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The Content Marketing Team

Roles and Responsibilities

The Core Content Marketing Team

Head of Social
The One that Holds the Team in
Place Main Responsibilities
Strategy Creates content*
Campaign planning Promotes content & campaigns*
Goals & deadlines setting Generates leads & conversions
Brand & product awareness, Ensures team works properly
Online reputation building Relationship with key stakeholders

Main Skills
Soft skills: Hard skills:
Creativity & Copywriting Digital expertise
A keen eye for design Social media management tools
A team player with leadership skills SEO
Great presentation and public Client service
speaking skills Loves teaching others & sharing
Experience: 3-5 years
Median salary: $44K - $103K/y

Social Media Content Creator and Curator

The One that Has the Words

Main Responsibilities Main Skills

Stays on top of industry news Strong copywriting skills
Creates micro & macro content Social Media Management
Publishes content on all networks Content management systems
Shares 3rd party resources Aware of SEO basics
Collaborates with the designer Time management skills
Comes out with new input Research skills

Experience: 1-3 years

Median salary: $37K - $80K/y
Social Media Community Manager | The One that’s Always in for a Chat

Main Responsibilities Main Skills

Engage in all conversations Strong copywriting skills
Manage brand advocates & fans Learn everything about the brand
Build customer relationships Know key employees of the brand
Build brand visibility Ability to write content with wit

Experience: 1-3 years

Median salary: $40K - $78K/y

Social Media Advertiser | The One that Knows What to Pay

Main Responsibilities Main Skills

Create ad content or advise Analytical skills and Excel
Set target audiences Statistical analysis
Plan & implement A/B tests Content creation skills
Distribute & plan budget Comfortable with taking risks

Experience: 1-3 years

Median salary: $40K - $103K/y

Social Media Analyst | The One that Has the Answers

Main Responsibilities Main Skills

Studies industry trends, tools, Strong analytical skills
&social media platforms In-depth knowledge of social media
Ensures reach of goals platforms
If you have a new business, Social science knowledge
defines the audience Knowledge of social media
Provides reports when needed management tools

Experience: 1-3 years

Median salary: $41K - $77K/y
Social Media Graphic Designer
The One with the Pretty Pictures

Main Responsibilities Main Skills

Align work with brief Knowledge of design tools and
requirements software
Work with content creator Strong communication skills
Create needed visual assets Attention to details
Ensure brand consistency Understanding of social media

Experience: 1-3 years

Median salary: $34K - $69K/y

Social Media Influencer Manager

The One that Loves People

Main Responsibilities Main Skills

Runs Influencer campaigns Knowledge of the company’s
Relationships with influencers industry
Creates & monitors content for Strong social media expertise
influencers Flawless communication skills
Research on new influencers Project management
Research on competitors Relationship building skills

Experience: 1-3 years

The Extended Content Marketing Team

Brand Manager | The One With The Vision

About the Brand Manager

For brand managers, the company is an open book. They know
everything about the business, the product, the important people in
your agency, and nothing happens without them knowing it is

Role in Social Media Team

Ensures brand consistency in tone of voice, design, campaigns, style.
Aligns social team to marketing and brand team and helps with
adapting global campaigns to social media networks. In short, social
media team’s best ally.

Human Resources | The One With The People

About Human Resources

HR handles people. And everything that is related to them. It talks to
the employers, prospective employers, and past employers. They build
and ensure an employer’s brand identity which is very important to the
company and it’s where they can help

Role in Social Media Team

They can add great value for certain campaigns, and no employer
branding content should happen without them. They also have
content for sure about recruiting, behind the scenes content, and
general company updates.

Product Owner | The One With the Info

About the Product Owner

The Product Owner is the expert - the professional that knows
everything there is to know about what the company is selling. From
the technical information, to the direction, and the market.

Role in Social Media Team

Whenever you are out of features to promote or you are not sure what
to say about the product, this should be your social team’s qualified
person. You can also check the social media plan with the product
owner, just to make sure everything is correct.
Legal Department | The One with the No-Go

About the Legal Department

The legal department is there to protect the company when it comes
to any potential accusations or lawsuits. They ensure that everything
that happens or is being said is safe from a legal perspective. As we
can all imagine, the legal department is extremely important.

Role in Social Media Team

They have to take a look at what the company declares publicly. Any
statement that might sound fun or innocent to the marketing
department may cause damage. Another aspect is that when
customers accuse on social media, legal knows how to answer safely.

Sales Representatives | The One that Brings the Money

About the Sales Reps

Sales representatives clearly have a very important role in the future of
the company. They know how to close, they know how to talk, they
know how to build the relationship with a prospect. They are also the
most aware of targets and what the company has to achieve.

Role in Social Media Team

So the sales department can help share insights on who the target is
and what they’re looking to hear. They also need content constantly
and social is there to help. Lastly, they survive on leads. And social
media is full of waiting to be hooked leads.

PR | The One with the Good Story

About PR
The PR team handles the reputation of the company. They know what
has to be said, what has to be avoided, what actions will improve that
perception and so on. They position the company in good circles, and
are first responders if the reputation is in danger.

Role in Social Media Team

Social Media is one of the most unpredictable, uncontrollable, and
chaotic channels. Which is why most crisis start from and continue on
social. PR is your friend in need when it comes to preventing these
crisis or managing them if it comes to that.

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