Did The Harappan Settlement of Dholavira Collapse During Meghalayan Age

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JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE (2019) 1–14 ISSN 0267-8179. DOI: 10.1002/jqs.


Did the Harappan settlement of Dholavira (India) collapse during the

onset of Meghalayan stage drought?
Department of Geology and Geophysics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 721302, India
Deccan College Post Graduate and Research Institute, Pune, 411006, India
Physical Research Laboratory Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, 380009, India
Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi, India
Department of Sports, Youth & Culture, Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, 382010, India
Received 7 April 2019; Revised 19 November 2019; Accepted 2 December 2019

ABSTRACT: Radiocarbon dating of archaeological carbonates from seven cultural stages of Dholavira, Great Rann
of Kachchh (GRK), the largest excavated Harappan settlement in India, suggests the beginning of occupation
at ~5500 years BP (pre‐Harappan), and continuation until ~3800 years BP (early part of the Late Harappan period). The
settlement rapidly expanded under favourable monsoonal climate conditions when architectural elements such as
the Citadel, Bailey, Lower and Middle Town were added between the Early and mid‐Mature Harappan periods.
Abundant local mangroves grew around the GRK sustaining prolific populations of the edible gastropod Terebralia
palustris. Oxygen isotope (δ18O) sclerochronology of Early Harappan gastropod shell suggests seasonal mixing of
some depleted (δ18O ~ −12‰) river water in summer/monsoon months (through ancient Saraswati and/or Indus
distributary channels) with seawater that periodically inundated the GRK. Evaporation from this semi‐enclosed water
body during the non‐monsoon months enriched the δ18O of water/shell carbonates. The humid fluvial landscape
possibly changed due to a catastrophic drought driving the final collapse of the settlement of Dholavira exactly at the
onset of the Meghalayan (Late Holocene) stage (~4300–4100 years BP). Indeed, Dholavira presents a classic case for
understanding how climate change can increase future drought risk as predicted by the IPCC working group.
Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
KEYWORDS: Dholavira; Harappan; Meghalayan stage; Rann of Kachchh; river oxygen isotope

Introduction Schug et al., 2013). Evidence from other sites, however, suggests
that rather than being abrupt, the Indus valley civilization's
The International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) has recently collapse was gradual (Misra et al., 1984; Kenoyer, 1997;
introduced a new ‘Meghalayan Stage’ (4200 years BP to present) Possehl, 2002; Schug et al., 2013). The climatic and archae-
as the latest geological age during the Holocene epoch ological records, therefore, appear diachronous both globally as
(stratigraphy.org/ICSchart/ChronostratChart2018‐07.pdf). The well as across regions in the Indo‐Pakistan subcontinent. Part of
Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Meghgalayan these conflicting interpretations arises because the palaeocli-
Stage/Age is in a stable oxygen isotope record from a cave matic reconstructions are often made at places far from the IVC
speleothem in Mawmluh Cave (Meghalaya state, NE India), settlements. These inconsistencies may also reflect the lack of
where an abrupt enrichment in the oxygen isotopic composition continuous chronology through the various IVC periods at any
(δ18O) in speleothem cave carbonate between 4300 and given location. While the chronology of cultural periodization at
4100 years BP marks a significant change in the strength of the Harappa or Mohenjo‐Daro (northern and southern Indus
Indian summer monsoon (Berkelhammer et al., 2012). This is a domains of the IVC; Possehl, 2002) is robust, in Cholistan,
reflection of a globally correlatable drought event at ~4200 years Sorath (Gujarat) or in Eastern domains it is often weak. In India,
BP (henceforth referred as the 4.2‐ka event) that is believed to the major IVC sites are represented by Dholavira [Great Rann of
have led to the demise of several major Old World civilizations Kachchh (GRK) Gujarat], Rakhigarhi (Haryana), and Kalibangan
including the Egyptian, Akkadian (Mesopotamia), Yangtze (Rajasthan: Fig. 1a), along with several smaller sites discovered
(China), and the Indus valley civilization (IVC) in India and in the last few decades (Fig. 1). Of these three Harappan centres,
Pakistan (DeMenocal, 2001; Stanley et al., 2003; Staubwasser only Kalibangan has been extensively dated (Brunswig, 1975);
et al., 2003; Gao et al., 2007; Walker et al., 2012, 2019a, for the other sites, only limited dates are available (Shaffer, 1992;
2019b; Weiss, 2014). Herman, 1996; Wright, 2010).
In the context of the IVC (~5200–3300 years BP), major Bronze Dholavira (Fig. 1a,b) is the most spectacular IVC site in India
Age settlements such as Mohenjo‐Daro, Harappa, Kot Diji, and the fifth largest in the sub‐continent in terms of areal
Balakot and Kalibangan (Fig. 1a) were completely abandoned by coverage (~70 ha). Although it is recognized as a world heritage
the end of the fourth millennium BP, around the beginning of the site (https://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/5892/), detailed
Meghalayan Stage, when large‐scale urban decline took place chronological data have not been available until recently.
(Meadow, 1993; Kenoyer and Meadow, 2010; Wright, 2010; Excavated in the 1990s, only two thermoluminescence (TL)
dates of potsherds are available for its entire sequence
*Correspondence: Anindya Sarkar, as above. suggesting Late–Early Harappan (4759 ± 461 years BP) and
E‐mail: sarkaranindya@hotmail.com Mature Harappan (4252 ± 480 years BP) ages (Bisht, 2015). Not
Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Figure 1. (a) Map of NW India and Pakistan showing the locations of major Harappan towns and smaller settlements of different periods including
those in Saurashtra and Kachchh, Gujarat (after Possehl, 2002). The present river courses of the Indus, Nara and Luni are also shown. (b) Map of
northern Saurashtra and Kachchh showing the location of the study area Dholavira on the rocky island of Khadir within the Great Rann of Kachchh
(southern fringe of the Thar Desert) close to the international border, along with smaller Harappan settlements. The river Nara and other distributaries
of the Indus possibly flowed further eastward than their present course(s) during the Harappan period, discharging their Indus‐like water into the GRK
along its northern periphery. A remotely sensed trace of a palaeochannel (ancient river Saraswati?) is also shown. The river Luni and many other
smaller monsoon‐fed streams originating in the hills of Aravalli and Kachchh possibly discharged their water into the GRK along its eastern and
southern periphery during the same time (for details see text). White dotted lines represent 100‐mm rainfall isohyets. Tidal incursion into the GRK
occurs today through the Kori creek that must have acted as a palaeoseaway during the mid‐Holocene highstand; arrows indicate the direction of
monsoon moisture transport from the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the online version of the article.) [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

