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As we have covered last week, God’s vision for His church is to be a base church
that reaches out with the gospel of Jesus Christ to the cities and nations of the
world. The big question then becomes how we do that, there is a practical
element to the going of the gospel and chief among many of them is our


Salvation is free, God paid for it all through Jesus Christ, BUT to take the gospel
to the ends of the earth there is a DELIVERY PRICE to be paid. God has entrusted
us with money, resources and wealth to us and part of that has been designated
for the advancement of the Kingdom and the gospel.

Exodus 12:35
35 Now the children of Israel had done according to the word of Moses, and they
had asked from the Egyptians articles of silver, articles of gold, and clothing. 36
And the LORD had given the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that
they granted them what they requested. Thus they plundered the Egyptians.

When children of Israel where leaving Egypt God made sure they got silver and
gold from the Egyptians. As we would find out later, it was for the building of the
temple, Exodus 25.


II Corinthians 9:6-14
God's is plan is that everything He intends to do in this world, He will do it
through His people. We should live our lives with a Kingdom mentality that tells
us that every blessing is to advance God's Kingdom.

We serve a wonderfully generous God. We need to reflect this in living a lifestyle

of generosity. II Corinthians 9:10-11.
There are numerous passages in Scripture that encourages us to live
GENEROUSLY. “It is more blessed to give than receive.” (Acts 20:35b) The
early believers in Acts 2:45 shared all their possessions and no one had any
need. “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken
together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you
use, it will be measured to you.” (Lk 6:38). Remember that whoever sows
generously will also reap generously (2 Cor 9:6).

There are various expressions of giving in Scripture.


This is when a proportion of at least a tenth or ten percent of your income is given
to your church.

The principle of proportionate giving predates Mosaic Law, tithing is a pattern of

scripture more than it is a law.
◾ Genesis 14:20 Abraham gives to Melchizedek, the king.
◾ In Gen 28:20-22 Jacob makes a vow to God that he will give one tenth of what
God gave him.

 Tithing is a COMMITMENT issue, Jacob made a VOW. Genesis 28:20-22. It is

a way of acknowledging who the source of our lives is.
 Tithing is an HONOR issue. Proverbs 3:9. It is our way of declaring where
our worship is.
 Tithing is COVENANT issue. Leviticus 27:30. Belongs to the Lord, it is Holy
meaning something specifically put aside dedicated to the Lord. That's why
not paying tithes is regarded as ROBBING / cheating GOD. It's a breaking of
a covenant (Malachi 3:9). The Lord demands our hearts. Matthew 6:20-21


It is clear through scripture that tithes are to take care of PEOPLE who serve in
the House of the Lord.

◾ It is a Biblical requirement and pattern that PEOPLE who are involved in full
time ministry be financially supported by those who receive the ministry. In
the Old Testament God commanded that the Levites should receive the tithe
because they were special servants of the Lord. Numbers 18:21-24.

◾Malachi 3:10
So that there may be FOOD / BREAD in my house. That word BREAD have two
implications. Firstly food or bread in its PHYSICAL form and BREAD in the
SPIRITUAL form which is the WORD of God.

◾ In the NEW TESTAMENT for word of God to be there, we have people that
are committed to it. Paul makes it clear that the Lord’s money should be
shared with those who are teaching and preaching the Word of God. He
argues that it is his right to reap a material harvest from those he serves
spiritually. The Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should
receive their living from the gospel. 1 Corinthians 9:13-14.
I Timothy 5:17-18

◾JESUS was SUPPORTED by grateful people such as women in Luke 8:2-3 and
Matthew 27:55. He did not provide for His and His disciples needs by
supernatural means. Judas was His treasurer and looked after gifts given to
Jesus and His ministry.


◾ We must tithe to the PLACE where we RECIEVE our spiritual blessing or
where you spiritually FED. Where your storehouse is, which your local church
is. Malachi 3:10

◾ The tithe was given on an annual basis in the Old Testament while on a
weekly basis in the New Testament. It depends on when you are paid and
should be the first fruits (that is, the first deduction you make).
Exodus 23:19a, Numbers 18:12, Nehemiah 10:35-38.


◾To those who PAY tithes. To those who are faithful the Lord promises to
bless them.
Malachi 3:10
Haggai 1:5-7

“90% with the blessing of the Lord achieve much more than 100% without the
blessing of the Lord.” Bruce McAlpine
Protection over their lives, wealth and resources. Malachi 3:11

◾ To HOUSE of the Lord. There's bread in the house, hence the GOSPEL is
preached to the nations. The Great commission to be fulfilled. Malachi 3:12
🔸The Kingdom of God advanced.

Exodus 25:1, also known as FREEWILL OFFERINGS. This is when a person gives as
they feel in their heart.

II Corinthians 9:6-8
 You are to give as you have decided, make a decision. Don't give
 Tithing demonstrates OBEDIENCE to God but offerings demonstrates LOVE
FOR GOD. Generosity is an expression of love. John 3:16.
 It’s about the heart not the amount (Mark 12:41-43).God sees your heart.


This money is to be used for “things.” in the house of God, Exodus 25:8 "Have
them make a sanctuary for me.” It's what is used to build and maintain the house
of God and its furnishings.

In a modern day setup that's what you use to pay your bills, buy equipment or
furniture as well as maintenance.

In summary
◾The Bible teaches that God demands our tithes whereas He deserves our
◾We use offerings for “THINGS” while tithing is used for “PEOPLE.
Alms giving is giving specifically to the poor or to meet a need.

 Almsgiving can be administered through the church (Acts 2:45, Acts 11:27)
or through directly to individuals. (Luke 3:11)
 We don't do it to SHOW OFF but as expression of our FAITH. Matthew 6:1-
2, James 2:14-17, I Timothy 5:8
 Its a demonstration of love for people and ultimately for God. Remember,
we show our love for God by loving His people. I John 3:17-18

This is giving our money towards the extension of God’s kingdom into the
nations. We should contribute generously to His purpose of world evangelism.

We are co-workers with God (1 Cor 3:9). We are to be helping Him carry out
His plan of redeeming the world. We should see our giving going out all over
the world, carrying the truth to the nations. Paul, the apostle, received gifts
from various churches

Phil 4:14-18, II Corinthians 8:1- 2

The churches in Philippi or Macedonian region supported Paul in his ministry.

• Tithe 10% of your gross salary to your local church.
• The tithe must be first-fruits. Tithe when you receive your salary, wages
or other income.
• Never give out of manipulation, but rather out of conviction.
• God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor 9:6-8). Don’t give reluctantly.
• Think before giving a pledge as this should always be honoured.

◾ Able to support those who serve.
◾ Able to run its affairs, is debt free and continues to grow and develop.
◾ Remembers the poor and the disadvantaged. Widows, orphans etc.
◾ Fully committed to the preaching and spreading of the gospel.

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