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ArcelorMittal Hunedoara S.A.

DJ 687, nr.4, Cod 331111, Hunedoara-Romania *&*-

ArcelorMittal HUNEDOARA S.A:
SR EN 10204:2005 ( EN 10204:2004 ) 3.1 Quality lnspection & Statistics
Hunedoara-Romania Cod 331 1 1 1
Destinatar / Destined to: No.:
Nr. / Data / Date
SC MAIRON SA GALATI '1450068484 23.06.2021
Adresa/Address: DRUMUL DE CENTURA 59, , 800566, GALATI Comanda nr. / Order no.:
Tara/State: Rominia 4617
VagonMagon / Auto/Truck:
Standard de marca / Material norm: SR EN 10025-2:2019
Marcaj color:
DOP: AMHU-2/05CPR-13-1
Observatii / Remarks:
Toleranta la Incercari mecanice/Mechanical tests
Nr.Sarja / Marca / Produs / Buc. / LUnglmg lungime /
ReH Rm A5 lncovoiere prin soc / Charpy impact test
Heat No Quality Product Pieces Quantlty Length Tolerance
To length Tip €pruveta / Temp KV1 KV2 KV3 lVledie KV /
Itol lmhl lmml IN/mm2] lN/mm2l t'/"1 typo of sempk Average
roat ttr ttr ttr K\I
1 68890 3275JO+lv HE18OA b 2.588 12100 -0 / +'100 325 481 28.0 300/7.5 0 48,0 46.0 I 54.0 49.3
2 68876 i275JO+M HE18OA 18 7.764 12100 -0 / +1gg 296 457 30.0 300/7.5 0 84,0 84,0 88,0 85,3
3 68873 i275JO+V tPE180 21 4.797 12100 -0 / +100 330 480 32,0 300/7.5 0 78.0 88,0 96,0 87,3


Cqmpozitie chimica pe otel lichid/Chemical analysis of the liquid steel l%l

Nr.cd / |
Nr.Sarja 6 Mn Si S P Cr Ni UU Mo Ti V AI Sn B Nb N o(ppm) H(ppm) CEV
Heat No I

1 68890 I o.rso 0.570 0,220 0,010 0,014 0.1 00 0.1 40 0.410 0.030 0.000 0.008 0.004 0.020 0,0001 I 0.0006 0,0100 0.309
2 68876 I o.rso 0.570 0,200 0,008 0,013 0,080 0.120 0.390 0.030 0.001 0.008 0.005 0.019 0,0002 I o,0006 0,0102 0,303
3 68873 I O.rsO 0.630 0.1 90 0.009 0_014 0,060 0,1 30 0,460 0.020 0,000 0.008 0.004 0.020 0.000s I 0.0006 0.0095 0,312

Utilizare preconizata/lntended uses:

Structuri metalice si/sau structuri mixte olel-beton/Metalic structures and/or mixed structures steel-concrete
Durabilitate/Durability: Compozitie chimica / Chemical analysis
SudabilitateMeldability: CEV
Substanta reglementata/Regulated substance: Performanta nedeterminata/No performance determined
Marcaj/Marked: SR EN 10025rAQQ{rfE!F,fO0e-4d:2004)
su praf atals u rrace: sR Er!.loffift
tEF&Jtt ldl efu(
eru r o r os-s, zool ;
Tol. la dim. si forma /7ol*ances on dimension andAhane: SR EN10034/1995: EN 10034/1993
Materialut mai sus npntionat (r.r@Elttf @f io{t([trfudlU
The above mantion& material has not disolaxedanv radioar C€
tnspec\ia caritfstatisti.ilor"ritv lrYf.tion a stat#
e uar iry rrrtthegqlr€rp Elffi/
Form.PC-'12 rev.5

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