only do these dates have large errors, they show stratigraphic settlement displaying transformation through seven (I–VII)
inversion, raising questions about their reliability. The period- preserved cultural stages from Early through Mature Har-
ization of Dholavira settlement has therefore been made based appan growth to a Late Harappan decadence that finally led
on archaeological pottery and other artefacts. Apart from the to de‐urbanization. It exhibits the typical three‐tier major
chronology, the presence of this settlement in the GRK is itself divisions of a Harappan city, namely Castle (Citadel), Middle
intriguing. The present climate of the GRK is harsh, freshwater Town and Lower Town. These divisions possibly represent
resources are scarce and hence the area is sparsely populated. hierarchical city dwelling by separate population groups and
Yet several Harappan sites flourished in areas surrounding the were located at distinct positions and elevations. The Castle
GRK between 5000 and 4000 years BP (Singh, 1996). was built at a central high location closer to the reservoirs
The question therefore arises as to how these settlements flanked by the Bailey and Middle Town while the Lower
originated and survived for thousands of years in such an Town was located at a lower level outside the fortification
inhospitable climate. Was the climate then more conducive wall (Fig. 2c,d). Dholavira also had the finest architectural
than today? planning within its city and a fortification wall with highly
Here we report the first detailed chronological account of protective entrance equipped with various pillar elements
Dholavira to provide a time frame for the largest excavated (Fig. 3a,b). The occupants also developed well‐built reser-
Harappan settlement of India. Furthermore, we provide mollusc‐ voirs at different elevations that were interconnected, thus
based δ18O/δ13C (oxygen and carbon isotope) sclerochronology making an excellent water harvesting and conservation
records from the Early and Late Mature Harappan stages to system and drainage network consisting of terracotta pipes
explore possible links between climate, hydrology and human to stone drains (Fig. 3c,d; Singh, 1996; Bisht, 2015). Details
settlement. of the seven archaeological stages and associated artefacts
are given in Supporting Information S1 and Fig. S2. A few
representative Mature Harappan (Stage IV) artefacts such as
The Dholavira arcaheological site: materials storage jars, steatite seal, shell debitage, bangle and human
cut mangrove mollusc Terebralia palustris, used as food
and methods items, are shown in Fig. 4(a–e). Also shown are characteristic
The GRK today is a vast shallow salt‐marsh flat, located at the jars, pots and potsherds which display poor fabrics from the
fringe of the Thar Desert. It is connected to the Arabian Sea Late Mature to Late Harappan period (stages V and VI;
through various creeks (Fig. 1b) and receives <400 mm of Fig. 4f–i; after Bisht, 2015).
rainfall during the monsoon months (July–September). The Twelve samples were radiocarbon dated by accelerator mass
area is surrounded by and interspersed with elevated islands spectrometry (AMS; protocol details are given in Supporting
of Jurassic rocks (Fig. 2a). The Harappan settlement of Information S3). The materials included otoliths (calcium
Dholavira (23°53′10″N, 70°13′0″E) is situated on one such carbonate concretions that form inside the fish ear on both
island locally known as Khadir bet (Fig. 1b). Two ephemeral sides) and shell debitage/bangles made from the marine mollusc
stream channels, namely Manhar and Mansar, originating Turbinella pyrum, traditionally used for making beads and
from the north‐eastern hills run around the settlement of ornaments in the IVC settlements. Most of the samples were
Dholavira; they are mostly dry today and rarely flow during retrieved from the trenches (No. 57, 58 × 2, 58 × 3) excavated in
the monsoon (Fig. 2b). Dholavira has a long history of the castle since these preserved the best stratigraphy (Fig. 2;

Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., 1–14 (2019)

Figure 2. (a) Panoramic view of the GRK with its rocky island; Dholavira is located on one such island (b) Modern dry bed of the River Manhar
outside Dholavira. (c) Google Earth image of Dholavira showing the Castle, Bailey, Middle Town, Lower Town, reservoirs and course of the dry bed
of the River Manhar. (d) Elevation contour map of Dholavira with its components (redrawn after Singh, 1996; Bisht, 2015); note the two rivers Mansar
and Manhar on the northern and southern sides of the settlement. These rivers supplied monsoonal water to the adjacent reservoirs during the
Harappan period. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

Supporting Information S2a). Two samples from trenches 25 ages (cal. year BP) using Calib7.1.0 and the Marine13 data sets
(Lower Town) and 37 × 55 × 2 + 3 (near the eastern reservoir) (Stuiver and Reimer, 1993; Reimer et al., 2013), with reservoir
were also dated. For comparison, a modern otolith extracted age correction ΔR estimated using samples from a nearby
from a live fish from the Gulf of Kachchh was dated. location at Pirotan island (Bhushan et al., 1994). For calibrating
Radiocarbon ages were calibrated ( ± 2σ likelihood) to calendar the freshwater mollusc, the IntCal13 data set was used (Bhushan

Figure 3. (a) Archaeological mound of Dholavira showing the fortification wall. (b) East‐facing entry gate to the castle showing pillar element.
(c) Large eastern reservoir. (d) In situ stone drain outside the fortification wall. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., 1–14 (2019)

Figure 4. (a,b) Decorated storage jars and steatite seal, Stage IV. (c–e) Turbinella pyrum shell debitage, complete bangle and human cut mangrove
mollusc Terebralia palustris, used for food consumption, Stage IV. (f,g) Pot and potsherds, Stage V. (h) Jar with horizontal decorated bands, Stage VI.
(i) Potsherds showing poor fabrics and surface treatments, Stage VI (after Bisht, 2015). [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

et al., 1994). For the present work the radiocarbon age ranges shell fragments of the marine gastropod Turbinella pyrum from
corresponding to maximum relative areas (maximum probabil- Dholavira and two other Harappan sites of Gujarat, and a
ity) have been used. modern T. palustris fragment from the Ganges Delta mangrove,
Shells of the gastropod species Terebralia palustris were were also analysed.
analysed for their δ18O and δ13C values as a basis for
reconstructing the climate (protocol detail is given in Supporting
Information S3). It is presumed that like any other bio‐
accretionary carbonates T. palustris also records the seasonal Results and discussion
climatic signal in 18O/13C composition of carbonate mineral
precipitated along its growth spiral (sclerochronology; Andrus,
Chronology of the Harappan settlement at
2011). To validate this, one modern sample of T. palustris was
collected from the Gulf region and the δ18O/δ13C record was Table S4 provides 14C dates of the samples obtained from
compared with predicted equilibrium isotopic values based on various levels of Dholavira along with trench numbers, depth,
modern hydrographic/climatic parameters. In addition, a few materials dated, and δ18O and δ13C values. Table 1 summarizes

Table 1. Summary of the age ranges with regard to Harappan periods and cultural elements at Dholavira.

Dholavira Radiocarbon age range

cultural stage (2σ, cal years BP) Harappan period Cultural elements*

VII Younger than 3827 Late to post‐urban (?) Harappan No cultural similarity with the Harappans, urban features of
classical Harappans completely absent, new circular rural
Temporary desertion and hiatus
VI 4138–3827 Late Mature Harappan to Early Reduction in city area, complete new tradition in pottery and
Late Harappan building plans, classical pottery continued with declining
form, fabric and reduction in size
V† 4157–3980 Late Mature Harappan Declining phase of Harappan civilization, signs of lack of
maintenance, no addition of architectures, pottery styles
similar to classical Harappan ‘standard wares’ but poor
craftsmanship; water reservoirs abandoned
IV 4840–3919 Late Early Harappan to Late Fully developed and extended city, classical Harappan pottery,
Mature Harappan seals and copper–gold–silver workings, cessation of
expansion in later part
III† 4625–4585 Transitional phase, Late Early Largest and most creative expansion of the city, mud bricks
Harappan to Early Mature replaced by systematic use of stone bricks
II 4958–4332 Transitional phase, Early to Aerial expansion of the city and fortification, developed pottery
Mature Harappan (Dholavira styles similar to typical Early Harappans in the type areas of
culture) Sindh and Mohenjo‐Daro (Possehl, 2000, 2002)
I 5491–4958 Pre‐ to Early Harappan A fairly advanced cultural level with fortification walls, copper
(Dholavira culture) and shell working, standardized mud brick manufacturing

*After Bisht (2015).

