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Name: World's Largest Marsupial By Guy Belleranti What Autraion mammal can leap 25 fee! hop and move fo shost periods a 35 miles fon nour? he red kangaroo. A ful grown male stonds a5 tll os Sk foot person and weighs 200, pounds. this sigh bigger than the grey kangaroo, making i the wotdslargest marsupial, What's a marsupial? A mammalwhere the rotherhas a pouch fr carving. feeding and protecting her young, \irile a ec kangaroo may be the lrges! marsupial the newoom baby ny, under an inch long, Alter @ few months of Seeping, nusing and growing in mom's stomach pouch the young kangorco (ey) begins 1o come out. Bu it huries back fo the pouch fos! when tightened, hungry oF ‘cola. Eventual, the joey gate so big thongs out of the pouch. Then. at eight menthol. stays out {ut the joey remains close 1o mom unl ready fo lve on its on Red kangaroos are good swimmers, However, they are best known for her hopping cbs, Thsiriong, powertul hind legs have big feet, Hopo!ng moves them quickly over thee grassy, shrubby ‘ond desert habitals. Meanwhile, 2 thick fal helps them bolance and steer. ‘What do red kangaroos eat? Grass leaves and other vegetation. And guess what - they often regurditate food and chew the cud just ike a cow. The ted kangoroe's vegetoron cat provides much ofits water. tan aso go long periods ‘without cinking, Staying in he shod. panting and imiting most activity fo rightime helps he red Kongaroe conserve water and stoy cook Red kangaroos travel together in groups called mobs. Mobs include both moles ond lems ‘with one mate being dominant. Males show thei dominance by "boxing? with other males. They balance anther ols ond ty pushing each other off balance with Ihr forearms or by kicking heir hind lags. is kicking ably, ‘long with hei shor clows, con ako be used by kongoroes fo defend agains! Austtia’s wid dog. the cingo, ne supateochenonshescom

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