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 Complex numbers :
CONTENTS Complex numbers are imaginary numbers of the

 Number system form a + ib, where a and b are real numbers and
i = – 1 , which is an imaginary number.
 Decimal representation of Rational  Factors :
numbers A number is a factor of another, if the former
 Conversion of decimal numbers exactly divides the latter without leaving a
into rational numbers remainder (remainder is zero) 3 and 5 are factors
of 12 and 25 respectively.
 Representing irrational numbers  Multiples :
on the numbers line A multiple is a number which is exactly divisible
  Surds or Radicals by another, 36 is a multiple of 2, 3, 4, 9 and 12.

  Some Rules For Exponents  Even Numbers :

All integers which are multiples of 2 are even
number (i.e.) 2,4, 6, 8............... are even numbers.
NUMBER SYSTEM  Odd numbers :
All integers which are not multiples of 2 are odd
 Natural Numbers : numbers.
The simplest numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4....... the  Prime and composite Numbers :
numbers being used in counting. These are called All natural numbers which cannot be divided by
natural numbers.
any number other than 1 and itself is called a
 Whole numbers : prime number. By convention, 1 is not a prime
The natural numbers along with the zero form the number.
set of whole numbers i.e. numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 ............. are prime numbers.
whole numbers. W = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4....} Numbers which are not prime are called
 Integers : composite numbers.
The natural numbers, their negatives and zero  The Absolute Value (or modulus) of a real
make up the integers. Number :
Z = {....–4, –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,....}
The set of integers contains positive numbers, If a is a real number, modulus a is written as |a| ;
negative numbers and zero. |a| is always positive or zero.It means positive
 Rational Number : value of ‘a’ whether a is positive or negative
(i) A rational number is a number which can be |3| = 3 and |0| = 0, Hence |a| = a ; if a = 0 or a > 0
p (i.e.) a  0
put in the form , where p and q are both |–3| = 3 = – (–3) . Hence |a| = – a when a < 0
Hence, |a| = a, if a > 0 ; |a| = – a, if a < 0
integers and q  0.
(ii) A rational number is either a terminating or  Irrational number :
non-terminating but recurring (repeating) (i) All real numbers are irrational if and only if
decimal. there decimal representation is non-terminating
(iii) A rational number may be positive, negative
or zero. and non-repeating. e.g. 2 , 3 , ............ etc.
(ii) Rational number and irrational number taken 3 4
Ex.2 Find five rational numbers between and .
together form the set of real numbers. 5 5
(iii) If a and b are two real numbers, then either rs
Sol. A rational number between r and s is .
(i) a > b or (ii) a = b or (iii) a < b 2
(iv) Negative of an irrational number is an A rational number between
irrational number. 3 4 1 3 4 7
and =    = .
(v) The sum of a rational number with an 5 5 2  5 5  10
irrational number is always irrational. And a rational number between
(vi) The product of a non-zero rational number 3 7 1  3 7  13
and =    =
with an irrational number is always an 5 10 2  5 10  20
irrational number. 5 27 31 3 4
Similarly; , , are between and .
(vii) The sum of two irrational numbers is not 8 40 40 5 5
always an irrational number. So, five rational number between
(viii) The product of two irrational numbers is not 3 4 5 13 7 31 27
and are , , , ,
always an irrational number. 5 5 8 20 10 40 40
 Rational Numbers : Ex.3 Find six rational numbers between 3 and 4.
7 5 3 Sol. We can solve this problem in two ways.
3, 4, , ,  , 2.7, 3.923, 1.42 7 , 1.2343434,
3 2 7 Method 1 :
A rational number between r and s is .
 Irrational Numbers : 2

2 , 3 , 5 , 6 , , 1.327185………… Therefore, a rational number between 3 and

1 7
4= (3 + 4) =
 Imaginary Numbers : 2 2
A rational number between 3 and
5  3 
 2 ,  49 , 3i,   , ……….. 7 1 67 13
7 8  = = . We can accordingly
 2 2 2 4
proceed in this manner to find three more
Note:-  = 3.14159265358979…………. while rational numbers between 3 and 4.
= 3.1428571428…………. Hence, six rational numbers between 3 and 4
7 15 13 27 7 29 15
are , , , , , .
22 22 8 4 8 2 8 4
   but for calculation we can take   .
7 7 Method 2 :
EXAMPLES  Since, we want six numbers, we write 3 and 4
as rational numbers with denominator 6 + 1,
Ex.1 Is zero a rational number? can you write it in 21 28
i.e., 3 = and 4 = . Then we can check
p 7 7
the form , where p and q are integers and
q 22 23 24 25 26 27
that , , , , , and are all
q  0? 7 7 7 7 7 7
Sol. Yes, zero is a rational number. It can be between 3 and 4.
0 0 0 Hence, the six numbers between 3 and 4 are
written as = = etc. where denominator
1 2 3 22 23 24 25 26 27
, , , , , and
q  0, it can be negative also. 7 7 7 7 7 7
Ex.4 Are the following statement true or false? 7
Give reasons for your answer.   = 0.875
(i) Every natural number is a whole number. 35
Ex.8 Convert into decimal form by long
(ii) Every integer is a whole number. 16
(iii) Every rational number is a whole number. division method.
Sol. We have,
Sol. (i) True, because natural number starts from 16 35.0000 2.1875
1 to  and whole number starts from 32
0 to . 30
(ii) False, because negative integers are not 16
whole number. 140
(iii) False, because rational number such that 120
1 112
is not whole number.
2 80
Ex.5 Find 3 irrational numbers between 3 & 5.
Sol.  3 and 5 both are rational 35
 = 2.1875
The irrational are 3.127190385……………
3.212325272930……… 2157
Ex.9 Express in the decimal form.
3.969129852937………… Sol. We have,
Ex.6 Find two rational & two irrational numbers
625 2154.0000 3.4512
between 4 and 5.
45 2820
Sol. Rational numbers  4.5 Ans. 2500
4.5  4 8.5 3125
&   4.25 Ans.
2 2 750
Irrational numbers 4.12316908……… Ans. 1250
4.562381032…….. Ans. 0