Harappan periods and age ranges are based on median ages (Table S4) and cultural elements of adjacent stages because no datable material was

Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., 1–14 (2019)

the age ranges with regard to Harappan periods and cultural from Stage II until the middle part of Stage IV (the vertical
elements. A modern fish otolith from Gulf of Kachchh gave blue bar in Fig. 5) or Early to mid‐Mature Harappan period,
a radiocarbon age of 98 ± 98 years BP, indicating the i.e. up to ~4500 years BP, with continuous addition of new
reliability of dating otolith or other bio‐accretionary carbo- architectural elements. During this period, ~8.5 m of the
nates. Figure 5 shows the lithologs of the three trenches settlement mound accumulated over a period of
(Singh, 1996; Bisht, 2015) and the spatial correlation of the ~1000 years. From the mid‐Mature Harappan (middle of
seven stages (Supporting Information S1 and S2). Further Stage IV) onward, the expansion slowed down or even
below, our discussion on the chronology of the seven stages, ceased until ~4300 years BP (brown bar). Between ~4300 and
as shown in Fig. 5, will be set in the context of the ~4000 years BP (late part of Stages IV–VI) there was an abrupt
conventional IVC chronology, i.e. Pre‐Harappan (older than decline and near collapse of the settlement with only ~3 m of
5200 years BP), Early Harappan (5200–4600 years BP), Mature material deposited over a period of ~700 years (pink bar).
Harappan (4600–3900 yeras BP) and Late Harappan Stage V and VI deposits are much thinner and urban decline
(3900–3300 years BP; Kenoyer and Meadow, 2010; Wright, is manifested by degeneration of architecture, craftsmanship,
2010) with regard to the pottery styles (Supporting Information material culture and deteriorating hydrological condition
S1). Accordingly, Stages I (the earliest settlement level) and II (see Supporting Information S1). A brief desertion (hiatus)
are assigned as Pre‐ to Early Harappan and transitional Early to occurred after Stage VI (Table 1). During Stage VII the city
Mature Harappan period, respectively. Together these two had disappeared, along with the classical Harappan ele-
stages (I&II) were designated by Bisht (2015) as a local ments and what remained bore no resemblance to the
Dholavira culture and suggest an in situ nucleation of a much Harappan culture (post‐Harappan?). In a sense, it was an
advanced Harappan settlement that ensued during the next attempt to resettle at Dholavira during Stage VII but in a very
millennium. Stages III (the thickest settlement deposit) to VII basic (rural) way and with a culture that was disconnected
span the Late–Early Harappan and Early–Late/post‐urban from its predecessors. This was followed by final desertion of
Harappan (?) periods. the site. Taken together, the radiocarbon ages suggest that
The most noticeable feature of Fig. 5 is that after the the settlement at Dholavira existed over ~1700 years, starting
Pre‐Harappan period the settlement expanded very rapidly at ~5500 years BP and continuing at least up to ~3800 a BP.

Figure 5. Lithologs of three trenches (58 × 2, 58 × 3 and trench 57) within the Castle at Dholavira (redrawn after Singh, 1996; Bisht, 2015) and the
spatial correlation of the seven stages along with the median AMS radiocarbon dates and calibrated age ranges. Note the rapid growth and expansion
of the settlement from Stage II to the middle part of Stage IV (Early to middle part of Mature Harappan), cessation of expansion from the later part of
Stage IV (Late Mature Harappan), abrupt decline during Stages V and VI, and eventual desertion after Stage VI (Late Mature Harappan to the
beginning of the Late or post‐urban Harappan). The decline and desertion occur at ~4300–4000 years BP, coinciding with the beginning of the newly
proposed Meghalayan Stage. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., 1–14 (2019)

In the following section, we investigate a possible climate 1000*lnαaragonite‐water = 17.88*(1000/T) – 31.14

connection for the Harappan decline at Dholavira. where
1000*lnαaragonite‐water = δ18Oaragonite – δ18Owater
The modern hydrographic parameters and measured δ18O
Climate reconstruction variation of the modern T. palustris are plotted as a function
For climate reconstruction, we use the high‐resolution sclerochro- of time in Fig. 6(a–c). The predicted seasonal δ18Oaragonite
nological δ18O–δ13C records of two archaeological T. palustris values are also plotted in Fig. 6(d) (green envelope)
mollusc shells, having median ages 4709 years BP (Early to Early superimposed on one of the δ18O cycles of the modern
Mature Harappan; 2σ range 4850–4526 years BP) and 4300 years shell. Both the predicted values and the amplitude of
BP (Mid‐ to Late Mature Harappan; range 4431–4103 years BP;
variation (~1.76‰) are quite close to those of the modern
Table S4). T. palustris (a snail with aragonitic carbonate shell), also T. palustris and suggest that they can be safely used for
known as mud creeper or mudwhelk, is found on the surface of reconstructing past climatic variation at this location,
muddy substrates of mangrove forests in tidal estuaries or deltas especially seasonality.
with a large salinity tolerance from 15 to 35‰ (Pape et al., 2008; That the seasonality record is preserved in the modern shell
Hogarth, 2015). While juvenile T. palustris prefer a mud is also supported by the co‐variance between the δ18O and
microhabitat, adults preferentially grow under the water at high δ13C values within its shell. The plot of δ13C variation in the
tide (Fratini et al., 2004). No T. palustris is found at present near modern shell (Fig. 6e) shows that the depletion in 13C occurs
Dholavira. The nearest place where it occurs is the Gulf of during the pre‐monsoon and monsoon time when water
Kachchh or Kori creek mangroves (~150 km distance; Fig. 1). temperature is higher, causing a depletion in 18O due to
temperature‐dependent fractionation (Fig. 6c–e). Conversely,
both δ18O and δ13C values are higher during the non‐monsoon
Modern shell analysis and winter. The δ13C values in aragonitic shell material of
To confirm the climatic interpretation, δ18O and δ13C values aquatic gastropods are controlled by either metabolic carbon
were obtained from various growth rings of a modern or dissolved inorganic carbon (ΣCO2 or DIC) of the water in
T. palustris shell from Dholavira. Details of modern hydro- which the shell grows (Shanahan et al., 2005). In general, most
graphy of the Gulf of Kachchh (available from https://www. of the gastropods incorporate metabolic carbon of no more
esrl.noaa.gov/psd/data/gridded/data.ncep.reanalysis.html; than 10% (McConnaughey et al., 1997). Recent radiocarbon
Chakraborty and Ramesh, 1998; Singh et al., 2010; Desh- measurements from the Gulf of Oman (western Arabian
pande et al., 2013) and predicted equilibrium aragonite δ18O Sea) show that modern T. palustris faithfully records the 14C
values of a shell grown in it are shown in Table S5. The Gulf reservoir age of the mangrove water, indicating a predomi-
water δ18O is similar to the Arabian Sea, having minor nance of DIC δ13C in their shells (Lindauer et al., 2017). The
seasonal amplitude with little change in salinity due to the δ13C values of DIC in the mangrove water, in turn, are
absence of any major river. The δ18Ocarbonate of mollusc shells controlled by two major factors, namely photosynthesis and
growing in a water body is determined by the δ18O value of δ13C of the river water or ground water flowing into the basin.
the water and its temperature (Leng and Lewis, 2016). To test if In closed basins, evaporation preferentially removes H216O
the δ18O periodicity in the modern shell reflects the seasonal and 12CO2 via air–water exchange, thereby causing simulta-
variation accurately, we used the above‐mentioned sources of neous enrichment in both 18O and 13C (Li and Ku, 1997). In
modern temperature and water δ18O to calculate the δ18O the present case, the contribution from river water or ground
values of aragonite precipitating in equilibrium following the water is negligible in the modern hyper‐arid climate of
relationship given by Kim et al. (2007): the GRK. Moreover, the Gulf is a tide‐dominated estuary

