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Josephs Catholic Church Bulletin 14 th August 2011

Fr. John B. Winstanley, Parish Priest St. Josephs Presbytery, Woodlands Road, Ansdell, Lytham St Annes, FY8 4EP. Tel: 01253 737037

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mass Book page 107
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord.
MASS TIMES & INTENTIONS SUN 14 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 6pm (Vigil) Parish 9.30am Audrey & Ronnie Wheddall 5.05pm Mary Josephine Reynolds 9am Harry Whitehead

MANY THANKS to Fr. Sharp, Fr. Bootle & Mgr. Kirkham who have supplied while Fr. John was on pilgrimage & then annual holiday. Also grateful thanks to those parishioners who took on extra duties to keep the ship sailing much appreciated! NEW TRANSLATION: At weekday Mass this week we will begin the new responses for the Mass. Everyone will have a card to follow the text. PARISH AGM. The Parish AGM will be held on Sunday 11th September at 11.00am in the Hall, all welcome. Nominations for Chairperson and Secretary are required. Nomination forms available at the back of church and completed forms should be returned to the parish office no later than 28th August. PARISH PASTORAL TEAM. The team would like to consult all existing groups on an idea for a parish showcase event. Would anyone who leads or organises a parish group, small or large, formal or informal, please pick up a letter from the pastoral team. They are in a box on the table in the main church porch & can also be viewed on the parish web site. BURKINA FASO The total raised so far, including outstanding sponsorship, is 2927. Gift Aid will bring the total to over 3000. The fund will remain open for final donations until Saturday 10th September when a cheque will be presented to the Bernadine Sisters at a Hot Pot Supper and Social evening in the Hall from 7.00pm. Tickets for this event will be available from this weekend. CLEATOR PILGRIMAGE: Sunday 11th September 3.00pm Mass and blessing of the sick. Please see poster for details. Refreshments served afterwards at the Grove Court Hotel at a cost of 7.95 per head. Bookings for refreshments to St. Marys Cleator by 26th August. Tel 01946 810324. A coach is going from St. Peters Lytham leaving at 11.15am. Cost for the coach and tea is 22. Ring Fr. Flynn on 736721 for detals. NO MEAT ON FRIDAYS beginning on 16 September, the first anniversary of the visit of Benedict XV1 to the United Kingdom . From the Bishops Conference: It is important that we all be united in a common celebration of Friday penance. The Bishops have decided to re-establish that this should be fulfilled by abstaining from meat. Those who cannot or choose not to eat meat should abstain from some other food of which they regularly partake. THE NEW TRANSLATION-The Mystery of Faith For Catholics a mystery is not a puzzle that cannot be solved. It is a truth that is so deep that we know well never be able to get to the bottom of it; a truth well never completely be able to understand. One example of this is our belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. We believe that Christ is truly present but we cant wholly explain it. The priest shows us the host and then the chalice. Then he genuflects and says The mystery of faith. We continue with one of three responses. These are all different from the ones we have been used to and they come directly from the New Testament. So when the priest says The mystery of faith he is inviting us to welcome this Real Presence of Christ. We then make our response, which we address to God. (From the National Liturgy Office.) WEDNESDAY WORD available from the back of church to prepare for next Sundays readings.

MON 15 TUE 16 WED 17 THU 18 FRI 19 SAT 20 SUN 21

St Stephen of Hungary 7pm Dcd Armer & Hunt families 9am 9am William & Mary Murray Esther Mary Watkinson

St John Eudes 9am Private St Bernard of Clairvaux 9am Private 21 Sunday 6pm (Vigil) 9.30am 5.05pm

in Ordinary Time Ints of Jayne Thornton (N.Z.) Parish Nowakowski family

RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Saturday 11am 12 noon PRAYER & DEVOTIONS Benediction Morning Prayer of the Church: Holy Rosary Exposition of Blessed Sacrament 1 Sun of the month 3pm Mon, Wed -Sat 8.45am. Tuesday 6.40pm Sat, 11am-12noon

SICK: Please remember those who are sick, especially Anthony Bentley, Bernard Jones, Betty Tattersall, Kathleen Griffiths, Angela Livsey, Vera Myerscough, Vernon Eccles, Bernie Farish, Liam Herron, Christopher Hunter, Maureen Lundy, Pat Marion, Charles ONeill, Margaret Portelli, Barbara Gillett, Robert Blackhurst and Mary Strickland. ANNIVERSARIES: Please pray for the souls of Robert Worthington, Miriam Brereton, Dorothy Lowe, Harry Whitehead, Frances Mary Mather, Veronica McKenna, Thomas Whittle, Gerard Curley, Margaret Dillon, Elizabeth Flanagan, Thomas Edward Hewitt, Zacharias V. George and William Strickland whose anniversaries occur about this time. COLLECTIONS: Thank you for last weeks collections: Today we have a special collection for the Good Shepherd Fund. Offertory Gift Aid 544.50 Non-Gift Aid 583.84 1128.34 20/21 August Sat 6pm Sun 9.30am Sun 5.05pm Readers M Wren-Hilton C Woods S Carson Ministers Group B Group E S Stevens, M Zammit, R Page

TEA AND COFFEE in the Hall after Mass. TODAY we celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, transferred from 15th August.


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