 = 3.4512
7 Ex.10 Express in decimal form by long
Ex.7 Express in the decimal form by long 8
8 division method.
division method. –17
Sol. We have, Sol. In order to convert in the decimal form,
8 7.000 0.875 we first express in the decimal form and
60 the decimal form of will be negative of
56 8
40 17
the decimal form of
40 8
0 we have,
8 17.000 2.125 16
Ex.13 Find the decimal representation of
16 45
10 Sol. By long division, we have
8 45 160 0.3555
20 135
16 250
40 225
40 250
0 225
–17 250
   = – 2.125 225
8 25
Ex.11 Find the decimal representation of .
3 16
  = 0.3555 .... = 0.3 5
Sol. By long division, we have 45
Hence, = – 0.3 5
3 8.0000 2.6666 45
6 22
Ex.14 Find the decimal representation of .
20 7
18 Sol. By long division, we have
20 7 22 3.142857142857
18 21
20 10
18 7
20 30
18 28
2 20
   = 2.6666 ... = 2. 6 60
2 40
Ex.12 Express as a decimal fraction.
11 35
Sol. By long division, we have 50
11 2.00 0.181818 10
11 7
90 30
88 28
20 20
11 14
90 60
88 56
20 40
11 35
90 50
88 49
2 1
   = 0.181818 ..... = 0. 18 22
11  = 3.142857142857 ..... = 3. .142857
  So division of rational number gives decimal Ex.15 Express each of the following numbers in the
expansion. This expansion represents two p
form .
types q
(A) Terminating (remainder = 0) (i) 0.15 (ii) 0.675 (iii) –25.6875
6 8 7 Sol. (i) 0.15 =
Ex. , , ,………are equal to 1.2, 1.6, 100
5 5 4
15  5
1.75 respectively, so these are =
terminating and non repeating (recurring) 100  5
Dividing numerator and deno min ator 
(B) Non terminating recurring (repeating) by the common divisor 5 of numerator
and deno min ator 
(remainder  0, but equal to devidend)
10 20
Ex. = 3.333 ……….. or 3. 3
3 675
(ii) 0.675 =
= 0.1428514285……….or 0.142857 675  25 27
7 = =
1000  25 40
2320 256875
= 23.434343……..or 23.43 (iii) – 25.6875 =
99 10000
These expansion are not finished but digits 256875  625 411
= =
are continusely repeated so we use a line on 10000  625 16
those digits, called bar ( a ). Case II : When decimal representation is of non-
terminating repeating nature.
So we can say that rational numbers are of the
form either terminating, non repeating or non In a non terminating repeating decimal, there are
terminating repeating (recurring). two types of decimal representations
(i) A decimal in which all the digit after the
 CONVERSION OF DECIMAL NUMBERS INTO decimal point are repeated. These type of
 RATIONAL NUMBERS OF THE FORM m decimals are known as pure recurring
n decimals.

