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Evaluation Criteria Form - Sales and Marketing

Not necessarily put a price tag & product specification on every single
Price Notice & Product Check the price & product notice like a
Sales & "Prices & Product specification of full- unit - in case of displaying more than 2 units for the same model, it's just
S&M Operation Specification price tag, stand and bulletin board at the 2 0
Marketing range models are to be noticed clearly." fine to put a price tag on one unit; 'every price information is noticed only
PERFECT OR NOT showroom.
through one bulletin board' is NG.
"Every staff is to provide customers with
Sales & Quotation / Estimate Form & Check the actual sample of quotation & If it's not possible to watch the operation, ask the staff how to provide
S&M Operation contact information like calling card or 2 0
Marketing Contact details for customer contact details document. contact information to customers.
other similar ones."
"Every shop is to do something in Ask the operation flow in handover & on
Sales & Handover Ceremony & Message handover of motorcycles & sending a how to appreciater customer to e.g.Photoshooting, Dance Show and etc. (at least should have pictures
S&M Operation 2 0
Marketing of appreciation letter of appreciation to customers for customers when purchasing; Letter or of last month's sales as proof) (more than 50%)
every purchase." text, etc.
"Every shop is to communicate with Ask the staff how to communicate with
customers on the regular basis based customers as well as its To keep ties with customers after releasing, especially cash-payment
Sales & Regular Communication & on the list of customers." frequency;telephone, SMS text, ones.
S&M Operation 3 0
Marketing Customer list "Every shop is to have the list of Facebook and etc. Request the actual sample of material and record.
prospective customers and to keep Check the list of prospective customers & It doesn't matter for the mode of monitoring; log book, PC and etc.
following up to reach deals." must be monthly updated (3 months)

callbook sheet, account grid, weekly sales report (updated) (Check if they
Sales & "Every shop is to send the sales report
S&M Operation Reporting to YMPH Check the actual reportof sales. have the updated YMPH template and if they are complying with our 3 0
Marketing to YMPH every month."

Sales & Check if the staff can answer the 2

Manpower Product Knowledge 2 questions will be asked by the evaluator 3 0
Marketing questions related to our product properly.
15 0% 0
Evaluation Criteria Form - Shop & Manpower

Accessibility and Floor "Customers can access anywhere they want to Especially watch the access to accessories.
Shop & Check the access to each corner and if customer can
Facility Direction to each corner go without interruption except the room for staff At least there is a room for one person who can 2 0
Manpower touch the helmet and apparels display without difficulty.
(Parts, Apparel, cashier) only." pass through. In relation with IATF guidelines.

