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All about my Marriage and married-life in totality

Date of Birth: 22/11/1976 Time of Birth: 21:12 Hours Place of Birth: Calcutta, India Gender:
male I have something unique to ask you.... As of now, I'm happy being single and not in a
hurry to get married......but I do want to get married hence I'm confused as to when is the
right time for me to get married? And since I'm not in hurry or anything, I want to take ample
time to search for the best match for me. Hence I wish to know which month and year is
astrologically good for me to start searching for a bride? And by which year do you see me
married? What kind of person will I be married to....what profession/career will she be in and
what kind of family background will she have? How many kids/children shall I have? Any
complications etc? How is my married life in totality ? What should be my ideal astrological
time-frame in terms of year and month for the entire process of searching for my wife to
getting married to her?

You’re born in Karkataka Lagna, represented by Saturn with Kanya Navamsha. Your Janma
Rasi is Vrishchik Rasi and Janma Nakshatra is Jyeshta (2nd Charan).

Up Pada Lagna is associated with Ketu in 10th Bhava in Mesha Rasi.

Jupiter (6th & 9th lord) is retrograded in 11th Bhava in Vrishabha Rasi with Makar

Venus (4th & 11th lord) is placed in 6th Bhava (in Marana karaka Sthana), with Simha

Saturn (7th & 8th lord) is placed in Lagna Bhava in Karkataka Rasi, indicates long delay in
your marriage. Saturn is having Makar Navamsha. This position of Saturn in Lagna Bhava,
indicates, you will be choosy about your spouse.

Moon (Lagna lord) is debilitated in 5th Bhava with Makar Navamsha, and conjoined with
Sun, Mars, and Mercury. There is Neecha Bhanga Yoga for Moon.
As per Vimshottari Dasha Pattern, you are now running Venus Mahadasa with Saturn
antardasha up to 30th Nov. 2010.

In Gochara, Saturn is now transiting in Simha Rasi. Jupiter is transiting in Makar Rasi. Rahu
is also transiting in Makar Rasi.

You may therefore start searching for your bride from 7th October 2009 onwards, which is
considered to best day and dasha and transit of planets.

You will have marriage in the first week of August 2010.

Jupiter’s influence on Kama Trikona Bhavas, although indicates good marital life, but the
position of Venus in 6th Bhava indicates, some unhappiness moments in your family, and
you are destined for it, irrespective of the spouse whoever she may be.

Your spouse will be having slightly older-looks than her real age, but she will be sattvic
nature, and having spiritual bent of mind. Her entry into your life will bring you fortunes in
your career, and you will have Bhagyodaya in life, and it will also bring good status in your
career./ profession. She will come form a respectable family, and she will be career-oriented,
and she will be coming from Northern direction from your birth place.

You are destined to have three children, and there will be problem with the first child, and
the other two children will bring name and fame to you.

In totality your marital life will be good, with understandable spouse and children.

For obtaining favourable results in your marriage front, you are advised to recite the
following slokam for 108 times in the morning hour of all Fridays.

“Bhargavaaya Vidmahe Daityaachaarya Dheemahee Tannoh Sukra Prachodayaat’

Marriage details

Please predict the approximate period / month of marriage of female with DOB:18-9-
1984,POB Kakinada, A.P., TOB:6.40 AM. and any of the grooms details you can predict

This female's birth chart indicates Kanya Lagna represented by Sun and debilitated Venus
with Mesha Navamsha. Her Janma Rasi is Vrishabha Rasi and Janma Nakshatra is Mrigsira
(2nd Charan).

Saturn (5th & 6th lord) is exalted in 2nd Bhava and associated with Up-Pada Lagna.

Mars is placed in 7th Bhava from Moon, indicates Mangal dosha, but this dosha is getting

As per Vimshottari Dasha Pattern, she is now running Jupiter Mahadasa with Jupiter
antardasha up to 21st Aug. 2009.

In Gochara, Saturn is now transiting in Simha Rasi in 12th bhava (Ardhashtama Sani).
Jupiter is transiting in Makar Rasi in 5th bhava. Rahu is also transiting in Makar Rasi in 5th
As per the dasha and transit of planets she is destined to have her marriage in the 1st week of
Nov. 2011.

Her spouse will be coming from Western direction from her birth place. He will be
connected to her professional life. Spouse will have older looks than he is actual age.

For her marital prospects, she is advised to keep fast on all Fridays.

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