Uti 2

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Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection (UTIs) include: y y y y y y Abdominal pain Blood in the urine Cloudy urine Lower back pain Painful urination, often with a burning sensation Urgent and constant need to urinate

If pain is the predominant symptom interstitial cystitis may be considered See your doctor or health professional if the symptoms persist for more than 24 hours and get immediate medical treatment if more severe symptoms occur such as: y y y y y Chills Fever Nausea Severe pain in the mid-back Vomiting

Women get the infection more often because it is much easier for bacteria to enter the urethra and work its way up into the bladder as it is so close to the vagina and the anus. Urinary tract infections include: Urethritis y Cystitis y infection of the bladder infection of the urethra

Pyelonephritis y the kidneys become infected when bacteria ascends up the ureters

Contributing Factors Some factors that may result in urinary tract infections are:

Sexual Intercourse: y y can transfer bacteria from the anal-vaginal area to the urethra and the bladder may irritate tissues

Birth Control Methods: y y Ill-fitting diaphragms may place pressure on the bladder The chemicals in spermicides may irritate vaginal tissues

Physical Structural Problems: Some women may have an actual physical problem which predisposes them to urinary tract infections (UTIs). A physical examination and medical history will determine if there is any problem. Risk Factors In Children: y y y y Babies born with abnormalities of the urinary tract, such as posterior urethral valves or vesicoureteral reflux, which may require surgery Small girls have a shorter urethra than boys so get infected easier Soiled diapers on young children can cause an infection if left on too long Uncircumcised boys more than circumcised boys because bacteria survives in warm, moist areas under the foreskin

In Adults y y y y y Low water intake will cause less urination, which flushes out the system People with diabetes have a higher risk of infection because of changes in the immune system Sexually active teenagers and adult women because of friction occurring at the meatus during intercourse Wiping from back to front after using the toilet can expose the vaginal and meatal area to rectal bacteria, oftenEscherichia coli (E. coli) Women with specific blood types

Other Factors Catheters or tubes placed in the bladder: y y y y when urination is impossible when people are unconscious or critically ill on the elderly on those with nervous system disorders such as spinal cord injury where loss of bladder control may require catheters permanently

Infections can be caused by the bacteria:

y y y y y y y y y

Citrobacter Enterobacter Escherichia coli (E. coli) Klebsiella Proteus Pseudomonas Serratia Staphylococcus aureus Streptococcus fecalis

health professional will check your symptoms and test your urine, which is essential as other conditions have similar symptoms, including: y y y y y Bladder cancer Chlamydia Gonorrhea Irritable bladder Vaginal infection

If there are bacteria in your urine several different antibiotics may be prescribed to treat uncomplicated infections. The regimen is usually: y y antibiotics for 1-3 days for first infection antibiotics for 7-10 days

For recurrent infections a urinary analgesic, such as Phenazopyridine, may be prescribed for the pain Help Factors y Hot water bottles or heating pads to ease cramps and soothe the pain

If left untreated infections can result in: y y kidney damage death

Help Factors Drink y y y Avoid y y y y y y y acid foods alcohol caffeine chocolate citrus fruits spices tomatoes a cup of water with a half a teaspoon of baking soda 1-2 times a day cranberry juice as it helps reduce the amount of bacteria in your urine large amounts of water to help flush the bacteria out of the system

Other Factors y y y y y Drink water before and after sex so that you will urinate a good volume with a steady stream afterward Regular testing of urine during pregnancy Urinating after sexual intercourse Wiping from the vagina to the anus after urinating to avoid spreading bacteria Wear cotton underwear as it is less irritating and provides more ventilation than nylon

Risk Factors y Tight clothing and pantyhose may irritate tissues, trap heat and promote bacterial growth

Complications Recurrent Cystitis Some women suffer from recurrent urinary tract infections:

y y

20% of women who have had one urinary tract infection (UTI) will have one recurrence 30% of those women will have more than one recurrence

The recurrent infection usually stems from a different strain or type of bacteria from the original urinary tract infection (UTI) During Pregnancy If a pregnant woman develops a urinary tract infection (UTI) it often travels to the kidney causing pyelonephritis, due to hormonal changes and fluctuations and increased pressure on the bladder In Babies y y If left untreated the infection can harm the fetus Newborn babies may get a systemic infection called Sepsis

After Menopause Infection can occur when vaginal tissues start to break down due to a decrease in estrogen levels

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