"Every shops needs to keep the showroom Check the showroom condition (main light & business Not necessarily to use every electric light if outside
Shop & Showroom light condition & bright during the business hours." hours.) sunlight is enough to keep inside bright. Only 1
Facility 2 0
Manpower Ambiance "All 3S Shop must be well ventilated. It must Check if aircon is on and properly working upon entering busted light is allowed as long as it's not included in
have a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere." the shop last checklist.
Check if the waiting lounge is utilized for customers
Shop & "Every shop is to have waiting lounge for
Facility Waiting Lounge only. And no unnecessary things on it. Must have 2 0
Manpower customers waiting for repair and maintenance."
barstools and with distancing on seats.
"No posting of POP on modules."
Check each module if there's no POP posted on it.
Shop & "Every shop is to use all modules, PoP's, display
Facility POP Posting and Utilization Check if all poster holders, PoP's contains Yamaha 2 0
Manpower tools provided by Yamaha properly and
provided posters only and in proper placement.
SHOWROOM"Every shop is to keep inside
clean & neat; no unnecessary goods on the
floor, counters and ceiling" No visible trash, dust and cobwebs. No unecessary
Showroom, Comfort Room & Look around the showroom, comfort room & motorcycle
Shop & CR"Check if the hand-washing faucet, door things over the counter. Personal things of the staff
5S Motorcycle Display display condition. 2 0
Manpower locking & toilet flushing system work properly.It should not be visible. Disinfection and IATF
Cleanliness Recommended to have tissue and soap
should be clean and well lit all the time." Guidelines should be implemented.
MC"Displayed units are to keep clean and no
dust are spotted on the units."
Shop & Check the vending machine and/or other beverage/drink Must have cups & signage. Recommended to have
Facility Self-service Beverage / Drink 2 0
Manpower facilities. cups
Shop & Functioning and Customer
Facility 3S Shop must have internet facility. Try accessing the internet through smart phone Must have wifi & signage 3 0
Manpower used Wi-Fi
Shop & Check if music, TV program & Touch Screen are played If there are calamities, news & current events it's
Facility Music, TV & Touch Screen Yamaha In store radio & videos only. 2 0
Manpower at the shop. okay to be played
"Every shop is to be recognized as a Yamaha
authorized dealer with its front main signage."
Check if the front signage & louver wall which YMPH
One type of POP per façade. Only 1 wide
provided is installed with no modification. Check the lighting for visibility of signage. Check if
Shop & Visible Signage, Louver wall banner is allowed hanging infront of the shop (if
Facility Stand in the outside of shop and just look inside through there are barriers in the signage mark NO. 2 0
Manpower & Postering on Shop façade the shop has no tent and movable billboard.
windows. Check how many and what kind of poster. It Applies to YMPH or dealer initiated design or POP
allowed area for wide banner: tent, perimeter
should be in compliance with Visual merchandising
wall, designated wide banner frame, movable
Shop & "Notice of business hours and/or holidays is to recommended to be professionally made not hand
S&M Operation Notice of Business Hours Check around the entrance. 2 0
Manpower be found easily around the entrance." written
Ask BM first for uniform schedule. Check the clothes of
If it's not possible to identify even just one person as
BM, Sales and Admin; it's ok if dealer or Yamaha
Staff Uniform & Name tag "Every shop staff is to wear an uniform so that the shop staff, it'll be against our policy (NG);
Shop & provided uniform.
Manpower (BM, Sales & Admin - customers can easily regonize them as shop Sandal like Crocks, Flipflap & Open shoses is not 2 0
Regular employee) staff." allowed for the shop staff.
Maong Jeans is allowed during washday & field
personnel. Wearing of ID/nametag at all times
[Type A](total - 9persons)
BM-1, Sales-3, Admin-2, CI-0 (If financing is done
"Every shop is to have enough number of staff Check the number of staff at each department. Including by Dealer, 1 CI is mandatory) Mechanic-2 (If more
Number of Shop Staff to accommodate customers and operate the 3rd party financial company. than one year should be 3, Parts-1
Shop &
Manpower shop." Check if staff has any opportunities to become regular [Type B](total - 8persons) 3 0
Length of Stay in 3S Shop employees of company. Interview of staff when they BM-1, Sales-2, Admin-2, CI-0 (If financing is done
"Every staff must stay minimum 6 months." joined the 3S Shop. by Dealer, 1 CI is mandatory) Mechanic-2 Parts-1
[Type C](total - 5person)
BM-1, Sales-1, Admin-1, Mechanic-1, Parts-1
"Shop should have Official FB Page / account
Shop & Utilization of Social that is used for promoting brand, motorcycle, Utilization of Official FB page/account for other
Manpower 3 0
Manpower Networking Sites promotions and generation of awareness to brand promotion is not allowed.
Welcoming Customers
Shop & "Every shop staff is to welcome customers Check the actual operation during the evaluation or let Watch facial expression, way of greeting,
Manpower (BM, Sales, CI, Admin., Parts 3 0
Manpower warmly with a smile" the sales staff demonstrate in welcoming customers clothing/dress and behaviour. Must be in 7 seconds
& Service)
GOOD - smile, polite way of talking, placing hands
Response to Customers in front and etc.
Shop & "Every shop staff is to attend to customers
Manpower (BM, Sales, CI, Admin., Parts Judge the sales staff with GOOD and BAD factors. BAD - chewing gum, hands in pocket, calling in 3 0
Manpower quickly and politely."
& Service) front of customers, folding arms, shaking legs,
talking with foods inside and etc.
35 0% 0
Evaluation Criteria Form - Service

