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Lee, Jeziah E.

11 - St. Mark the Evangelist

Activity Title: Be Super, Be a Hero

Learning Target: to develop one’s reading skill in
order to comprehend texts with higher levels of
difficulty by telling a story through a comic book writing
using multiple modalities, such as visual, spacial, and
textual components

Concept notes: For the concept note part, briefly

explain how comics and cartoons can serve as powerful
tools to teach and educate readers all over the world on
good manners and rite conduct

First, comics may enhance the readers’ essential skills

like reading, understanding, and comprehending.
The good traits and kindness of the heroes or characters
in the comics may also influence the readers, the
readers may even imitate the good deeds that the
superheros or characters do in comics.
Comics or cartoons may also contain helpful and
important life lessons which children or any reader may
apply later on, on their lives.
Lastly, the readers may imitate how the characters from
the comics talk or act which may help them in
interacting with other people.
1. List at least two (2) abilities you would like
to have as a superhero.
Superhuman strength, ability to run faster than the
speed of light

2. What would you use your special abilities


I would use my special abilities to help other people in

need. I would use them to save people in danger as well
as to help save the world from evil and destruction.

3. If you could change one thing in the world,

what would it be? Why?

If I could change one thing in the world, I would change its

current state. The world as of now, is slowly collapsing, which is
why I want to reverse the damages that we have done to our
own planet. I want to save our planet from the impending
destruction that we have brought it.

4.What would be your weakness?

My weakness would be my inability to use my powers or
abilities without wearing a disguise or costume.
5. What would be your strength ?

My strength would be having the ability to see a person’s true

feelings by looking through their eyes.

6. How would you like to be remembered?

I would like to be remembered as an unselfish, brave, and

courageous hero to the people. I would also like to be
remembered as someone who had pure intentions and
someone who had a strong will to save the world.

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