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Submitted to: Abel B. (Msc)

Gondar, Ethiopia

March 14, 2022

Internship report 2014

Declaration and approval

We hereby declare work entitled internship report at Gondar comprehensive specialized hospital
submitted to the UoG biomedical engineering department is a record of our original work done
by us under the guidance of Mr. Abel. B. we also certify that the work described herein is
entirely our work that except paraphrased or quoted work source are appropriately cited in the
reference. We approve that with our names and signature.

Mentor: Mr. Hailemariam (Technical Manager) Signature: Date:

__________ ___________

Supervisor: Mr. Abel B. (MSc.) Signature: Date:

__________ ___________

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Internship report 2014


First and foremost, we want to express my gratitude to Almighty GOD and his mother, Virgin
Merry, for providing us with the strength to go this far. From the beginning to the end of this
internship report, we would like to express our special thanks to our advisor, Mr. Abel Belay
(Msc) for his tolerance, understanding, and support, as well as his professional and constructive
We would like to extend our appreciation to the University of Gondar, Institute of Technology,
Biomedical engineering department, for providing such kinds of opportunities for nominated
graduating class students.

Lastly we would also like to express our special thanks to UOGCSH, BME workshop staff
members, coordinators, and other managers of the hospital for helping us in day-to-day activities
during the internship period.

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Internship report 2014

Abstract/Executive summery

This report summarizes what we did and gained in our four month stay at the hosting company
university of Gondar comprehensive specialized hospital. We joined the company and start
internship activity on June 25/2013E.C and ends august 25/2013E.C (first round) and start
second round in January 28/2014 E.C and end march 6/2014E.C We started our report by explain
the hospital background, and the main product and service in hosting company. This report is a
brief description of our final four months intern ship activities and experience we have gained at
university of Gondar comprehensive specialized hospital (UoGCSH). At the time stayed in intern
we have developed our skill of practical knowledge of installation, corrective maintenance,
preventive maintenance, and calibration of medical equipment in additional to theoretical
knowledge. This leads to easily understand to working principle and properties of medical
equipment. And also we can develop interpersonal communication, work ethics issue, team
work, and to create problem solving idea.

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Internship report 2014

Table of content


List of Figure .................................................................................................................................. vi

List of table ................................................................................................................................... vii
Acronyms/abbreviations .............................................................................................................. viii
Chapter 1 Background of Company ................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Brief History ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.2. Main product and service of UoGCSH ................................................................................ 2
1.3. Mission, vision, and values .................................................................................................. 3
1.3.1. Mission .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.2. Vision ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.3.3. Core Values ................................................................................................................... 4
1.4. Main customer or end user. .................................................................................................. 4
Chapter 2 overall internship experience.......................................................................................... 6
2.1. Section of the Hospital we have been working in ................................................................ 6
2.2. The work flow in the section looks like ............................................................................... 6
2.3. Major work tasks we have been executing .......................................................................... 7
2.4. Procedures and methods we have been using while performing our task.......................... 15
2.5. Challenges we have been facing while performing our work tasks and actions taken to
overcome these challenges ........................................................................................................ 16
Chapter 3 overall benefits of the internship .................................................................................. 17
3.1. In terms of upgrading our theoretical knowledge .............................................................. 17
3.2. In terms of improving our practical skill ........................................................................... 18
3.3. In terms of improving the industrial problem-solving capability ...................................... 18
3.4. In terms of improving team playing skills ......................................................................... 18
3.5. In terms of improving leadership skills.............................................................................. 19

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3.6. In terms of understanding work ethics related issues ........................................................ 20

3.7. In terms of improving entrepreneurship skills ................................................................... 21
Chapter 4 conclusion and recommendation ............................................................................. 22
4.1. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 22
4.2. Recommendation................................................................................................................ 23
References ..................................................................................................................................... 24
Appendix A ................................................................................................................................... 25