Case I : When the decimal number is of For example: 0.6, 0.16, 0.123 are pure recurring
terminating nature. decimals.
(ii) A decimal in which at least one of the digits
Algorithm :
after the decimal point is not repeated and
Step-1 : Obtain the rational number. then some digit or digits are repeated. This
type of decimals are known as mixed
Step-2 : Determine the number of digits in its recurring decimals.
decimal part
For example, 2.16, 0.35, 0.785 are mixed
Step-3 : Remove decimal point from the
recurring decimals.
numerator. Write 1 in the denominator and put as
many zeros on the right side of 1 as the number of  Conversion of a pure recurring decimal to the
digits in the decimal part of the given rational p
number. form
Step-4 : Find a common divisor of the numerator
and denominator and express the rational number Algorithm :
to lowest terms by dividing its numerator and Step-1 : Obtain the repeating decimal and pur it
denominator by the common divisor. equal to x (say)
Step-2 : Write the number in decimal form by    99 x = 35
removing bar from the top of repeating digits and 35
listing repeating digits at least twice. For sample,    x=
write x = 0.8 as x = 0.888.... and x = 0.14 as
Hence, 0.35
x = 0.141414......
Step-3 : Determine the number of digits having (iii) Let x = 0.585
bar on their heads.
 x = 0.585585585... ....(i)
Step-4 : If the repeating decimal has 1 place Here, we have three repeating digits after the
repetition, multiply by 10; a two place repetition, decimal point. so, we multiple both sides of
multiply by 100; a three place repetition, multiply (i) by 103 = 1000 to get
by 1000 and so on. 1000 x = 585.585585......... ....(ii)
Step-5 : Subtract the number in step 2 from the Subtracting (i) from (ii), we get
number obtained in step 4 1000x – x = (585.585585...) – (0.585585585...)
Step-6 : Divide both sides of the equation by the 1000x – x = 585
coefficient of x.  999x = 585
Step-7 : Write the rational number in its simplest 585 195 65
   x= = =
form. 999 333 111
The above example suggests us the following
rule to convert a pure recurring decimal into a
Ex.16 Express each of the following decimals in the p
rational number in the form .
p q
form :
Ex.17 Convert the following decimal numbers in the
(i) 0.6 p
form :
(ii) 0.35
(i) 5.2
(iii) 0.585
(ii) 23.43
Sol. (i) Let x = 0.6
then, x = 0.666....... ....(i) Sol. (i) Let x = 5.2
Here, we have only one repeating digit, So,  x = 5.2222 ....(i)
we multiply both sides of (i) by 10 to get Multiplying both sides of (i) by 10, we get
10 x = 6.66.... ....(ii) 10 x = 52.222 ...... ....(ii)
Subtracting (i) from (ii), we get Subtracting (i) from (ii), we get
10 x – x = (6.66 .....) – (0.66.....) 10x–x = (52.222...) – (5.222....)
6  9x = 47
 9x = 6  x=
9 47
  x=
2 2 9
x = Hence 0.6 =
3 3 (ii) Let x = 23.43
(ii) Let x = 0.35  x = 23.434343.....
 x = 0.353535.... ....(i) Multiplying both sides of (i) by 100, we get
Here, we have two repeating digits after the 100 x = 2343.4343....... ....(ii)
decimal point. So, we multiply sides of (i) by Subtracting (i) from (ii), we get
102 = 100 to get 100x – x = (2343.4343...) – (23.4343....)
100x = 35.3535...... ....(ii)    99 x = 2320
Subtracting (i) from (ii), we get 2320
   x=
100 x – x = (35.3535....) – (0.3535....) 99
 Conversion of a mixed recurring decimal to the 12  9  3
 100x =
p 9
Form :-
q 108  3
 100x =
Algorithm :
Step-1 : Obtain the mixed recurring decimal and    100x =
write it equal to x (say)
111 37
Step-2 : Determine the number of digits after the    x= =
900 300
decimal point which do not have bar on them. Let
there be n digits without bar just after the decimal Ex.19 Express each of thefollowing mixed
point p
recurring decimals in the form ;
Step-3 : Multiply both sides of x by 10n so that q
only the repeating decimal is on the right side of (i) 4.32 (ii) 15.712
the decimal point.
Sol. (i) Let x = 4.32
Step-4 : Use the method of converting pure
 10x = 43.2 [Multiplying both sides of x by
recurring decimal to the form and obtain the 10]
   10x = 43 + 0.2
value of x
   10x = 43 +
Ex.18 Express the following decimals in the form 43  9  2
   10x =
(i) 0.32 (ii) 0.123 9
Sol. (i) Let x = 0.32 387  2
   10x =
Clearly, there is just one digit on the right 9
side of the decimal point which is without 389
bar. So, we multiply both sides of x by 10 so    10x =
that only the repeating decimal is left on the
right side of the decimal point.    x=
 10x = 3.2
 2 (ii) Let x = 15.712 . Then,
 10x = 3 + 0.2  0.2  9 
  10x = 157.12
2  10x = 157 + 0.12
 10x = 3 +
93 2 29  10x = 157 +
 10x =  10x =  99
9 9
29  10x = 157 +
   x= 33
157  33  4
(ii) Let x = 0.123  10x =
Clearly, there are two digits on the right side 33
of the decimal point which are without bar. 5181  4
 10x =
So, we multiply both sides of x by 102 = 100 33
so that only the repeating decimal is left on on 5185 5185 1037
the right side of the decimal point.  10x =  x = =
33 330 66
 100x = 12. 3
Ex.20 Represent 3.765 on the number line.
 100x = 12 + 0. 3
3 Sol. This number lies between 3 and 4. The
   100x = 12 + distance 3 and 4 is divided into 10 equal
9 parts. Then the first mark to the right of 3 will
represent 3.1 and second 3.2 and so on. Now, p
3.765 lies between 3.7 and 3.8. We divide the Ex.22 Express the decimal 0.00352 in the form
distance between 3.7 and 3.8 into 10 equal
parts 3.76 will be on the right of 3.7 at the Sol. Let x = 0.00352
sixth mark, and 3.77 will be on the right of 3.7 Clearly, there is three digit on the right side of
at the 7th mark and 3.765 will lie between the decimal point which is without bar. So,
we multiply both sides of x by 103 = 1000 so
3.76 and 3.77 and soon.
that only the repeating decimal is left on the
3 4 right side of the decimal point.
3.7 3.8
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.9   1000x = 3.52
  1000x = 3 + 0.52
3.70 3.80 52
