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1. Family

• What family members do you live with?

• What family members are you close to?

• Do you have any siblings?

2. Friends

• Who is your best friend?

• What do you and your friends do together?

• What’s your favourite memory you’ve shared with a friend?

3. Holidays

• Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?

• If you could go anywhere in the world for a holiday, where would you go?

• What is your favourite holiday experience?

4. Games

• What are your favourite games to play at home?

• Do you prefer video games or board games?

• Do you think playing games are good for you? If so, why?

5. Shopping

• What is your favourite thing to buy?

• How often do you go shopping?

• Do you like/dislike shopping? Why?

6. Home Town

• What’s your area like?

• Do you like where you live? Why?

• What’s the best/worst thing about where you live?

7. Future

• Where do you see yourself in ten years?

• What do you think will change in the next 100 years?

• What do you most want to achieve in your life?

8. School

• What’s your favourite subject? Why?

• What’s your least favourite subject? Why?

• What’s the best thing about going to school?

9. Jobs

• What do you think the best job is? Why?

• What jobs do your family members have?

• What job do you think you’ll have when you’re older?

10. Food

• What’s your favourite food?

• What’s your least favourite food?

• What would you choose as your last meal?

11. Environment

• What’s bad for the environment?

• What can we do to help improve our environment?

• Why do people care about the environment? Why is it important?

12. Health

• Have you ever been ill? How did it feel?

• What things can we do to stay healthy?

• What happens when you’re ill? Who looks after you and how?

13. Restaurants

• What’s your favourite restaurant? What kind of food does it serve?

• Describe a bad restaurant experience.

• If you had your own restaurant, what would it be like?

14. Sports

• Do you enjoy playing sports? Why?

• What’s your favourite/least favourite sport?

• Do you enjoy watching sports? Why/why not?

15. Superpowers

• What superpower would you have if you could have any?

• What do you think the world would be like if there were real

• Would you rather be a superhero or a supervillain?

16. Money

• If you had all the money in the world, what would you buy?

• Is money important? Why?

• Can money be a bad thing?

17. Would You Rather

• Would you rather be an astronaut or an actor?

• Would you rather learn how to fly a plane or a rocket ship?

• Would you rather live under the sea or in space?

18. Gifts

• What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?

• What’s the worst?

• Do you enjoy giving gifts? Why?

19. Weather

• Do you prefer it when it’s warm or cold?

• Do you like the snow? Why?

• What’s your favourite summer memory?

20. Films

• What’s your favourite film genre? Why?

• What’s your favourite film?

• If you could pick any film character to be, who would you choose?
21. Books

• Do you enjoy reading? Why?

• What’s your favourite type of book?

• Why is reading really good for you?

22. Celebrations

• Do you celebrate your birthday? How?

• What is your favourite festival/celebration?

• If you could create your own new national holiday/festival/celebration,

what would it be for? What would happen?

23. Feelings

• When was the happiest you’ve ever been?

• When was the angriest you’ve ever been?

• What scares you the most?

24. Aliens

• Do you think aliens exist?

• If aliens made contact with you, what would you do?

• Would you rather live in space with aliens or stay here on Earth?

25. Seasons

• What’s the best season?

• What’s the worst season?

• Describe the differences between each season.

26. Hobbies

• What do you like to do in your spare time?

• If you could take up a new hobby, what would it be?

• What hobby have you had in the past that you don’t do any more? Why
don’t you do it?

27. Television

• What’s your favourite TV show?

• What do you like about watching TV?

• Who is your favourite TV show character?

28. Desert Island

• If you had to live on a desert island with one person, who would it be?

• Which three items would you take to a desert island and why?

• What do you think would be the hardest thing about living on a desert

29. Music

• Do you enjoy listening to music? What kind?

• How does listening to music make you feel?

• Who is your favourite artist/singer?

30. Birthdays

• Do you enjoy celebrating your birthday? Why?

• How did you spend your last birthday?

• If you could choose to do anything in the world, how would you spend
your next birthday?
31. Dreams

• What’s the last dream that you can remember? What happened in it?

• What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

• What’s the best dream you’ve ever had?

32. Animals

• What’s your favourite animal and why?

• If you could be any animal, which would it be, and why?

• Would you rather be an animal or a human? Why?

33. The Supernatural

• Do you believe in ghosts? Why/why not?

• Do you know any good ghost stories?

• If you were a ghost, where would you haunt?

34. Celebrities

• Do you have a favourite celebrity? Who is it and why?

• Do you think celebrities are important? Why?

• Would you like to be a celebrity? Why/why not?

35. Fears

• What are you most afraid of and why?

• Can you describe a time when you faced a fear?

• Why do you think we develop fears of certain things? Why don’t we all
have the same fears?
THE HOT AIR BALLOON DILEMMA (zero preparation)


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