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severe penalties await those who ignore  Maintenance hatches (Very Difficult)
them. Plus, the increasingly-frantic guard
©2016 Michael Brown  Emergency airlocks (Difficult)
reminds them he doesn’t have that kind of
authority and rewards can be dealt with  Auxiliary craft (Very Difficult)
The PCs are asked to help restore order
and security aboard a stricken prison  Cargo bay (see below)
transport. A rough schematic of the ship appears
below. The barge is solidly built, unable to  The lifepods (Very Difficult, and a
Overview enter atmosphere, but dependent on pod would have to be released
While outsystem, the heroes receive a auxiliary vehicles (not shown). The bridge before the hatch is available.)
distress signal from a disabled prison (also not shown) sits atop one of the
cellblocks, which are arranged with the Whatever method the team uses to enter
transport. A full-scale breakout is the ship, they may meet a party of
underway aboard the ship and the guards guard stations in the center. The entire
ship is heavily compartmentalized, not convicts. One such group is on their way
have their hands full. As the PCs are the to the prisoner intake center. Another is in
first people they’ve gotten hold of, they only for structural integrity, but also
prisoner control. Security features include the cargo bay, and a third is headed for
invoke astrotime law to request aid. The one of the auxiliary vehicles. For any
heroes are asked to board the ship, help blast-resistant portals, biometric
scanners, full video coverage, and other area the team enters, there is a 10+
restore order, and help secure the chance of running into a wandering gang,
prisoners, some of whom are now armed anesthetic gas release; almost all of the
security measures are still offline. The checked every 30 minutes. The
and roaming the ship looking for an purposeful gangs number n; the
escape. computer itself is working only
intermittently. wandering gangs number n+4. All are
armed with makeshift clubs and knives,
Breakout! is designed for tabletop RPG The cellblocks hold 125 prisoners each. with 10% packing stolen pistols.
science fiction games using a 2D6 The guards, through Herculean effort and
creativity, have trapped the majority of The team can claim victory if they
mechanic — including the Original 2D6
Science Fiction Game — starring them in the blocks, although two guard  Secure all the gangs through sheer
characters of varied career backgrounds stations were compromised and have brute force
assumed to be traveling and working gone silent. The blast portals have
together beforehand. No special skills are prevented a mass exodus for the airlocks,  Sneak past them using air ducts and
required for the adventure, but combat lifepods, and auxiliary vehicles, but a few maintenance tubes and relieve the
and negotiating skills are useful. It’s roving inmate parties have escaped and besieged guards in the barracks and
assumed the PCs have a starship. are roaming the lower decks. on the bridge

To determine the number of enemies The heroes have several ways of gaining  Get the computer working and
during the indicated portions of the access to the vessel (demolition skills restore the security measures
adventure, a formula is used with n may be required for some): (computer skills, Formidable).
representing the number of PCs. Success allows them to access the
 The main intake area via the main anesthetic gas and lock down large
Example: n+3 is the number of PCs plus
docking port (but see below) portions of the ship. From the bridge,
access to the computer is (Routine).
Players’ Information
As the heroes’ ship breaks out of FTL Complications
and begins maneuvering toward the  One of the roving gangs takes the
system’s gas giant to refuel, they Engine Room after a brief fight. They
receive a frantic distress call from a take the drives offline and start
ship identifying itself as a prison making demands. Unfortunately, this
transport vessel. A cascade failure in is when an asteroid moves on a
the electrical systems resulted in the collision course — certain unless the
main computer going offline long drives can be restored in time.
enough for the security systems to fail.
 Another ship arrives in response to
The 500 inmates naturally took full
the prison ship’s distress call; but this
advantage of the situation. A riot is
one (which bears no visible
underway and the surviving guards are
markings) just sits out there, silent
fighting a desperate holding action until
and unmoving. What is it waiting for?
help can arrive.
Is it there to help or harm?
As the PCs vessel is the first to
acknowledge the distress call, the
guard on the other end invokes 1. Cellblocks
astrotime law to obtain “any and all aid 2. Fuel tanks
and assistance from the responding 3. Main airlock/prisoner intake
vessel.” In this instance, the guards ask area
the heroes to board the ship by any 4. Cargo bay and stores
method they can and help restore order 5. Guard barracks and habitat
and secure the prisoners 6. Engine room
Referee’s Information (Not shown: Bridge, emergency
PCs in a haggling mood should airlocks, lifepod access,
remember that astrotime law is clear auxiliary vehicles)
about responding to distress signals;

Sallerin Philippe (order #11411160)

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