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Q.1 Which pair among the given have the same dimensions?

(a) frequency and wavelength

(6) linear momentum and impulse force

(c) force and torque

(d) linear velocity and angular velocity

Q.2 If momentum (P), area (A) and time (T) are taken to be fundamental units, then

dimensional formula of energy is

(a) PA T (6) (PAT
(c) [PAT' (d) [PAT']
varies with time t as x =
ats -

bt", where a and b are

Q.3 The position 'x' of a particle
constant. What will be the velocity of the particle at t= 1sec?

a 3b (b) 2a -

(c) 2a-3b (d) a-b

Q.4 Out of the following, which cannot be negative?

(a) Total path length (b) Velocity

Acceleration (d) None of these
. s T h e angle between the vectors 1=i+2j-k and B= -i +j -2k is

(a) 30 (b) 60 (c) 90 (d) 120 15

Q.6A projectile is fired at an angle with the horizontal The angle between the
and acceleration of the projectile at the highest point is velocty
(a) 0 (b) 45 (c) 90 (d) 180
Q.7A body projected at an angle with the horizontal has a range o 300m. If the time r
fight is 6s, then the horizontal component of the velocity 1S

(a) 30 ms b) 50 ms (c) 40 ms (d) 45 ms

Q.8 What is the maximum value of the force 'Fsuch that the block shown in the
arrangement does not move?

m= N3 kg

0 2
a) 20 N (b) 10N (c) 12 N (d) 15 N
Q.9 A car is moving in a circular horizontal track ot radius
10m, with a constant speed of 10
m/s A pendulum is suspended from the roof of the car by a string. What will be
angle made by the string with the vertical?
(a) ero (b) (C) 45 (d)
Q.10 A Man of mass 60 Kg records his weight on a
weighing machine placed inside a lit

The ratio of the weights of the man recorded when the ift
up with uniform is
speed ot 2 m/s to when it is descending down with the uniform speed of 4 m/s will be:

(a) 0.5 (b) 1 (c) (d) none of these

Q.11 A bullet is fired from rifle If the rifle recoils
freely. then the kinetic energy of the rifle

(a) less than that ot the bullet (b) more than that of the bullet

(C) same as that of the bullet (d) equal or less than that of the bullet
Q.12 If the momentum of a body increases by 20%, then the increase in its kinetic energy Is

(a) 48% (b) 40% (c) 44% 35%

Q.13 Two springs spring constant 1500 N/m and 3000 N/m respectively are stretched with

the same force Their potential energy is will be in the ratio of

(a) 4:1 (b) 21 (C) 14 (d) 12

a.14 Awheel has an angular acceleration of 3 rad/s* and an initial angular speed of 2rad/s
In a time of 2 seconds, it vwill rotate through an angle(in radian) of
(a) 10 (b) 12 (C) 4 d)
to half 1
A body ofi weight 72 Newton moves from the surface of earth to a
height equal
the radus of the carth What will be the gravitational force exerted

36 Newlon (b) 32 Newton

(c) 144 Newton (d) 15 Nevton

one labollod Assertion (A) and other labolled as

Two statements are given

to theso questions from tho codes (A), (B).

(R). Solect the correct answer

(C). (D) as given below.

of A
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the corroct explanation

Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A

(C) A is true but R is falso

(D) A is false and R is also false

A DOdy can be at rest even when it is under the action of any number of actua
16 A:

is zero
R: vector sum of all the external forces
at pole and equator
17 A: The difference in the value of acceleration due to gravity

of Earth
proportional to square of angular velocity
The value of acceleration due to gravity is minimum at the equator an
maximum at the pole
in termS of the
be represented dimensionally
2.18 A: All derived quantities may
fundamental quantities
fundamental quantities is
fundamental quantity in other
R: The dimension of a

always zero

acceleration o f 2
Q.19 Define centripetal acceleration. Derive an expression for the centripetal
of radius Discuss the
a particle moving with uniform speed v along a circular path r.
direction of this acceleration.
is more work 2
a.20 TwO springs have force constant K and K2 (K> K2).On which spring
done. f () they are stretched by the same force and (i) they are stretched by the same


a.21 Stateif each of the following statement is true or false Give reasons for your answer 2

() In an elastic collision of two bodies the momentum and energy of each body is

Work done in the motion of a body over a closed loop is zero for every force in


Q.22 Define orbital velocity of a satellite. Derive the expression for orbital velocity of a 2
satelite at a height 'h' from the suface of Earth
The angular spned nt a motnr wheel is increased from 1200 rpn to 3120 rpm in 1e

hot is ts anguiat acceleration assuming the acceleration to iiniform

low many tevoluhons does the wheel make during thi3 time

A sohd cylinder of mass 20 kg rotates about its axis with angular speed ot t00 radis

