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ACS Assignment Cover Sheet

Subject Name: Professional Environments (Module 1 – Assignment 1)

Assignment 1 – Professionalism, Ethics and Governance
Date of Submission: 15/02/2021
Case Study Name/No. 3A Maureen
Participant Name:
Celeste Tilwani

ACS Member Number: #4262763

Declaration: ☒ Check this box

I declare that the assignment is based on my own work and that all material previously written
or published in any source by any other person has been duly acknowledged in the assignment.
I have not submitted this work, or a significant part thereof, previously as part of any academic
program. In submitting this assignment, I give ACS permission to copy for assessment purposes

Module 1 - Assignment 1 – Case Study (Response Template)

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Section 1 – The White Framework
Student Instructions: Fill in the Table below using short sentences or dot points to make a list in each section. You must fill out all
three table cells under Issues/Results prior to marking it as complete. You should input 350-500 words into this section.

Case Study
Name & Number:
Step Process/Step Issues/Results
Step 1: Analyse - The
Consequences Good consequences
• The employees will not get in trouble for the mistakes.
• The employees will not have to lose pay as their mistakes will not be flagged by anyone.
• The organisational workflow will run as it is without any changes.

Bad consequences
• Company will have to bear huge loss in profit due to the wrong inputs provided by multiple users
among the junior management team.
• Will bring change in employees’ morality that they can get away with anything that they want
without any consequences.
• Reporting mistakes in the future will have much more consequences as these mistakes were hidden
other staff may feel unfair while only some of the errors are getting tagged.
• There will be no value of company policy and rules ad employee will start abusing this freedom.

Step 2: Analyse - The

Actions Bao was concerned for the Junior managers’ pay and hence was very sceptical and decided that she should
not report them as she did not want them to suffer significant loss in their pay due to their mistake. However,
she also had to undergo through the thought process that while she chose to not report the employees, the
accounting firm was actually bearing a lot of loss which she could have prevented. Ethically speaking, she
may have done right for the employees however, she did not follow the company code of conduct where

Module 1 - Assignment 1 – Case Study (Response Template)

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the employees had to be reported and consequences had to be faced. Bao is confused whether she needs
to listen to Bhavneet and implement strict policy to have their mistakes fixed.

Step 3: Make A Decision

While Bao could argue the fact that the entries in the software were supposed to be anonymous but while
she saw that the wrong information was being filled, it was a trend that she picked up. Even though the users
name could have remained anonymous while she reported this trend, it would have brought significant
notice to the management team and the employees that they would be careful while making further entries
to make sure everything aligned with the company policy. She should have made decisions keeping the
company values and policy in mind without hampering her ethical dilemma.

Section 2 – The Governance and Regulatory Environment

Part 1 - ACS Code of Professional Conduct Analysis

Identify the appropriate ACS Code of Professional Conduct values along with the relevant sub-paragraph topics by number and sub-paragraph
(e.g. 1.2.6 (g) – endeavour to extend public knowledge and understanding of ICT). Group each by value and appropriate corresponding sub-
paragraphs relevant to your case study.

Case Study:
(Name & Number)
ACS Code of Professional Conduct Value & Section: 1.2.1. Primacy of the Public Interest
1.2.1. (a) identify those potentially impacted by your work and explicitly consider their interests

1.2.1. (d) take into consideration the fact that your profession traverses many other professions, and has implications for other social
systems and organisations

Module 1 - Assignment 1 – Case Study (Response Template)

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1.2.1. (e) endeavour to preserve the integrity, security, continuity and utility of ICT

1.2.1. (f) respect the intellectual property of others

1.2.1. (g) endeavour to preserve the confidentiality and privacy of the information of others.
ACS Code of Professional Conduct Section: 1.2.3. Honesty
1.2.3. (g) not attempt to enhance your own reputation at the expense of another person’s
ACS Code of Professional Conduct Section: 1.2.4. Competence
1.2.4. (c) make yourself aware of relevant standards and legislation, and act accordingly
1.2.4. (d) respect and protect your stakeholders' proprietary interests
ACS Code of Professional Conduct Section: 1.2.5. Professional Development
1.2.5. (b) increase your awareness of issues affecting the profession and its relationship with the

Module 1 - Assignment 1 – Case Study (Response Template)

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Section 2 – The Governance and Regulatory Environment
Part 2 – Legislative and International Standards Analysis

Identify the appropriate Australian Legislation (e.g. Fair Work Act; Privacy Act). Identify and list relevant Australian/International Organization
for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (AS ISO/IEC) (e.g. AS ISO/IEC 38500:2016). Provide at least four items in each
category in the boxes below.

Case Study:

Australian Legislation
Privacy Act 1988
Freedom of Information Amendment (Reform) Act 2010
Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2014

AS/ISO/IEC Standards
(ISO/IEC 27000)
(ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
(ISO/IEC 27002:2013)
(ISO/IEC 27003:2013)
(ISO/IEC 27005:2013)
(ISO/IEC 27008:2013)

Module 1 - Assignment 1 – Case Study (Response Template)

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Section 3 – Justifying a Decision and Recommending Appropriate Action
Make short text responses to the five (5) questions in the spaces provided. Each response should be between 50 - 80 words (Total not to exceed
400 words).

1. What were the most important professional ethics issues/dilemmas for you in your scenario? (Reference at least two core issues)
• The first dilemma that Bao faces is whether to report the junior managers to the company because that would mean that the
employees would lose much of their pay because of the mistakes that they had been making in the entries.
• The second dilemma is actually releasing this information because as per the company policy the entries on the software is supposed
to be private and confidential data releasing this information would be breach of company policy on the new package’s performance.

2. What do you believe are the most appropriate decisions to be made here for management, organisation and employees?
• The management team should make sure that the employees are well aware of the corporate policies and guidelines and make strict
implementation of these rules and policies.
• Organisational policies need to be sent out to all the employees so that they are aware of any breaches that they might make while
completing their tasks.
• The employees should follow proper code of conduct and work within the ethical guidelines. They should have professional attitude
towards their work and own up to their responsibilities and mistakes.

3. Who is responsible for taking what action here and why? (Name names!)

I think that both Bao and Bhavneet both are responsible for taking actions. While Bao should raise this issue with Bhavneet as he is the level
up manager, Bhavneet should also guide Bao on taking steps as taking care of his staff so that Bao can walk in the right path. Bao should raise
the issue so that not only the company can reduce loss but also the employees with the accounting firm will be able to correct their mistakes
in the future.

4. What can be done, or what strategies can be implemented to ensure that a similar situation does not occur again?

• Corporate policies and values must be clearly stated to all the employees. There must be ways to ensure that the employees are
aware of this by conducting regular quizzes and surveys to keep everyone on track.
• While much of work need to be maintained with anonymity, we must ensure that there are ways to whistleblowing when we know
that someone is not completing the tasks with proper code of conduct.

Module 1 - Assignment 1 – Case Study (Response Template)

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• Make sure that company values and policies are observed with utmost respect.

5. What did you learn from reading this scenario?

What I learned from this scenario is that sometimes whistleblowing is necessary even though it might not seem the most ethically correct
step. But in the long run, everyone will benefit when rules are followed. It is important to make sure while making policies that loopholes are
reduced and analysed as much as possible so that it will help us refrain from any such possibility od grey areas in the future. This will help
both the employees and the management team to conduct their tasks correctly and effectively.

Module 1 - Assignment 1 – Case Study (Response Template)

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