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3rd Floor, Yamaha Bldg. Real St. Brgy Songco,

Borongan City, Eastern Samar, 6800


Program/Project/Activities: Borongan Hog Raisers Multiplier Breeder Farm (BHRA-MBF)

Proponent: Borongan Hog Raisers Association (BHRA) /FELIX A. AFABLE

Project Cost: Php 10,000,000.00

Amount Sourced to be Sourced Out from: ATI-RFO8, ViSCA, Baybay City

Proposed Fund Source: Agricultural Training In-08stitute (ATI-08) ViSCA, Baybay City

The Borongan Hog Raisers Association (BHRA) is an organization of workers,
producers, processors, agents, feed dealers and meat stall holders involved in the hog
industry organized in Sept. 17, 2022 and duly registered with the Department of Labor
and Industry. The members voluntarily decided to associate with each other to advance
the welfare of the members when the issues on live weight price of fattened hogs
dwindled, the importation of pork as well as at the height of entry of suspected ASF
infected live hogs to the province of Eastern Samar became hot while the price of hog
feeds shoot up almost weekly.

While the LGU of the City of Borongan was very much involved in implementing its
center piece of development template titled “DUKWAG AGRIKULTURA” Program; the
Local Chief Executive of the City issued an E.O. of non-entry of live hogs to the City of
Borongan as well as the Provincial Governor of Eastern Samar did so to protect the local
hog industry in the area.

The association lauded the actions of both Local Executives, however the issue on price
of live weight hogs became more serious. The hog raisers in various parts of the
Philippines went to the social media to air their grievances on the dying industry whose
direct clients are small hold Filipinos throughout the archipelago who are dependent in
this industry as their livelihood whose pig population vary from 2 to 10 pigs in a batch.

In consultation with the City Agriculturist of Borongan the issue on market size and
weight prop up when the question of low price of live weight of pigs was mentioned in a
meeting with the association officers and the officials involved. The size of fattened pigs
for market was way smaller than those demanded by pork dealers. Experts confirmed
that growth and size of pigs is governed by genetics hence – consultation with hog
raisers in the field revealed that the source of their stock are coming from local hog
raisers whose parental source cannot be determined, hence, this proposal.
The Borongan Hog Raisers Association (BHRA) is desirous enough to request from the
MAGSASAKA Partylist seed funding assistance in order to start and establish a
multiplier swine breeder farm in its area of operation that will be source of fattened hogs
for market in the City of Borongan and the Province of Eastern Samar.
The Borongan Hog Raisers Multiplier Breeder Farm (BHRA-MBF) referred hereto as the
project will be established in an accessible location owned or rented by the organization
if fund warrants. The Multiplier Breeder Farm will be the source of F3 gilts of recognized
breed adapted to the climatic conditions of the area. The F3 gilts will then be the source
of F4 gilts that will be raised by its members who will be the source of piglets for fattening
by the members.

The current population of quality parental stocks registered farm with the City Veterinary
Office or the City Agriculturist Office …see data from City Agriculturist Office, City Vet
Office, or PSA…..

The market demand of quality piglets in the locality is very high. Current price fetches
from Php4,500.00 to Php5,500.00 as revealed by the most members who buy their
stocks for fattening from neighbors and nearby sources within the City or referred by
friend or fellow grower.

The target beneficiaries of the project are its members who are into hog fattening. The
project is expected to be very beneficial first to the association members for they will be
able to have quality stocks for fattening. Secondly, other fatteners who are non-
members willing to invest on good quality fattener stocks, thirdly to fatteners outside the
City of Borongan who are willing to avail of this precious stocks that cannot be found and
acquired within the locality.


The main objective of the project is to establish a Swine Multiplier Farm Project in Brgy
Libuton, Borongan City, Eastern Samar to supply quality breeder and fattener stocks for
BHRA hog raiser members and non-members to hasten the recovery of livelihood
affected by the current economic crisis, the pandemic COVID 19, and the ASF outbreak
that seriously affected the hog industry in the area. Specifically, the project when
operational shall:

1. Produce the adapted and acclimatized pigs under local conditions of Eastern
2. Sale and/or distribute quality parental and commercial lines of fattening hogs to
member backyard and non-member hog raiser in Borongan;
3. Provide capacity building through hands-on trainings and seminars, technical
support, production guide, and brochures to beneficiaries;
4. Enhance and increase the supply of stocks for pork in the area; and
5. To promote clustering, value adding, innovative marketing and socially cum
environmentally responsible production strategies.