1he Tadus of the cylnder is 0 25m

Vhat is The kinetic energy assoiated with the rotation of the cylinder
what is the magnitude of angular momentum of the cylinder about its axis
he veloity v of sound in a gas depends on the pressure P and density of the

gas Using dimensIonal analysis, derive an expression for v

n d the potential energy of a system of four particles, each of mass M, placed at the

vertices of a square of sideI Also find the potential at the centre of the square

State and prove Keplers second law of planetary motion (law of areas)

Derive the expression v - u' = 2a5 using calculus

he opens the parachute and

A parachutist drops freely from an aeroplane After 10 sec

and reaches the ground at a speed of Bmís

descends with a net retardation of 2m/s
Find the height at which he drops from the plane?
Show that in an angular projection of a projectile
the angle between velocity an x-axis at any instant is given by

tan/Sin t0-
u COs

the angle of projection at origin is B, = t a n 4 where symbols have their

(1) R

uSual meanings
A block of wood of mass 3 kg is resting on the surface of a rough incined surtace

inclined at an angle 0 as shown in the figure

(0) Name the forces 1, 2 and3

f the coefficient of static friction is 02. calculate the value of all the three
orces (use g = 10 m/s')

28 Two discs of moments of inertia I and I; about their respective axes (normal to the 3

disc and passing through the centre) and rotating with angular speed w and wz in

same sense are brought into contact face to face with their axes of rotation coincident

(a) Whal is the final common angular speed of the two disc system?
Show that the kinetic energy of the combined system is less than the sum of the
initial kinetic energies of the two discs Also, find this loss in energy?
a.29 () State the conditions for equilibrium of a rigid body
A unitorm ladder of mass 10 kg leans against a smooth vertical wall making an
floor Find the
angle of 53 with it. The other end rests on a rough horizontal
normal force and the frictional force that the floor exerts on the ladder

(sin53 = 4/5)


1 kg block situated on a rough incline is connected to a spring of spring constant 100
Q.30 A
N/m as shown in figure. The block is released from rest with the spring at the

unstretched position. The block moves 10 cm down the incline before coming to rest

find the coefficient of friction between the block and the incline. Assume that spring has

and pulley is frictionless

negligible mass

A bullet of mass 0 01 kg and horizontal speed 100 m/s strikes a block of wood of mass

04 kg and instantly comes to rest with respect to the block. The block is suspended

from the ceiling by means of thin wires

Calculate the height to which the block rises Also estimate the amount of heat

produced in the block

SECTION-D for any planet naving
due to gravity
v E ne expresSion for

radius R and density p witn tne

due to gravity

the variation of the value of

() DIscuss

surface of planet.
from the r from
n (a) height and (b) depth, of with

variation in the value g

a graph showing
of the earth surtace of a planet
the centre on the
much will it weigh
on earth How
A DOdy weighs
36 kg
is and
radius Is of that of earth7
whose mass

for the escape
Derive the
escape velocity
VVnat do you
mean by
of a earth
the surface velocity
velocity of a body on
of earth with a
the surface
upwards from
is projected vertically attained by the body
(10) A body maximum height
What is the
equal to half of escape speed
terms of radius of
the body
in Obtain an expression
is it done?
mean by banking of roads? Why
What do you a curved
(0) a vehicle can safely negotiate
maximum speed with which
for the

rough road banked at an angle of 15 If the

300 m is banked at an angle
race track of radius
(1) A Circular the wheels of
the car is 02, what is
friction between the road and
coefficient of

permissible speed
to avoid slipping
(a) (use tan15= 0 27)
avoid wear and tear of tyres?
(b) optimum speed to
Show that they are
and angle of repose?
What do you mean by angle of friction

numerically equal
b0x of 40 kg mass is placed 5 m away
Side of a truck is open and a
() The rear
betvween the b0x
Fig The coefficient of friction
as shown in
from the open end
truck starts from rest
it is 0.15 On a straight road. the
and the surface below

with 2 ms, At what distance from the starting point does the
and accelerates
the Size of the box)
box fall off the truck? (lgnore

