha is 10th
lord in the 11th giving argala to the 10th house. Budha dasa, Mangal antar gave the
promotion. Mangal is in 8th house in debility and conjoins A5 and aspects Shukra in
the 5th from AL. Probably the promotion happened in Shukra Pratyantar dasa.

A8 is in the 6th house and 8th lord is in the Lagna aspecting Shani (maraka to the
6th house) showing a bit of turbulent period. Lagnesha also happens to be Maraka
and joining Shani. Please note that there is a parivartana between Surya and Ketu
with Ketu being in the 9th house can lead to making mistakes in decision making.
Rahu in 4th from Surya is not welcome especially as Rahu is in the 3rd house. So
during the next couple of months the native should be careful in making decisions
related to job change. As such, so changes in job front is likely

On point 1. Dont you think this replacement has already occured from 22-26?
On points 2 and 3. This is a really good point. Because in coming 2-3 months
there is a possibility that company may send me on a technical course to
acquire different skills from the present one.
On point 4. Shukra pratyantar was running from 4th august - 14 th August. Even
though I got the news and letter of my promotion on 28th
august, the letter states that promotion came into effect from 8th august
2006.So this is again brilliant analysis. One thing i want to mention is that
Mercury also has unobstructed argala on A5 in D10.
Also in the last point you have mentioned that i could make some mistake in
career decision due to Ketu. Now does this mean I should be careful in taking
a new job offer? I am not clear about your last point. Although you have
mentioned that nothing drastic might happen except some restructuring.

Yes AK-AmK replacement and consequently Guru taking up position of AMK will occur
over a period of several years. Shukra Dasa is running and being new AK will
continue this transformation in some more years, that is my thought at present. Ketu
in the 9th shows some mistake in decision making or following superiors instructions.
So care should be taken during this TP-2006 year in this matter. So try to be aware
of your work environment, records etc.

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