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PSYC- Assignment #3

Make sure you answer all components of questions 1 and 2. Use the number of marks per
question to guide how much information you need to provide.
Please submit a separate JPG, PDF, or PNG file of your responses for each question. To be clear,
for this assignment you will be submitting a total of 2 files (1 file for question 1, and 1 file for
question 2).

1. For the following two scenarios, identify and explain whether a Type I error or a Type II error
was made (4 marks total):

• People who have COVID-19 test positive for the virus. A University
student who does not have COVID-19, but is merely exhausted from studying for
midterms and nursing a cold takes the diagnostic test, and the test result is positive. What
type of error is this false positive – is it a Type I or Type II error? Explain your answer. (2

• Sandra and Beth are friends who both enjoy fishing. One day they begin
discussing the quantity of fish in two different lakes that they frequently visit. Based on
their experience in fishing in the two lakes, they decide that the two lakes are equivalent
in terms of the number of fish. A researcher overhears their conversation and decides to
test their conclusion. Using advanced sonar sensing, the researcher counts the actual
number of fish in each lake. The researcher finds that one lake has substantially more fish
than the other lake does. Assuming that the findings of the researcher reflect the
population truth about the two lakes, what type of error did Sandra and Beth make in
their judgment – Type I or Type II error? Explain your answer. (2 marks)

2. An ESL (English as a Second Language) instructor uses a novel technique of teaching English
to his students, one he believes will lead to differences in English proficiency level. To evaluate
their English proficiency, he administers a standardized test of English proficiency with scores
on this test ranging from a minimum of 20 to a maximum of 80. To interpret their performance
level on the test, he would like to compare their mean with the hypothesized population mean (µ)
= 50. The instructor would like to determine if the mean English test score for the sample of n =
20 students is different from the population mean, μ = 50. Use α = .05. The English test scores
for the 20 students are available online under the filename: English Test Scores.csv. This
question is worth 10 marks total. Run a one-samples t-test in jamovi to help you answer the
following questions:
• State the null and alternative hypotheses (H0 & H1) using statistical
notation. (2 marks)

• What are the degrees of freedom? Show your calculation. (1 mark)

• Use jamovi to answer the following questions: was the assumption of

normality met, considering all methods of assessing normality? Why or why not? (Please
include screenshots of the relevant part of the jamovi output to support your answer;
these screenshots are required for full marks). (3 marks)
• What is the t-statistic and its p-value? Provide a screenshot of the main
analysis table from jamovi. Calculate the t-statistic by hand to ensure it matches the value
reported in jamovi. Show your work. (2 marks)

• Make a decision about the null hypothesis using α = .05. Why did you
make this decision? (1 mark)

• What is the effect size, as reported in jamovi? Is it a small, medium, or

large effect? (1 mark)

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