a-2 ms D
A stone of mass m is tied to a light string of length r and whirted in a vertical
circular path. Show that the minimum velocity required at the bottom of the path
to complete the loop is 5rg
Also derive the condition for oscillation of the stone about its bottom
(11) A stone of mass 1 kg tied to a light string of length 10/3 m is whirled in a vertical
circular path of radiusr. lf the ratio of the maximum tension to the minimum
tension is 4 and g 10 m/s?, find the speed of the stone at the highest point
State the property of elastic collision
(a) In an elastic cllision. show that
the relative velocity of approach is equal to the relative velocity ot
If both the colliding bodies are of equal masses the they exchange their
velocities after colliion
A particle collides with a stationary body of mass 'n times its mass. Find the |
amount of kinetic energy transferred by it to the stationary body
Q.34 Case Study: Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.
Projectile motion is a form of motion in which an object or particle is thrown with some
initial velocity near the earth's surface and it moves along a curved path under the
action of gravity alone The path followed by a projectile is called its trajectory, which is
shown below When a projectile is projected obliquely. then its trajectory is as shown in
the figure below


Here velocity u is resolved into two components, we get

(a) cose along OX and (b) u sine along OY
The example of such type of motion is
(a) motion of car on a banked road
(b) motion of boat in sea
(C) a javelin thrown by an athlete

(d) motion of bail thrown vertically upward

(11) The acceleration of the object in horizontal direction is
(a) constant ()decreasing
(c) increasing d) zero


veiocsty at point
c o m p o n e n t

h o r i z o n t a l

d i r e c t i o n
in a
of 28 w i l De
at a level
bail is
return to the
h e ball
T e r u r s

by 40s
C) where
to the
from t h e

he destance 2m
itvel will be 68 m
the same
o questions
Raad the following
Q 35
Cabe Study and spra springs
of Spring are
Potantial E nergy otanta
y e t p r n

ere ae

done s stored
ae massiete
wo o

potentar eneTY
har Pe trgs
a t u e
G springhus

pcterta energy of the epansion
f an
he fom or
gr ah e t a t e of compres ton
n Pho
FOUR QUESTIONS ratio of their
iaste sprng (D0 ANY springs is 2 3 What is the
constants of two
The ratio of spring force7
the same
are stretched by
potential energy they 04
increates in which of the following
of a body
The potential energy

a wori
dore by
conservatve force
wtt is doe agaima
O wor i done ty ron toervathoe
non contervathve force
rcra s done agantt
d be assumed tero when
i U(a) can
( The potential enprgy

9avtat fcrce coetart

rfrite dsta ro the gavitationa source

All of the atove
a distance i 10 J
(IV) The potential energy of s p r i n g hen stretched through
of wors done on the same spring to stretch it through an

What is the amount

a0ditional distance
d 40

by 3 It it
V The potential energy
cf a spring increases by 15 J when
stretc hed cm

4 cm the increase in potental energy is

tretched by
H is
at p o i n t
of Zero c o m p o n e n t

c o m p o n e n t

vertical h o r i z o n t a l

h o r i z o n t a .

The to
equal the
m a x i m u m

(d) direction

that at O m/s in a
double to of 28 be
speed wiil
at a
C) level
ball is t o the
29 S
cricket return d)
the ball to
(0v)A r e t u r n s

taken by (c) where

The (b) 3.0s point

to the
(a) 2.0S distance
from the
( same
level will
be (c) 68 m (d)
to the questions.
39 m (b) and

(a) following9
Read the
Case Study: springs
Q.35 and spiral
Energy of
Spring these are
Important among

of spring
There are many types

shown in tigure

is s t o r e d
Theretore, work done
are massless
that the springs energy ot
Thus. potential
Usually. energy of the spring
of elastic potential ot an
in the
torm or expansion
the spring of compression
with the state

Is the energy
a spring
ANY FOUR their
elastic spring (DO
is 2 : 3. What is the ratio of
constants of two springs
() The ratio
of spring strotched by tho same force?
if they are
potential onergy. 9 4
(b) 3 2 (C) d)
a) 2 3 tollowing
Is increases in w h i c h ot the
of a body
The potential energy
(11) force
(a) work is done by conservative
conservative force
work is done against
non-conservative force
(c) If work is done by
against non- conservative torce
work is done
be assumed zero when
The potential energy. i.e.. U (x)
(a) x =0

(b)gravitational force is constant

gravitational source
(c) infinite distance from the

(d) All of the above

when stretched through a distance x is 10 J.
(IV) The potential energy of a
What is the amount of work done on the same spring to stretch it through an

additional distance x?

a) 1 20J C) 30 J (d) 40 J
(V) The potential energy of a spring increases by 15 J when stretched by 3 cm. If it is
stretched by 4 cm, the increase in potential energy is

a) 27 J (b) 30 J (C) 33 J (d) 36 J

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