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124 do and make Do is a general word for actions: a 1 What are you doing this evening? (not What are you making? “Shall I open the window?’ ‘No, it’s OK. I'll do it? : Rachel's job is very boring. She does the same thing every day. I did a lot of things yesterday. What do you do? = What's your job?: O ‘What do you do?” ‘I work ina bank? Make = produce/create. For example: She's making coffee. He has made a cake. They make umbrellas. It was made in China. Compare do and make: 1 did a lot yesterday. I cleaned my room, I wrote some letters and I made a cake ‘A: What do you do in your fice time? Sport? Reading? Hobbies? B: I make clothes. I make dresses and jackets. I also make toys for my children. Expressions with do | | an exam / a test 0 I'm doing my driving test next week | | a course 1 John has just done a training course. | do | homework | 5 Our children have to do a lot of homework. housework 1 I hate doing housework, especially cleaning. somebody a favour | Gi Sue, could you do me a favour? an exercise | OL go fora run and do exercises every morning. alo do the shopping / do the washing / do the washing-up / do the ironing / do the cooking etc. : 0 I did the washing, but I didn't do the shopping | a mistake 0 I'm sorry, I made a mistake. an appointment | 1 I need to make an appointment to see the doctor. | mate | * Phone call 3 Excuse me,I have to make a phone call. | aise | © Have you made a shopping list? a noise | Ges late, Don't make a noise. abed © Sometimes I forget to make my bed in the morning. We say make a film but take a photograph: © When was this film made? bu When was this photograph taken? dojdoeslid (regativs and question) + Units 43-44 make somebody do something -= Unit 5 Exercises Unit 57 57.1 Write make/making/made or do/doing/did/done. 1 ‘Shall I open the window?’ ‘No, it’s OK. V'll 40... it? What did 2 Mia Ayu at the vec Did you go away? 4 Paper is from wood, 5 Richard didn’t help me. He sat in an armchair and nothin, 6 ‘What do you ? ‘I'ma doctor’? is 7 Lasked you to clean the bathroom, Have you i iv 8 ‘What do they in that factory?” ‘Shoes? 9tm some coffee. Would you like some? 10 Why are you angry with me? I didn't anything wrong. 11 ‘What are you : tomorrow afternoon?” ‘I'm working” 57.2. What are these people doing? He's making a. cake. 6 They 7 He 8 9 0 ween 57.3. Write make or do in the correct form. Thate ....400N9... housework, especially cleaning. Why do you always the same mistake? ‘Can you. me a favour?” ‘It depends what itis’ “Have yOu ono your homework?” ‘Not yet? I need to see the dentist, but [ haven't an appointment. I'm ___.. 4 course in photography at the moment. It’s very good. The last time I... an exam was ten years ago. How many phone calls did you ... yesterday? ‘When you've finished Exercise 1, you can i Exercise 2. ‘There's something wrong with the car. The engine is a strange noise. Tt was a bad mistake. It was the worst mistake I've ever 12 Let's... _. a list of all the things we have to .. today. BS cmv sHmecne 125 UNIT 56 7 She's/She is doing the washing-up. or 56.1 She is washing up. / 2 get your jacket She is doing the dishes. / 3 get a doctor She is washing the dishes, 4 get a taxi 8 He's/He is making a 5 gets the job (shopping) list. 6 get some milk 9 They'te/They are_making 7 get a ticket a film, 8 gets a good salary 10 He’s/He is taking a 9 get a lot of rain photograph. © 10 get a new computer 573 56.2 2 make 8 make 2 getting dark 3 do 9 do 3. getting married 4 done 10 making 4 getting ready 5 made 11 made 5 getting late 6 doing 12 make ... do mea 7 did 2 get wet B) te married UNIT'S 4 gets angry 58.1 5 got lost 3 He hasn't got / He doesn’t 6 get old lave 7 got better 4 Gary had 56.4 5 Have you got / Do you 2 got to Bristol at 11.45. have 3 Tleft the party at 11.15 6 we didn’t have and got home at midnight. | 7 She hasn't got / She 4 (Example answer) I left doesn’t have home at 8.30 and got to 8 Did you have the airport at 10 o'clock. 562 56.5 2 She's/She is having a cup 2 got of of tea. 3 got out of 3 He’/He is having a rest. 4 got on 4 They'te/They are having a good time. UNIT 57 5 They're/They are having dinner. 57.1 6 He's/He is having a bath. 2 do 7 done 3 make 8 make sas MW matle® "79" making 3. Have a nice/good trip! 5 did HOAs 4 Did you have a nice/good 6 do 11 doing weekend? 5 Did you have a nice/good 57.2 game (of tennis)? 2 They're/They are doing 6 Have a nice/good time! (their) homework. or Have a nice/good 3 He'/He is doing the evening! or Have fan! shopping. or 7 Did you have a nice/good He is shopping. holiday? 4 She/She is making a jacket. see ie : 5 They'te/They are doin, peak shanatie ead an exam. (ry taking, | 3 had a glass of water i exann) 4 have a walk 6 He'/He is making 5 had an accident the/his bed. 6 have a look

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