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List of Figure
Figure 1.1 .Gondar collage of medical science. ....................................................... 2
Figure1.2.workflow block diagram of UOGCSH ........................................................................... 6
Figure 2.1.workflow and structure .................................................................................................. 7
Figure2.2. corrective maintenance of x-ray machine .................................................................... 12
Figure2.3. corrective maintenance and calibration of mechanical ventilator ............................... 13
Figure 2.4 corrective maintenance of autoclave ........................................................................... 14

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List of table
Table2. 1.corrective and preventive maintenance ......................................................................... 11
Table2.2 .Installation machine ...................................................................................................... 15
Table2. 3 .Inventory machines ...................................................................................................... 15

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BME-biomedical engineer

BSc -Bachelor of Sciences;

CEO -chief executive officer

ENT-ear, nose, and throat

ESU- electrosurgical unit

GCMS- Gondar College of Medical Sciences

ICU-intensive care unit

MICU-medical intensive care unit

PHC- Public Health College

TC- Training Center

TTP- Team Training Program

UNICEF-United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund

UoGCSH-university of Gondar comprehensive specialized hospital

WHO-world health organization

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Chapter 1 Background of Company

1.1. Brief History

University of Gondar is the oldest medical school in Ethiopia located in northern Ethiopia,
Amhara region. Our University was established in 1954 as a Public Health College and Training
Center (PHC & TC) in joint effort between the Imperial Ethiopian government, WHO, United
States Operation Mission to Ethiopia, and UNICEF. UoGCSH was until 2003 known as the
Gondar College of Medical Sciences. It is built around the philosophy of team approach and
community based teaching of health professionals. The University of Gondar is one of the oldest
and most well established higher education institutions in the country. Our University Dictated
by the pressing health needs that existed in the 1940s and 1950s the PHC & TC quickly became
established as a pioneer center for public health practice serving as a key source of Ethiopia’s
health professionals. It remains the Ethiopia’s oldest medical training institution.
In this time that gave birth to the philosophy of team approach and community based teaching of
health professionals. During the 1950s all 2nd year clinical nurses, sanitarians and 3rd year
health officers would leave into the community and provide health promotion as well as
preventative, curative and rehabilitative services. This early work has developed and evolved
into the Team Training Program (TTP) in the current College of Medicine and Health Science.
Run by the Ministry of Health until 1960, the Training Center joined Haile Selassie I University
at present known as Addis Ababa University, in 1961 by the act of internal decree known as
“Charter of Haile Selassie I University”. In 1978, by bilateral agreement between Karl Marx
University in Germany and Addis Ababa University, a medical faculty was established within
the Training Center a major milestone in the established of medical education in our country.
For the period of the following years we have evolved according to the changing needs of our
society and endeavored to tailor our institution to the address the urgent needs of our country. In
1980/81 the Training Center was renamed Gondar College of Medical Sciences (GCMS).
Medical training was provided at the College by German medical experts, creating opportunities
for the subsequent training of Ethiopian staff in Germany. GCMS gained autonomy from Addis

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Internship report 2014

Ababa University in 1992. In 2001 the first new Faculty, the Faculty of Management Sciences
and Economics, was created. The spring of 2003 saw the next phase of development, changing
the name from GCMS to Gondar University College and creating three new faculties. In 2004
the institution was converted into University of Gondar and through subsequent years the
University opened 4 more academic units.
University of Gondar was maintained a steady commitment to quality education, focused
research and relevant community services. Currently the University is made up of the College of
Medicine and Health Sciences, the Faculties of Agriculture; Veterinary Medicine, Business
and Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities and Natural and Computational Sciences, and
the Schools of Law, Technology and Education. We offer 56 undergraduate and 64 postgraduate
programs in our regular, extension, distance and summer programs (including a Public Health
PhD program which is handled in collaboration with Addis Continental Institute of Public Health

Figure 1.1 .Gondar collage of medical science.

