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Masters of Science in Food Technology

Graduate seminar Assignment Article critiques

Article Title: Production of single cell protein from fruit of Beles (Opuntia Ficus-Indica L.)
peels using Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Submitted by:

Minichil Ashebir ……………BDU1401605

Submitted to: Biresaw Demelash (Phd)

Jan, 2023

Bahir dar, Ethiopia

1.1 Name(s) of the Author(s):
Kiros Haddish

1.2 Title of Article:

Production of single cell protein from fruit of Beles (Opuntia Ficus-Indica L.) peels using
Saccharomyces cerevisiae

1.3 Title of Journal:

 Journal of Microbiology & Experimentation

 Volume 2 Issue 7 – 2015
 Date,month: December 18, 2015
 Page numbers:PP,1-3
1.4 Statement of the Problem:

 Although Bele fruits are one of the important fruits in Ethiopia especially in Tigray
region and consumed by most of people as it is the diversified fruits. Its peel consists of
around 50% total mass of fruit after usage of the flesh part peels are rejected as waste to
the environment causes environmental pollutants. On the other hand the peels of bele
fruit contain high amounts of carbohydrate and utilize it to produce biomass especially
single cell proteins.

1.5The Author’s purpose:

 The purpose of this study was to produce and characterize single cell protein by
submerged fermentation by using microorganism yeast from peels of bele fruit
Critiques of the Article

2, about title of article?

When we start from the title it is good but it has limitations for explaining the analysis results.
for example he has doing optimizations and characterizations, In addition there is type error on
writing the first words some are capital and some are small letter, it is not relevant to include
scientific names of the fruits so it is better to rewrite as, Production, Characterization and
Optimization of Single Cell Protein from Beles Peel by Saccharomyces Cerevisiae.

3. Is the abstract specific, representative of the article, and in the correct form?

The abstract of this article not clearly justified the overall set up of the investigation. The abstract
starts by describing the biomass and its important it is not including Bele fruits and its
components. In addition the abstract misses the objective by including words like “feasibility”
and not including the numbers of treatments and factors of the research. The aim of the study not
written in Abstract part and the result obtained was not manipulated properly in the abstract.
Standing from this the reader never easily understand the whole message of article. The abstract
should be informative about the overall work of the investigation. There are a problem while
listening the keywords of abstract example word “waste, protein, “ are listed three and four times
but not included in keywords and it is rewrite as Keywords: single cell protein, Saccharomyces
cerevisiae, Beles fruit peels, production, protein, waste, substrate

When we see usage of abbreviations at introduction he introduces single cell protein as (SCP)
after that he used the whole word and abbreviation as he wants.

4, Backgrounds

Next to the Abstract the author doesn’t provide title for background information for introduction
part mean that the paper is not organized properly, he miss to explain about the potentials of bele
fruit peel to produce single cell proteins, and the nutrient found in peel of the fruits. As a waste
he also unable to show the amounts of bele fruits produced annually and percentage of peel
compared to whole fruits. There is not cited in describing the bele fruits and not including the
scientific name as well.

5, Material Methods

Authors of this journal don’t write the material and method properly. For example the Amount of
Sample used for their experiment not known for such investigation, Sample preparation method
also never descriptive and they doesn’t also describe where the experimental site took place, in
generally there is no enough information on the method of selecting a sample. Apparatus that
were used for their experiment is not identified and described briefly and there function is not

explained well. The amount and molarity of HCl used pretreatments for peels are not stated
clearly here. From the methodology the author does not include the response to be measured and
their respective methods. To say proximate analysis he said that chemical analysis and it also
unable to do critical responses like biomass yield, microbiological analysis.

6, Results

The result of this research not manipulated in tabular form. The responses listed to be determined
here are listed as carbohydrate, protein, fat, moisture and total ash but only for peels are stated
only invisible in graphs. Here also unable to address the software used to analysis these results.
Pictures are only for dried peel not including the biomass and fermenters. The graphs are blurred
difficult to understand because of color selections their description of the graphs too long it
seems a paragraph, it lacks conciseness and shortness.

7, Discussions

The author interprets the data obtained by him instead connecting to the past work. He explains
enoughly where he got maximum and minimum biomass with rational reasons. Generally the
author constructs well stated, understandable discussion part compared to other part of the article
except including of graphs and table.

8, Conclusion and Recommendation

Author summaries the main points and indicate the usefulness of his research. a good
perspective on area he demonstrated, but unable to discuss areas for future research may be
suggested like studying fermentation time, fermentation temperature and other factors.


Reference not contains lists of all sources referred to in the numbers symbolized as 5, 6, 8, 9, 11,
and 13 are not cited. In addition to this the articles are not well reviewed because the total
numbers of cited documents are 16.


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