This project will be based on multiplier breeder farm concept. The Borongan Hog
Raisers Association (BHRA) as the over-all implementing entity, will establish
multiplier breeder farm for swine. The project will have a complete facilities required
for a multiplier farm such as Animal Breeder House, foundation stocks, feeds, drugs
and biologics and farm equipment.
The proponent will provide the land area for the project and personnel to supervise
the management and operationalization of the project. Assign personnel and staff to
as manage and operate it, and provide farm supplies and facilities that could not be
covered by the funds provided to the project. The proponent (the Borongan Hog
Raiser’s Association) being registered with the Department of Labor & Employment
referred to in this proposal shall be the direct beneficiary of the same as its social
responsibility and ensure the attainment of its goals. Likewise, the proponent
(Borongan Hog Raisers Association) in its desire to attain or realize its goals shall be
allowed to seek assistance from public or private companies or sources via grants or
aids either local or foreign for necessary support and enhancement of the same.

The multiplier farm will acquire foundation stocks charge to the project and the
offspring produced will be made available to clustered members’ in a community or
barangay of members at a discounted price being the direct beneficiaries of the
project. Fifty (50%) of the stocks produced will be for non-members within the City of
Borongan as well as outside the area of operation at a premium price. Income from
this process shall be used to support sustainability goals of the project.

Funding support and good management will be ensured to sustain the goals of the
project. The project site or the farm can be utilized as learning site for target
beneficiaries and source of information on how to make swine production feasible
and sustainable.


A. Breeder Component. The Swine Multiplier Breeder Farm Project will acquire
Foundation Stocks (FS) of selected pig breeds preferably Grand Parental Stocks
(pure lines) or parental stocks (F1 stocks) from legitimate nucleus (private or
government farm). The offspring of the foundation stocks will be made available
to target member beneficiaries’ who opt to go on piglet production to be provided
to clustered members of one to 5 barangays within the area of operation. Some
selected offspring shall be retained in the farm for stock build-up or replacement.
Replacement stocks shall be done annually to ensure the continuous supply of
breeder stocks.
B. Supplies Component. To start the operation, the project will allocate funds for
the maintenance of the breeder stocks to include cost of feeds, supplements,
veterinary drugs and biologics. The subsequent needs for supplies shall be
provided by the proponent as counterpart and to ensure sustainability of the
project. Sales and proceeds from the breeders and other farm products will be
used for the operation and maintenance of the farm and animals.
C. Farm Facilities Component. This include the animal houses and fixed facilities
of the farm including the repair or fixing of these facilities. These include but not
limited to the bio-security facility and concrete fence, grower house for gilts and
junior boars, the gestating & farrowing house, nursery pens, feed bodega, holding
pens and isolation quarters for sick animals, caretakers quarter, AI lab and office,
water system and waste management facilities.
D. Machineries and Equipment. This includes large animal scale, pregnancy
tester, dummy sow, semen freezer and thawer, stand-by generator or solar
power generator, high powered microscope with accessories, AI facilities and
accessories, air conditioners, bio-security camera with accessories, training
facilities, office facilities etc


The total fund for the project is Php M and the requested amount from Magsasaka
Partylist is Five Million pesos (Php 5,000,000.00) which can be adjusted based on
prevailing cost of each item or maybe reduced based on availability of funds. Proponent
shall pursue fund sourcing from donors in order to realize this project
COST (Php)
4 in 1 Hog House
(Breeding, Gestating,
1.5M 1 unit 1.5M
farrowing and
Feed bodega 200K 1 unit 200K
Farm Facility Holding pens &
(Housing) isolation quarters for 150K 1 unit 150K
sick animals
Concrete fence 250K 1 unit 250K
Caretakers Quarter 100K I unit 100K
AI Lab & Office 500K 1 unit 500K
Waste Mgt Facility 200K 1 unit 200K
Water System 200K 1 unit 200K
10 heads PARENT
STOCK pure breed 50K 10 heads 500K
ready to bred gilts
Breeder Stock
1 head PARENT
STOCK purebred 75K 1 head 75K
junior boar
Feeds 300K 300K
Supplies Vet supplies &
50K 50K
Machineries & Pressurized pump,
Equipment water pump, farm
120K 120K
tools, standby solar
power generator
TOTAL Php4,145,000.00


Prepared and proposed by:

Project leader/___________


Endorsed by:

RFO/Agency Director

Recommending Approval:


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