1.2. Main product and service of UoGCSH

The basic services in university of Gondar comprehensive specialized hospital is Emergency
room services, Short-term hospitalization, X-ray/radiology services, General and specialty
surgical services, Blood services, Laboratory services, Pediatric specialty care, Prescription
services, Good access to surgical specialists, Rehabilitation services and physical therapy, Home
nursing services, Mental health care, Nutritional counseling, Genetic testing and counseling,

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Internship report 2014

Family support services, Financial services, Case management or social work services, greater
access to surgical specialists, physical therapy and rehabilitation, genetic counseling and testing,
management, financial services, primary care services, mental illness treatment, infectious
disease clinics, dental services, fistula, and so on..
As mentioned earlier the university gives two main types of programs. Public health and
medicine under both schools many departments have accepted and train students. The School of
Medicine is made up of the following Departments and Units. These are Department of Surgery,
Pediatrics and Child Health, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Internal
Medicine, Anesthesia, Dermatology, Anatomy, Radiology, Pathology, Physiology,
Biochemistry, ENT, Dentistry With more subspecialists being available in the hospital more
departments will soon be added. Basically the biomedical engineering department in the hospital
provides a new device installation and proper maintenance of the malfunctioned equipments.
Since a proper operating technique is necessary to sustain the device, training is given to users

1.3. Mission, vision, and values

1.3.1. Mission

The mission of UoGCSH

• Contribute to the sustainable socioeconomic development of the country by providing
vibrant, compassionate and responsible citizens through social needs tailored curricula.
• Conducting problem solving research; and strengthening community engagement, and
technology transfer.
• To support health workers across the world by working in partnership.
• To offer quality training, research and innovation with a specific end goal to create
pioneers in the fields of Engineering, Technology, Enterprise Development, Research
and Social skills to suit the requirements of a dynamic world

1.3.2. Vision

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Internship report 2014

• To providing the best quality medical service.

• To be the leading societal problem solving university in the country.
• A world where everyone has easily access to healthcare.
• To be Institution of worldwide greatness in Training, Research and Innovation for

1.3.3. Core Values

• Quality: strong commitment to high standard in all aspects of its educational activities,
research, community engagements, and support services, and uses feedback from its
participants and supporters to enhance its programs competency in an efficient way.
• Customer first: We Put the good of customers first and seek to develop responsible
citizens committed to the common good.
• Solidarity and Teamwork: Enhancing unity and forming cohesive teams determines our
future success. Thus, we value solidarity and encourage team work in our process.
• Sustainability: Promotes diversity in its policies and practices to prepare its learners to
live and work successfully in an increasingly diverse society.
• Invention and Innovation: Creativity and innovation as hallmark of our efforts, we are
in a higher education industry where creativity and adaption to its changing environment
and responds to the needs of the community.
• Care for Staff: our success is based on attracting, hiring, developing and training best
• Ethics: We comply with legal, social and professional ethics and norms which is crucial
for our development; practices of accountability, transparency, fairness, honesty, and
objectivity in dealing with its constituencies.

1.4. Main customer or end user.

University of Gondar comprehensive specialized hospital gives the service to anyone coming
from everywhere who requests the service. Because of its nationwide service and capacity
building, the end-user of the service given by the hospital is unlimited. currently the hospital has

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constructed a modern building and started working in it to solve the problems that are arising due
to the limitations of place for patient service and to have places for research centers that the
hospital is doing and going to do.(For example, oncology)

1.5. Overall organization and work flow.

UoGCSH has its own work flow and organization as per the rules and regulations. It consists of
the administrative and technical section which works on the administration and health services
respectively and it comprises both the medical college and the hospital, activities are usually
divided between many offices to get efficient work done. The workflow is as shown below from
higher levels to lower level with a block diagram as shown below.



Medical Finance Human Academic

resource director

Biomedic All departments

All medical wards under collage
al staff

Patient Students

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Figure1.2.workflow block diagram of UOGCSH

Chapter 2 overall internship experience

2.1. Section of the Hospital we have been working in

Among the departments of UoGCSH Biomedical staff we had been working with both technical
and engineering team, but mostly we were in the technical department which consists of around
7 staff members, one BSc Biomedical Engineer, five Biomedical Technicians under one
technical manager.
After joining the host company, we were observing every activity of the staff members till we
got a better understanding and knowledge. It took about one and half month later on we started
working with the staff members in every activity. In collaboration with other intern students
from Jimma University the other of us (from University of Gondar) were working in different
wards and in the staff.