Figure 6. (a,b) Modern seasonal surface temperature and water δ18O variation in the Gulf of Kachchh. (c–e) Seasonal intrashell δ18O variation in modern
Terebralia. palustris, Gulf of Kachchh, seasonal predicted equilibrium aragonite δ18O variation, and δ13C variation in modern T. palustris. (f) Early to Mature
Harappan (4709 years BP) T. palustris from Dholavira analysed for isotopes. (g,h) Seasonal intrashell δ18O and δ13C variation. (i) Calculated water δ18O for the
Early to Mature Harappan period. (j,k) Seasonal intrashell δ18O variation in Late Mature Harappan (4300 years BP) T. palustris and fish otolith and calculated
water δ18O for the Late Mature Harappan period. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., 1–14 (2019)

(Vethamony et al., 2007) and isotopic enrichment associated of water δ18O using the above‐mentioned relationship of
with evaporation can be neglected. It therefore follows that Kim et al. (2007; Table S5c). The derived δ18Owater values
seasonal change in the δ13C DIC of Gulf water must be linked (Fig. 6i) vary from a mean maximum of ~−3.2‰ to a minimum
mainly to a change in biological productivity or photosynth- of ~−6.3‰. It is interesting to note that they are much depleted
esis. Higher biological productivity causes an enrichment in compared to the δ18O values of modern Gulf water (0.6 to
DIC δ13C while a reduced productivity has the opposite effect ~1‰). In addition, the total seasonal range in the water δ18O of
(Henderson et al., 2003; Li et al., 2012). Limited measurement the Harappan period is much larger (~3‰) than the modern
of chlorophyll a (Chl a) and primary productivity in the Gulf of range (only ~0.4‰). We attribute such depleted oxygen
Kachchh shows lower productivity during the monsoon isotope compositions through the seasons to precipitation of
compared to non‐monsoon or winter season. This has been aragonite shell in water of much lower salinity in the
explained by increased concentration in total suspended solids contemporary Harappan mangrove hosting the T. palustris.
(TSS) and ensuing turbidity by strong monsoonal tidal currents. This, in turn, implies considerably higher freshwater influx
This reverses during the post‐monsoon and winter period than today. A simple mass balance calculation (Supporting
when nutrient availability and utilization are higher (Shirodkar Information S6) suggests that to obtain the observed variation
et al., 2010). The above suggest that the seasonal variation in in the gastropod δ18O, a seasonally varying riverine input from
δ13C of modern T. palustris aragonite is a reflection of the −12.4‰ (highly depleted) to −5.1‰ (enriched) must be mixed
seasonal variation in productivity in the Gulf. This variation is with the mangrove saline water (Fig. 7).
positively correlated with the change in δ18O caused by
seasonal change in temperature.
Source of depleted δ18Ow
Supporting evidence from Ganges and other areas Indian rivers are largely fed by summer monsoonal rain. It
has been firmly established that highly depleted δ18O values
To further strengthen the climatic interpretation based on
(<−12‰) are not found in either the monsoonal rain or major
isotopic fingerprinting, mollusc shells, both modern and
rivers of peninsular India (Kumar et al., 2010). Normally,
archaeological, from different regions and sites including
depleted rainwaters can be generated by either the continental
Dholavira, were analysed (Table S5e). These show, for
effect or the amount effect during the rain‐forming processes
example, that the δ18O (PDB) value of T. palustris from the
(Yurtsever and Gat, 1981; Sengupta and Sarkar, 2006).
monsoon‐fed Ganges Delta mangrove is −11.5‰, correspond-
However, it is known that the continental effect associated
ing to a water δ18O (VSMOW) value of about −10‰ (Sengupta
with the Indian monsoon is minor (~−5‰; Sengupta and
and Sarkar, 2006; Samanta et al., 2015). The δ18O values of
Sarkar, 2006; Midhun et al., 2018) and can be discounted. The
the marine aragonitic gastropod shell T. pyrum from the
other way of depleting the rain and consequently the river
Mature Harappan period of Dholavira and two other archae-
water is to increase the amount of rainfall at any particular
ological sites, namely Kuntasi and Khirsara (Fig. 1; Table S5e),
region because an increase in 100 mm of rainfall may result in
by contrast, exhibit much enriched water values (0.7–1.79‰).
a decrease in δ18O by 1.5‰ (amount effect; Yurtsever and Gat,
These values are consistent with the mean δ18O values of
1981; Rozanski et al., 1993). The modern mean annual rainfall
0.86 ± 0.2‰ measured for coastal Arabian Sea water (Singh
isohyets show that currently the GRK or Dholavira region falls
et al., 2010; Deshpande et al., 2013). The range of these shell
aragonite δ18O values adds to the confidence that their
isotopic compositions, both modern and archaeological, do
faithfully record the climatic signal.

