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Project 1

1. Understanding the pattern in viral campaigns and ads starring sports persons
coming up with a campaign

- Understanding the pattern

 To grab the attention of our audience when creating a advertisement and
maintain it with interesting details.
 Construct advertisement based on theories that people understand by
images or video.
 In the project Olympics sportsperson is used for the advertisement because
they are people who represent the country on international platform.
 People are very connected to them, and they create a massive impact on
people if they are used in the advertisement.
 People easily relate to the product, and they get assurance the product will
be good for them.

- The categories impact the mindset of the consumer.

 Humor based
o E.g., Laughter is an important part in human in psychology. If any
advertisement brings a small laugh or smile to your face it means you are
engaging the person in the advertisement.
 Inspirational
o When using inspiration in advertisement we need to ensure that the
company is strongly tied to the storyline.
 Person based
o Try to know about the lifestyle of the person inspiration and personal
connection. Celebrities get a successful in gathering public attention but also
helps in increasing sales volume
 Product based
o In a product-based audience will might look at how the product is connected
to them to solve their problems and give them a solution. Involving
celebrities ensures that the information that they give is always accurate and
o Focus on pain points of customer instead of overall brand benefits.

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