3.76 3.77   1000x = 3 +
3.71 3.72 3.73 3.74 3.75 3.78 3.79 99
3  99  52 297  52
  1000x = 1000x =
99 99
3.760 3.770
3.765 349 349
3.761 3.762 3.763 3.764 3.766 3.767 3.768 3.769   1000x = x =
99 99000
Ex.23 Give an example of two irrational numbers,
To mark 3.765 we have to use magnifying glass the product of which is (i) a rational number
(ii) an irrational number
Ex.21 Visualize 4.26 on the number line, upto 4
decimal places. Sol. (i) The product of 27 and 3 is 81 = 9,
which is a rational number.
Sol. We have, 4.26 = 4.2626
This number lies between 4 and 5. The (ii) The product of 2 and 3 is 6 , which is
distance between 4 and 5 is divided into 10 an irrational number.
equal parts. Then the first mark to the right of Ex.24 Insert a rational and an irrational number
4 will represent 4.1 and second 4.2 and soon. between 2 and 3.
Now, 4.2626 lies between 4.2 and 4.3. We Sol. If a and b are two positive rational numbers
divide the distance between 4.2 and 4.3 into such that ab is not a perfect square of a
10 equal parts 4.2626 lies between 4.26 and rational number, then ab is an irrational
4.27. Again we divide the distance between number lying between a and b. Also, if a,b are
4.26 and 4.27 into 10 equal parts. The number ab
rational numbers, then is a rational
4.2626 lies between 4.262 and 4.263. The 2
distance between 4.262 and 4.263 is again number between them.
divided into 10 equal parts. Sixth mark from   A rational number between 2 and 3 is
right to the 4.262 is 4.2626. 23
4 5 = 2.5
4.7 4.8 2
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.9
An irrational number between 2 and 3 is
23 = 6
4.2 4.3 Ex.25 Find two irrational numbers between 2 and 2.5.
4.26 4.27
4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.28 4.29 Sol. If a and b are two distinct positive rational
numbers such that ab is not a perfect square
of a rational number, then ab is an
4.26 4.27 irrational number lying between a and b.
4.262 4.263
4.261 4.264 4.265 4.266 4.267 4.268 4.269
  Irrational number between 2 and 2.5 is
2  2.5 = 5
4.262 4.263
Similarly, irrational number between 2 and
4.2621 4.2623 4.2625 4.2627 4.2629 5 is 2 5
4.2622 4.2624 4.2626 4.2628
So, required numbers are 5 and 2 5 .
Ex.26 Find two irrational numbers lying between has a zero. So, if we consider the number c
2 and 3 . given by
Sol. We know that, if a and b are two distinct c = 0.101
Then, c is a rational number as it has a
positive irrational numbers, then ab is an
terminating decimal representation.
irrational number lying between a and b.
Since b has a zero in the third place of
 Irrational number between 2 and 3 is decimal and c has a 1.
2 3 = 6 = 61/4  b<c
We also observe that c < a, because c has
Irrational number between 2 and 61/4 is zeros in all the places after the third place of
2  61 / 4 = 21/4 × 61/8. decimal whereas the decimal representation
of a has a 1 in the sixth place.
Hence required irrational number are 61/4 and
21/4 × 61/8 Thus, c is a rational number such that
b < c < a.
Ex.27 Find two irrational numbers between 0.12 and
0.13. Hence , c is the required rational number
between a and b.
Sol. Let a = 0.12 and b = 0.13. Clearly, a and b are
rational numbers such that a < b. Construction of an irrational number between
a and b : Consider the number d given by
We observe that the number a and b have a 1
in the first place of decimal. But in the second d = 0.1002000100001......
place of decimal a has a 2 and b has 3. So, we Clearly, d is an irrational number as its
consider the numbers decimal representation is non-terminating and
c = 0.1201001000100001 ...... non-repeating.
and, d = 0.12101001000100001....... We observe that in the first three places of
their decimal representation b and d have the
Clearly, c and d are irrational numbers such
same digits but in the fourth place d and a 2
that a < c < d < b.
whereas b has only a 1.
Ex.28 Find two rational numbers between  d >b
0.232332333233332.... and Also, comparing a and d, we obtain a > d
0.252552555255552...... Thus, d is an irrational number such that
Sol. Let a = 0.232332333233332.... b < d < a.
and b = 0.252552555255552.....
Ex.30 Find one irrational number between the
The numbers c = 0.25 and d = 0.2525 number a and b given below :
Clearly, c and d both are rational numbers
a = 0.1111..... = 0. 1 and b = 0.1101
such that a < c < d < b.
Sol. Clearly, a and b are rational numbers, since a
Ex.29 Find a rational number and also an irrational has a repeating decimal and b has a
number between the numbers a and b given terminating decimal. We observe that in the
below: third place of decimal a has a 1, while b has a
a = 0.101001000100001...., zero.
b = 0.1001000100001...  a>b
Sol. Since the decimal representations of a and b Consider the number c given by
are non-terminating and non-repeating. So, c = 0.111101001000100001.....
a and b are irrational numbers.
Clearly, c is an irrational number as it has
We observed that in the first two places of non-repeating and non-terminating decimal
decimal a and b have the same digits. But in representation.
the third place of decimal a has a 1 whereas b
We observe that in the first two places of
has zero.
their decimal representations b and c have the
 a>b same digits. But in the third place b has a zero
Construction of a rational number between a whereas c has a 1.
and b : As mentioned above, first two digits    b<c
after the decimal point of a and b are the
same. But in the third place a has a 1 and b
Also, c and a have the same digits in the first OQ = OD = 3 units
four places of their decimal representations
but in the fifth place c has a zero and a has a 1. Then, the point Q represents 3 on the real line
   c<a
Remark : In the same way, we can locate n for
Hence, b < c < a
Thus, c is the required irrational number any positive integer n, after n  1 has been
between a and b. located.


