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Chapter 2: Background

2.1 Review of Related Literature

       An online game is a video game that is either partially or primarily played through
the Internet or any other computer network available Andrew Rolling’s; Ernest Adams
(2006).  Online games are ubiquitous on modern gaming platforms,
including PCs, consoles and mobile devices, and span many genres, including first-person
shooters, strategy games, and massively multiplayer online role-playing
games (MMORPG) Quandt, Thorsten; Kroger, Sonja ,(2014).
The design of online games can range from simple text-based environments to the incorporation
of complex graphics and virtual worlds  Hachman, Mark,2015. The existence of online
components within a game can range from being minor features, such as an online leaderboard,
to being part of core gameplay, such as directly playing against other players. Many online
games create their own online communities, while other games, especially social games,
integrate the players' existing real-life communities David R. Woolley, 2013. Some online games
can receive a massive influx of popularity due to many well-
known Twitch streamers and YouTubers playing them , Cannon (2020-09-08).
Academic performance is the measurement of student achievement across various academic
subjects (Ballotpedia,2023). It is the extent to which a student has attained their short or long-
term educational goals and is measured either by continuous assessment or cumulative grade
point average
The majority of the world's components nowadays are technological. 
We have been accustomed to a world of high-definition Clash of Clans, Rules of Survival, m
obile Legends, "green" cars, exhilarating thrill rides, 3-D technologies, etc. in a relatively sho
rt period of time. 
But no technological field has gained as much notoriety as internet gaming.In the United St
ates alone, internet games have a significant market share, with at least 90% of houses havi
ng children who have played them, according to Anand (2007).video games, either owned o
r leased. This is a record level, and it's getting higher. 66% of internet and 55% of console g
amers are over the age of 18. Due to the lack of parental supervision and their more flexibl
e schedules, college students appear to be the main gaming population, which allows for gr
eater playtime (Anand, 2007). 
Smyth (2007) argues that there appears to be an increased interest in research in the field 
of video gaming to address this subject, as with every other innovation in society, the adven
t of online games raised the question of "What are the negative impacts or consequences?" 
And it does appear that a lot of research has been done on the subject recently. 
Looking at the studies as a whole, one primary question that comes to mind is if playing onl
ine games has any harmful or beneficial effects on academic performance and, if so, what t
hose effects might be. Anand's research from 2007 revealed a link between students' SAT a
nd GPA levels and the amount of time they spend playing online games. 
This indicates that as playing time increased, GPA and SAT scores fell. 
Anand (2007) did acknowledge the drawback of using SAT results, though, as they only indi
cate a single standardized score. 
GPA serves as a continual gauge of student achievement, making it more reliable. Because 
men tend to play online games more than women, he also discovered that men were more 
likely to experience these consequences. 
Skoric, Teo, and Neo (2009) took a step farther and compared video game addiction to casu
al online gaming. 
Despite the lack of a clear definition of addiction, they discovered that

While there was no negative association between playing duration or involvement and aca
demic performance, individuals who were gaming addicts regularly did poorly in the classr
In their 2004 study on addiction (again, no clear definition was provided), Shao-I, Jie-Zhi, an
d Der-Hsiang found that when a student was addicted to gaming, their academic performa
nce suffered. 
They discovered that excessive gaming negatively affects academic performance since the 
player is preoccupied with the game and unable to complete assignments or prepare for cl
Others have discovered a correlation between playing online games and poorer academic 
Researchers who looked into the relationship between aggression and video games hypoth
esized that playing games not only affects performance in a direct way but also raises aggr
ession levels, which are frequently associated with behavioral issues at school and poor aca
demic achievement. Anderson and Dill (2007)

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