2.2. The work flow in the section looks like

The work flow of the department depends upon the type of task given in the section is going
hierarchically from the head of the biomedical workshop; biomedical Engineers and technicians
to us (inter students). All Biomedical activities in the department are controlled and
communication with the higher office is done by the head of the biomedical department Mr.,
Hailemariam. The working flow helps staff members to work closely and efficiently and solve
problems. Biomedical engineers and technicians work in the hospital and we have been working
by their instruction

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Engineer and Internship

technicians students

All hospital medical wards

Figure 2.1.workflow and structure

2.3. Major work tasks we have been executing

At stay in UOGCSH we saw how medical equipment maintained (preventive and corrective
maintenance), installed, decommissioned (dispose), we have taken and participated training on
University of Gondar through the basic senior level cold chain equipment maintenance training
organized by ministry of health, university of Gondar institute of technology and Clinton (cold
chain). Onsite training for biomedical post graduate Students and internship student in the UoG
at atse fasil campus. We know that in this training:-
• Introduction to vaccine and cold chain management.
• Safety on refrigerator system maintenance and tool kit utilization.
• Basic electricity and electrical wiring applied in refrigeration equipment and
automatic control.
• Introduction servicing and repairing of compression refrigeration AC (main) and
DC (Solar).
• Cold room introduction and principle of operation, demonstration of parts and
their uses.

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Department of Biomedical Engineering, in addition, We saw and discussed theoretical and

practical training of cold rooms, compression refrigerators, solar refrigerators, absorption
refrigerators, non-electrical refrigerators like vaccine carriers, cold boxes, ice packs. as well as
we have done acceptable mini-projects to overcome the problems in the hospital on stethoscope
machine and the solution proposed, plus to this, they show us how inventory is done high lightly
since it is already done.
The biomedical Engineering unit has great tasks that are mostly executed in the biomedical
Workshop as well in the Wards. I have participated in every activity of the section. These are:

• Maintenance; two types preventive and corrective

Corrective Maintenance: -is done to take corrective action in the event of malfunction of
the equipment. The equipment was returned, repaired, or calibrated. And corrective
actions are measured.
Preventive Maintenance: -this work is done in a planned way before a repair is required
and the scheduled time for the work circulated well in advance. It involves cleaning,
regular function/safety tests, and makes sure that any problems are picked up while they
are still small.
• Installation; a process of making a new machine ready to placed in a proper place which
can be give appropriate function.
• Decommissioning; disposal of medical equipment that is not functional anymore
• Inventory system; registering all biomedical equipment found in the hospital
The following tables will show what we have done in detail on our internship per week of the
four-month stay at UOGCSH [3].

NO. DATE serial no.) Problem Action taken Description
Monday Preventive We have started to check and observed externally
1 21/10/2013 Refrigerator maintenance then after visualization tried to check each

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component (such as motor, fun, filter)

functionality then cleaned the dust by blower...
We have checked the patient return electrode
displayed functionality by multi meter. The patient return
Tuesday unusual Corrective electrode connected cord was damaged .so we
2 22/10/2013 ESU sound maintenance used lead and solder the cord was connected.
The safety valve was release steam before the
gasket pressure reached two bar and couldn’t
the safety sterilized the surgical tools properly. So it was
Friday surgical valve is not Corrective corrected by tapped and solder the safety valve of
3 25/10/2013 autoclave functional maintenance surgical autoclave.
First we find the problem then we have gotten
Monday The fuse are Corrective the fuse are dysfunctional. So the solution was it
4 28/10/2013 UPS dysfunctional maintenance changed by a new one.
When the power is turned on but didn’t reach in
the lamp .first we checked the power cord
continuity then we opened the board of the
machine. We have gotten the cable burn out and
Wednesday multi head Damaged the Corrective change color due to power fluctuation. Then
5 30/10/2013 microscope cable maintenance elongate it with the new heat resistance wire.
The machine fails to perform its task then we
open the machine and we check the components
the sieve beds, compressor, pressure gauge there
The was no failure then we test the components in the
Tuesday oxygen transformer Corrective board the transformer was not give the correct
6 6/11/2013 concentrator was fail Maintenance output to each components.

