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Lesson 1 : R E A D I N G
Period : 20 (five periods : from 20th to 24th )
Date of planning:
Date of teaching
A/ AIMS: Helping students know some things about a special education for the blind Helping students
develop their reading skill
B/ TEACHING AIDS: pictures posters, textbooks, realias
T Teacher’s activities Ps’ Activities

I Checking : Ps’ answers

II. Lead in : Eliciting questions:
.What are these ? - They are plastic covers
.What do you use them for ? To cover our books
,notebooks ..
.Who made them ? -The blind did.
.Do you think the blind can read, write ...?
.Are there any schools for the blind in Danang city?
.What is its name ? and where is it ?
.Its name is Nguyen Dinh Chieu. It is in Hoa Khanh.

III NewLesson: A B
1/. Pre.-reading. 1 .gradually a. less mentally
Making a list of the activities you do every day. developed than normal
-go to school study English, watch television play 2.disabled b. action of not
the guitar, listen to music , play games ... agreeing with someone
.Which ones do you think would be difficult for the 3.demonstration c. taking or needing
blind and deaf people ? a lot of time
.Looking Art the Braille Alphabet, working out the 4.mentally retarded d. an act of
message, and translating the sentence into English. showing and explaining
.We are the world how to do something
2/ .While-Reading. Task-1: 5. time-consuming e. unable to use
Matching the words or phrases in A with their apart of body in
definitions in B. 6.opposition normal way f. slowly,
.T. shows some plastic covers and asks sts. some over a long period of time
questions to elicit
.T. has sts. make a fist of the activities they do every Sts. look at the Braille_Alphabet,
day . working out the message and
.T. has sts. look at. the poster, matching the words or translating it into English .(pair
phrases in A with their definitions in B work)"
.Feedback: If , 2.e, 3.d, 4.a, 5.c, 6.b . .(pairwork) '
Explaining some difficult words:
dumb deaf schooling add subtract .

Task2: Reading the passage rind complete the

following sentences by circling the corresponding
letter A,B, C, or D
.Feedback: 1.D,2.B,3.A,4.C,5.D
3/ Post reading, Feedback:
. Filling each of the blanks of the summary with a 1. disabled , 2. read , 3. write , 4.efforts
suitable word from the passage , 5 .opposition 6. time-consuming,
.Retelling about the special class 7.maths , 8.arms , 9.fingers , l0.proud

Home work : Pairwork

.Retell the special class .Sts. fill the passage*with a suitable in
.Make sentences with " disabled, time-consuming, pairs
proud , make effort " .Sts. talk about the special class they
IV/ Comments have learned in .groups of six (using
.T. explains some more difficult words by using the cues on the poster if necessary)
gestures , examples... . .
Pronunciation practice in chorus .T. has sts. read the
text carefully , and complete the sentences


Lesson 2 : SPEAKING
Period : 21 (five periods : from 20th to 24th )
Date of planning:
Date of teaching
A/ AIMS: -Talking about what students learn , do at school .
-Improving the students `speaking skill .
B/ TEACHING-AIDS : - posters, pictures, textbooks
T Teacher’s activities Ps’ Activities

I/Check-up: Feedback:
Telling about the special class you have learned .
II/ Lead-in
.Write the names of the subjects you learn at school

.Sts work in groups of four and have

a presenter go to the board , writing
the names
.T. has sts. tell about the special class they have
.T. has sts. look at the poster and write the full
.Ask and answer some questions
names of the subjects at school
.Are these subjects you study at
.T. asks sts some questions to elicit
high school or studied lower
.T. uses photos to introduce the word Lower-
secondary school ?
secondary . school "

.What subjects did you like or dislike ?

.Did you like your school ?
What is the name of your lower secondary
.Will you never forget the days when you studied
at that school ?

III/New Lesson: .Feedback:

I/ Pre-speaking: . A. 4 ,B.1 , C.2 , D. 6,E. 3, F. 5 , G.
Task: 1 7.
.Introduce the requirements of the task
.Read the questions in the interview, filling the
questions in the blanks
.Ask and answer the questions in the complete .Stl: Interviewer-asks .
dialogue ( pairwork) St2: Hanh - answers

.T. has sts. look at textbooks to do Task 1 - ,
.T. explains some things about the task , paying in pairs-sts read the questions of the
attention to the Simple Past Tense used in the interview, fill in the blanks with the
interview right questions .
.T. goes around the class

.Look at the cards, using the questions in Taskl and
interviewing the partner
.St1: Which school did you go to then
.St2: answers . Nguyen Hue lower-
secondary school . .

Interview some students

.T: Which lower-secondary school did you go to , Lan
.Lan : I went to Trung Vuong Lower-secondary
school .

