Writings Test 7

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Hi Mike,
It was great to hear from you.
Thanks for your invitation to go camping, count me in!!! I love this plan.
As for the best time to go, why don´t we go the second week of August? I have nothing
to do and the weather it´s going to be good, but whenever you want.
Well, as for cook, I know how to cook some dishes, so I can do it someday, but I think
that is going to be better if your father do.
Could you let me know when we are going to go camping finally? Also, I´d like to know
where we are going to go, please.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Lots of love.

Nowadays, fashion is a very important thing of our lives because it can be a way of
expression of society. But I think that there are other things that maybe, are more
important than this, like the economy of the country.
Young people are the people that more follow fashions, and it´s probably for be
socially accepted or to feel integrated in a group of people.
This may cause problems, like for example, for be in fashion you have to buy clothes
almost every week, so you spend a lot of money. Also, young people try to look like
famous people and loose their personality.

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