 Existence of n for a positive real number :
The value of 4.3 geometrically : -
 Represent 2 & 3 on the number line :
Draw a line segment AB = 4.3 units and extend it
to C such that BC = 1 unit.
Greeks discovered this method. Consider a unit
square OABC, with each side 1 unit in lenght. Find the midpoint O of AC.
Then by using pythagoras theorem With O as centre and OA a radius, draw a
C 1 B D

1 1

Now, draw BD  AC, intersecting the semicircle
OB = 1  1 = 2
at D. Then, BD = 4.3 units.
Now, transfer this square onto the number line With B as centre and BD as radius, draw an arc,
making sure that the vertex O coincides with zero meeting AC produced at E.

C B Then, BE = BD = 4.3 units

X X
–3 –2 –1 O A P2 3  Real Number Line :
Irrational numbers like 2 , 3 , 5 etc. can be
With O as centre & OB as radius, draw an arc, represented by points on the number line. Since
meeting OX at P. Then all rational numbers and irrational numbers can be
represented on the number line, we call the
OB = OP = 2 units number line as real number line.
 Surds :
Then, the point represents 2 on the number line 2 , 3 , 5 , 21 ,................ are irrational
numbers, These are square roots (second roots), of
Now draw, BD  OB such that BD = 1 unit join
some rational numbers, which can not be written
OD. Then
as squares of any rational number.
OD = ( 2 ) 2  (1) 2 = 3 units (i) If a is rational number and n is a positive
D integer such that the nth root of a is an
irrational number, then a1/n is called a surd or
1 radical.
3 2
e.g. 5, 2, 3 etc.
X X (ii) If is a surd then ‘n’ is known as order of surd
–3 –2 –1 O A PQ 2 3 and ‘a’ is known as radicand.
With O as centre & OC as radius, draw an arc,
meeting OX at Q. Then (iii) Every surd is an irrational number but every
irrational number is not a surd.
 Quadratic Surd: (x) If the product of two surds is a rational
number, then each one of them is called the
A surd of order 2 is called a quadratic surd. rationalising factor of the other.
Ex.31 3 = 31/2 is a quadratic surd but 9 = 91/2 is (xi) A surd consisting of one term only is called a
not a quadratic surd, because 9 =9 1/2
= 3 is monomial surd.
a rational number. So, 9 is not a surd. (xii) An expression consisting of the sum or
difference of two monomial surds or the sum
 Cubic surd : or difference of a monomial surds and a
A surd of order 3 is called a cubic surd. rational number is called binomial surd. e.g.

Ex.32 The real number 3

4 is a cubic surd but the 2  5 , 3  2, 2  3 etc. are binomial
3 surds.
real number 8 is not a cubic surd as it not a
surd. (xiii)The binomial surds which differ only in sign
(+ or –) between the terms connecting them,
 Biquadratic surd :
are called conjugate surds e.g. 3  2
A surd of order 4 is called a biquadratic surd. A
biquadratic surd is also called a quadratic surd. and 3  2 or 2 + 5 and 2 – 5 are
conjugate surds.
Ex.33 5 is a biquadratic surd but 4 81 is not a
biquadratic surd as it is not a surd. EXAMPLES 
 Laws of radicals : Ex.34. State with reasons which of the following are
For any positive integer ‘n’ and a positive rational surds and which are not :
number ‘a’. (i) 64 (ii) 45
(a)  a
n n
a (iii) 20  45 (iv) 8 10  4 15
(b) n
a  n b = n ab [one of either a or b (v) 3 12  6 27 (vi) 5  3 25
should be non-negative integer] Sol. (i) 64 = 8
n a a
(c) = n 8 is a rational number, hence 64 is not a surd.
n b b
(ii) 45 = 9  5 = 3 5
n m
(d) m n a = mn a = a
Thus 45 is an irrational number.

a 
n m
a n .m
Because the rational number 45 is not the
square of any rational number, hence 45 is
p p
(f) an  am = a n m a surd.
(iv) A surd which has unity only as rational factor (iii) We have 20  45 = 900
is called a pure surd.
(v) A surd which has a rational factor other than = 30  30 =  30 2
= 30
unity is called a mixed surd. Which is a rational number and therefore
(vi) Surds having same irrational factors are 20  45 is not a surd.
called similar or like surds.
(iv) we have
(vii) Only similar surds can be added or subtracted
by adding or subtracting their rational parts 8 10
8 10 ÷ 4 15 =
4 15
(viii) Surds of same order can be multiplied or
 8   10  
8  8  10
(ix) If the surds to be multiplied or to be divided
are not of the same order, we first reduce
 4   15 
4  4  15

them to the same order and then multiply or 8  8  10 640

=  
divide. 4  4  15 240
8 8 Ex.37 Simplify each of the following:
   = 3 3 3
3 3 (i) 3· 4 (ii) 128
Which is an irrational number. Sol. (i) 3
3· 3
4 = 3
3 4 = 12 3

8 [Using IInd Law]

Because the rational number is not the
3 (ii) 3 128 = 3 64  2 = 3 64 3
square of any rational number, hence the
given expression is a surd. [Using IInd Law]

(v) 3 12 ÷ 6 27 =
3 12
 3   12 
43 · 3
6 27  6  27
= 4 3 2 [Using I,
43 = 4]

3  3  12 3  3  12 Ex.38 Simplify each of the following:

=   4
6  6  27 6  6  27 8 3888
(i) 3 (ii) 4
27 48
108 1 1
     = 3
972 9 3 8 8
Sol. (i) 3 = 3
[Using IIIrd Law]
1 27 27
Since is a rational number, therefore
3 3
23 2
3 12 ÷ 6 27 is not a surd. = = [Using Ist Law]
3 3 3
3 3 3
(vi) 5 × 25 = 5  25 4
3888 3888
3 (ii) = 4 [Using IIIrd Law]
= 555  4
48 48
   53 = 5 = 4
81 = 4
34 = 3 [Using Ist Law]
Which is a rational number. Hence,
Ex.39 Siplify each of the following
5 × 3 25 is not a surd.
4 3 2 3
(i) 3 (ii) 5
Ex.35 Simplify the following :
4 3 12
(i) ( 3 5 )3 (ii) 3
64 Sol. (i) 3 = 3 [Using IVth law]

Sol. (i) ( 3 5 )3 = 5 (Using Ist Law) (ii) 2 3

5 = 6
5 [Using IVth law]
(ii) 3
64 = 43 = 4 (Using Ist Law)
Ex.40 Simplify : 5 4
( 23 ) 4
Ex.36 Find the value of x in each of the following:
Sol. Using the above property, we have
(i) 4x  7 – 5 = 0 (ii) 4
3x  1 = 2
5 4
( 23 ) 4 = 23 = 5
Sol. (i) 4x  7 – 5 = 0
  4x  7 = 5  Pure And Mixed Surds :
  ( 3 4x  7 )3 = 53 (i) Pure Surd :
  4x – 7 = 125 [( n a )n = a] A surd which has unity only as rational
factor, the other factor being irrational, is
  4x = 132 called a pure surd.
  x = 33
Ex.41 3 , 5 2 , 4 3 are pure surds.
(ii) 3x  1 = 2
Ex.42 6 , 3 12 are pure surds.
  ( 3x  1 ) = 2 4 4 4
(ii) Mixed Surd :
  3x + 1 = 16 [( n a )n = a] A surd which has a rational factor other than
  3x = 15   unity, the other factor being irrational, is
called a mixed surd.
   x=5
1/ 4 1/ 4 1/ 4
Ex.43 2 3 , 5 3 12 , 2 4 5 are mixed surds.  81   32   81 32 
=  ×  =  
TypeI : On expressing of mixed surds into pure  16   243   16 243 
surds 1/ 4
2 2
=  = 4
v EXAMPLES v 3 3
Ex.44 Express each of the following as a pure surd. Ex.46 Express each of the following as pure surd :
(i) 2 3 (ii) 2. 3 4 (i) a a  b (ii) a b 2
3 3 (iii) 2ab 3 ab
(iii) 32 (iv) 8
4 4 Sol. (i) a a  b = a × (a + b)1/2
1/2 2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
Sol. (i) 2 3 = 2 ×3 =(2 ) ×3 =4 ×3 = (a2)1/2 × (a + b) 1/2
= (4×3) 1/2
= 12 1/2
= 12 = [a2× (a + b)]1/2
(ii) 2. 3
4 = 2×41/3 = (23)1/3 ×41/3 = 81/3 ×41/3 = (a3 + a2b)1/2 = a 3  a 2b
= (8  4)1 / 3 = (32)1/3 = 3
32 (ii) a b 2 = (a3) 1/3 × (b2)1/3 = (a3×b2)1/3
2 2 = a 3b 2
3 3 3
32 =    32 =
   32
4 (iii) 2ab. 3
ab = 2ab 3 
1/ 3
 (ab)1/ 3
= (8 a3b3.ab)1/3
=  32 = 18 3
16 = (8 a4b4)1/3 = 8a 4 b 4
2 2 TypeII : On expressing given surds as mixed surds
3 3 3 in the simplest form.
(iv) 8 =    8 =   8
4 4 4
9 9
= 8 = Ex.47 Express each of the following as mixed surd
16 2
in its simplest form:
Ex.45 Expressed each of the following as pure (i) 80 (ii) 3
2 3 3 32
(iii) 288 (iv) 1350
(i) . 108 (ii) 4
3 2 243 (v) 320 (vi) 5. 3 135
2 2 Sol. (i) 80 = 16  5 = 42  5 = 42 × 5 = 4 5
Sol. (i) 3
108 = × (108)1/ 3
3 3
3 3
1/ 3 (ii) 3
72 = 3 8  9 = 23  9 = 23 × 3
9 = 23 9
 2  3
=    × (108)1/3 (iii) 5
288 = 5 32  9 = 25  9 =
5 5
25 × 5 9 = 2 5 9
 3  
1/ 3 (iv) 1350 = 225 6 = 152  6 = 15 2 × 6 =15 6
 8 
=  × (108)1/3 (v) 5
320 = 5
32  10 =
25  10 =
25 × 5 10
 27 
1/ 3 = 2 5 10
 8 
=   108 
 27  (vi) 5. 3 135 = 5 3 27  5 = 5 3 33  5 = 5 3 3 × 3 5
3 3
= (8×4)1/3 = (32)1/3 = 32 =5×3× 5 = 15 3 5 .
1/ 4
3 32 3  32  Ex.48 Express 4
1280 as mixed surd in its simplest
(ii) . 4 = × 
2 243 2  243  form :
1/ 4 4 4 4
  3 4   32 
1/ 4 Sol. 1280 = 256  5 = 256  4 5
=    × 
 2    243  =
44  4 5 = 4 4 5
 
