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Title of Activity: DOPI Conducts Graduation Program to TESDA Scholars in
Plumbing NC II under CY 2021 TWSP – EO 70

Date of Activity: November 2, 2021

Implementing Unit: Davao Oriental Polytechnic Institute


The Davao Oriental Polytechnic Institute through the leadership of Mrs. Ma. Leticia
C. Salcedo, Acting Vocational School Administrator spearheaded the conduct of face-to-face
Graduation Program to the twenty five (25) TESDA scholars in Plumbing NC II of Barangay
Mogbongcogon, Banaybanay, Davao Oriental under the Calendar Year (CY) 2021 Training
for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) EO 7O – WONA on November 2, 2021.

The event was held at DOPI conference room. Attending the program were, Leah D.
Braga, TESDA Provincial Director of Davao Oriental, Mrs. Ma. Leticia C. Salcedo, Acting
Vocational School Administrator of DOPI, Police Lieutenant Bryan G. Conson, Revitalized-
Police Sa Barangay (R-PSB) Cluster 5 Team Leader of Banaybanay, Davao Oriental and his
uniformed men, Mrs. Nora S. Malatamban, Assistant Professor IV/Scholarship Focal and Mr.
Edgar Q. Manto, Assistant Professor III/Lead Trainer in Plumbing NC II, the 25 TESDA
scholars in Plumbing NC II of Barangay Mogbongcogon, Banaybanay and Hon. Reynaldo
Junio, Barangay Kagawad of Mogbongcogon who represented the Barangay Captain. Mr.
Netherloo Pantoja, Assistant Professor I of DOPI acted as host of the program.

During the ceremony, Hon. Junio of Barangay Mogbongcogon gave his welcome
remarks as representative of Barangay Captain Jokarnain M. Tambuang. Right after was the
presentation of candidates for graduation by Acting VSA, Ma. Leticia C. Salcedo and
confirmed by PD Leah D. Braga. In her message, PD Leah Braga thanked DOPI, Barangay
Mogbongcogon and R-PSB Team for the strong support and collaborative efforts to make
the TESDA training in Plumbing NC II a success. She also recognized the hard work and
effort Mr. Edgar Q. Manto, Trainer in Plumbing NC II for handling training in Plumbing NC II
in spite of his hectic schedule. Likewise, PLT Bryan Conson gave his appreciation to TESDA
and DOPI for the continuous outpouring of support in providing relevant TESDA scholarship
programs to the constituents of the said barangay and to other barangays in Banaybanay.
He also added that the training in Plumbing NC II will help boosts and improve the water
system of Barangay Mogbongcogon. After the messages of the guests followed the
awarding of Training Certificate and National Certificate Level II in Plumbing NC II to the 25
beneficiaries. One of the TESDA scholars and graduate of the program Mr. Jezreel Ocoy
shared his impression about the free skills training and promised that he will used this for to

Davao Oriental Polytechnic Institute, Roxas-Panuncialmans Sts., Barangay Poblacion, Lupon, Davao Oriental
Telephone No. (087) 808-5387 Email:, Website:
gain profit. A pre-recorded video graduation message of Secretary Isidro S. Lapeña, TESDA
Director General was played during the ceremony enticing all TESDA scholars to use
properly and productively the knowledge and skills they acquired.

Closing the program was a message from the Acting Vocational School Administrator
of DOPI, Mrs. Ma. Leticia C. Salcedo. She gave sincerest thanks to all who have contributed
to the success of the training and graduation program. After the graduation program, the
releasing of 100% training support fund to TESDA scholars took place where every
beneficiaries received their financial allowance as part of the scholarship coverage. The
activity ended with flying colors where everyone enjoy the sumptuous “Kakanin” provided by
the TESDA scholars and the snack which was given by DOPI.

II. Significant Outcome/Result of Event

The holding of graduation program meant to recognize the TESDA scholars who
completed the training program in Plumbing NC II under the EO 70 Program of TESDA. Part
also of the activity was the disbursement of 100% training support fund to the beneficiaries
helpful in this time of economic crisis. With the training they have undergone, it will serve as
their initial passport in venturing into employment and entrepreneurial activities which will
help augment their income.

III. Photo Documentation:

In Photos: Pictures taken during Graduation Program in Plumbing NC II to TESDA

Scholars of Barangay Mogbongcogon, Banaybanay, Davao Oriental under CY 2021
TWSP – EO 70 Program held at DOPI conference room, Lupon, Davao Oriental

Hon. Reynaldo Junio, Barangay Kagawad of Mogbongcogon and TESDA scholar welcomes the guest and graduates
Davao Oriental Polytechnic Institute, Roxas-Panuncialmans Sts., Barangay Poblacion, Lupon, Davao Oriental
Telephone No. (087) 808-5387 Email:, Website:
Pictures from top to bottom: Mrs. Ma. Leticia C. Salcedo, Acting VSA of DOPI presents the candidates for graduation in Plumbing NC II
while PD Leah Braga confirms the TESDA graduates for completing the training and competency assessment.

Davao Oriental Polytechnic Institute, Roxas-Panuncialmans Sts., Barangay Poblacion, Lupon, Davao Oriental
Telephone No. (087) 808-5387 Email:, Website:
PD Leah Braga of TESDA Davao Oriental delivers her message to the TESDA graduates in Plumbing NC II

Davao Oriental Polytechnic Institute, Roxas-Panuncialmans Sts., Barangay Poblacion, Lupon, Davao Oriental
Telephone No. (087) 808-5387 Email:, Website:
PLT Bryan G. Conson, RPSB Cluster 5 Team Leader on his inspiring message to the graduates

TESDA scholar and graduate in Plumbing NC II proudly showcase his Training Certificate and National Certificate during the awarding

Davao Oriental Polytechnic Institute, Roxas-Panuncialmans Sts., Barangay Poblacion, Lupon, Davao Oriental
Telephone No. (087) 808-5387 Email:, Website:
TESDA scholar and graduate in Plumbing NC II proudly showcase her Training Certificate and National Certificate during the awarding

Video Message of TESDA Chief, Secretary Isidro S. Lapeña

Davao Oriental Polytechnic Institute, Roxas-Panuncialmans Sts., Barangay Poblacion, Lupon, Davao Oriental
Telephone No. (087) 808-5387 Email:, Website:
Mr. Edgar Q. Manto, Assistant Professor III/Lead Trainer in Plumbing NC II releases the 100% training support fund to the Plumbing NC
II TESDA scholars

Davao Oriental Polytechnic Institute, Roxas-Panuncialmans Sts., Barangay Poblacion, Lupon, Davao Oriental
Telephone No. (087) 808-5387 Email:, Website:
Photo opportunity after the successful Graduation Program in Plumbing NC II

Davao Oriental Polytechnic Institute, Roxas-Panuncialmans Sts., Barangay Poblacion, Lupon, Davao Oriental
Telephone No. (087) 808-5387 Email:, Website:

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