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Mission: Rescue Steve

Day 2: So, finally they got Steve’s address. Then all of the three friends talk about what they can
do to save Steve. Finally they came out with a plan. They decided to go to Steve’s new address
and to save him from his miseries. As per plan they packed their school bags with some items
like torch light, food supply, ropes etc. All of the three were waiting for the night to end so that
they can begin their journey. As they waited every second felt like an eternity.
Day 3: John woke up at 5:30 am in the morning and quickly finished his breakfast. The breakfast
were leftovers from yesterday’s dinner. Then he grabbed his backpack and slowly moved
towards the door as he didn’t want his mother to notice him. He finally sneaked out of the house.
The sunrise grifted John in the morning. As they planned yesterday, they are going to Steve’s
new address by riding cycle as they had one. They all decided to meet in the playground. When
John reached the playground he saw all of his friends were waiting for him. No sign of fear was
present in anyone’s face and they started their adventure. The address was far away from their
home. When they reached Steve’s place place, it was already started getting dark. They saw a
house surrounded by a huge brick wall. They all knew that they couldn’t get in to the house by
main gate. As they already knew how Steve’s parents were, they were sure that if Steve’s parents
saw them they wouldn’t let John and his friends enter the house. Suddenly John noticed a boy
similar to their age standing on the balcony and the boy looked sad. John and his friends instantly
understood that the bit was none other than Steve. They immediately started planning how they
could rescue Steve. They finally came out with a plan. One of John’s friend opened his bag and
pulled out his notebook and wrote “Are you Steve?” After writing it, he made an aero plane with
it and he threw the plane aiming at the balcony hoping that Steve notices. They wanted Steve to
notice the plane. Fortunately, the plane reached the balcony and Steve noticed that and he opened
the page and read the message. Steve shock his head saying yes. Then they threw another plane
asking if his parents were at home. Steve replied negative. John decided to go in first. He used
his rope to climb the brick wall. When John reached the top his four friends climbed one after
another quickly. Suddenly John noticed a dog growling like an engine. But it was chained so
they sigh-in relief. John asked everyone to stay alert so they can let him know in case of
emergency. Then John went alone to talk with Steve. Steve was surprised as he didn’t know
anything. John quickly explained everything to Steve saying that he read his diary and the diary
was talking to him. Steve was glad that someone came to rescue him. John grabbed Steve’s
hand and asked him to follow him. They all climbed the brick wall again in order to escape the
house. They sat on their bi-cycles and paddled as fast as they could. They reached the nearest
police station. All of their hearts were beating as one. They felt like they are different body’s
one soul. They reported to the police in-charge and explained everything. The police understood
the situation. Police took custody of Steve and John and his friends went back to home.
Day 4: The police took necessary steps to ensure Steve’s safety. They found a new foster home
for Steve where he was loved by all. Steve became friends with John and his friends =. Now they
all play together and go to the same school. It was an adventure they will never forget in their life

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