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We tried to troubleshoot two ultra sound machine

.the two machines was shown the system error
when turn on the machine it was tried to start but
after loading to start it was shut down again. First
replace mother board from the functional ultra
sound to dysfunctional .but no problem in this
board then we have checked another board .so,
we have replace the first machine digital beam
former board by a new one and the second
machine receive transmitter and digital beam
Friday Ultrasound The board Corrective former board by a new one .finally it makes
7 09/11/2013 machine. was fail maintenance functional.

The radiant warmer display system was not

provide the temperature required and the instant
temperature however the heater was functioning
correctly then we open the display board and
Infant when we check the were cables that are detached
Monday radiant Detach the Corrective then we attach them on the correct position and
8 12/11/2013 warmer cables maintenance the machine becomes its normal function.
The suction machine was not sucking the fluid.
Then we checked the motor and pumps then
there was no correct power reached to the motor
then when we check it the switch was not
The machine
Wednesday working. We changed it and the suction
Suction was not suck Corrective
becomes to its function.
9 14/11/2013 machine the fluid maintenance
10 Wednesday ESU Default line Corrective We tried to curative action taken was the

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21/11/2013 connection maintenance connection properly taken. Then the electrical

surgical unit was functional.
There are two suction machines are non-
functional due to the motor and board fail. We
The motor have tried to correct the suction machine by
Tuesday Suction and board Corrective replacing the functional bored into nonfunctional.
11 11/12/2013 machine fail maintenance But, does not reach power in to the motor

We replaced one machine part into the other one.

The power board which replaced by other
power functional board that get from other suction

board was machine. Then the machine became fully

Monday suction Corrective functional
12 (30/05/2014) machine failed maintenance
We suggested that Poor calibration causes the
machine print blurred color and the lead problem
causes unable to detect the necessary information
poor from the patient. So, we have taken an action to
calibration correct the problem by calibrating the internal
Wednesday and lead Corrective part of the machine and by replacing new ECG
13 (02/06/2014) ECG problem maintenance lead.
We painted the leakage by silicon or gypsum.
But, the silicon is unable to fill the leak and also
due to the absence of Gasket availability the
Monday leakage and Corrective pump could not work. It release over negative
14 (07/06/2014) water pump no gasket maintenance pressure
Table2. 1.corrective and preventive maintenance

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Figure2.2. corrective maintenance of x-ray machine

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Figure2.3. corrective maintenance and calibration of mechanical ventilator

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Figure 2.4 corrective maintenance of autoclave

No. DATE Equipment ward Description
First we check the voltage from the source (the voltage
between each path) the machine were three path
device, then we plug the socket in to the source and
then we anchored the sample holders by rig like
1 22/10/2013 hot air sterilizer Fistula attachment and we register the installation date on it.
Plug the accessories in proper pin and color code.
Wednesday After installation we have checked the functionality of
2 23/10/2013 fetal monitor Neonatal machine by taken 220v power supply.
First we check each components and valves and then
Thursday Autoclave( stem we plug the socket in to the source after this we filled
3 24/10/2013 sterilizer) Main OR water up to its water level indicator and we checked it.
All components were separated and packed
individually. Then by guiding with the manual we
Thursday operational ophthalmology installed it. The process take time since each part
4 1/11/2013 microscope department starting from the lenses were separated
mechanical Separate the packed components and then connected
Friday ventilator and by using different nut and user manuals after that
5 02/11/2013 smart acute bed ICU completely tighten the thump screw.
suction machine We installed the six (6) suction machines, five (5)
trolley, stretcher trolleys, three (3) wheel chairs and one (1) stretcher
Monday trolley and wheel trolley at anew ICU room. Finally checked all
6 05/11/2013 chair ICU machines the functions.
We installed new model steam sterilizer machine
Wednesday Midwifery components. And the people's came from the company
7 (09/06/2014) steam sterilizer ward was given the brief theoretical and practical

