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FUNCTIONAL-These are skills, organized into cluster regarding the managerial knowledge .
• Personal computing (use of computer equipment; use of electronic mail and spreadsheets)
- utilizing a computer that is located at the same workstation where the input or output of
data is conducted
• Procurement processes and order to delivery process.
➢ A method of discovering and purchasing goods and services.
• Business English
➢ it uses specific purposes and can be considered a specialization within English language.
• Managerial communication
➢ it is the interaction among managers and their subordinates within an organization.
• Production logistic
➢ it is comprising of planning, management, and control of transport and handling process to
ensure the product or services are drop off.
• Project management
➢ the process of leading the work of a team to achieve all project goals within the given
constraints. It involves the planning and organization of a company's resources to move a
specific task, event, or duty towards completion
• Total Quality management.
➢ This consists of organization-wide efforts to "install and make permanent climate where
employees continuously improve their ability to provide on demand products and services
that customers will find of particular value. It is a management approach that seeks to
provide long-term success by providing unparalleled customer satisfaction through the
constant delivery of quality IT services
• Organization
➢ it is the association an organized body of people with a particular purpose such as business.
• Strategy
➢ the general plan to achieve one or more long term or over-all goals under conditions of
• HR management
➢ the process of employing people, training them, compensating them, developing policies
relating to them.
• Information technology.
➢ the study or use of systems (especially computers and telecommunications) for storing,
retrieving, and sending information.
• Marketing and sales
➢ are two business functions within an organization -- they both impact lead generation and
revenue in business.
• Business Law
➢ the body of rules, whether by convention, agreement, or national in business.
• Control
➢ It is the power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events.
• International management
➢ It involves cross-border transactions of goods and services between two or more countries.
• Finance management
➢ It is the business function concerned with profitability, expenses, cash, and credit, so that
the "organization may have the means to carry out its objective
• Accounting
➢ It is the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business. The accounting
process includes summarizing, analyzing, and reporting these transactions to oversight
agencies, regulators, and tax collection entities

BEHAVIORAL/EMOTIONAL- These are specific behaviors grouped into five clusters.

1. Self-awareness
This is the experience of one's own personality or individuality. The recognition of that
awareness the ability to focus on yourself and how your actions, thoughts, or emotions do
or don't align with your internal standards. If you're highly self-aware, you can objectively
evaluate yourself, manage your emotions, align your behavior with your values, and
understand correctly how others perceive you.

➢ Emotional awareness- the ability to recognize and make sense of not just your own
emotions, but also those of others.
➢ Accurate self-assessment- the ability of a person to accurately examine themselves –
knowing exactly what they're capable of and what their strengths and limitations are.
➢ Self-confidence-a state of being clear-headed either that a hypothesis or prediction is
correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective.
Confidence comes from a Latin word 'fidere' which means "to trust"; therefore, having
self-confidence is having trust in oneself. It means you accept and trust yourself and have
a sense of control in your life.

2. Self-management
The ability to regulate your behaviors, thoughts, and emotions in a productive way. This
means excelling in both personal and professional responsibilities for the benefit of
yourself and your team.

➢ Self-Control- the ability to control oneself, one’s emotions and desires or the expression
of them in one's behavior, especially in difficult situations.
➢ Result Orientation-used to describe an individual or organization that focuses on outcome
rather than process used to produce a product or deliver a service.
➢ Iniative- the ability to assess and initiate things independently.
➢ Reliability-the quality of being trustworthy or of performing consistently well.
➢ Conscientiousness-the personality trait of being careful, or diligent. Conscientiousness
implies a desire to do a task well, and to take obligations to others seriously. Conscientious
people tend to be efficient and organized as opposed to easy-going and disorderly.
➢ Adaptability-a person's ability to adjust to changes in their environment. When thinking
about your career aspirations, changes have a direct effect on how flexible you can be.
➢ Optimism- being confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something. It
is one ways of thinking and seeing things in positive side

3. Social awareness.
- The ability to understand social and ethical norms for behavior and to recognize family,
school, and community resources and supports. Recognizing and acknowledging the
inherent strengths in others. Social awareness is also important for our own emotional well-
being. to take the perspective of and empathize with others, including those from diverse
backgrounds and cultures.

