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sculpted cliff; the main floor is fully exposed on top of the cliff.

Also on the
Filch grounds atop the cliff are a garage for ground vehicles, a small storage
©2011, 2017 Michael Brown area/workshop and a generator sufficient to power the entire estate. The
An exotic woman hires the heroes to steal a jewel-encrusted statuette from entire affair is surrounded by a 3m high wall made of local materials.
a minor crime figure. According to Katrin, the floors of the tastefully-appointed main house, from
largest/top to smallest/bottom contain the following rooms:
Referee’s Overview
• Top Floor: reception area, formal dining room, master (Hendento’s)
A woman formerly involved with a minor crime figure hires the PC to
bedroom, guest bedrooms, living room, kitchen.
recover her personal property from him: a small valuable statuette. The
• Second Floor: Recreation room (takes up most of this floor and has a
statuette secretly has an unusual property: one of its jewels is actually a
glassteel face with breathtaking views of the mountains), bar,
data crystal, filled with information on various criminal enterprises
breakfast nook.
elsewhere in the sector. The PC infiltrates a party given at the criminal’s
estate to get the statuette, but must also deal with the efforts of a rival • Third Floor: servants’ quarters.
thief, a team of assassins after the data crystal, and sudden amorous • Fourth Floor: library/study.
attention. • Fifth Floor: Air/raft garage (holds three air/rafts).
Each floor is accessible both by staircase and elevator/lift shaft. Each floor
Filch is a one-page, no-frills adventure for Cepheus Engine and other has at least one bathroom or lavatory and small storage spaces.
tabletop RPG science fiction games using a 2D6 mechanic (including The
Original 2D6 Science Fiction Game) starring characters of varied career The grounds have surveillance cameras placed at strategic locations but
none in the house; anyone sneaking onto the estate is spotted on 8+. The
backgrounds. No special skills or equipment are required for the
adventure, although skills and equipment that facilitate stealth might be cameras are supplemented by a security team of six guards, including the
useful. The adventure is best suited for 1-2 PCs. If more participate, the gatekeeper.
Referee should adjust the number and capabilities of the NPCs. Hendento’s bedroom is where Katrin last saw the statuette. Also,
Throw Notation: "Throw [Skill or Characteristic] [x]+" means "throw 2D6 stereotypically set into the wall behind a picture, is a wall safe with cash
and add the skill level (and/or Characteristic Modifier); a result of [x] or and valuables worth Cr100000 and Hendento's personal papers, which
better is a success." 8+ is considered Routine difficulty. For example: have all kinds of incriminating information.
Recon 8+, EDU 7+. The referee may adjust the throw (for range, difficulty, Some information on Hendento is in the local datanet. He’s the owner of
etc.) as needed. an import/export company who has made as many local news headlines
for alleged dealings with local crime figures as he has a willingness to
Players’ Information donate to charities. He’s been indicted but so far not convicted in the past
Katrin DeVries is an exotic woman that moves with a feline grace and for various minor crimes.
devours the adventurer with eyes that seemingly miss nothing.
If the adventurer meets with Katrin again to compare notes, (s)he receives
Underneath the sleek exterior, however is a subtle trace of menace.
a blanket DM of +1 to any actions securing the statuette for the rest of the
However, Katrin is all business as she explains to the adventurer why she adventure.
has made contact. Until recently, she was romantically involved with
Unfortunately, Katrin isn’t completely forthcoming. She was indeed
Iikesh Hendento, a local businessman with rumored ties to organized
crime. The relationship ended badly, and resulted in Katrin's ouster from involved with Hendento for a time, but the statuette isn’t a family heirloom
Hendento's estate amid veiled threats on her life. — and doesn’t actually belong to her at all. It’s 30cm tall, made of precious
metals, bejeweled, and worth perhaps Cr50000 on the open market. But
Unfortunately, Katrin wasn't able to retrieve all of her belongings; one of the jewels is actually a sophisticated data crystal. When hit by a
Hendento still has in his possession a small silver statuette she describes laser of the proper frequency, the crystal projects a holographic
as a family heirloom. Obviously, she can’t simply show up and demand its representation of several bordering subsectors, complete with locations
return, and Hendento not only has little fear of the police, he has highly- and information on numerous major criminal organizations. Using this
paid lawyers with fearsome reputations. That leaves only illicit means to data, law enforcement could deal a serious blow to organized crime in the
retrieve her statue. She offers Cr5000 for the PCs to do it. sector; criminals would go to war with one another to get the information.
Hendento doesn’t know about the crystal, and doesn’t care about the
Hendento is throwing a big party in several days. Katrin suggests the hero statue’s worth; he only keeps it to annoy Katrin. Katrin knows of the crystal
use it as cover to locate and recover the item. While she has the and would willingly part with the entire statue just to get it. Why she wants
necessary skills to do it herself, the guards especially on the lookout for it is anyone’s guess.
her, and can see through any disguises she might use. Plus, she’s taking
Hendento’s threats seriously. The party begins on schedule. There are 9D6 party guests and one
servant, many of them hired for the evening, for every three guests. A
Katrin can supply the location of Hendento's residence, as many details complication sets in once Hendento meets the PC; he falls in love with him
about it as she can recall, and a forged party invitation. She suggests that or her on 10+ and spends as much time as possible around him or her
the PC case the house beforehand and report back to her, so she can over the course of the evening.
advise on any changes.
Worse, a rival thief has heard of the statuette and has also infiltrated the
Referee’s Information party trying to steal it. She doesn’t know about the data crystal, but tries to
Hendento lives on a small mountain estate. The road to the area is well- worm her way into Hendento’s good graces to gain access. Worst of all,
known and marked; a long private road leads off the main thoroughfare to organized crime figures have discovered the existence of the data crystal;
the estate grounds and ends at a gate with an occupied gatehouse. The a team of assassins are on the way to seize the statuette and eliminate all
guard inquires as to the visitor’s business and communicates with the witnesses. Katrin learns of the assassination team on 10+; she tries to
main house for instructions before admitting entry. (Depending on the local warn the PC once she does.
tech level, the gatekeeper may be a computer or a robot.) If the hero is successful in retrieving the statue, Katrin pays off as
The road isn’t the only access to the estate, but other forms of access promised and lets him or her keep anything else they got out of
involves more risk: Hiking overland takes 2D6 hours and at some point, Hendento’s house, but in that case Katrin advises a hasty exit offworld as
involves climbing: DEX 10+, equipment gives DM+2, failure means a fall his thirst for revenge is deep.
for 2D6 damage. Flying over in a small vehicle: –2 DM for mountain winds; NPCs
spotted by the guards on 6+ and fired upon on 4+. Iikesh Hendento, 64798A, Age 40
The main dwelling is built facing planetary sunrise and appears as a series Rogue (5 Terms), Rank 1 (Associate), Cr115000
of flat cylinders stacked one atop another, jutting out of the face of a Bribery-1, Broker-2, Recon-1, Streetwise-1

Cepheus Engine and Samardan Press are the trademarks of Jason "Flynn" Kemp. The author isn’t affiliated with Jason "Flynn" Kemp or Samardan Press™.

Sallerin Philippe (order #24129631)

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Sallerin Philippe (order #24129631)

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