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Name (Optional): Age:

Sex: Male Female

Marketing Strategies of Marquez Residencia in San Jose City, Nueva Ecija: Development of
Marketing Plan to Increase Market Growth

Directions: For each statement in the survey, please indicate how much you agree or disagree
with the statement with putting a check in the box on the right side of each statement. There are
no right or wrong answers.

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

1. Promoting in social media like Facebook,

Instagram and/or websites

2. Do you think promoting in social media like

Facebook, Instagram and/or websites are

3. Do any of your customers reside outside of San

Jose, Nueva Ecija?
4. Setting up and locate the place to a popular
location that everyone knows

5. Offer some activities to the place that will enjoy

by the customers

6. Used flyers to give to customers so that they will

be knowledgeable with the place

7. Do you make inspiration to be motivated by

achieving goals of your company?

8. Do you plan in an organized way?

9. Do you prioritize to see the issues or problems

that need to solve in your company?

10. By assessing and solving issues, do you create a

goal to develop a strategic marketing to be
11. Does the marketing strategies you use can help to
attract customer?

12. Do you think marketing strategies will help you

to boost your market growth?

13. Are the marketing strategies you employed


14. Are there any weaknesses in the marketing

strategies you employed?

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