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Activity 3.2....................................................................

Activity 3.3...................................................................15-16

Activity 3.4...................................................................17-18

Activity 3.5 ..................................................................19-20


Activity 4.1.....................................................................21

Activity 4.2....................................................................22-23
V. OVERALL REFLECTION.......................................... 24

VIII. DOCUMENTATION..............................................28-41

I would like to express my thanks to my teacher Eduardo

R. Baquiran Jr. my principal Mrs. Joycelle T. Macarilay for
giving me a great opportunity to express in my learning
through this work immersion.

I acknowledge the following person they help the

student of senior high school. Thank you for your attention,
and courage to other student to make this immersion.

I am thankful to my family, for their support and words

of encouragement for me to not give up the schooling and
thank you for the financial support extended during our
immersion day.

I am thankful too, to our Almighty God who gave me

strength every day, and guidance to choose the right decision
and for the wisdom and hope to make this portfolio a
successful one.

My philosophy in life is that you should live

happy while you are alive and you should give
others that same privilege. Learn to appreciate
wisdom and never stop searching for knowledge.
AGE 18
DATE OF BIRTH 08/28/2003
CONTACT No. 09057489612
SEX Female
ADDRESS Camasi, Peñablanca, Cagayan
RELIGION Roman Catholic
FATHER Franklin B. Suyu
MOTHER Minna L. Suyu

SKILLS AND QUALIFICATION  Performance skills like dancing

 Time Management and playing taekwondo
 Teamwork
 Technology kills


Peñablanca West Central School 2010 – 2011
Peñablanca West Central School 2015-2016


Peñablanca National High School Peñablanca National High School
2019 -2020 2022 – Present
 Grade 6 with honor
 Grade 5 with honor  Graduate in elementary
 Grade 6 with honor athelets of the year
Renalyn jose Murcia 09058657964
Mydie mae quilang 09161015933
Jessica pamittan 09057489612

Leonora L. Suyu
Immersion Applicant
 Rapid increase in the number of married
couples’ separation

These are the tips to prevent. Frist, make time to connect

lovingly with your spouse every day. Second compliment
your spouse regularly both in private and in front of others.
Third, love your spouse in the way he/she wants to be loved.
Fourth, take care of your appearance. Fifth, remain
faithful .Sixth, do thing together. Seventh, spend time apart.
Eight be friends with your partner. Nineth, have terms of
endearment. Lastly, say “I love you” every day.

Community: Camasi, Peñablanca, Cagayan

State your reasons:

Among the ideologies above, I choose this because as a member or

living in the community law is one of the important to improve avoid
criminal actions. It is also maintain the peace and other.

Cite differences among the applied social


Applied science is anything in science that has a practical application

in industry and our life for the existence of further development.
Social science is a branch of science that deals with institutions and
functioning of human.

Anthropology -The study of human race, its culture and

society and its physical development
Demography-the study of changes in the number of births,
marriages, deaths, etc. in a particular area during a period of
Law- a rule, usually made by a government, that is used to
order the way in which a society behaves.
Business studies- the study of economics management,
especially as an educational topic.

WEEK 1(APRIL 18-22, 2022)

I woke up early today because we were going to school, but before
that I did first my daily routine. 8:30 am when we arrived at school
first, we clean out room and watered the plants in our area. After that
we went to Sir Eduardo, he just disccussed on how we would do our
portfolio for our work immersion he also gave us the activity, we
would do. I slept early last night because today is my schedule for the
entrance exam in CSU Caritan, I'm very nervous because there are
questions that are not familiar to me. After i take the exam, we have a
virtual class about building dreams: creating choices transforming the
future beyond pandemic. I learned a lot about mental health, child
protection and etc. When I got home, I started making portfolio. The
other day , I didn't do much, I make my module first before I continue
to do my portfolio.
WEEK 2 (APRIL 25-29, 2022)

In the second day of our immersion, our teacher is pissed of because

he is expecting that we already finished the activities that he given to
us in our last immersion meeting but sadly a few of our classmate
hasn't done it yet. And after that he give us the second output that we
need to do. He also checked our outputs. He dismissed us except the
late comer will clean the room that we used. I became busy in the
other day because of the many activities that I need to do. It's kind of
hard, but I need to do it because this is one of the requirements for
graduation. I also do the checking of grammar for safety. When I am
done doing those activity I helped my parents to do the house chores.

WEEK 3 (MAY 2-6, 2022)

Today is our third meeting together since we did not meet for the last
2 weeks. What we did is to finish all of our activities regarding our
portfolio it was a bit tiring yet worth it. Our teacher checked all our
outputs and after that he gave us other activities to be passed next
meeting. I spent my whole week doing my portfolio it's challenging
for me but i know i can do this. However we did not come to school
however our teacher kept in touch with us and informed us in our
group chat to do the other activities he has given us. So, I continue
doing my outputs at home.
Week 4 (16-20, 2022)

In the 4th day of our work immersion, our teacher check our
portfolio and give some feedbacks and suggestions in the
activities that we've done answering. While his checking my
portfolio i think that i will change some of my answers and he
also said that i need to expand my answer. While I'm sitting
on the floor I've doing my journal and checking again my
grammar. In the other day, I asked my mother to make a shots
on me while doing my activities including drawings and
essays. I also asked my sibling to help me in translating my
sentences into english. When I'm done answering i helped my
mother to finish some house chores.

Week 5 (13-27, 2022 )

When i woke up in the morning i felt dizzy and sleepy, but i

was not able to do that thingy because i have a lot to do today
like answering the new activity that our immersion teacher
given to us. When I've done the washing clothes i run to my
bedroom and start doing the activities in our portfolio and i
asked my sibling to take a picture of me answering the
activity. In the afternoon my sibling asked me to join her in
her job interview video.

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