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Diana Marie A.


11 Perseus (ABM)

Summary of my Survey Report

Their Responses to my Survey is show that they are all aware about the School Regulations.
They said that school regulations is important to our School because it is the rules to make us
behave and also to be disciplined respect is also shown if we follow the Regulations and to
know the right and wrong activity in our School. Also they said it helps to protect the School
property and resources and to keep students safe from harm and to maintain the quality of
the School. Benefits of following we can have a peaceful environment where people is
discipline and have respect and you can learn some many things that you don't know and it's
describe kind of manners you have. It also help to maintain the integrity of the educational
process by setting guidelines and it give us orderliness. They are all agree that school
regulations should be follow to avoid conflict school is a private property and we should
always show respect for our own good and of course the Teachers too it's our second family
and home. Everyone should be follow the School Regulations beacuse it's about learning
punctuation and descipline to set a good example for others to follow. In summary they are
all agree and aware about the School Regulations.

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