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Natural Law and the letter of Cardinal Ratzinger to Fr.

Curran – an analysis reflection

By Darryl Louie P. Labial

The term Natural Law is defined not on the very strictness of the word or meaning of every word
coined as “Natural Law” but it is defined on its universal function and intention. It is an invisible, innate,
and beyond structure that function as universal entity and patterns of life. Some would call inner pattern
of life.

Natural law has two strains of interpretation. These two interpretations springs out to the
natural tendencies and inner structure of life especially in human beings which is central to any being.
These two interpretations may differ in its functions and some other intellectuals confused them both.
The first interpretation is the Order of Reason. The axiom of “everything has a reason” is ground on this
order that all actions are founded by reason. Reason, not necessarily any reason but of what is naturally
inclined by inner pattern and at the same time manifested by choice. Order of reason somehow gives us
the tendencies of possibilities and more choices to come as prove of reason. Dictations may not
necessarily on the physical law or biological nature but it does give avenue and provide date as to
achieve truly dignified human existence. Order of nature is the second interpretation. It is simply
understood as the inner pattern of whatsoever physical, biological and experienced. A simple example is
the craving for body pleasure. Body pleasure somehow a term that misleads mind in contrast to the idea
of pleasuring out of control. When wo/man gets hungry, s/he eat, if s/he wants to sleep, s/he sleeps, all
is according to the order of nature. These two interpretations sometimes called first the intrinsic and
extrinsic pattern.

Moreover, the two interpretations are very essential as a whole definition of what is natural law.
It is not only on what is infinity but as the totality of all something that there is (in metaphysical term,
being). In a more definite field of application, ethics or moral standard is very best example of these
interpretations. It upholds the moral values as independent on certain belief and accessible to all (all
encompassing) and universal accepted.

As a moral principle and moral standards, we cannot but not to escape the reality that somehow
natural law may be of the very fundamental standard and emphasis on the very ground of others action.
Take for example of the letter of Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI) to Father Charles Curran, a
theologian in the year 1985. The letter was given to Fr. Curran as a reminder and dissent of the teaching
authority of Fr. Curran and of being a Catholic theologian and the principal teaching of the church based
on the Vatican II and other encyclical letters especially of Pope Paul VI in Humanae Vitae.

“Above all, we must recall the clear doctrine of

the Vatican Council II regarding the principles
for the assent of faith…”

It was the dissent of Fr. Curran about the prominent teaching of the Catholic Church about
abortion, euthanasia, contraception, direct sterilization, masturbation, and over all the transmission of
life (sexual ethics)1. Furthermore, Cardinal Ratzinger urged Fr. Curran to reconsider and to retract those
positions which violate the conditions necessary for a professor to be called a Catholic Theologian 2.

Five paragraph of the letter
Nine paragraph of the letter
In the letter Cardinal Ratzinger implicitly assert some natural laws especially the natural order of
reason. It stated in the letter;

“The first area of dissent is with regard to the

principle of the Church’s teaching according to
which every material acts must remain open to
the transmission of life, and therefore artificial
contraception and direct sterilization are
forbidden as intrinsically wrong.”

Here, the intrinsically wrong doesn’t mean something that is from the self but of what is
naturally inner pattern of life itself. It is pointed rather on the very universal law and the very innate.
Order of reason because it entails the structural pattern of what is wrong and right morally and the base
of the fundamental decision and actions. But of course one’s action lead to a certain conviction and
choice that which make the actions has a moral value. Cardinal Ratzinger deliberately illuminates Fr.
Curran into the light of Thomistic law or the Natural law, the very act in itself.

There is also a quotation here support it:

“… the Magisterium has recently reaffirmed the

sacred and inviolable character of human life
from the moment of conception…
masturbation, pre-marital intercourse and
homosexual acts, all the faithful are bound to
follow the Magisterium according to which
these acts are intrinsically immoral.”

There is a fundamental moral law that inherits the very action and the function of reason is to discern
whether the action taken is deliberately with a stand, choice and parallel to what is order, natural, inner,
coherent, all inclusive and all encompassing.

The order of reason, is much more of here than the order of nature, though the concept of
order of nature somehow integrated in here in the sense that the use of the body or the function of the
body is not suppress but regulated in order to attain the expected action as well to make it more of life
and natural. Sex per se is natural, but there is a moral standard in which sexual acts could be more
enjoyed and bear fruit of goodness and freedom.

“Whatever the motive may be, the deliberate

use of the sexual faculty, outside the normal and
legitimate conjugal relations, essentially
contradicts it finality, the purpose intended by
the Creator.”

Still, the assertion of Cardinal Ratzinger of what is natural has the confidence that the order of
nature is good in itself, but the primarily function of the order of reason is to qualify accordingly and to
make it more functional and more to life.

To listen to these traditional laws may somehow inappropriate to the modern times especially
the cultural aspect is more divergent and moral standards are based on what is in need (pragmatism).
Maybe because Fr. Curran see the Catholic Tradition and teachings were getting inappropriate and
needless to say, malfunctions, that’s why Fr. Curran “modify”, “interchange”, “modernize” and
“pragmatically” the teachings as to fit in to the culture of today. The intention of Fr. Curran may be of
good path, or still bound to the truths of Catholic Church, whether or not, the said dissent is qualified or
not, the morality must be exercise and the maturity of one’s soul is not something that is neglected, it is
function. As long as the mind, environment, and soul play, the culture of existence is still function as to
live. The natural law is a like this, a ladder to life, sufferings may happen, conflict outburst, chaos
underwent, all of these are just part and parcel of the whole package of existence in this world and it
takes contemplation and action to exercise these laws as to us to be a man/woman in our journey with
the Creator.

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