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explanation about this new model steam machine

parts, working principle, system flow diagram and
schematic diagram with the help of practical training.
Table2.2 .Installation machine

No Date Ward Equipment Description

Monday Microscope, centrifuge,
1 12/11/2013 Main laboratory refrigerator, and soon...
Monday kalazar and centrifuge ,microscope ,
19/11/2013 blood bank refrigerator, chemistry analyzer,
2 room hematology etc.
Friday Neonatal and Incubator, radiant warmer,
3 23/11/2013 maternity ultrasound… We have checked the placement of
Thursday medical instrumentation and counted each machine
13/12/2013 intensive care Mechanical ventilator, patient in each wards and then we attach a tag on
4 unit (MICU) monitor new machines
Table2. 3 .Inventory machines

2.4. Procedures and methods we have been using while performing our task
First all medical departments which required the help of biomedical staff members come to the
room and request the desired activities such as installation, corrective maintenance ,preventive
maintenance, disposal and soon. While performing the corrective maintenance, the failed/ non-
working equipment brought to the workshop by porters and nurses or biomedical engineers or
technicians called to the ward where the failed equipment was found. After that, the
engineers/technicians troubleshoot the failed equipment and give corrective actions like
replacing, modifying, and bypassing the failed part. After corrective actions were taken the ward
officer would sign on the corrective maintenance form the sheet provided by the biomedical

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2.5. Challenges we have been facing while performing our work tasks and
actions taken to overcome these challenges
In our stay at the Hospital the most challenges we have observed are Lack of spare parts for
failed equipment for this we made a move by replacing the spare parts from disposed of medical
equipment’s, not having service manuals for this test we took a course of action on the web for
service manuals using the serial number provided on equipment and have used the user manual,
Lack of special tools and testing equipment then we have to take a Solution by utilizing
ourselves as a test system to check medical equipment after we repaired for example while we
work on pulse oximetry we accept ourselves as ordinary and if the reading on the equipment
reads normal range, then we confirm the equipment is functional. And the other challenge is the
workshop from some hospital wards like referral area is far so, we suggest the staff head that the
biomedical workshop has to be placed on the center of the hospital environment, and to protect
ourselves from contamination we took actions like wearing personal protective equipment while
goes to the workshop.
Where the placement of work shop is not at center of the hospital, In this case the BME staff
members didn’t reached at a short time and loss much energy to reach most medical wards
specially referral buildings are found very far from BME staff.

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Chapter 3 overall benefits of the internship

In our starting period of internship, having a practical and theoretical skill, we found out that we
have a long way to improve ourselves to join the real-world medical activity. This period not
only let us know our level and skill but also allowed us to start stepping forward in improving
ourselves in many aspects. We have been reading a book, watching an online tutorial, practicing
to develop our theoretical knowledge, and consulting our associates to overcome difficulties and
upgrade ourselves. In the time it was visible for us that we have improved our skills and
We would like to group the overall benefits of this Internship in different categories as follows;
• In terms of upgrading our theoretical knowledge.
• In terms of improving our practical skills.
• In terms of improving industrial problem-solving capability.
• In terms of improving our team playing skills.
• In terms of our leadership skills.
• In terms of understanding work ethics and related issues proceed.
• In terms of entrepreneurship skills.

3.1. In terms of upgrading our theoretical knowledge

During the internship program, the theoretical knowledge was upgraded as we have been
expected, among the ways makes as be full of theoretical was reading and analyzing different
user and service manuals of biomedical and hospital equipment as well as dealing with the
operational principle of different equipment from different sources. This internship helped ours
to visualize what we learned in classes more briefly. We were solving problems and calculations
but it helped us solve the real-world problems faced both with ideas and measurements simply.

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3.2. In terms of improving our practical skill

Before the internship practice, our practical knowledge towards our future professional work
tasks was very limited because we were mainly focused on theoretical and few lab-exercises. But
at the end of the internship we could significantly increase our professional and practical skills.
Some of the practical skills that we have gained during our stay were:-

• To Identifying different components of the medical equipment.