PDI "Every shop is to have carbonized
Check the actual 5 samples
PDI sheet and to file copies with
Pre Delivery Inspection customers' signature."
-No Blank for Every Item
PERFECT OR NOT & PMS"Every shop is to inform the
Service AS Operation -with Customer's Signature Record on PC is acceptable. 5 0
Periodical periodical inspection timing to every
-Must be proper checking
Inspection/Maintenance customer through mobile text/other
tools and to file the record on log
Check the log book.
No Log Book, No Following Up.
"Every shop is to announce the service
Check the existence of board for service
Service AS Operation Labor Fee Plate labour charge per item and/or per If there is a blank and/or it's incompleted, it will be judged as NG. 2 0
Estimate for Repair & "Every shop is to give an estimate to Check the actual 5 samples of
Maintenance every customer prior to actual repair/maintenance estimate records
Final Confirmation after Service repair/maintenance." (randomly).
Especially a carry-over job like major engine overhaul, repair for
Service AS Operation Job PERFECT OR "Every shop is to explain the contents Check the actual 5 samples of 3 0
accident unit and etc. TCS Menu is acceptable
NOT of jobs to a customer and to file the repair/maintenance invoice with
maintenance report with customer's customer's signature. Must be 70% with
signature." signature
Brightness at the Workshop Check the lighting at the workshop. With The shop doesn't need to turn on the lights if it's not dark even without
busted - NO lighting.

Bikelift & Compressor and "Every shop is to have a bikelift and Check the bikelift and let the staff Type A - 3 lifts, Type B - 2 lift, Type C - 1 lift
Service Facility Related Equipments compressor which work properly as operate it. Confirm if it's not used for other purposes than repair & maintenances 3 0
well as air-hose reel" Check if the compressor works properly (it's not even the temporary space for damage parts & tools)
and if the staff drain water regularly.

"Every shop must have organized files Service workshop must be free from any personal items, files & empty
Orderliness & Neatness of & items, set number of tool box inside, -Must observe 5S (Sort, Set in order, bottles.
Service Workshop & Other cleanliness of floor, wall, ceiling & Sweep, Standardize & Sustain) Ergonomics must be observe. Mechanic can move freely to service the
Service 5S Tools(Counter, Working Table, workshop counter at the easy-to-find -No unnecessary, personal, unrelated unit. 3 0
Toolbox) used in Repair location in workshop." documents & not used for other TOOL BOX
"Every items must be organized, clean, purposes - A (3), B (2), C (1) not even the temporary space for damage parts,
neat & free from unnecessary items." tools & personal items
Check the complete set of service
SMANUALS"Every shop is to keep
manuals. Check the filling of Technical
required service manuals and to be
Service Manuals, Technical Service Information, it should be up to
ready for immediate usage." At least 3/Type A, 2 Mechanics/Type B with some certicates by YMPH
Service AS Operation Service Information & Certificate date. 2 0
CERT"Every shop is to display (YTA or 3S Pre-Opening Training)
Display Check if the mechanic certificate(s) are
mechanic certificates at the place
displayed with frame(s). Must be
where customers easily recognize."
"Every shop is allowed to keep units
Check the actual units parked at the No motorcycle stock for selling (brand new or repo) and/or for staff. No
Service 5S Stock at the Workshop & Tagging for PDI, maintenance & repair only at 3 0
workshop area. label (for repair, waiting for parts & for warranty) is NO
the workshop."
Look around the workshop; if you cannot
"Customers are not allowed to enter & Information board to advise "No Entry into Workshop" ? & Chain must
Service AS Operation No Customers at the Workshop see the customers, ask the staff of the 3 0
stay into the workshop." be available & used
actual operation.
CLIST"Every shop is to keep a record
for a series of services - PDI, peridical
maintenances and repairs - for every
Workshop Customer List
workshop customer." Check the list of record for workshop Any form like log book or PC is fine as long as the shop keep the
Service AS Operation PERFECT OR NOT & 3 0
LONG-TERM"Every shop is to follow customers. Must be updated (3 months) record.
Following up Long-Term Repairs
up long-term repairs and to sound the
motorcycle conditions one week after
hanging over to customers."
Check the actual monthly report of The evaluators are to prepare for the 12-month record of receiving
Service AS Operation Report to YMPH 3 0
Service Performance to YMPH. Service Performance Report to share the situation with Dealers.
"3S shop with TCS facility must utilize Check the actual operation If not utilize due to YMPH fault = Yes
TCS Operation and it during operating hours" Record of Job Order Hard Copy & Soft If not utilize during operating hours & no concern from YMPH = NO
Service AS Operation 5 0
Service Receptionist Operate the System and mange the copy must be 100% tally
Service shop Undergo Service receptionist training SR training date
Check PC or Service Receptionist
Service Shop personnel must have
computer for installation and utilization.
Service AS Operation YNSPIRE access or direct encoding with the No installation / No internet / No utilization= NO. 5 0
Record on PC encoded of WRC and
YNSPIRE system
FSC from at least previous month
40 0% 0
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DN-PR-004 FM003 Rev 03
Evaluation Criteria Form - Spare Parts

