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1 Cell Junction
2.1.1 Definition

Specialized protein structures that provide a physical connection between a cell and
the extracellular matrix are called cell junctions. They can work as a glue for cells
because they are cell adhesion molecules. Cell junctions can have many functions
depend on the type of epithelium in which they reside. (Cell junction, Lenne)

2.1.2 Types

Cell junctions fall into three functional classes: occluding junctions, anchoring
junctions, and communicating junctions. Tight junction or zonula occluden is
included in occluding junctions which is a  selective permeable seal. As we can see,
the name is made up of two words that are ‘zonula’ which means small zone, while
the latter comes from the Latin word occludere, ‘occludens’, which means to close
up. Thus tight junction binds two cells together by creating a small zone occluding
the extracellular space. We can find this junction most at the border between apical
and lateral membranes between epithelial cells. Tight junctions are helped by
numerous essential proteins. The primary components are claudins and occludins.
(junqueiras p75) 

Presentasi :
Specialized protein structures that provide a physical connection between a cell and the
extracellular matrix are called cell junctions. Cell junctions can have many functions depend
on the type of epithelium in which they reside.

Cell junctions fall into three functional classes: occluding junctions, anchoring junctions, and
communicating junctions. Tight junction or zonula occluden is included in occluding
junctions which is a  selective permeable seal. This junction binds two cells together by
creating a small zone occluding the extracellular space and can be found mostly between
epithelial cells.

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