3/Post-speaking: *Example
. Task3 Lan went to Truong Vuong Lower-
. Teacher tells the whole class what he I she has known secondary school . She had 10
about some students subjects to learn at school. She went to
school in the afternoon and often had 5
classes each afternoon .....
.Tell the whole class what you have known about your
helping them with some new words if necessary. .Sts.
ask and answer the questions in the completed
.T. has Ss do as directed . Pairwork
.T. interviews some students
.T. tells the whole class what he/ she has known about .Sts. interview their partner about their
first as model . partner- pairwork .Sts. write what they
have interviewed in cards
Sts. tell the whole class what they have
known about their partner from the
cards they’ve just interviewed

IV / Homework:
.Write about your school `s activities about yourself. .
Prepare Listening
V/ Comments


Lesson 3 : LISTENING
Period : 22 (five periods : from 20th to 24th )
Date of planning:
Date of teaching:
A/ AIMS : -Helping students know about a special club whose name is the Vang Trang Khuyet for
the disabled children.
B/ TEACHING-AIDS: -poster photographs, textbooks
T Teacher’s activities Ps’ Activities

I/ Check-up:
.What is it ? - It is a camera.
.What do you use the camera for?
-To take photographs. .What are these ? -They are
.Can you take photographs ?
.Do you think the disabled can also take

.T. has sts. tell the whole class about their school
daily activities.
T. shows a camera and some photos asking some
questions to elicit

III/ New Lesson: .Fill in each of the blanks with one

1. Pre-Listening. Practise pronouncing the words in word from the box Feedback:
the box and explain the meanings l.photographic , ,
.photographic (adj) : of used in or produced by 3.photographer 4.photograph ,
photography 5.photogenic
.photography (n) : the art of taking photographs .Listen and repeat
.photogenic (adj.) :looking attractive in .deaf, mute, labourer, surroundings ,
photographs sorrow, exhibition ,sorrow , passion ,
.photographer (n) : a person who takes photographs stimulate
as a job Explaining some new words:
.T. has Sts practise pronouncing the words and .surroundings (n):all the objects,
explains their meanings conditions that are around
.Sts. do as directed in pairs .T. reads
some words and has sts. listen and
repeat word by word'. .Repetition
drill in chorus .
.sorrow (n) :feeling of sadness caused
by loss , disappointment
.passion (n): strong feeling of hate
Jove , anger
.sitimulate (v) : make s.o, s.t more

2/ While listening: .Feedback:

• Taskl: -Explain some things about the 1. T,
requirements of the task. 2. F ( they are now having their
.Read the sentences in Task 1 carefully before exibition in Hanoi) ,
listening 3.T ,
.Listen to the tape or the teacher's reading, and 4. F ( It is about old men reading books
deciding the true or false information (justifying the on the banks of Hoan Kiem Lake,
answers impossible) labourers hard at work, or chickens
looking for food).
5. F.
.T. explains some things about the task .Sts. read the statements carefully
T. has sts. listen to the tape or the teacher's reading before listening . .
deciding whether the statement is true or false . pairwork
(justifying their answers if possible)
* Task 2 Feedback:
.Listen again and write in each blank with a suitable .1. photographic , 2.19 ,3.exhibition ,
word. 4.50 , 5. beauty , 6. simple ,7. peaceful
, 8. chickens, 9. simulated , 10. escape

3/ Lost-Listening.
.Retell the story about the Vang Trang Khuyet
photographic Club .
. T. has sts: listen to the tape again and fill , in the
blanks with a suitable word pairwork
.Sts. retell the story in. groups of six and then each
group has a representative go to the board , retelling
the story -

IV/ Homework:
.Retell the story about the V. T. Photographic Club.
.Prepare Writing
V/ Comments:


Lesson 4 : WRITING
Period : 23 (five periods : from 20th to 24th )
Date of planning:
Date of teaching:
A/ AIMS: . Helping students understand the basic structure of a complaint letter and learn how to
write a complaint letter.
. Helping students improve their writing skill ,
B/ TEACHING AIDS : posters, handouts , textbooks .
T Teacher’s activities Ps’ Activities

I/ .Checking . Some possible answers

II/ Lead-in : Ask and answer some questions - I will return it to the shop .
. Do you ever read any advertisements ? - I will write a complaint letter.
.When you read any you feel like buying some thing,
don't you ? but after you have bought something and
it is different from what you expect, what will you
do ?
.T. asks Sts. some questions to elicit . (pairwork )
.T. asks sts. the reason why they write a complaint
letter and when.
(when s.o. is not happy or dissatisfied with s.t.)

III/ New lesson : Feedback

1. Pre - writing 1.I am not happy with it at all .
Task-l: 2.not all of them are native teachers .
.Read the advertisement and discuss the information in the 3.that is not true . My class has over
advertisement 30 students.
.Introduce the situation . Complete the dialogue . 4; I had to pay for them.
.T. has sts. read the advertisement, discussing the 5. only some of them . Mine is not.
advertisement in pairs 6. in fact classes often start late and
finish early .

.Practise the completed dialogue .

T. introduces the situation .Sts. complete the Stl : A
dialogue in pairs St2 : B
.T. has Sts . practice the completed dialogue in pairs,
the others listen and compare
.Find out the differences between what advertised
and reality (Filling the table)
Sts find out the differences between
what advertised and reality by filling
the table


2. While-writing.
Task 2 :.Look at the structure of a letter of complaint
. Point out the parts of a complaint letter .Sts. look at the letter and point out the
l. Writer's address and receiver's address. parts of a complaint letter ( pairwork )
2. Greeting: Dear.... .Prepare the ideas for the main part of
3. Introduction : why you write the letter. the letter ,paying attention to using the
4. Body : What you want to comtal,6n. connectors
5. Conclusion : What you want them to do. " Firs t. ... Second..
6. Ending: Yours faithfully Moreover ....In addition ... What is

Use the information in the dialogue in

the task 1 writing a complain letter.

