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SYLLABUS: MKTG 500 Online, Fall 2018 (12925)

Course Begins: Monday, August 27, 2018

Students have access: Saturday, August 25 at noon CT
Course Ends: December 14, 2018

Instructor: Dr. Cindy Atchley

Telephone: (760) 580-2825 (mobile) (Pacific Time Zone)
Online Office Hours: By Appointment
Additional information located on Course Information page


• Students will be able to explain basic marketing principles used in marketing and
business analysis.
• Students will be able to apply basic marketing principles.
• Students will be able to analyze company marketing strategies using basic marketing
• Students will be able to demonstrate critical/analytical thinking skills by developing
and defending marketing strategies.


Required Textbook: (please have your text book by the first day of class)

Title: Principles of Marketing

Author(s): Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G.
Publisher: Pearson Publishing
Edition/Year: 17th edition
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-4518282 (with MyMarketing Lab)
NOTE: the eText is combined with MyMarketingLab

CourseID atchley86066

(Please check the UIC Bookstore for current prices)

MyMarketingLab will be used in the course.

If you want a Hardcopy text, it can be purchased from any vendor. ISBN: 978-0-13-449251

Do not purchase International Editions as they do not contain the same content.
Do not purchase other editions other/older than noted above as course content is linked to
this edition.

Also, you will need:

A Guide to APA 6th edition. This can be one of many books on the market or websites such as
Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)

Course Information

In this course you will have five elements - both individual and as a team.
Course Weeks run Monday - Sunday.

READINGS (individual): Each week you will have readings from the required textbook -
please have the readings completed by Wednesday each week.

DISCUSSIONS (Individual): On Wednesday (or before) have your initial post to the
Weekly Discussion Question. By Friday (or before) you are to make your first response
post, and by Sunday you are to make your second response post in the discussion to
your classmates or the instructor. A minimum of three posts are required each week for
possible full credit however you are encouraged to post as much as you would like to fully
engage in the discussion. NOTE: you are to post to the discussion on at least three
separate days - 3 posts all on one day or initial posts after Wednesday will have reduced
points. There are 12 discussions, and each are worth 20 points - 10 points for your initial
post and 5 points each for at least two response posts for a total of 240 points. Please
review the Discussion Rubric in the Course Documents on particulars pertaining to postings
and word count required. (240 points)

MARKETING PLAN (Team): In Week 1 you will form teams (Note number of teams is
determined by class enrollment - watch for instructor announcement in Week 1). As a
team you will produce a Marketing Plan and Class Presentation. Approximately every four
weeks a team assignment will be due (please see course schedule for exact dates). This
will be a portion of the marketing plan you have completed to date. In Week 14 of the
class you will complete your team Marketing Plan and in Week 15 teams will present their
presentations to the class. The Marketing plan will be worth 170 team points and the
facilitation of the presentation will be worth 60 individual points based on individual
participation. (230 points)

EXAMS (Individual): Midterm Exam (Week 10) and Final Exam (Week 16) You will have
Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday (Midterm Exam) and Wednesday/Thursday/Friday (Final
exam) to access and complete the exams. You can only access the exam(s) once and will
have two hours to complete each exam. Each exam will have 25 TF/MC questions worth 2
points each for a total of 50 points each. Midterm Exam covers chapters 1-10 and the
final exam covers chapters 11-20. Your instructor will post additional announcements
pertaining to exams prior to time or you may ask the instructor questions in the "Ask the
Instructor" forum on the Discussion Board. (100 points)

MyMarketing Lab (Individual) As a multimedia companion to the course you will use
MyMarketing Lab where you will have video quizzes, simulations, and chapter quizzes.
These are required and will be accessed using MyMarketing Lab linked to our course text
book. You will have 20 video chapter quizzes (5 points each), 30 Simulations (1 point each)
and 20-chapter quizzes 10 points each). The quizzes are meant to assess your learning and
knowledge from the chapter. Plan to spend 2-3 hours per chapter on these activities. Note:
weekly assignments are due on Sunday of each week. Late assignments will not be
accepted. (330 points)

All discussions close on Sunday at 11:59pm Central Time (CT) each week. All written
assignments are due on Sunday at 11:59pm CT for the weeks assigned unless otherwise

You will find the weekly course materials in the Assignments/Weekly Content folder. You
now have access to Week 1 and subsequent week folders and discussions will open on
Saturdays (12:30am) for the following weeks and remain open throughout the course. You
are to stay current with the week's content and your team assignments. While this is
an online course you still have due dates that you have to adhere to.

Late Discussion Posts (after Sunday the week they are due) will not count for a grade.

Late Team Assignments will have a 10% point deduction for each day they are late.

No makeup exams will be allowed. By reading the schedule if you see a conflict please let
the instructor know ASAP.

