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Sarah Mohammed AL-SURAIHI


Believe in Love at First Sight

There are a variety types of love. Well I use to believe that love
couldn't be made at first sight. But now today I do think it happens.

In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Romeo saw

Juliet at the Capulet party which is where according to him he fell
in love with her, and it is what many call “love at first sight”. I
personally believe that love at first sight can happen because it can
be possible that for some people they meet their soulmate just
randomly while others have to actually work hard to find their
soulmate. In other hand some may call it a rubbish and claim love
can only be gained through getting to know each other. In order to
be for someone in love you got to know all about their interests,
morals and characters. On the other side, men and women love to
share their stories how they met someone somewhere, and all it
took was one moment, one stare, and they fell in love. So I think It
depends on the person and what he believes in. Love at first sight is
like falling and never stopping. Sometimes things seem to move
really fast, and that can be a little scary too. I learned not to be
afraid of love at first sight, but to embrace it. Not to run from it, but
to run to it.

I believe that love at first sight does only happen once though. I
believe that it if happens to you, it’s for a reason, and if you let it
pass you by then that’s on you.

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