➢ Empathy-the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Empathic people are naturally
very sensitive to their environment.
➢ Service Orientation-focus on anticipating, recognizing, and meeting peoples' needs no matter if
they are clients or not. They make themselves available for others and care about them. Therefore,
it is easy to conclude that they are more likely to feel empathy and compassion for individuals
around them. This might include things like: Listening to the customer to better understand their
needs. Understanding the available services and products and making recommendations.
Understanding the customer's rights and working to protect them.
➢ ORGANIZATIONAL AWARENESS-The ability to use the formal and informal roles,
relationships, and structures in either one's own, or other, organization(s).
➢ Cultural Awareness-being aware and respecting the impacts and influences of different
cultures. sensitivity to the similarities and differences that exist between two different cultures and
the use of this sensitivity in effective communication with members of another cultural group.
4. Relationship management
The process in which a business or other organization administers (handle/manage/control)
its interactions with customers, a process in which companies foster positive relationships
with their customers or business partners.

➢ Inspirational Leadership- the ability to be a positive influence on those around you

and motivate others toward success. Employers of any experience level can practice
inspirational leadership, whether they're executives or entry-level employees. inspires
action, significantly raises individual and team performance levels, and ignites
creativity and audacious innovation.
➢ Communication Conflict Management-It has been observed that poor
communication always results in misunderstandings and eventually conflicts. Our
communication must be clear and precise to avoid conflicts. First yourself be very clear
what you intend to convey to the other individual.
➢ Change Catalyst- the skill of recognizing when change is needed.
Catalyst (Encouragement)- the process of increasing the rate of a chemical reaction
by adding a substance known as a catalyst. Catalysts are not consumed in the reaction
and remain unchanged after it.
➢ Influence-the capacity to influence the character, development, or behavior of
someone or something, or the effect itself.
➢ Developing Others-providing coaching, support, and recognition to enhance employee
performance, development, and motivation. It is encouraging individuals to be
accountable for their own development and should include a diverse range of learning
➢ Relationship Creation Teamwork- the collaborative effort of a group to achieve a
common goal or to complete a task in the most effective and efficient way. This concept
is seen within the greater framework of a team, which is a group of interdependent
individuals who work together towards a common goal.
5. Cognitive
involving conscious intellectual activity (such as thinking, reasoning, or
remembering) cognitive impairment: based on or capable of being reduced to empirical
factual knowledge.

➢ Systemic Thinking-a combination of analytical and synthetic thinking that takes account of the
impact of a system (or organization) and all its components together. A system is a product of the
interaction of its parts, not just the sum of its parts.
➢ Pattern Recognition-. Pattern recognition systems can recognize familiar patterns quickly and
➢ Cross-Functional-. involving people or departments who do different types of work for the same
company: most corporations understand the need to use cross-functional teams for developing new
technologies and products

CROSS-FUNCTIONAL- These are broad overall skills that are grouped into goal and action management
cluster, people management cluster, and analytical reasoning cluster.