You should expect to log into the course a minimum of 4 days per week to meet assignment
deadlines and engage in the course. Note: this course can not be done only on weekends.

The course has a total of 900 points:

12 Weekly Discussions (Individual points): 240

4 Team Submissions: Wk2-10 pts; Weeks 5, 9, 13-20pts each (Team Points): 70
Team Marketing Plan (Team points): 100
Team Presentation & Q&A (Individual points): 60
Chapter Video Quizzes (Individual points): 100
Chapter Simulations (individual points): 30
Chapter Quizzes (Individual points): 200
Midterm Exam (Individual points): 50
Final Exam (Individual points): 50
Course Schedule

Week/Dates Content Topic Text Assignment/Submissions

1/Aug 27-Sept 2 Marketing: Defined, 1, 2, Discussion (W, F, Su)
Strategies Appendix 1 Form Teams (F)
MyMarketing Lab (Su)
2/Sept 3-9 The Marketing 3, 4 Discussion (W, F, Su)
Environment and Team Project Details (Su)
Marketing Information MyMarketing Lab (Su)
3/Sept 10-16 Consumer and Business 5, 6 Discussion (W, F, Su)
Markets and Buyer MyMarketing Lab (Su)
4/Sept 17-23 Business Customer Value 7, 8 Discussion (W, F, Su)
MyMarketing Lab (Su)
5/Sept 24-30 Developing New Products 9 Discussion (W, F, Su)
and the Product Life Cycle Team Assignment (Su)
MyMarketing Lab (Su)
6/Oct 1-7 Pricing and Pricing 10, 11 Discussion (W, F, Su)
Strategies MyMarketing Lab (Su)
7/Oct 8-14 Marketing Channels and 12, 13 Discussion (W, F, Su)
Retailing MyMarketing Lab (Su)
8/Oct 15-21 Engaging Customers and 14 Discussion (W, F, Su)
Customer Value MyMarketing Lab (Su)
9/Oct 22-28 Advertising, PR, Personal 15, 16 Discussion (W, F, Su)
Selling and Sales Team Assignment (Su)
Promotion MyMarketing Lab (Su)
10/Oct 29-Nov 4 Midterm Exam Chapters 1-10 Midterm Exam (Nov 1 – 4)
11/Nov 5-11 Social Media and Mobile 17 Discussion (W, F, Su)
Marketing MyMarketing Lab (Su)
12/Nov 12-18 Creating Competitive 18 Discussion (W, F, Su)
Advantage MyMarketing Lab (Su)
13/Nov 19-25 Global and Sustainable 19, 20 Discussion (W, F, Su)
Marketing Team Assignment (Su)
MyMarketing Lab (Su)
14/Nov 26-Dec 2 Project Wrap-up/ None
Presentation Prep
15/Dec 3-9 Team Marketing Plan None Marketing Plan (M)
Presentation Presentation Participation (W-
16/Dec 10-14 Final Exam Chapters 11- Final Exam (Dec 11-14)
20 Review

(M) Monday; (W) Wednesday; (F) Friday; (Sa) Saturday; (Su) Sunday


Academic Integrity
This course and its associated coursework are being administered under the policies of the
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) College of Business Administration Honor Code. All
students are expected to respect and uphold the CBA Student Code of Ethics found on
pages 9-10 of the UIC Business Student

In keeping with CBA policy, evidence of academic dishonesty may result in a failing grade
for the course and disciplinary review by the University. Academic dishonesty includes, but
is not limited to, cheating (giving or receiving aid), fabrication/falsification, plagiarism
(including not accurately referencing source material), bribes, favors or threats,
examination by proxy (taking an exam for someone else), grade tampering and submitting
non-original works authored by someone other than the student. Instances of academic
misconduct by students will be handled pursuant to the UIC Student Disciplinary Policy:

Accommodation for Students with Disabilities

Concerning disabled students, the University of Illinois at Chicago is committed to
maintaining a barrier-free environment so that individuals with disabilities can fully access
programs, courses, services, and activities at UIC. Students with disabilities who require
accommodations for full access and participation in UIC Programs must be registered with
the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Please contact DRC at (312) 413-2183 (voice) or
(312) 413- 0123 (TDD). . More information may also be found at the DRC Website located

Students requesting accommodation must provide each instructor with a letter outlining the
specific accommodations requested for a specific course. These letters are developed by the
DRC in coordination with the student and presented to the instructor by the student prior to
the start of each semester.

Course Evaluations

As a final assignment, students will be expected to complete a confidential online course

evaluation known as a SIT evaluation. These evaluations provide very important feedback to
me and the college and will be used for course improvement. You will receive an email from
the Office of Faculty Affairs inviting you to complete your course evaluations and will receive
an email confirmation when you have completed each one. Please save and upload your
confirmation email for this course to Blackboard. Your answers will remain completely
confidential and will not be shared with me.

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