Climate and fluvial landscape of GRK during the

Harappan period
Intrashell δ18O and δ13C variations of the 4709‐year‐old T.
palustris from Dholavira (Fig. 6f) are plotted in Fig. 6(g,h),
revealing seasonal/annual changes. The mean amplitude of
the seasonal δ18O cycle (~3.2‰) is considerably higher than
that of the modern T. palustris (~1.9‰) or calculated
amplitude of δ18Oaragonite (~1.76‰), shown above. Due to
the temperature dependence of equilibrium isotopic fractio-
nation, a 1°C increase in temperature causes a 0.25‰
decrease in δ18Ocarbonate (Craig, 1965). If the amplitude of
3.2‰ is to be explained by a change in the water
temperature, it would require an abnormally large seasonal
temperature change of ~12.8 °C at ~4709 years BP. Analyses
of planktonic foraminiferal isotope and Mg/Ca ratios indicate
that the annual mean and seasonal sea surface temperature in
the Arabian Sea changed very little over the past 5000 years
Figure 7. Possible ranges of river water δ18O input in the GRK during
(Naidu and Malmgren, 2005; Ganssen et al., 2011; Böll et al.,
the Harappan period calculated for various seawater–river water
2015). We therefore conclude that the fossil T. palustris mixing ratios (Supporting Information S6). River water salinity, mean
aragonite δ18O cycle cannot be explained by temperature Gulf water salinity and mean Gulf water δ18O are assumed as 0‰,
change. Instead, we ascribe the change in δ18Ocarbonate to a 36‰ and 0.8‰, respectively. The grey box represents the possible
change in the water δ18O. limits of river water δ18O based on the salinity tolerance range for T.
palustris and Harappan period water δ18O calculated from the
To derive the Harappan water δ18O, we use the modern aragonitic carbonate. Monsoon‐like river water δ18O (~−5‰) or a
temperature cycle and the measured aragonite δ18O of depleted Indus‐like water (~−12‰) mixed with normal seawater water
archaeological T. palustris and calculate the possible range can produce minimum sustainable salinity for T. palustris (see text).

Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., 1–14 (2019)

in the hyper‐arid climate zone with 200–400 mm annual in winter. The monsoonal rains have annual weighted δ18O
rainfall (mean δ18OAhmedabad rain = ~−3‰, Deshpande et al., values of between −6 and −5‰ (Sengupta and Sarkar, 2006;
2010), and hence, to generate water of −5 to −12‰ would Deshpande et al., 2010; Midhun et al., 2018). River water
require several hundred millimetres increase in rainfall at this δ18O data for the Kachchh or adjoining Rajasthan are not
location either by the Bay of Bengal (BOB) or Arabian Sea available. However, the limited data suggest similar δ18O
branch of the monsoon (Fig. 1b). This is quite unlikely given values (around −5‰) in rain and lake waters of the Sambhar,
the subcontinent‐scale observation of diminishing rainfall from proximal to the Luni river that debouches into the eastern GRK
7000 years BP (mid‐Holocene) onward provided by various (Yadav, 1997). Ground waters in the eastern periphery of the
climate proxies (Sarkar et al., 2016, and references therein). GRK also have typical δ18O values of −4 to −5‰ (R. D.
More importantly, however, recent high‐resolution δ18O Deshpande, pers. comm.). These ground waters represent
measurements of monsoonal precipitation at multiple stations recharges by the monsoon rainwaters of previous years. As
across India clearly suggest that, contrary to normal belief, discussed, although the monsoon started to decline from
there is a negligible contribution of the amount effect in Indian 7000 years BP onward, its intensity was still higher during the
monsoonal rain (Eastoe and Dettman, 2016; Midhun et al., mid‐Holocene than the late Holocene or present (Berkelham-
2018). If so, the only plausible source(s) of depleted water can mer et al., 2012; Dixit et al., 2014). It is possible that the
be the extra‐peninsular rivers and their tributaries of the monsoon front from the south‐east (BOB branch) and south‐
Himalayan region where glacial meltwater can contribute to west (Arabian Sea branch) during this period penetrated
generate a river water δ18O of −12‰ (Lone et al., 2017; Laskar deeper into the Kachchh, providing rain through the local
et al., 2018). Therefore, we propose that the highly negative stream network including rivers such as the Luni and Banas.
δ18O values required to explain the Dholavira T. palustris Archaeological evidence and architectural elements of water
record were due to inputs from such rivers to the Gulf water of management at Dholavira do suggest water flow during the
the mangrove hosting the gastropods. monsoon period through the two small rivers Manhar and
At present, only two ephemeral rivers, the Nara in the west Mansar over which the Dholavirans constructed dams for
and the Luni in the east, debouch into the GRK (Fig. 1). These water storage in a series of reservoirs. Monsoonal water
channels lie on the periphery of the Thar Desert where no possibly recharged the local groundwater which eventually
fluvial activity exists today. The Luni originates in the Aravalli provided the base flow through these local stream networks
mountain range and is fed by monsoonal precipitation only. during non‐monsoon/winter time. This contributed the en-
The Nara, by contrast, flows nearly parallel to the east of the riched end‐member input (Fig. 7) of −5.1‰ to saline water
River Indus and originates in the uplands of Pakistan. The around Dholavira to generate a mangrove water value of −3‰
channel of Nara the has been conjectured to be the remnant of as per our calculations (Supporting Information). Alternatively,
an ancient Vedic river ‘Saraswati’ that flowed further eastward evaporative enrichment of GRK water formed by mixing of
than today through connected channels of the near‐dried winter base flow of the Indus‐like rivers (~20 times less than
present day Ghaggar–Hakra rivers (Fig. 1; Sankaran, 1999; that of monsoon at present with mean δ18O ~ −10.5‰) and
Danino, 2010). The Nara was dammed upstream around northerly flowing Luni‐like rivers (−5‰) in non‐monsoon
1768 AD and is currently dry, before which it had moderate months can produce a δ18Ow of about −3‰. Employing the
hydrological discharge (Burnes, 1835; Wynne, 1872). Sedi- evaporative enrichment model (Craig and Gordon, 1965;
mentological and geomorphological evidence suggests con- Yadav, 1997), which assumes a relative humidity of 0.4 and
siderable cross flow input from the Indus to Nara especially background vapour as −12‰, an initial water of −6.5‰
during flood events only centuries ago (Khan, 1996; East et al., (Fig. 6i) will require ~12% evaporation of the standing water
2015). A comprehensive isotope hydrological investigation of body in the GRK to produce water of −3‰ during the non‐
Indus water shows that its δ18O values range from −15‰ in the monsoon months (Supporting Information S7, Fig.S7). It is
upper reaches of the Himalayas to −9‰ in the lower reaches interesting to note that, in recent times, the large inland lake of
over the deltaic plains. The mean δ18O value of the waters Nal Sarovar (about 200 km2; ~225 km from Dholavira) has
from the middle to lower reaches of the Indus (closer to Nara been subject to such evaporation in winter, enriching the
and ~400 km north‐west of Dholavira) is −11.3 ± 1.2‰ (Karim source water δ18O of −4.5‰ to +4‰ (Luz and Barkan, 2010).
and Veizer, 2002). Such depleted values even in the lower Admittedly, the GRK was not entirely isolated like the Nal
reaches have been explained by a mixture of glacial meltwater Sarovar but the connection to the sea during Harappan times
contribution at its Himalayan headwater source and monsoo- could only have been through the Kori creek.
nal water. The mean Indus δ18O value (−11.3 ± 1.2‰) is
surprisingly close to the minimum water δ18O value (−12.4‰)
Carbon isotope, productivity, mangroves and
estimated above by mass balance for the Early to Mature
Harappan time. We infer that isotopically depleted water
rivers around Dholavira
through river channel(s), possibly connected to the Indus Because T. palustris can only grow in saline or brackish water,
course, discharged water into the GRK during the Early to the above inference also demands the presence of saline water
Mature Harappan period. The −12‰ end‐member possibly in the mangroves from where these shells were collected by
represents the summer/monsoon season when Indus‐like the Dholavirans. That the GRK contained saline to brackish
(Fig. 7) riverine contribution was highest and that, after mixing water is also attested to by intrashell δ13C variation of T.
with the saline water, produced a resultant δ18O of −6.3‰ in palustris (Fig. 6h). The δ13C values seasonally covary with the
the Gulf (Fig. 6i). δ18O values in the same manner as found in the modern T.
palustris from the Gulf of Kachchh (Fig. 6c,e). Because the
δ18O analysis above indicates the presence of high riverine
Source of enriched δ18Ow fluxes, part of this variability might be attributed to the
The above discussion suggests that the calculated enriched seasonal change in terrestrial carbon brought by the river. The
end‐member of −5.1‰ must be representing winter or non‐ modern seasonal δ13C in the river Indus, however, shows a
monsoon season water when the contributions from the rivers maximum change of only 2‰ (Karim and Veizer, 2000)
were probably low. The source of this water, however, remains compared to ~3.5‰ observed in the fossil shell. The excess
unclear. The Indus or its distributaries do not have such values δ13C change in the fossil can therefore only be explained by a
Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., 1–14 (2019)

