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Lori E. Lightfoot Police Department David O'Neil Brown

Mayor Superintendent

CompStat City Wide

Week 03
Geocoded for District Consolidation

Report Covering the Week of 09-Jan-23 Through 15-Jan-23

Last 7 Days Last 28 Days Year to Date 2 Yr. 3 Yr. 4 Yr.
2023 2022 % Chg 2023 2022 % Chg 2023 2022 % Chg % Chg % Chg % Chg

MURDER 9 12 -25% 38 36 6% 19 23 -17% -34% 6% 46%
CRIM SEXUAL ASSLT 41 32 28% 133 115 16% 81 70 16% 19% 3% -10%
ROBBERY 209 170 23% 821 674 22% 481 350 37% 41% 36% 33%
AGG BATTERY 93 87 7% 371 342 8% 225 174 29% 36% 11% 3%
BURGLARY 178 155 15% 628 552 14% 343 285 20% 36% -11% -29%
THEFT 340 282 21% 1255 1067 18% 684 562 22% 79% 45% 10%
MTR VEHICLE THEFT 678 244 178% 2426 921 163% 1442 524 175% 262% 333% 333%

TOTAL 1548 982 58% 5672 3707 53% 3275 1988 65% 100% 78% 54%

SHOOTING INCIDENT 39 46 -15% 162 188 -14% 90 90 0% -6% 48% 61%


2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 % Change % Change % Change % Change

2023 - 2022 2023 - 2021 2023 - 2020 2023 - 2019

MURDER 19 23 29 18 13 -17% -34% 6% 46%

CRIM SEXUAL ASSLT 81 70 68 79 90 16% 19% 3% -10%
ROBBERY 481 350 340 354 362 37% 41% 36% 33%
AGG BATTERY 225 174 166 203 218 29% 36% 11% 3%
BURGLARY 343 285 253 384 483 20% 36% -11% -29%
THEFT 684 562 383 471 621 22% 79% 45% 10%
MTR VEHICLE THEFT 1442 524 398 333 333 175% 262% 333% 333%

TOTAL 3275 1988 1637 1842 2120 65% 100% 78% 54%

The above CompStat figures are posted on Monday, one week after closing date.

CompStat figures are preliminary and subject to further analysis and revision. Crime statistics reflect Illinois Compiled Statutes and differ from the
crime categories of the F.B.I. Uniform Crime Reporting System. All degrees of Criminal Sexual Assault are included in the Criminal Sexual Assault

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