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To: Full Name, Position, Company

From: Full Name, Position

Introduction/ Purpose
Paragraph 1 – clearly states the purpose and content of the report: The purpose/intention/aim
of this report is to outline/present/discuss/ the meeting held on …/the progress of…/ the
decision of the committee …or to examine/assess/evaluate the suitability of…for…/the
advisability of (+ ing)/ the performance of…
As requested, this is a report concerning/regarding the matter /subject of …
This report contains/outlines/examines/ assesses the advantages and disadvantages of …/ the
relevant information/details of/concerning…which you requested/asked for …
The information below summarises the events which took place…

Sub-heading 2
Paragraph 21 – relevant information/positive/negative aspects in detail

Sub-heading 3
Paragraph 3 – relevant information/positive/negative aspects in detail

Sub-heading 4
Paragraph 42 - relevant information/positive/negative aspects in detail

Final paragraph : - summarises the information presented in the main body and states your
opinion and/or/suggestion/recommendation: To conclude/ To sum up/In conclusion/ On the
whole,the current state of affairs is that …/it would be fair to conclude that…
On the basis of the points mentioned above, it would seem that….
It is therefore felt/believed/apparent/obvious that …would be ideal for…
The only/obvious conclusion to be drawn from these facts is that …
It would (not) be advisable/advantageous/practical/wise to…
I/We conclude/ (strongly) recommend/would suggest that ….
My/Our recommendation is that … should be …
I recommend that the best course of action would be …

1 Present each aspect of the subject under suitable sub-headings (positive/negative points of each aspect are
presented in the same paragraph, using linking words/phrases showing contrast: however, although, despite,
but, while, even though, etc.).
2 The exact number and devision of paragraphs will depend on the specific instructions for each report task.

Prof. Georgeta Colăcel, Colegiul Naţional „Petru Rareş”, Suceava

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