Week 6FO

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This is the last Milestone that you will need to accomplish in this course. In this activity, you will
look for a solution to the specific problem of Philippine Society that you want to discuss. Use this
template to help you organize your thoughts and information on the topic (issue, controversy, or
problem). Make sure to use apply what you’ve learned in this course. You need not to submit
this. It is meant to just guide you in the class presentation.
Problem to be discussed:
The bad effects of social media to teenagers

Briefly state why the problem is important issue in Philippine Society:

The impact of social media is important in our country because nowadays
social media is the main source of news and most of the human population,
especially our young generation, more of them use social media and it
seriously affects the shaping of their personality. Because of social media,
they know a lot of information even in just one day, so its impact is important
because it is one of the things that shape their personality as people in
today's time.

Short historical setting

A 2015 study found that social comparison and feedback seeking by teens
using social media and cell phones was linked with depressive symptoms. In
addition, a small 2013 study found that older adolescents who used social
media passively, such as by just viewing others' photos, reported declines in
life satisfaction. Those who used social media to interact with others or post
their own content didn't experience these declines.

Other studies also have observed links between high levels of social media
use and depression or anxiety symptoms. A 2016 study of more than 450 teens
found that greater social media use, nighttime social media use and
emotional investment in social media such as feeling upset when prevented
from logging on, were each linked with worse sleep quality and higher levels
of anxiety and depression.

An older study on the impact of social media on undergraduate college

students showed that the longer they used Facebook, the stronger was their
belief that others were happier than they were. But the more time the students
spent going out with their friends, the less they felt this way.

Because of teens' impulsive natures, experts suggest that teens who post
content on social media are at risk of sharing intimate photos or highly
personal stories. This can result in teens being bullied, harassed or even
blackmailed. Teens often create posts without considering these
consequences or privacy concerns.

Roots of the problems (Used historical narratives to trace its progress and development)
Social media use can also negatively affect teens, distracting them, disrupting
their sleep, and exposing them to bullying, rumor spreading, unrealistic views
of other people's lives and peer pressure.

In 2014 and 2015, researchers asked about the teens' psychological distress
and their personal well-being, things like life satisfaction, happiness and

The researchers found that, in both sexes, very frequent social media use was
associated with greater psychological distress. The effect was especially clear
among girls: The more often they checked social media, the greater their
psychological distress.

But nearly 60% of the impact on psychological distress in girls could be

accounted for by low sleep quality and greater exposure to cyberbullying,
with decreased physical activity playing a lesser role. But for boys, those
factors explained only 12% of the effects of very frequent social media use on
psychological distress.

Possible recommendation (Include the basis for such recommendation)

Recognize any changes in behavior and offer to talk. Keep the
communication open, Set rules and boundaries early on, Model the right
behavior. Socializing is a vital part of our lives, it helps us feel more connected
and create community. When we’re apart, using social media makes it easier
to stay in touch and maintain those connections. It has other benefits, too,
such as allowing us to practice social skills in a low-stakes environment, find
new friends through shared interests, and preserve memories. But we all know
that social media isn’t without its downsides. To establish a healthier
relationship with social media, understanding the impact it has on conditions
like loneliness or anxiety is key. With this knowledge, we can learn how to take
a mindful approach to social media use, gaining greater control over our
digital behaviors and feeling less controlled by them in our real lives.

Reason why our society needs to address particular solution and recommendation:
● One of the most important impacts of social media in today's world lies
within its ability to distribute information to the whole world. With most
people on some other social media platforms today, no news of
importance cools down without proper discussion.
● The media can influence the way people are viewed, which means
people's careers can change within a flash. The media can also
manipulate people in the spotlight to lead their life a particular way, or
to rebel against what they 'should' be like.
● The negative effects of mass media on society can lead people towards
poverty, crime, nudity, violence, bad mental and physical health
disorders and others as such severe outcomes. For example, mob hitting
innocents by getting carried away from the rumors spread on the
internet has been common.
● Can influence our mood, anxiety levels and self-esteem, so taking a few
moments to eliminate toxic accounts can be a very simple yet
empowering thing we can do for ourselves.

Possible condition to implement such recommendation on the development of

Philippine society (Detail how can our current society met the requirements for such
solution and recommendation)



Social media use may harm teens' mental health by disrupting positive activities, study says

How to Help Teens With the Negative Impacts of Social Media | Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

How to deal with the negative effects of social media - Headspace

Importance of Social Media in 2022: Benefits & Advantages | Simplilearn

The media’s influence on society - Shout Out UK

How Mass Media Influence Our Society

Combatting Social Media’s Negative Effects | King University.

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