seasonal change in productivity (less in monsoon and high in (Rao and Rao, 1995; Tyagi et al., 2012). Historical evidence
winter/non‐monsoon) that affected the carbon pool over and and environmental proxies from sediments of the Nara
above the river‐derived carbon. riverbed also indicate the existence of a moderately active
As mentioned earlier, excavation at Dholavira yielded channel during the mid‐Holocene (Burnes, 1835; Ngangom
large numbers of T. palustris shells that are cut and consumed et al., 2017). High‐resolution remote sensing investigation
as food along with another mangrove gastropod species, across the Thar Desert had previously suggested an intricate
Telescopium telescopium (Fig. 4e). The number of shells of network of palaeochannels (Saraswati?) below the dune field
both species was higher during the Early and Mature Harappan eventually meeting the northern fringe of the GRK west of
period but drastically decreased from Stage V onward (i.e. Nagarparkar at the India–Pakistan border (Fig. 1b; Gupta
from the late Mature to Late Harappan period; Bisht, 2015). et al., 2011).
Not only at Dholavira, T. palustris was a common ubiquitous
food source at many nearby settlements during the Bronze Age
where shell middens have been found, such as at Balakot and
Hydrological and climatic significance of the
stable isotope record
Allahdino along the Balochistan and Sind coast of Pakistan
(Biagi et al., 2013). A T. palustris shell midden has also been The above stable isotope discussion can be summarized as
unearthed from the Bronze Age settlements of Abu Dhabi and follows. The carbon and oxygen stable isotope variation
many other sites in SE Arabia (Carter, 1997). In India, these measured in a few mollusc shells retrieved from Dholavira
species are confined today to the mangroves of either the Gulf remains show that there was strong seasonality in the water
of Kachchh or Kori creek, but it is unlikely that regular composition. Such seasonality is absent or diminished in the
collection of these edible shellfish was made at these distant Gulf water today. Based on analysis of the amplitude and
sites and brought for consumption to Dholavira, a settlement covariation between δ13C and δ18O values, it appears that
located ~150 km inland (Fig. 1). It is also plausible that during there was a major supply of fresh water through one or two
the Harappan time the Rann surface was periodically prominent rivers debouching into the Gulf. These rivers
inundated by seawater and a mangrove ecosystem grew obtained their waters from two sources: a significant compo-
nearby that supported the growth of T. palustris. The palaeosea nent of glacial melt and contribution from summer monsoon
level cannot be determined accurately at GRK, but qualitative rains. The relative proportion of these two sources controlled
evidence of a sea level marginally higher than at present in the the seasonality of the isotopes. Proving the existence of such
GRK at ~5000 years BP has been provided by Chamyal et al. rivers during Harappan times that supplied much‐needed
(2003) and Tyagi et al. (2012). Accounts of an inundated tidal‐ freshwater for the city of Dholavira is the moot point of the
flat‐like environment are also recorded in historical maps and isotope study. The fact that such rivers either do not exist or
texts (Frere, 1870; Sivewright, 1907; Rajendran and Rajendran, have only ephemeral existence in modern times, indicates that
2001). On the western coast of the Arabian Sea (Persian Gulf a massive drought set in with drying up of the water supply and
region), a highstand of > 1 m above current sea level during possibly suggests a major shift of the monsoon belt towards
the period 5300–4500 years BP has been recorded that fell the east.
back to the current level after ~1500 years BP (Lokier et al.,
2015). Likewise, marine transgression and formation of an
Apocalypse Dholavira and the abrupt urban
extensive mangrove front along with several Neolithic settle-
ments have been recorded from the coast of Oman and
Makran (Pakistan) between ~5000 and 3000 years BP, with a Drying up of the GRK, along with retreat of both seawater and
peak in mangrove formation between 4700 and 4400 years BP. river courses, occurred somewhere between the Middle
These mangroves were replete with typical saline plants such Holocene (~4700 years BP) and terminal Holocene period. This
as Avicennia, and large populations of both Terebralia is evident when the δ18O record of the 4300‐year‐old
palustris and Telescopium telescopium. Archaeological settle- T. palustris is compared with that of the 4709‐year‐old shell
ments also show evidence of maximum exploitation of these (Table S5d; Fig. 6j). As the shell is partially broken, only one
shellfish in the coastal regions during the mid‐Holocene seasonal cycle is preserved. Of most note is a drastically
(Berger et al., 2013; Biagi et al., 2013) and at a time that was reduced δ18O amplitude (seasonality) in the younger shell
chronologically contemporaneous to Dholavira. Post‐glacial compared to the 4709‐year‐old shell. The absolute δ18O values
transgression probably inundated the shallow coastal plains in the younger shell are also enriched (−2.9 to −1.2‰). The
and tidal flats in the eastern Arabian Sea through the corresponding calculated water δ18O values range from −1.2 to
palaeoseaways of either Kori creek or Gulf of Kachchh +0.7‰, much closer to the water of the modern arid Gulf. In
(Fig. 1b). Fig. 6(k) a published high‐resolution δ18O record of another
Such an inward expanded Gulf, compared to present, 4300‐year‐old fish otolith from the Bagasra Harappan site
possibly received water through the rivers draining into the (mouth of Gulf of Kachchh; Fig. 1b) is replotted (Amekawa
GRK around its periphery. Several studies indicate that during et al., 2016). The otolith seasonal amplitude and the δ18O
the mid‐Holocene the Indus and its distributaries were flowing values are quite similar to those of the 4300‐year‐old
through a more easterly course along with its expanded delta T. palustris. Together these two records suggest strongly that
system within the eastern GRK (Giosan et al., 2006; Clift et al., the isotopically depleted river water input, prevalent during the
2012; Khonde et al., 2017). Provenance analysis (trace Early to Mature Harappan (4709 years BP) mangrove, was
element and Sr–Nd isotope) of bedload sediments along the significantly reduced by the Late Mature Harappan period (4300
palaeochannels in the GRK suggests that sub‐Himalayan years BP). Consequently, the ambient water of the GRK became
sediments were supplied to the GRK possibly through channels isotopically enriched throughout the year. We propose that at
of the Ghaggar, Hakra, and the Nara rivers which were still 4300 years BP an abrupt shift towards aridity occurred that
active until 3000 years BP (Giosan et al., 2012; Chatterjee and nearly dried up the river channels (with significantly lower
Ray, 2017; Khonde et al., 2017). Likewise, the illite record fluvial discharge). Figure 5 shows the ranges of AMS dates and
from suspended sediments also indicates continued sediment the stages or Harappan periods at Dholavira plotted against the
supply until ~3000 years BP either through the Indus (via latest stratigraphic subdivisions of the Holocene approved by
longshore transport through Kori creek) or its distributaries the ICS (Walker et al., 2019a, b). The rapid urban growth of
Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., 1–14 (2019)

