Common Types of Wine

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Elementary (Level 5-6)

Common types
of wine
What type of alcohol do you like to drink?

• I always drink ....

• I like to drink ...

• My favorite drink is ...

Check the correct sentences that talk about wine.

- Wines are made from grapes or other fruits.

- It is not hard to make whiskey.

- People step on grapes to make wine.

- You can make wine with butter.

- Winemakers only use one kind of grape to make wine.

- Vodka is a type of alcohol.

Wine has five basic styles: red, white, rosé, sparkling, and fortified. Red and

white wines are the most common around the world. Each group of wine

use different kinds of grapes. A wine that is made from only one kind of

grape is called a single-variety, and a wine that is made from different

kinds of grapes is called a blend.

Red wine is made from grapes that have a dark
color. The most common types of red wine are
Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, merlot, zinfandel, and
pinot noir. Red wine can be dry, semi-sweet, or
sweet. This type of wine is good with pork, lamb,
beef, chicken, and cheddar cheese.


1. What is red wine made of?

2. What are the most common types of

red wine?
White wine is made from green or yellow grapes.
It can also be made with dark-colored grapes, but
the skin should be removed. The most common
types of white wine are chardonnay, Sauvignon
blanc, riesling, and pinot gris. The taste of white
wine can be very creamy and citrusy. It is good with
fish, lobster, shrimp, chicken, pork, and cheeses.


1. What is white wine made of?

2. What are the most common types of

white wine?
Choose the correct words in the box to complete the sentences.

1. White wine is made from _________.

2. Winemakers also use _________ to make white wine.
3. _________ is a common type of white wine.
4. The taste of white wine can be very _________.
5-6. White wine is good with _________ and _________.

• green or yellow grapes • fish • dark-colored grapes

• creamy and citrusy • lobster • chardonnay
Describe each wine. Put the sentences in the correct box.

A. Made from grapes that have a dark D. Good with pork, lamb, and beef

B. Can be creamy or citrusy E. Good with fish, lobster, and shrimp

C. Can be dry, semi-sweet, or sweet F. Made from green or yellow grapes

Red wine White wine

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Use these new sentence patterns to talk about wine.

• Winemakers use … to make red/white wine.

• Red/white wine usually tastes …

• I usually eat … when I drink red/white wine.

• My favorite type of red/white wine is …

• People drink wine … during [name of event]

• [name of country] makes the best red/white wine.

Choose from the cards below, and make a conversation with your teacher.

Role Card 1 Role Card 2

Your friend will have a dinner party.
You are in France for a wine tour.
Your friend cooked steak for the
Your friend asks you what type of
guests. He asks you for tips on what wine would you like to taste. What

kind of wine he should buy. What would you say?

would you say?

Your friends ask you about the types of wine that you know.
What would you tell them?

You can tell them what you like about
red/white wine. You can tell them
where wine is from. You can also tell
them if they want to try other types of
wine like rosé, sparkling, or fortified.

You can use these sentences to talk about wine.

1. Italy, France, and Spain are the top countries that make the most wine in the world.
2. There are over ten thousand kinds of grapes in the world.
3. The nine styles of wine are full red, medium red, light red, rosé, rich white, zesty white,
sweet white, dessert, and sparkling.
4. Wine should be drunk on the year it was made. However, some wines get better as
they get older.
5. Wine takes ten to fifteen days, or more, to ferment.
6. The stages of making wine are harvesting, crushing and pressing, fermentation,
clarification, and aging and bottling.


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