Strictly no Imitation Parts. Check the display exclusive for genuine Only Yamaha VI certified display tools are allowed; any immitation
Genuine Parts and Product "Accessories not competing directly spare parts. parts display are NG.
Parts AS Operation 3 0
Display with YGP is acceptable. YGP must take Check the display for '-Accessories not directly compete with YGP is acceptable & must
majority in the display of accessories." All Variant of YAMALUBE have price indication: price tag is acceptable.
"Every shop is to keep the stock of
If just one item is out of stock at the showroom, it should be judged as
consumable parts." Ask the spare parts staff to demonstrate
Stock of Consumable Parts & NG.
Parts Manpower "Every shop must address customer parts picking up and count the time for 3 0
Parts Handover Operation Standard picking time for 10 items must be less than 3 minutes. If the
needs on a speedy manner. Customer the 10 items.
shop staff take more than 3 minutes, it will be judged as NG.
must not wait long time."
"Every shop is recommended to order
spare parts from YMPH at least once a Ask the spare parts staff about regular Every shop should established regular ordering schedule; minimum
Parts AS Operation Periodical Parts Order to YMPH 3 0
week to keep a proper level of order schedule. twice a month to head office or directly to YMPH.
Every shop must respond to all Randomly ask price of 5 very fast If possible, custodian is recommended to memorize the price of
Answer for Price Inquiry &
customer price inquiry quickly. moving items and count the time. maintenance parts or fast moving parts. Feed back must be less than
Parts Manpower SRP for Spare Parts & 3 0
Shop must not sell below the SRP set Compare SRP with the actual price of 3S 1 minute.
by YMPH. sales based ON INVOICE. If just one item price is below SRP, it should be judged as NG

"Customer must be informed Check BO monitoring list if they have It would be judged as OK if a customer is already informed of parts
immediately upon arrival of BO parts." record confirming that they already availability.
Delivery Information and Advice
Parts AS Operation "Every shop is to have the list of inform the customer. Appreciated it if the list include the information like the reason of walk- 2 0
and Back order list
customers with their purchasing records Check the actual spare parts customer in, purchasing records of spareparts & accessories, the history of
of spareparts & accessories. list. (Customer database) periodical maintenance and etc.

Every shop must manage inventory Check if the shop have the invetory It doesn't matter for the mode of management; excel format provided
Parts AS Operation Inventory Management System 3 0
thru YMPH excel format or own system. management system on PC. by YMPH or their own one.
Every shop must submit complete Check actual monthly report if it is Include sales, inventory and supply rate at least. If 1 month is
Parts AS Operation Report to YMPH 3 0
reports monthly to YMPH complete from January to present. missing, it will be rated as NG. (timely submission also)
20 0% 0

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