Dholavira occurred during the Late Northgrippian Stage from Arz et al., 2006). Both these sites are proximal to the Old World
~5500 to ~4300 years BP. The abrupt decline of the settlement Mesopotamian civilization and the abrupt climate shift has been
occurred between 4300 and 4000 years BP, coinciding with the linked to its decline. The Mesopotamian archaeological site at
beginning of the newly proposed Meghalayan Stage. The Tell Lelian on the Habur plain of Syria records five major phases
settlement eventually was abandoned after ~3800 years BP. starting from ~5000 to ~3800 years BP (Fig. 9h). The penultimate
Because the onset of the Meghalayan Stage is marked by a stage of phase II ranges from 4400 to 4000 years BP and
centennial‐scale global drought, it is tempting to speculate that coincides with an occupational hiatus in its upper part that
the settlement of Dholavira too fell victim to this prolonged continues until ~3800 years BP. The youngest phase I reappears
drought, which caused a dramatic decrease in fluvial discharge, after the hiatus but is a thin settlement/archaeological record
extreme water scarcity and eventually led to desertion. The and followed by complete desertion of the site (Weiss et al.,
fluvial landscape of the GRK thus changed from a monsoon and 1993). The Habur hiatus is contemporary to the transition of the
Indus‐like river‐dominated network to a dry arid ecosystem Mature to Late Harappan phase and is similar to the Dholavira
within a very short timespan. in terms of both cultural evolution and chronology. A high‐
To determine whether the decline of Dholavira is unique or resolution climate record from a freshwater lake of Kotla Dahar,
is a manifestation of regional climate change, the temporal Haryana, India (Fig. 9d), also shows an abrupt enrichment in
range of the periods and frequency of radiocarbon dates (both gastropod δ18O at ~4200 years BP and is linked to the urban
conventional and AMS) of the major Harappan settlements in Harappan decline in Cholistan (Dixit et al., 2014). Elsewhere,
India including those from Kachchh and Saurashtra (e.g. on the Tibetan Plateau, a ~3‰ enrichment in carbon isotope
Kalibangan, Rakhigarhi, Prabhas Patan, Lothal, Khirsara, composition (δ13C) of cellulose is observed at ~4200 years BP in
Kanmer, Surkotada, Rojdi, Loteswar, Padri as well as the Hongyuan peat bog record and was interpreted as indicative
Dholavira) are plotted in Fig. 8. At several sites the number of an abrupt aridification event (Fig. 9e; Hong et al., 2003). The
of dates is insufficient to infer centennial‐scale cultural event can be correlated with the ~300‐year occupational hiatus
transitions. Nevertheless, the data show that, overall, these between the Neolithic phase of the Yangtze Delta and the
sites grew during the Early to Mature Harappan period and younger renewed settlement of the Maqiao dynasty that
started to decline at the onset of the Meghalayan Stage, just followed (Stanley et al., 1999). While a Neolithic decline at
like Dholavira, with only a few surviving into the Late 4.2 ka is observed at several archaeological sites along the
Harappan period. The decline seems to be universal, near‐ Yangtze and Yellow River Basins, of particular interest is the
contemporaneous and must be linked to a common cause, revival of pastoralism‐dominated cultures that replaced more
probably the onset of aridification associated with the 4.2‐ka advanced agricultural‐based cultures after the 4.2‐ka event in
climatic event that marks the onset of the Meghalayan Stage. several parts of northern China. This is quite similar to the last
Across the globe, a large number of sites have now been Stage VII (Late Harappan) of Dholavira where the settlers
documented that record the 4.2‐ka drought event especially in returned after the desertion of 4300–4100 years BP but with no
the low latitudes (Cullen et al., 2000; Thompson et al., 2002; urban features, and with primitive cultural elements. An abrupt
Arz et al., 2006; Drysdale et al., 2006; Walker et al., 2012). increase in dust concentration at ~4100 years BP in the ice core
Figure 9 presents a temporal correlation of the 4.2‐ka event record from Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa (Fig. 9f), has also been
(obtained from diverse proxy data) between different sites in cited as the cause of the abrupt collapse of the Egyptian Old
Africa, the Middle East, and southern and eastern Asia, plotted Kingdom at the same time (Thompson et al., 2002; Bronk
against the stable isotope record from the Meghalayan GSSP at Ramsey et al., 2010; Walker et al., 2012, 2019a). Nearer
Mawmluh Cave, NE India, which shows an 18O enrichment of Dholavira, sedimentological evidence from the Thar Desert
~2‰ in speleothem cave carbonate between 4300 and suggests westward expansion of the desert dune field during the
4100 years BP (Fig. 9a). Also shown are the correlated events Late Holocene (after ~4000 years BP) overlying the older fluvial
at Dholavira (Fig. 9i). The 4.2‐ka event is marked, for example, sediments that were deposited during the Holocene climate
by a sudden increase in the aeolian (detrital) dolomite and shift optimum (Clift et al., 2008; Alizai et al., 2011; Giosan et al.,
in foraminiferal δ18O towards an enriched value in ocean cores 2012; East et al., 2015; Durcan et al., 2017).
from the Gulf of Oman (Fig. 9b) and Shaban deep, Red Sea We therefore postulate that the Harappan settlement at
(Fig. 9c), respectively, suggesting aridity (Cullen et al., 2000; Dholavira that thrived from 5500 years BP abruptly declined

Figure 8. Temporal range of the periods and frequency of radiocarbon dates (both conventional and AMS) of the major Harappan settlements of
Kachchh and Saurashtra; also shown are data from Rakhigarhi, Cholistan, for comparison; n = number of samples dated. Note the near‐synchronous
Harappan decline at all the sites just at the onset of or immediately after the Meghalayan stage. Data sources: Kalibangan, Prabhas Patan, Lothal,
Surkotada, Rojdi (Brunswig, 1975; Herman, 1996), Rakhigarhi (Nath et al., 2014; Vahia et al., 2016), Khirsara, Kanmer (Pokharia et al., 2011, 2017),
Loteswar, Padri (Possehl, 1993).s

Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., 1–14 (2019)

