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EntYour Company name Balance sheet

EntCurrent assets: Previous year Current year Current assets will likely be converted into cash within one year
Cash 46.00 18.00
Investments - -
Inventories - -
Accounts receivable 16.00 -
Pre-paid expenses (e.g. insurance) 2.00 -
Other - -
Total current assets 64.00 18.00

EntFixed assets: Previous year Current year

Property and equipment 32.00 32.00 Capitalizing the asset (stand and land)
Leasehold improvements - -
Equity and other investments - -
Less accumulated depreciation - 5.00 - 5.00
Total fixed assets 27.00 27.00

EntOther assets: Previous year Current year

Goodwill - -
Total other assets - -

TotTotal assets 91.00 45.00

LiaLiabilities and owner’s equity

EntCurrent liabilities: Previous year Current year
Accounts payable 32.00 - goods or services short term
Notes payable - - cash long term interests
Accrued wages - -
Accrued compensation - -
Income tax payable 14.00 -
Unearned revenue - -
Other - -
Total current liabilities 46.00 -

EntLong-term liabilities: Previous year Current year

Mortgage payable - -
Total long-term liabilities - - 13.5

EntOwner’s equity: Previous year Current year

Investment capital 5.00 5.00
Accumulated retained earnings 40.00 40.00
Earnings year to date - Earnings = Net Profit on I/S
Total owner’s equity 45.00 45.00

TotTotal liabilities and owner’s equity 91.00 45.00

Pre Balance - -

Capitalize something that lasts longer than a year

Expense insignificant items, even if it lasts longer than a year (e.g. trash can)
>> A company can pick a set threshhold amount for expensing/capitalizing (i.e. $500)

Net book value: purchase price (of fixed assets) minus depriciation Depreciation is a non-cash expense

Cash runs the business, not profits!

Company name
Income Statement
For the year that ended [enter date]

Gross sales £ 50.00
Less: Sales returns and allowances
Net sales £ 50.00

Cost of goods sold

Beginning inventory £ 10.00
Add: Purchases £ 30.00 (sugar2, lemons10)
Direct labour
Indirect expenses
Inventory available £ 40.00

Less: Ending inventory £ 10.00

Cost of goods sold £ 30.00

Gross profit (Loss) £ 20.00

Glass rental fee £ -
Advertising £ -
Rent of space £ -
Wages & Direct Cost £ 4.00
Commissions £ -
Supplies £ -
Marketing £ -
Logistics £ -
Repairs and maintenance £ -
Miscellaneous £ -
Depreciation £ 4.00
Bad debt*
Interest £ -
Total expenses £ 8.00

Net operating income £ 12.00

Other income
Gain (loss) on sale of assets
Interest income (tAx) -£ 3.00
Total other income -£ 3.00

Net income (Loss) £ 9.00

*I/S connects the beginning BS and the ending BS

I/S Doesn't include capitalized investments (i.e. fixed assets)

Company name
Income Statement
For the year that ended [enter date]

Gross sales
Less: Sales returns and allowances
Net sales £ -

Cost of goods sold

Beginning inventory £ 10.00
Add: Purchases
Direct labou £ -
Indirect expenses
Inventory available £ 10.00

Less: Ending inve £ -

Cost of goods sold £ 10.00

Gross profit (Loss) -£ 10.00

Glass rental fee £ -
Advertising £ -
Rent of space £ -
Wages & Direct Cost £ -
Commissions £ -
Supplies £ -
Marketing £ -
Logistics £ -
Repairs and maintenanc £ -
Miscellaneous £ -
Depreciation £ -
Insurance* £ -
Bad debt* £ -
Interest £ -
Total expenses £ -

Net operating income -£ 10.00

Other income
Gain (loss) on sale of as £ -
Interest income
Total other income £ -

Net income (Loss) -£ 10.00

Company Name
Cash Flow
Starting cash on hand £ 59.00 Starting date Feb 2023 Cash minimum balance alert £ -

February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 ### October 2023 ### ### January 2024
Cash on hand (beginning of month £ 59.00 £ 41.00 £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ -

Cash Receipts

Cash sales £ 40.00 £ 50.00 £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ 90.00

Returns and allowances £ - £ -

Collections on accounts receivable £ 5.00 £ 5.00

Interest, other income £ -

Loan proceeds £ -

Owner contributions £ -

Other receipts £ -

Total Cash Receipts £ 45.00 £ 50.00 £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ 95.00

Total Cash Available £ 104.00 £ 91.00 £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ -

Cash Paid Out

Advertising £ - £ -

Commissions and fees £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ -

Contract work £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ -

Employee benefit schemes £ -

Insurance £ - £ - £ - £ - £ -

Interest expenses £ 27.00 £ 27.00

Materials and supplies (in COGS) £ 24.00 £ 21.00 £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ 45.00

Meals and entertainment £ -

Mortgage interest £ -

Office expenses £ -

Other interest expense £ -

Pension and profit-sharing plan £ -

Purchases for resale £ -

Rent or lease £ -

Rent or lease: vehicles, equipment £ -

Repairs and maintenance £ 2.00 £ 2.00

Supplies (not in COGS) £ -

Taxes and licences £ -

Travel £ -

Utilities £ -

Wages (less emp. credits) £ -

Other expenses £ -

Other expenses £ -

Other expenses £ -

Miscellaneous £ -

Subtotal £ 53.00 £ 21.00 £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ 74.00

Loan principal payment £ -

Capital purchases -£ 10.00 -£ 20.00 -£ 30.00

Other start-up costs £ -

To reserve and/or escrow £ -

Owners’ withdrawal -£ 4.00 -£ 4.00

Total Cash Paid Out £ 63.00 £ 45.00 £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ 40.00

Cash on hand (end of month) £ 41.00 £ 46.00 £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ - £ -

Other Operating Data

Sales volume (pounds)

Accounts receivable balance

Bad debt balance

Inventory on hand

Accounts payable balance


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