FREN 106 - Open Conversation 2

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FREN 106 – Open Conversation 2

With a classmate, chat in French by completing one or more of the following activities from your e-text:
1-2, 1-9, 1-11, 1-12, 1-13

Netiquette Reminder
Distracting, disruptive, and disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated in FREN 106. This includes
inappropriate language (e.g. cursing or lewd language), smoking, vaping, and intoxication. Please keep in
mind that although Open Conversations are conversational, you are still expected to behave in a
professional manner.

TAs review all video submissions. Students not adhering to FREN 106 netiquette guidelines will receive a
grade of 0. 

To Begin
Record your conversation according to the instructions.

Begin by verbally stating your name as it appears in onQ on the video recording.

Introduce yourself to your partner and share something about yourself to create a connection, perhaps
what city you’re from or what you are studying. This brief icebreaker can be in English, but does not
count towards the 15 minutes of speaking in French.

You should only be speaking in English to ask clarification questions – the majority of your Open
Conversation should be in French.

1-2 Relations multiples

Describe the relationships among the various members of Jacques’ family.

MODÈLE Philippe ? Anne, Jacques

Philippe ? C’est le mari d’Anne ; c’est le père de Jacques.

1. Mathilde ? Anne, Jacques

2. Michèle ? Anne, Mathilde
3. Simon ? Marie, Jacques
4. Didier ? Marie, Mathilde
5. Anne ? Philippe, Suzanne
6. Mathilde ? Simon, Marie
7. Jacques ? Mathilde, Didier
8. Jean-Pierre ? Anne, Jacques
1-9 Qu’est-ce que vous emportez ?
Image that your dorm/house/apartment is on fire, and you have time to take only three things. What
would you take? Make a list and share it with your partner.

MODÈLE 1. mes photos de famille

2. mes deux chats, Mickey et Minnie
3. mon ordinateur

1-11 Qu’est-ce que vous avez ?

Compare with a partner what you brought to ‘class’ today. See how many different items you can name.

MODÈLE Ben et mois, nous avons des cahiers et nos portables. J’ai aussi un stylo et mon livre de
français. Ben a un crayon et sa tablette.

1-12 Qui a … ?
Ask your partner if they have any of the following objects/pets in their home.

MODÈLE un chat
É1 Tu as un chat ?
É2 Non, je n’ai pas de chat
OU É2 Qui, j’ai un chat. Il s’appelle Mr. Whiskers.

1. Un chat
2. Un chien
3. Des poissons
4. Un oiseau
5. Un portable
6. Une tablette
7. Une affiche
8. Une carte

1-13 Un arbre généalogique

Describe your family to your partner, and have them draw your family tree. Be ready to respond to your
partner’s questions about your family. Then switch roles.

MODÈLE È1 J’ai deux mères, Paula et Cindy. J’ai un frère, mais je n’ai pas de sœurs. Nous avons
un chien, Chief.
È2 [showing drawings] Voici tes mères, Paula et Cindy, et ton chien, Chief. Et ton frère, il
s’appelle comment ?

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