• To understand how can we fix a failure of certain medical equipment’s
• To identify which parts of the medical equipment fail frequently.
• To practice how to conduct periodic preventive maintenance.
• To learn how we can write a corrective maintenance report.
• To know how to prepare inventory system.
• To practice how can we check the failed part,
• How to install a new machine following the manual.

3.3. In terms of improving the industrial problem-solving capability

During our internship time we developed a capacity how to solve the problem in the industry, to
solve the problem of the company first thing we must dig out the root case in repeated of day to
day activities then we have to gather information about it then listen to what the employee need,
the basic question, why/when the problem happened, see to different alternatives …by asking
and searching those kinds of questions then we will try to solve by seeing from various aspect or
views by analyzing different approach based on the problem weight. Under this when we get the
obstacles/ problem we need to think and give proper attention &concentrate on the focal point
including optimism, commitment, and strength. Finally, apply final powerful decision.

3.4. In terms of improving team playing skills

Most of the tasks we completed were assigned as group duty. So most of the time we had to
work independently but at the same time together. While we were doing these different tasks,
ideas rose and there was a point of view between us. But in the end, we agreed on acceptable

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terms which I believe helped us share what we have in our minds. This thing helps us to develop
our team playing skills to some extent.
There are several benefits from teamwork, among them are:

• Distributing the workload Reinforcing individual capabilities

• Making better decisions
• Communicates constructively
• Improve listens actively
• Functions as an active participant
• Share ideas openly and willingly
• Cooperates and helps others
• Demonstrates reliability
• Shows commitment to the team
• Works as a problem solver
• Treats others in a respectful and supportive manner
• Generating a diversity of ideas
Teamwork also allows ours to make friends and enjoy a better social experience when studying
and working because everyone has their talents, it will allow us to do something far better than
we could before. Everybody wants to improve and perform better.

3.5. In terms of improving leadership skills

During our Hospital stay at UOGCSH, we did some works which were related to our department
leadership and management activities. We were responsible to control and supervise some
activities and we tried to develop our leadership skills by identifying and applying. In this aspect
we have learned the following main skills.

• Accept others idea as appositive input to improve faults and attains good leadership
• The leaders shall tolerate differences and find alternative methods.

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• The leaders should have a proper plan and schedule for different activities. Otherwise,
it is difficult to achieve the project goal.

• Give priority to the community, respect others right and be open minded to any one
enhances good leadership skill.
• How to handle any devices in protective manner /devices that used for maintenance in
work shop and in each ward.
• How to full fill our national and personal responsibilities to the customers especially in
the future
• How to achieve problem solving skill through peaceful communication with others.
• Be responsible for any task, any equipment and any assignment of others.

Finally what we grasp is becoming a leader is wonderful but not easy because it takes a
conscious commitment and consistent effort to develop one's leadership skills. But on the
positive side, anyone who is willing to make the effort can become a good leader.

3.6. In terms of understanding work ethics related issues

Work ethics is one of the most significant lessons we got during the internship period. From the
work ethics of this company, we have learned good work ethics habits which help ours in the
future to be selected for a better position, more responsibilities, how to being responsible,
accountable, reliable and other work ethics are respected by the stuff members and ultimate
promotion. Without work ethics, the employee made harmful, unexpected, and dangerous
situations in the workplace up to the loss of human life, especially in our department. From this
perspective, I have gained a valuable lesson that punctuality and carefulness are two very
important work ethics one needs to abide by and live by. Some of the benefits I have gained in
terms of work ethics and related issues from this company are as follows.
• Punctuality: Being on time to work behavior was developed.
• Honesty: Fulfilling obligation in the office. This was learned from the workers of the

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• Initiative: we observed the initiative skill of the workers started to apply initiating of new
ideas especially to solve the problems faced during the internship.
• Loyalty: As loyalty is one of the measures of good work ethics workers showed us.
• Avoiding conflicts: when there is a misunderstanding we try to solve it peacefully.
• Respecting others: This is a very important thing to be respected by others
• Work effectiveness and Proper Utilization of Instruments

