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Gold Star Fruit Company Ltd

243 Miller Rd, Oliver, BC VOH 1T0, Canada

November 22nd, 2022

Muhammad Saleem

Dear Muhammad Saleem,

Re: Offer of Employment - Fruit Picker

I am very pleased to offer you the position of Fruit Picker with Gold Star Fruit Company Ltd. This is a
full-time, permanent position with a start date of December 30th, 2022.

This position will have a starting salary of $2,700.00 per month. Your salary is payable once a month at
month end, less required deductions.

You will receive five weeks of paid vacation per year, pro-rated for your first year if applicable.
Vacations are to be taken at such time or times as are mutually convenient between the employer and
the employee.

You will be reporting directly to Emmanuel Mwakaramu and your scheduled hours of work are:
- 9am to 5pm.

In addition to your salary, you will be entitled to the following:

- Relocation allowance given pursuant to the employer's policy;
- Stock options given at the discretion of the employer;
- A pension plan provided in accordance with the employer's standard pension plan; and
- Benefits provided in accordance with the employer's benefit plan.

Please remember that this offer is contingent upon meeting the following conditions:
- Satisfactory medical assessment;

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- Passing a drug and alcohol screening test;
- Satisfactory criminal record check;
- Receipt of satisfactory references; and
- Proof of work eligibility.

Please indicate your acceptance of this offer by signing and dating where indicated below and returning
it to me by the close of business on November 22nd, 2022.

We look forward to having you join our team and look forward to your response. Should you have any
questions please do not hesitate to contact me at (079) 097-2219.

Emmanuel Mwakaramu (HR Manager)

Per:_________________________ (SEAL)

I accept this offer of employment as outlined above, this __________ day of ____________________,

Muhammad Saleem (Employee)

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