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Confidence and peer pressure

(Just be you)
As humans we strive to be the best, we dream of it every day. We try to evolve and
improve ourselves. it’s something in the human nature, something we’ve been born
with it, which is good because it gives us power and passion to keep moving, be
productive and be the best version of ourselves. But do people really do it right?

Some people get lost in this process of improvement that they forget the main goal
of it, which is to feel good about ourselves. They start doing the number one self
destroyer which is comparison. Little do they know that this harmless peeks at their
peers and then compare themselves to them would cause a lot of damage.
One of the main problems they will be facing is peer pressure. So how exactly does
it happen or why does this pressure suddenly pops up? Peer pressure doesn’t pop up
like that. it’s just that it took us time to finally see and recognize it. All those
comparisons we’ve been doing gave us a lack of confidence. The main trigger of
this pressure is the lack of confidence. If we knew from the start that people bloom
in deferent ways so we don’t need to put that pressure on our selfs to copy them.
Now for students peer pressure could come in deferent types, it’s mostly the
pleasing type. They do stuff that they don’t believe in or like to please the popular
kids. And way is that? mostly because this is where they get their value from being
near to people who are loved and socially recognized.

So how to actually cure this disease? The answer is pretty simple and it’s
to be you and just you. and to know that people are just like books. Every
book has a different color, different cover and the most important one is
different. purposes. You should know that your value isn’t based on your
social status nor grades. Believe in yourself and get this confidence back
and know that nobody is perfect at everything.
We see this pressure all around us at schools and we try to believe it’s normal but
isn’t. Let’s talk about a common example it’s either we lived it, seen it or heard about
it. It’s when popular cool kids or as we call them the rules breakers puts some much
pressure on that kid who’s someone who follow the rules and never break them. But
why does he do so? It could for many reasons being accepted by them or feeling lonely
and gaining new friends; so they start doing things that doesn’t look like them. While
doing so they will feel guilty and bad which is the total opposite of what they wanted.
So we call all schools and parents to spread awareness about this stuff to build
generations with more self confidence with more knowledge about how we can vary
but still be special and how success can have different faces.

Always remember to take it easy on yourself. Even you’ve been through this and you
never realize it until later, you’ve also gained. You gained valued lesson on how to
treat your self and not to fall into it again. . everything is going to fade except for
memories so create memories while accepting who you’re.


Sarah Abdullah Hamdan 2190001

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