• Strong self-confidence: it is important in the workplace. It allows you to take risks,

while also evaluating areas of improvement; both things that help you develop as an
• Responsibility: Demonstrating strong work ethic requires a keen sense of responsibility.
Those who are ethical and responsible hold themselves accountable for their actions.
• Accountability: this is also a very good trait of an employee. One of the things that may
short change a talented and responsible is the lack of accountability.
• Maintaining Labor Discipline: enables a positive and healthy work environment and
ensures smooth functioning of the organization

3.7. In terms of improving entrepreneurship skills

An entrepreneur is a positive thinker who can see solutions from the surrounding cloud of
problems. Even if entrepreneurship is creating a business that does not exist before, we learned
from management on business. It opened our eyes to utilize opportunities and resources at hand
properly and be creative in our field of study. To be a successful entrepreneur we have to work
closely with other people cooperatively. Even if some tasks are done by a concerning person
most of the time individuals come together to work for the common goal of the company to
increase productivity. We have learned in this time work in team is a better means of creating
entrepreneurship. And we have developed our confidence to create our own business instead of
being government expectancy. Company how to change a simple business idea into a big
company. And also we improved our critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These
experiences are important to develop our entrepreneurship skill and we believe that it .

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Chapter 4 conclusion and recommendation

4.1. Conclusion
We conclude that the internship program is very important for the under graduated students to
grasp practical knowledge. During our stay in UoGCSH we have got a lot of knowledge in terms
of improving our practical skills but before intern we learned a lot of theoretical knowledge
never familiar to practical knowledge. We have gotten practical work experience and benefits at
Gondar comprehensive specialized Hospital. And also internship practice has played a great role
in equipping, students with the practical knowledge of understanding and implementing field and
office exercises in some benefits which we are:
• Develop a way of troubleshooting different bio-medical and hospital Equipment.
Understand the external working environment and how to create a smooth relationship
with coworkers and other staff members.
• Develop a little skill in the management of medical equipment’s and health care
• Used to develop my practical, theoretical, and problem-solving skills.
• Understand not all running medical equipment is used. They may have the side effect.
And also Maintaining nonfunctional equipment and Identifying problems and solving Even
though our country is on the verge of development, renaissance and transformation, we think that
we can solve some of the practical related problems to medical equipment ourselves without
bringing support from overseas. The other important thing is the understanding and work
conditions of biomedical engineers must be changed. It shouldn’t only on maintenance and
installation of medical equipment [4].

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4.2. Recommendation

During the last four months of the intern time, we could observe different experiences and
activities in the UOGCSH. However, there are some points to be recommended, because those
activities harm safety, economy, or motivation on the Hospital, workers, and staffs. For the
University of Gondar specialized hospital, to improve their concern through awareness creation
regarding biomedical equipment and the biomedical department found in the hospital. The
hospital must employ additional biomedical engineers and biomedical technicians to control and
manage the whole wards in the hospitals and the hospital should give medical equipment training
for new comer biomedical engineers and technicians to have more experience about the device.

It should improve the waste disposal system of all over the hospital. The other thing is the case
of the workshop. The workshop should be located at the center of the hospital where the
technicians can easily have access to the required component for their task by saving much time
and energy. Bio medicals should have a good relation with different ward leaders and medical
director of UoGCSH. Biomedical staffs should provide the necessary things for intern students
like safety clothes, give a chance of works in each wards to be familiar to over all operation of
the machine for intern students.

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[1] W. Tesfaye, "blackpast store," [Online]. Available:

[2] [Online]. Available: [Accessed


[3] [Online]. Available: Maintenance and repair of laboratory, diagnostic imaging,

and hospital equipment.

[4] Resource,Gondar Comprehensive specialized Hospital human.. [Interview].

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Appendix A

Figure 2.Tag format of inventory system

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Figure 3.Medical equipment data inventory format

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Figure 4.corrective maintenance data format

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