1. Action And Attainment Skills

- These are acquired skills such as talents and expertise often obtained through education or
➢ Efficiency Orientation-It is getting the most out of your resources. It means your business
can produce more with less money and less waste. It also means you can operate day-to-
day without making costly errors.
➢ Planning-the process of thinking regarding the activities required to achieve a desired goal.
Planning is based on foresight, the fundamental capacity for mental time travel. The
evolution of forethought, the capacity to think ahead, is considered to have been a prime
mover in human evolution.
➢ Initiative-the ability to assess and initiate things independently.
➢ Attention To Detail- the ability to accomplish/complete a task while demonstrating a
thorough concern for all the areas involved, no matter how small. This means monitoring
and checking work or information, while organizing time and resources efficiently.
➢ Self-Control- the ability to control oneself, one’s emotions and desires or the expression
of them in one's behavior, especially in difficult situations.
➢ Flexibility- means being able to quickly adapt to new circumstances as they arise. An
employee who is flexible can change their plans to navigate or overcome unanticipated
➢ Information Gathering- the process of collecting information about something. It is used
to determine the information requirements of an organization or users. Information
gathering strategy should be evolved by the analyst to gather information.
➢ Result Orientation-it is used to describe an individual or organization that focuses on
outcome rather than process used to produce a product or deliver a service.
➢ Organizational Commitment-the level of engagement and dedication team members feel
toward their individual jobs and the organization. It also describes the different reasons
professionals remain with an employer rather than seek opportunities elsewhere.
2. People Management Skills
It used to describe the business function of looking after an organization's workers. A
People management system collates all your people information – from contract and salary
to time and skills – in a single, secure system of record.
➢ Empathy-the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Empathic people
are naturally very sensitive to their environment.
➢ Persuasiveness-the quality of being able to make you want to do or believe a particular
thing. The ability to persuade somebody to do or believe something.
➢ Networking-the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and
develop professional or social contacts. the process of making connections and building
relationships. These connections can provide you with advice and contacts, which can help
you make informed career decisions. Networking can even help you find unadvertised
jobs/internships. Networking can take place in a group or one-on-one setting.
➢ Negotiation-a discussion of agreement/the action or process of transferring ownership.
➢ Self-Confidence-an attitude about your skills and abilities. It means you accept and trust
yourself and have a sense of control in your life.
➢ Group Management-a group refers to all those persons who perform the task of managing
an enterprise.
➢ Developing Others-providing coaching, support, and recognition to enhance employee
performance, development and motivation. It is encouraging individuals to be accountable
for their own development and should include a diverse range of learning activities.
➢ Oral Communication-the ability to transmit ideas from your brain to either one person or
a group of people.
➢ Customer Orientation-a business approach that puts the needs of the customer over the
needs of the business. Customer-oriented companies understand that the business won't
thrive unless it consistently improves customer focus. It's a way of thinking that aligns your
business goals with your customers' goals.
➢ Business Bargaining-a simple form of the distributive negotiation process that is both
competitive and positional. Meaning bargaining doesn't seek to create value but instead
focuses on negotiators claiming value. Bargaining very often revolves around a single
issue—usually price. It is an agreement between two or more parties, as to what each party
will do for the other, or a thing bought or offered for sale more cheaply than is usual or
➢ Negotiation- a discussion that involves consideration and deliberation over multiple issues
of a deal.
➢ Organizational Awareness-the ability to use the formal and informal roles, relationships,
and structures in either one's own, or other, organization(s).
➢ Directing Others-the way a manager communicates expectations and gives instructions to
others. Without coordinated effort, employees would be all over the board. It's the
manager's job to get people working together and pulling in the same direction. a process
in which the managers instruct, guide and oversee the performance of the workers to
achieve predetermined goals. Directing is said to be the heart of management process.
Planning, organizing, staffing has got no importance if direction function does not take
➢ Teamwork-collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal or to complete a task
in the most effective and efficient way. This concept is seen within the greater framework
of a team, which is a group of interdependent individuals who work together towards a
common goal.
➢ Leadership-the action of leading a group of people or an organization. The abilities to
motivate teams, delegate responsibilities, respond to feedback and solve problems.

3. Analytical Reasoning Skills

- the ability to look at information and discern patterns within it. “The pattern could be the
structure the author of the information uses to structure an argument, or trends in a large
data set. It is a person's ability to identify patterns within a group of facts or rules and use
those patterns to determine outcomes.
➢ Use Of Concept- a brief description of an idea behind the existence of a business.
It describes key consumer problems it seeks to solve, articulates how the idea applies to a
market and provides a clear direction when processing a business plan.
➢ System Thinking-a combination of analytical and synthetic thinking that takes account of
the impact of a system (or organization) and all its components together. It involves moving
from observing events or data, to identifying.
➢ Pattern Recognition-a data analysis method that uses machine learning algorithms to
automatically recognize patterns and regularities in data. This data can be anything from
text and images to sounds or other definable qualities. Pattern recognition systems can
recognize familiar patterns quickly and accurately.
➢ Theory Building-the process of creating and developing a statement of concepts and their
interrelationships to show how and/or why a phenomenon occurs.
➢ Use Of Technologies-Technology helps increase the efficiency of systems, products, and
services. It helps track and streamline processes, maintain data flow, and manage contacts
and employee records. In fact, this increased efficiency in operation helps reduce costs as
well as enable the business to grow rapidly.
➢ Quantitative Analysis-the process of collecting and evaluating measurable and verifiable
data such as revenues (the income or expenses met), market share (the portion of a market
controlled by a company), and wages (a payment made by an employer to an employee for
work done in a specific period.) (A form of monetary compensation of employee).
➢ Social Objectivity-the state of mind in which the social scientist remains objective, just,
unbiased and is not influenced by emotions, personal prejudices, or preferences. It restrains
the social scientist from contaminating or manipulating the collection and analysis of data.
➢ Written Communication- any written message that two or more people exchange.
Written communication is typically more formal but less efficient than oral
communication. concerned with any type of message which involves written words. It is
one of the most effective modes of communication, but it takes more time.
➢ Visioning-a process of creating a compelling statement about what an organization aspires
to be or to accomplish in the mid-term (i.e., five years from now) or in the long-term future
(10 or 20 years from now).
➢ Process Based Vision- an approach that views a business as a collection of processes,
managed to achieve a desired result.
➢ Benchmarking-a process of measuring the performance of a company's products, services,
or processes against those of another business considered to be the best in the industry, aka
“best in class.” The point of benchmarking is to identify internal opportunities for

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