Figure 9. (a) Middle to Late Holocene monsoon record from cave carbonate showing the 4.2‐ka Meghalayan Stage drought event from the global
stratotype section at Mawmluh Cave, NE India, and its temporal correlation (grey horizontal bar) with diverse proxy records obtained at different
locations: (b) aeolian dolomite percentage in an ocean core, Gulf of Oman (Cullen et al., 2000); (c) δ18O of foraminiferal carbonate from the Shaban
Deep, Red Sea (Arz et al., 2006); (d) δ18O of Melanoides gastropod from Kotla Dahar lake, Rajasthan (Dixit et al., 2014); (e) δ13C cellulose of the
Hongyuan peat bog record, Tibetan Plateau, China (Hong et al., 2003); and (f) dust concentration from Kilimanjaro ice core (Thompson et al., 2002).
(g) 20°N summer period solar insolation is shown for comparison with the climate record (Maher and Hu, 2006); note that solar insolation was
higher than today during the Early to Mature Harappan (~5200–3900 years BP). The abrupt Meghalayan drought is superimposed on a monotonically
declining monsoon from ~7000 years BP onward. (h) Abrupt decline and desertion (hiatus) took place in the rain‐fed agricultural civilization of Habur
plain, Syria, in northern Mesopotamia (Weiss et al., 1993) immediately after the Meghalayan Stage, almost coeval with the decline of the Neolithic
phase of the Yangtze Delta, China (Stanley et al., 1999). and the Old Kingdom of Egypt (Bronk Ramsey et al., 2010). (i) The prolific Mature Harappan
civilization at Dholavira also ceased to expand, declined and was then deserted during or immediately after the Meghalayan Stage 4.2‐ka drought

between 4300 and 4000 years BP most likely in response to a (like Nara), with seawater that periodically inundated the GRK
global mega‐drought at the onset of the Meghalayan Stage that being reflected in depleted shell δ18O. Evaporation of this
was spread over a few centuries, an event that led to the semi‐enclosed water body during the non‐monsoon months
decline of several other contemporary urban civilizations on coupled with reduced riverine input (δ18O ~ −5‰) enriched
different continents. At the onset of the Late Harappan period the δ18O of water and this is clearly recorded in the shell
(~3900 years BP), Dholavirans made an attempt to return to the carbonates.
site, but were unable to cope with increasing aridity and lack Expansion of the city slowed during the Late Mature
of water resources and hence the site was completely Harappan (~4300 years BP or later part of Stage IV) with near
abandoned. Indeed, Dholavira presents a classic case for complete urban decline in the early part of the Late Harappan
understanding how climate change can increase future period (Stages V and VI). The change in the humid fluvial
drought risk across much of the subtropics and mid‐latitudes landscape was probably due to a catastrophic drought that
as predicted by the IPCC working group (Cook et al., 2018).3 drove the final collapse of the settlement at the onset of the
Meghalayan Stage (~4300–4100 years BP).

Conclusions Supporting information

Radiocarbon dating of molluscan/otolith and archaeological Additional supporting information may be found in the online
shell bangle carbonates from seven (I–VII) cultural stages of version of this article at the publisher's web‐site.
Dholavira, GRK, Gujarat, suggest that occupation began S1. Archaeology of Dholavira
during the Pre‐Harappan period (~5500 years BP; Stage I) and Figure S2. (a) View of the trench along the northern
continued until the early part of the Late Harappan (at least up fortification of the Castle showing various stages; note the
to ~3800 years BP; Stage VII). very thick deposit of Stages III and IV, suggesting rapid growth
Under a favourable monsoonal climate, the settlement of the settlement and the very thin deposit during Stage V (for
expanded rapidly with continuous addition of new architectural details see text). (b) Reserved Slip ware potsherds, Stage I. (c)
elements to the cityscape such as the Citadel, Bailey, and Lower Potsherds of painted potteries, and a reconstructed pot, Stage II
and Middle Town between Stage II and the middle of Stage IV (after Bisht, 2015).
(i.e. from the Early to mid‐Mature Harappan period). Abundant S3. Analytical protocol for AMS radiocarbon dating and
mangroves around the vast shallow swamp GRK sustained stable isotope analysis
populations of edible gastropods such as T. palustris which Table S4. Radiocarbon chronology of Dholavira samples.
provided an important food source for Dholavirans. Table S5. (a) Intra‐shell δ18O and δ13C values of modern
Oxygen isotope (δ18O) sclerochronology of Early Harappan shell of Terebralia palustris, Gulf of Kutch. (b) Monthly
shells suggests seasonal mixing of a depleted (δ18O ~ −12‰) temperature, δ18Owater and predicted δ18Oaragonite in Gulf of
water flow in summer/monsoon months through channels Kutch. (c) Intra‐shell δ18O and δ13C values of archaeological
such as the ancient Saraswati and/or Indus distributary channel shell of T. palustris, Early to Mature Harappan, Dholavira and

Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., 1–14 (2019)

calculated contemporary δ18Owater, of GRK mangrove. (d) northern Arabian Sea over the last 25 ka. Palaeogeography,
Intra‐shell δ18O and δ13C values of archaeological shell of T. Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 426: 10–21.
palustris, Late Mature Harappan, Dholavira and calculated Bronk Ramsey C, Dee MW, Rowland JM et al. 2010. Radiocarbon‐
contemporary δ18Owater, of GRK mangrove. (e) δ18O of open based chronology for dynastic Egypt. Science 328: 1554–1557.
ocean marine carbonate shells from Dholavira and other Brunswig RH. 1975. Radiocarbon dating and the Indus civilization:
calibration and chronology. East and West 25: 111–145.
Harappan sites and calculated δ18Owater.
Burnes A. 1835. A memoir on the Eastern Branch of the River Indus
S6. Mass balance calculation to identify the origin of giving an account of the alterations produced by it by an
freshwater in the Dholavira mangrove. earthquake, also a theory of the Runn, and some conjectures on
S7. Evaporative enrichment model. the Route of Alexander the Great, drawn up in the years 1827‐28.
Figure S7. Model output for evaporative enrichment. Royal Asiatic Society 3: 550–588.
Carter RA 1997. Defining the Late Bronze Age in Southeast Arabia:
Acknowledgements. We thank Prof. Geoff Duller, Editor‐in‐Chief, ceramic evolution and settlement during the second millennium BC.
Prof. Mike Walker and two other anonymous reviewers for their PhD Dissertation, Institute of Archaeology, University College
critical comments on the manuscript. Dholavira was excavated in the London.
1990s by R.S.B. and a large team of archaeologists under the aegis of Chakraborty S, Ramesh R 1998. Stable isotope variations in a coral
the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). Ceramic studies were carried (Favia speciosa) from the Gulf of Kutch during 1948–1989 AD:
out by R.S.B. and Y.S.R. A.D.M. thanks the Director General, ASI, for environmental implications. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of
giving necessary permission for studying the Dholavira shell materials Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences 107: 331–341.
and using the archived photographs of pottery and other artefacts. Chamyal LS, Maurya DM, Raj R. 2003. Fluvial systems of the drylands
A.D.M. also thanks the Indian Council for Historical Research (ICHR) of western India: a synthesis of Late Quaternary environmental and
for funding a project on Dholavira shell materials. We thank Dr V. N. tectonic changes. Quaternary International 104: 69–86.
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