3. Post - writing : Students' writing:

-Exchange the writings is pairs
-Present the writings on the board
-Correct mistakes
* Suggested writing.
.T. has sts prepare the ideas and use the information
from the dialogue in Task l writing a complaint letter
.Sts. exchange their letters in pairs
.Sts . present their writing on the board
.Sts. in the groups give comments or correct mistakes.
.T. gives general remarks, appreciating the results and
gives suggested writing if necessary
.T. collects some writings to correct at home if

IV/ Homework :
..Write a letter of complaint letter to a company or
office / shop... to complain about some product /
service you've got / bought ..


Period : 24 (five periods : from 20th to 24th )
Date of planning:
Date of teaching:
A/ AIMS: -Helping students practise the way of pronouncing two vowel sounds / .... / and /.../
-Helping sts. know the way of forming words referring to person, using article The + Adj used to
indicate a group of people .
-Sts. master the structure indicating a past habit or event " used to "
-Sts. master the usage of Relative Pronoun " Which" used to link the whole clause .
B/ TEACHING-AIDS: - pictures, posters, handouts, textbooks
T Teacher’s activities Ps’ Activities

I. Checking
II. leading
.Answer some questions
.What is this ? -It is a box , a pot , a
.What is he / she doing ? He / she is walking /
washing the dishes / talking .....
.What sounds do you hear in these words , are they
the same or different ? What is the difference
between them ?

III/ New Lesson : Practise the sentences Repetition drill

I/ Pronunciation ( see textbooks , page 48 )
.Listen and repeat the words with the same vowel. .Finding out in the text the words
• /..../ and the words with the vowel/0: / pronounced /J/, /x/ 2/ Grarunlar and
(short o and long o ) , (see textbooks , page 48 ) Vocabulary
* Practice 1:
. Ask some questions :
.Can you tell how the children of the special class
you have known are
.They are deaf, dumb, blind, ....
.What do you call the people who are deaf, dumb, .Repetition drill in chorus
blind, disabled ....?
.They are the deaf, the dumb , the blind ;: ..
.T. uses some pictures or objects to elicit.. '
.T.reads word by word and has sts. repeat'.' . .
.T. has one st. read one by one , the other's listen and
tell which word is pronounced
.T.ask sts. some questions to elicit .

. What are "The deaf, the dumb ,..." formed by ? -The .Feedback: 1. The young, 2. the
+ Adj . : indicating a group of poeplc injured , 3.the unemployed ,4. the sick
-Verbs going with these noun phrases are in plural. . , 5.the rich, 6.the poor
Complete these sentences Eg the + one of the adjective.

* Exercise 2: " Used to " -ex: When my father was young, he

.T. explain some things about the structure "The + adj smoked a lot, but now he doesn't
" .Sts . complete the sentences in pairs smoke any more.
Introduce some things about " used to " = My father used to smoke a lot.
.She didn't like eating ice cream 5
years ago , but now she likes it .
* used to : is used to indicate a past habit or event that = She didn't use to eat ice cream .
does not exist any longer now
.Positive : Subject + used to + to infinitive . Feedback :
Negative: Subject + didn't use to + infinitive . 1. example
Question: Did + subject + use to + infinitive...? .2.used to have / used to ride
. Complete the sentences with used to + a suitable verb. . .3. used to live, 4. used to like / used to
love / used to eat 5. used to be , 6.used
T. Explains some things about used to to take , 7.used to be ,8.did you use to

.St. look at the pictures and answer

some questions
to introduce "used to".. .
.T. observes and helps them if necessary
.T. has sts. read. their sentences and corrects them .
.Sts. write down forms and its usage
Exercise 3: .Sts. do exercise 2 in pairs
.Introduce some things about which "- a relative pronoun
to replace a clause standing before .pairwork
Ex: Nam got 10 marks in English yesterday This
surprised everybody .
= Nam got 10 marks in English yesterday, which Feedback:
surprised everybody . Sts. take notes
. In this example , which = the fact that Nam got 10 .Sts. do exercise 3 in pairs
marks yesterday . 1. example
. Joining a sentence from A with a sentence from B to 2.Jill isn't on the phone , which makes
make a new sentence, using which. it difficult to contact her .
3.Nei1 has passed his examinations,
.T. gives some examples on the board and has sts. join which is good news.
two sentences 4.Our flight was delayed, which meant
.T. corrects and explains some things about `.' which " we had to wait for hours at the airport.
5.Ann offered to let me stay in her
house , which was very nice of her.
6.The street I live in is very noisy at
night, which makes it difficult to sleep
7.Our car has broken down, which
means we can't go away tomorrow.

IV/ Homework:
. Make two sentences with " used to " , which
. Find 3 noun phrase with " the + adjective "

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