SOME RULES FOR EXPONENTS 2 4  38 2  7 4
2 2  33  11
Let a, b > 0 be real numbers & p, q are rational
numbes then 2 4  2  310 3  7 4
(i) ap. ap = ap+q i.e. if base is same with different 11
or same powers are multiply each other then
2 2  37  7 4
powers are add. = Ans.
(7) 3  21
Ex.49 =? (v) a0 = 1
( 2 0  30 ) 5 2
= 73 × 7 = 73+1 = 74 Ans. Ex.54
(ii) (ap)q = apq
(1  1) .52
(121) 3  33 =
Ex.50 = (112)3 × 11 = 116 × 111 52
2 2 2
= 117 Ans. = 22
  2 Ans.
5 50 1
ap a p  q if p  q
(iii)   1 1
a q 1 / a q  p if q  p (vi) a+p = p
or a–p =
a ap
(169) 2 [(13) 2 ]2 134 2
Ex.51   Ex.55 ?
132 132 132 4
= 134–2 = 132 = 169 Ans. ( 2)1 / 2
53  2 4  49 22
625  32  7 1 1
= 1
 = 2–3/2 Ans.
5 2 7 4 2 2 ( 2) 3 / 2
= ( 2) 2
54  25  7
11 / 3
1 1 2 1 Ex.56 ?
=  7 (11 / 3) 7
5 4 3 25 4
7 7 =
=  Ans. (11 / 3) 7 1
5  2 10
(iv) (ab)p = apbp 1
(11 / 3) 6
(63) 4  144
Ex.53 ?
132  9 3
=   Ans.
(9  7) 4  (12) 2  11 
(11  12)  32

(32  7) 4  (3  2 2 ) 2
11  2 2  3  32

(32 ) 4  7 4  32  (2 2 ) 2
11  2 2  31 2

38  7 4  32  2 4
11  2 2  33

A.Very Short Answer Type Questions B. Short Answer Type Questions
Q.1 Express the following in the form of p/q. Q.15 Which of the following is
(i) . 3 (ii) .37 (i) rational (ii) irrational number
(A) (2  3 ) 2 (B) (3  4 ) 2
Q.2 Write two irrational numbers between 0.2 and
Q.16 Given that 3 = 1.732, find the value of
Q.3 Write three irrational numbers between 1
75 + 48 – 192 .
0.202002000200002...and 2

5 3
Q.17 Determine a and b if = 94 a + 3 3 b.
Q.4 Write three irrational numbers between 74 3

3 and 5.
Q.18 If 5 = 2.236 and 6 = 2.449, find the value

Q.5 Find two irrational numbers between 0.5 and 1 2 1 2

of + .
0.55. 5 3 5 3

Q.6 Find two irrational numbers lying between 1

Q.19 If x = 7+ 4 3 , find the value of x+ .
0.1 and 0.12. x

Q.7 Given a rational approximation of 3 correct 1

Q.20 If p = 3 – 2 2 , determine p2 + .
to two places of decimals. p2

Q.8 In the following express the result in the Q.21

5 Find the simplest rationalising factor of

simplest form : 3
108a 4 b 3 5 + 3 + 2.

1 3
Q.22 Simplify : 3 2 + 4 64 + 4 2500 + 6 8 .
Q.9 Express as a pure surd : 54
Q.23 Simplify and express the results in simplest
3 3 3
Q.10 Simplify : 2. 40 + 3. 625 + 4. 320 x 2  y2  x x 2  y2  y
form :  .
x 2  y2  y x  x 2  y2
Q.11 Simplify : (3 5  2 3 ) (3 5  2 3 )

6 3 Q.24 Evaluate : 5 2 6 .
Q.12 Simplify : m 2n 2  m 2n 2  m 2n 2

C. Fill in the Blanks

Q.13 Simplify : 5 4
(2 4 ) 3 – 55 8 + 24 5 (2 3 ) 4
Q.25 Every point on the number line corresponds
2 to a .......................... number which may be
Q.14 If 3 = 1.732, find the value of .
3 either ................ or ....................
Q.26 The decimal form of an irrational number is 22
Q.41  is irrational and is rational.
neither ................ nor ................ 7

Q.27 The decimal representation of the rational Q.42 Every rational number must be a whole number.
number is ............................. Q.43 The number zero is both positive and negative.
Q.44 The sum of the two prime numbers is always
Q.28 0 is a/an .................... number .
(Rational /Irrational)
Q.45 The product of two odd numbers is always
Q.29 The decimal equivalent to is ......... odd.
Q.46 A number of three digits has for its middle
Q.30 The decimal equivalent to is .......... digit, the sum of the other two digits. Then
the number must be a multiple of 11.
Q.31 The common fraction equivalent to 0.09375
is ................ Q.47 If u = x2 – y2 is an even number, where x and
y are whole numbers, then u must be a
Q.32 The common fraction equivalent to 0.4312 multiple of 4.
is .............
Q.48 The distance between the points a and b on
Q.33 Every real number is either ........... number or the number line is equal to |b – a|.
............... number.

D. True/False Type Questions

Q.34 The sum of two rational numbers is rational.

Q.35 The sum of two irrational numbers is


Q.36 The product of two rational numbers is


Q.37 The product of two irrational numbers is


Q.38 The sum of a rational number and an

irrational number is irrational.

Q.39 The product of a nonzero rational number and

an irrational number is a rational number.

Q.40 Every real number is rational.


1 37 25. real, rational number, an irrational number

1. (i) (ii)
3 99 26. terminating, recurring
2. 0.2010010001..........., 0.2020020002...........
3. 0.20201001000100001..........., 27. 0.296 28. rational
0.202020020002..., 0.202030030003........... 29. 0.583 30. 0.1237
4. 1.8010010001......., 1.9010010001.......,
3 718
2.010010001....... 31. 32.
32 1665
5. 0.501001001....... and 0.5020020002.......
6. 0.10100100010000....... and 0.1020020002....... 33. rational, irrational
7. 1.73 8. 3ab 4a D. TRUE/FALSE TYPE :
3 3
9. 2 10. 35 5
34. True 35. False
11. 33 12. m2n2
36. True 37. False
13. – 2. 5 8 14. 1.154
B. SHORT ANSWER TYPE : 38. True 39. False
15. (a) irrational (b) rational 40. False 41. True
1 42. False 43. False
16. – 1.732 17. a = ,b=9
44. False 45. True
18. – 0.213 19. 4
20. 34 21. (2  3  5 ) (1 – 2 3 ) 46. True 47. True
48. True
22. 11 2 23.
24. 3 2
Which of the following statements Q.17 Visualize the position of 5.665 on the number
are True/False. (Q. 1 to 13) line, through successive magnification.
Q.1 Every natural number is a whole number.
Q.18 Visualize the representation of 1. 3 on the
Q.2 Every whole number is an integer. number line upto 4 decimal places, that is,
Q.3 Every whole number is a natural number. upto 1.3333. Further locate 1.33333.

Q.4 Collection of whole numbers is denoted by W. Q.19 Express 3.5 geometrically.

Q.5 Collection of integers is denoted by N. Q.20 Express 5.42 geometrically and represent it
Q.6 A real number is a rational number. on the number line.

Q.7 Every point on the number line is a real Q.21 By taking  = 3.141 and 2  1.414 ,
2  3 2
evaluate upto three places of
Q.8 Reciprocal of an irrational number is an 5
irrational number. decimals.
Q.9 Every real number can be expressed in the Q.22 Simplify the following expressions :
p (i) (2 2  5 3 )  ( 2  3 3 )
form where p and q are integers and q  0.
(ii) (3  3 ) ( 2  2 )
Q.10 Square root of every natural number is an (iii) (3  5 ) (3  5 )
irrational number.
Q.11 Every rational number can be expressed in Q.23 If a  2  3  5 and b  3  3  5 ,
the form of terminating decimal expansion. prove that a2 + b2 – 4a – 6b – 3 = 0.

2 Q.24 If x  3  2 2 and y  3  2 2 , evaluate

Q.12 Decimal expansion of is of recurring form.
7 x4 + y4 + 6x2y2.
Q.13 The number 0.21211211121111………is an Q.25 If x  1  2 , find the value of
irrational number.
1 1
(i) x  (ii) x 
1 x x
Q.14 Express the rational number in recurring
27 1 1
(iii) x 2  2 (iv) x 2  2
decimal form by using the recurring decimal x x
1 59 1 1
expression of . Hence write in (v) x 4  4 (vi) x 4  4
3 27 x x
recurring decimal form.
7 5 7 5
p Q.26 For the identity   a  7 5b ,
Q.15 Express in form 7 5 7 5
q determine the rational numbers a and b.
(i) 2.124 , (ii) 0.237
Q.27 Simplify the following expressions :
1 1 1 1 1
Q.16 Express in decimal form and hence write (i)   
37 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4
79 1 1 2 2
the decimal expansion of . (ii)   
37 2 1 32 5 3 5 3
Q.28 Simplify : Q.30 If ax = b, by = c and cz = a, then prove that

3 3 xyz = 1. Here a, b, c are positive real numbers
(i) (9) 2 (ii) (9) 2 (iii) (25) 2 and x, y, z are rational numbers.
3 3 3
 
(iv) (36) 2 (v) (49) 2 (vi) (.0001) 4

Q.29 Simplify :

 243  5
(i)   (ii) 3
(343) 2
 32 
1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True
5. False 6. False 7. True 8. True
9. False 10. False 11. False 12. True
2122 47
13. True 14. 0.037, 2.185 15. (i) (ii) 16. 0.027, 2.135,
999 198
5 6 1 2
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9
17. (i) 18. (i)

5.6 5.7 1.3 1.4

5.66 5.67 1.33 1.34
(ii) (ii)

5.66 5.67 1.33 1.34

1.333 1.334
(iii) (iii)

5.665 1.3333


2.25 3.21
19. 20. 2.21 1
M B C A M B C E ( 5.42 )

3.5 1 5.42 (0)

21. 2.105 (approx)

22. (i) 3 2  2 3 (ii) 6  3 2  2 3  6 (iii) 4

24. 585

25. (i)  2 2 , (ii) 2, (iii) 6, (iv)  4 2 , (v) 34, (vi)  24 2

26. a  0, b 

27. (i) 5  1 , (ii) 1  2  3  5

1 1
28. (i) 27, (ii) , (iii) 125, (iv) 216, (v) , (vi) 1000
27 343
16 1
29. (i) , (ii)
81 49

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